Jury reaches verdict in Andrea Yates re-trial

ChuckB said:
as a matter of fact yes I have, even went to the ER for a few stiches and a broken arm afterwards, he beat the hell out of us but never offered to touch one of the children that was in the same house hold, and just to add, I am a big guy, and this guy was about half my size, we hit him with a stun gun 5 times before he went down .....

Not all people in a psychotic state are violent. I want to make that very clear. I'm not sure what your point is that the person you speak of went after you but not the children. The actions of that person are not neccessarily indicative of any other person dealing with severe mental illness.

ducklite said:
For everyone damning this woman and saying she is culpable for her actions, have you ever been around someone in a full blown psychotic state?


I can recall a young schizophrenic patient on a locked unit where I was working. His appearance and behavior were so puzzling to the other patients with him. He was completely disheveled, poor hygiene, at times almost catatonic. During a community meeting one of the patients asked him why he was so ill dressed and disheveled, greasy hair, unshaven, etc. He was having one of his more "insightful" moments and he said; "Did you ever think that the way I look on the outside is how I feel on the inside". That was very touching to me. How tormented he must constantly feel in a world that is always threatening and dangerous, inside and out.
I have no pity for that woman. She killed those poor innocent children and she should never see the light of day again. May she rot in he&&!!
When I was young, I once had a fever that caused me to be delirious. I think it's got to be the closest to insane that a sane person can experiance.

While delirious, I had a very nice conversation with several Smurfs (hey, I was 10!). Had you asked me who I was talking to, I would have thought that YOU were crazy, the Smurfs were right there, afterall, for anyone to see. Who else would I be talking to?

Those Smurfs were as real to me as anything could be. It didn't occur to me that Smurfs didn't exist, or that I might be seeing things. They were right there, of course they were real!

I imagine this must be what insanity is like. You hear voices or have an alternate reality where things that are crazy or wrong to you or I makes perfect sense to the mentally ill person. The devil is comming to corupt your children and make them servents of evil. Only sending them to heaven under the protection of God will save them. The only way to send them to heaven is for them to die. To Yates, this made perfect sense.

If Andrea Yates isn't insane, then no one in the world can be considered so.

ducklite said:
Not all people in a psychotic state are violent. I want to make that very clear. I'm not sure what your point is that the person you speak of went after you but not the children. The actions of that person are not neccessarily indicative of any other person dealing with severe mental illness.

I was working as a patrol officer on the Mississippi delta, and his wife had divorced him because of his illness, because of who his father was, they kept letting him out of the hospital, he was a drug user that had gotten ahold of a bad batch of crystal meth, and literally fried his brain, but after they let him out again, he went after his ex-wife again saying she was the devil, but he would never try to touch the children, never, he called them angels, and the last time he went after the ex, she shot him, one time, the bullet went through him, he was lucky, it went between 2 ribs, nicked his heart and left lung and exited next to his spine between 2 ribs, he was really lucky because it was a 9mm, full metal jacket round at point blank range, they put him back in a mental hospital that time and his dad couldnt even get him out, but the point I was trying to make was I have been in the presence of someone extremly mentally ill, and when they make up thier mind to do something, they are hell bent until it is completed ....
Some thoughts:

~ "Not guilty" does not mean innocent
~ My opinion is that her husband bears as much responsibility in this case as she does
~ Insanity is a defense in some cases, and this case is one of them
~ No, everyone who commits murder is not insane
I have always felt anyone that harms a child should be given the death penalty. This case was an exception to me. I think this women had mental illness. She had tried to kill herself and was in extreme depression. The husband in my mind should take responsibility. He new she was not well. Having child after child takes a toll on a women. I believe she had the kids 24/7 and homeschooled. A person can be driven to a point. If that person has mental problems or severe depression who knows what they are capable of. The sentence in my mind was just. She will suffer till the day she leaves this earth. I believe she had a sickness. I also think her children have forgiven her. The husband is another story. It must be nice to remarry and go on with your life. Shame on him!

I was glad to see the verdict. This woman was definitely mentally ill.

I would like to see Rusty and their preacher fried.

Amazing that a man who professes to be such a "Christian" forgot the "for better, for worse" stuff so very quickly and moved on to a newer model with hopes for more breeding.
I agree that she was mentally ill and to say someone who was in such a state should rot in hell is just so opposite of how I feel about the situation. My heart goes out to people who are as sick as she is. Her husband should have helped her and he failed her. No he didn't commit murder but he bears responsibility for those precious babies deaths. I believe with all my heart that he will answer to God one day (as will we all--Andrea included).
shortbun said:
What Dawn said.
It is a horrible tragedy and really hard to even consider her actions as a sane person. If she had been MY spouse, I would have NEVER left her alone with five children and I would have made darn sure she was getting constant treatment for her disorder. Her spouse failed her and failed their children. I would never leave my child with a psychotic person. What was he thinking?

I absolutely agree with you except on one point, there would not have been 5 children, only 4 because once I knew she was ill, (if I was a male and in that position) I would have taken any precautions necessary including a vasectomy, to be sure there were no more children.


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