It's the weekend 11/3 &11/4

I want to make hubby an over the shoulder rice bag, U shaped for his neck and his shoulders. I also have grand plans to make the kids rice hand warmers. We'll see if they come to fruition.
my dad just made Levi a new bed @ 6' he no longer fit in his bunkbeds so we got an XL full he's only got 5-8" at the most. I was going to get him new bedding but he likes my queen sheets so I'm looking for just a bedspread in his hunting pattern.
I know we are getting them 2 reloading dies for their shotgun and riffle. They love spending time with their dad doing that so and those aren't cheap. Other than that I'm at a loss.

Nan I did the samething to my mother now she does it to me!!!!
Lisa I love doing redos!
Been a day!

DD#1 was late to Scrooge because she was being lazy and went back to bed.
Tried to get some work done and starting getting phone calls that DD was being nasty and throwing a tantrum at practice. Needless to say she is grounded from anything and everything, pulled from all activities, and now has nothing in her room but a bed and a dresser. She will also have to publicly apologize to the group and the teacher. I do not have anymore patience for nasty attitudes.

Ran some errands, gathered some items for my auction basket for the play and for DD#3's bday party.
Lost my momentum for the day dealing with the above, trying to get it back and orders finished tonight so I can work on the dance album for the dance studio director.
need to drop DD's off and run to office depot the envies I got at staples are just a smidge too small.
DBF is making dinner
Maybe hanging out watching some tv shows get caught up

more of the same
try to get things squared away and projects done. need to get a handle on things.
DBF wants me to add inventory so maybe that.
Hang in there! Those attitudes are the death of us parents. I thought boys would be better than girls but I'm thinking they are all the same.
Thanks Christy. No mom of the year awards for me this year. but oh well hopefully she will learn that its not ok to Disrespect adults period.
It will get better.. it will... it'll just take time.. PJ and I had it out several times...
The boys are pushing my buttons too.. DS16 knows his attitude MUST stay in check as I hold the keys to his ability to get his license at the end of the month.. when he cops the attitude, I quickly remind him of that...

I have threatened to wear my tiara and make a sash that says "Mean Mommy of the Year" and wear it to their events... The one day I put the tiara on for fun they all were scattering trying to figure out who messed up!

Sorry you had such a rough day.. those days are awful especially when you have a list of things to do and then get derailed by those issues... :hug:
It's a hard lesson to learn and hopefully it will sink in fast. My 2 have had to learn it the hard way more than once, manly Eric. Thankfully right now it's just family getting the attitude. While that's still not ok in my book it's better to keep it at home.

I look at it as I rather loose mother of the year than have one of my kids be a brat. I've lost that title many a year, nice to know I have good company! :hug:
Thanks Christy. No mom of the year awards for me this year. but oh well hopefully she will learn that its not ok to Disrespect adults period.

That is rough! You are doing the right thing too! I teach middle school, so I see attitude all the time from both boys and girls. That fact that you are giving a consequence for the attitude is tough, but what needs to be done as a parent!! There are so many parents I encounter that don't care or even worse-they encourage it! They try to be their kids friend instead of their parent. In opinion that is what makes you "mom of the year" because you are playing the role of a caring parent. Maybe not in your daughter's eyes, but she will come around.:hug:
sorry about the tough day Rachal! stick to your guns,you're doing the right thing! Attitude to a tough thing to deal with and unfortunately we have it more than is needed!
Thanks ladies! I'm really appalled at her behavior.

Hopefully she will learn it quickly cause I am not backing down. :goodvibes
Thanks ladies! I'm really appalled at her behavior.

Hopefully she will learn it quickly cause I am not backing down. :goodvibes

us mom's have to stick together :thumbsup2 having her apologize to the group will be a big wake up call too!
Oh, Rachal, I'm sorry to hear this. Since this isn't her normal behavior, is there something going on that's bothering her? Did somebody say or do something to her to set her off? (Not excusing her, but I guess trying to find a reason may help with the solution).

I know Morgan's behavior is payback for how I treated my mother... :lmao: But, I was a bit older when I did that. They are maturing so much earlier now, so I know that's why Morgan is acting the way she is. She's not a bad kid, just somewhat moody and irresponsible. She was punished a couple weeks ago for misplacing her clarinet (she left it at the library on Friday and the library isn't open on Sunday when she realized it was missing) before a parade she was supposed to march in. I wasn't so much upset about the parade (Boy Scout Olympics), but I was PEEVED about the irresponsibility. Had she not found it at the library, the money to replace it would have come out of her savings account.

Having consequences is good. Don't let her walk all over you, she won't have any respect whatsoever. :hug:

Excellent score on the gifts, Lisa! We're having a small Christmas. With the possibility of braces and a trip to Orlando next November, I don't want to spend a huge amount of money. I've found a few small things for Morgan's stocking, picked up a Wii game for $9.50, will probably get her new jammies for Christmas Eve. Was thinking of a tablet for a 'big' gift, but DH got himself a new iPod for his birthday, so she got his old one. Not sure what to do.
Up and scrapping. I got a little scrapping done yesterday, not as much as I would have liked. I got talked into a basketball game. Our neighbors and us both have a basketball hoop so we moved them on the street (off to the side so cars could still drive by and we could stop play- we live on a long cul-de-sac with very little traffic) and we had a friendly game of basketball. I couldn't believe how out of shape I felt after the game :lmao: Needless to say my back hurt a little too much to sit and scrap, not to mention I lost my mojo- that seems to disappear a lot lately.

I did get quite a few pages done, these swap pieces are great!!! PN96- I just finished one with your backlot set from the HS swap and I love it!
Jennifer, oh so not good misplacing the clarinet...I'd be upset too!

know when Megan is having her period, her attitutude is much worse and moody wow! I was the same way with my mom too Jennifer, guess its all just a circle.

Michelle, :thumbsup2 for playing basketball, hope your muscles will fell better soon!

well so much for getting an extra hour of sleep, NOT! so up and got a load of laundry done, a BIG cup of coffee and going to DIS for a bit
Rachal, sorry about DD's attititude, it will get better.

Lisa, :thumbsup2 on your shopping deal!

I have just begun to think about Christmas shopping, Julia hinted that she would like a kindle or a nook. Josh :confused3, I hve no clue!

Need to make my list and hit the grocery store then come home and vacuum and clean bathroom. Maybe some scraptime this afternoon, I have one more layout to finish up dance for the year and then start on Julia's school book(if I can find where I put the pictures.:confused:)
Cassey I have a case of the missing pics too. good luck finding yours.
Jen at least she remembered...... Hang in there I swear I'm being paid back x's 3!!!

Tom was nice enough to share his cold so I'm useless today head's pounding, dizzy and cold. I've started the wood furnace (made is up and down the 2 flights of stairs). Started copying more pics off the old laptop. That's it for me today

So heres a techy ? for you all. I like using memory manager to edit and store pics. I've never figured out how to upload to walgreens or snapfish from there can it be done? and can I run that program off an external hard drive so that everything is in 1 place.
Up and scrapping. I got a little scrapping done yesterday, not as much as I would have liked. I got talked into a basketball game. Our neighbors and us both have a basketball hoop so we moved them on the street (off to the side so cars could still drive by and we could stop play- we live on a long cul-de-sac with very little traffic) and we had a friendly game of basketball. I couldn't believe how out of shape I felt after the game :lmao: Needless to say my back hurt a little too much to sit and scrap, not to mention I lost my mojo- that seems to disappear a lot lately.

I did get quite a few pages done, these swap pieces are great!!! PN96- I just finished one with your backlot set from the HS swap and I love it!

Ooooh, I can't wait to see it!!

I love playing basketball with the kids.. we did a lot of 3 on 3 w/ a sub that played both teams when the kids were younger.. now it's 2 on 2.. and the boys make DH and I split teams... and the reason for this... is I'm a better shooter than DH! :cheer2::cool1: I also play mean defense... the boys hate for me to guard them...
:goodvibes Thanks ladies. She did have a run in with the teacher-the teacher was rude (which was uncalled for, if you are too stressed to be nice to the kids in your care then take a time out), so DD left class to sit in the lobby, called me and said she was done and wanted to come home. Teacher went out and told DD to come back in and DD said no, some other things, and called the teacher an ****** :scared1::scared1::scared1: :furious::furious: Then that's when I got called by the studio.

Since DD took it that extra step-sitting out and waiting for me wouldn't have been an issue, she is being punished to the full extent. its beyond unacceptable to speak to anyone like that no matter how cranky you are or if they were rude to you first. Especially at 12 years old. We've been dealing with the disrespect at home, which is pretty normal, but not on the level.

So she is getting a long, hard lesson, on respect and her place in the world.

I still need to email the teacher, I dont really care what her side of the story is, but I know that DD isnt entirely at fault, since she isnt like that in the least bit. but I also don't want to let it slide and deal with much worse later on.

Ok vent over :) off to do something productive.. not sure what that will be but something. Need to get a fb page up for the new venture, if anyone wants any info you can pm me. :goodvibes
Oh, I am sorry! I hate it when teachers get on power trips. It sounds like your DD tried to separate herself when she was frustrated, too bad the teacher didn't see that and give her space so the :scared1: wouldn't have happened. Like you said, not that it excuses it but she was not the only one at fault either. I would contact the teacher for sure. Sorry you have to deal with this-no fun :grouphug: Parenting is so fun!


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