Japanese version of Tomorrowland Trailer

Oh. My. Goodness! I love it! Disney geeks that are Disney movie geeks and Disney theme park geeks and Walt Disney geeks are going to be over the moon! What a neat idea that ties the parks into a Science Fiction Story. I so hope this is a huge hit and spawns an entire franchise. After Tomorrowland they could visit other lands and parks. The possibilities are endless.

My nerd meter is gone off the scale.
im hoping this film might suprise people and be quite intresting! but i dont know at this moment, on the trailer ive seen they have the rocketeer i think hes called |"with the jetpack?" and i wonder what they will do with space mountain and such?

in the parks in October when i went they had a Tomorrowland comic novel! i dont think its tied to the film but that had some pretty cool ideas. we will have to see not long til this film hits now?!
POSSIBLE BACKSTORY SPOILERS! If you don't want to know ANYTHING about the movie, do not read further...

On Amazon I ordered the book, "Before Tomorrowland" which tells the story of the formation of the Plus Ultra society. It arrives today. It is called a historical or long ago prequel in that it is set a long time before the movie not just prior. The whole concept of Plus Ultra sounds very fun and interesting, especially for Science and Sci-Fi fans that love Jules Verne, Einstein, Disney and the many other historical people this story will bring together.


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