Just how bad is RnRC??


Destroyer of the Aussie Dollar
Jun 19, 2008
I'm trying to decide whether to do the RnRC?

I don't like high, thrill ride roller coasters but have been OK with fast rides in the dark ( I can't see how high up I am! :lmao: )

I love Space Mountain and The Mummy at Universal - so I thought I'd probably enjoy RNRC BUT a friend of mine (who also loves Space) said she hated RnRC and was very nearly sick after it :confused3

This friend of mine does get car sick and I never do - so I wondered if that might be the explanation?

So those of you that do both Space and RnRC - how would you compare them???

I think RnRC is pretty tame except for the very beginning. It shoots you out really fast to start the ride. As long as you keep your head back you will be fine. After that it really is a quick smooth ride. If you do Space Mountain I think you will be fine on RnRC.
Just my 2 cents, everyone will think differently - but on our last trip, I was weirdly terrified to go on RnRC because I thought it'd be so much more extreme than any of the other Disney coasters...boy was I wrong.

I thought RnRC was smooth, not scary at all. The dark aspect is very similar to Space - it never feels high. And in terms of intensity, I think it's much less intense than Everest, I'm not sure if you've done that before.

I almost didn't do it, but I'm so glad I did. I would say this is relatively tame of a coaster - I honestly didn't even notice I was going upside-down. Seriously!
My husband says RnRC gives him a headache but I don't think he had his head all the way back like you are supposed to do.

My daughter and I love it! And at least once you need to be sitting in the very front car. I don't think the ride is bad at all, and its over pretty quickly. The most exciting/scary part of the ride is right before it launches you forward - fast!:bitelip: Then it turns you upside down a few times!:upsidedow

I like Space Mountain, but to me its not as exciting.
I do just about all the attractions at WDW. For me, RnRC was intense and I didn't feel so great after the ride. Certainly it is smooth and dark, and it's over pretty fast. I just didn't care for it(and I like Aerosmith quite a bit). My only complaint about Space Mountain is that it's a bit jerky, but I don't feel weird when I exit. :earsboy:
It's not bad, but it can beat your head up a bit. I strongly dislike the shoulder harnesses, it's like a cage to bat your head back in forth. I prefer to ride RnR in the front, I don't think I get banged around as much.
I do all the WDW coasters except Space Mntn. I find RnRC smooth and I love the tunes playing during the ride. Space Mntn is too jerky and without neck support my head and neck hurt afterward.

Go for it!
Not bad at all. DH is a ride wimp, and he WILL ride Rnrc, but won't ride space mountain. DD rode at 5 yo, and loved it. I think if you have done space mountain, you will love it. Its much smoother.
I cannot take the acceleration at the very start of the ride, any longer.

So I had to add Rock & Roller Coaster to my list of "never again" rides.
My 6-year old daughter told me she wants to try an upside down coaster (she will try almost any ride!). Would that be a good one to ride as her first (if she can get past the darkness factor)?
I do all the WDW coasters except Space Mntn. I find RnRC smooth and I love the tunes playing during the ride. Space Mntn is too jerky and without neck support my head and neck hurt afterward.

Go for it!

I ride Space Mtn. sometimes, but I agree with the descriptions above. I'll take RnRC any day. As others have said, it's a fast start, but it's a smooth ride.
I think the take off is the most exciting and smoothest part of the ride. For me, the rest of the ride is pretty neck jarring. But I don't think I've ever ridden in the front. To the OP you should ride it for yourself and make your own opinion. Good luck and have fun! Oh yeah, and keep your head back against the headrest during take off :thumbsup2
Most of the ride is pretty comparable to SM, but I think the launch is really intense. I always get that belly flipping feeling that makes me cringe (I get it during the backwards part on Everest too). I enjoy the ride, and I go on it again and again, but I still tend to get a little nervous right before the launch. f heights are your concern it is no big deal though. It doesn't go up high at all.
If you love Space Mountain, this will be just fine. The first time I ever rode RnRC I was nervous on how it'd feel, how the takeoff would turn out, and such (and I am a coaster person :)). It was all for naught, because the takeoff is AMAZING! The ride itself will bump your head a bit, but nothing to worry about. It's quickly become one of my favorite rides in WDW (despite the fact I have many favorites!) :lmao:
I have always been a big fat baby about coasters but wanted to finally "face down" that fear on our trip right before my 50th birthday. Rode RnRC, Tower of Terror, Space Mountain, and Expedition Everest in one trip ... all with eyes closed for the first time!

I loved all of them but RnR is the only one still on the must do list! I have found that there is a difference between the ride from the front to the back of the seats in the "car". The further back, the jerkier the ride. The front is much smoother and your head will not be knocked about so much.

I like the harness as it gives me a feeling of security and something to hold on to for dear life! :rotfl:
phillymummer said:
My 6-year old daughter told me she wants to try an upside down coaster (she will try almost any ride!). Would that be a good one to ride as her first (if she can get past the darkness factor)?

My DD wasn't tall enough when she was 6. The height requirement is 48". But if yours is tall enough, I think it's a great first "upside down" coaster (I don't really think you go completely upside down, it's more of a twist....). Keep in mind that if you put a loose bag at your feet on the ride, it doesn't go anywhere....there is literally no risk of falling out of your car, even if your harness failed (which has never happened).
I will ride Space Mountain once or twice a trip, but I will ride RnRC as often as I can! Love that ride, especially the launch!
I agree with the PPs who said that the front is smoother than the back. The back seems to get a bit of a "whip" effect.
So, ask for the front, keep your head back, KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN.......oh, and enjoy the ride!
The question is not "how bad is it?" but rather "just how freaking awesome is it???!!!"

This is probably one of my favorite rides at WDW. I'm pretty sure this is the only ride that goes upside down, so that could be why your friend felt sick afterwards. If you do well on fast, dark rides and don't mind going upside down, then give it a try! One thing I like about this is the single rider option, where you can literally ride over and over again!!


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