Jeanne: update from the trenches

MarcyIn Florida

DIS Veteran
Jul 7, 2004
Well, we've had rain and nasty winds all night long, and some pretty amazing wind gusts since noon today. Thankfully, we still have power and other than a tree that keeps knocking against our roof, we're maintaining the status quo.

Pixie dust to all in Florida and elsewhere who are bearing the effects of the storm. We still hope to be on the Magic tomorrow morning, although we're all concerned about what they will do and when we will leave because of airport closures. I hope that most people scheduled for the Magic are here and safe in hotels with room service.

Please send pixie dust my way -- not for safety, but because this is the third storm where we're been under a curfew, and I don't know how much longer I can stay in my house with my kids. My oldest is currently running laps around the living room to let out some of her pent-up energy. :Pinkbounc

Can I suggest a contest to see which kid can do the most jumping jacks without falling down. Maybe that will wear them out. You're definitely going to be ready for the CMs to play with them in the Club!
Pixie Dust and prayers for you Marcy!

Hopefully you'll have a fabulous cruise to recover from all this.
Marcy...just let 'em go on

Where in ORL to you live? We have a house off Apopka-Vineland and Sand Lake, by the big Barnes & Noble...maybe when this is all over with...we can get together for a DRINK or something. We can leave all the kids with my DH...he deserves

From the trenches here.....

I have to worry two fold....about our house in ORL and then here too. Right now we have winds gusting to probably 30-35mph, it's starting to rain hard and the sky is starting to get really dark.
I think that's just a band coming through and it will be gone very quickly.

They are not going to evac us..but I've heard the rumor that school may be closed tomorrow, because they are expecting stronger winds tomorrow.

There is a Weather Channel or CNN guy in Tybee Island, FL...its about an hour drive from us...but across the tip end of Hilton Head...about 10 miles....the wind is blowing, but it's always blowing at the beach. I just drove down to the beach and it's not that bad.

So, stay safe and just think that the kids will sleep good tonight....

I am here in Valrico, FL and boy are the winds howling! My kids are going crazy as well. Things had calmed down for a little while, and we went outside to pick up some branches off of the driveway. My fence between my yard and my neighbors, doesn't exsist anymore! At least we have power and are all safe. They closed school tomorrow, so one more day of craziness! I was going to let my kids play hookey on Wednesday and take them to Disney World, but I might re-think that now. I sure would like to be sitting on the Magic or Wonder right now, somewhere safe and in the sun!:D We are starting to get the west side of the storm now and it is getting scary again! I hope this thing passes quickly!:earseek:
To all of you - I am thinking about you and hoping that this is IT! No more! Marcy - I hope you make it on the cruise. You more than deserve it.

Take care of yourselves. I'll continue to send pixie dust and prayers your way!


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