Is this realistic?

Ah, that's a fair point. At one point I had a 45 minute commute each way to work and distance meant so much less than it does to me now. If that's the case, then I'd ask your Zumba instructor for her thoughts on a time in your schedule that would work for you to take a class, maybe with her as support, and give it a shot. Today's work out was a huge challenge for me to get through with decent form, so have to listen to your body. There are some definite things I don't like about CrossFit but as long as I work to my own ability without my competitive nature pushing through, I figure I'm okay.

Go out for the run! Walk/run, whatever....or start it as a walk and then run a bit when you're warmed up! Either way, you'll feel great for getting out.

I would love to live closer to things, but I really enjoy my space. I don't know that I could live in a city with neighbors so close. I will consider trying a class this summer. I'm just not sure if I want to invest my time there just yet.

StayCool, Whatever happened to the 21 Day Fix. Weren't you guys going to do that or am I just thinking that because I saw the infomercial this morning? I agree with Chiomaca. Doesn't matter if you walk or run. Just get out and get back in the habit. Once you get in the habit you will eventually start running because you will want to push yourself. Just get in the habit of doing something 5 or 6 days a week until it gets to the point you miss it when you don't do something.

I was up at 4:45 am to do my run before work this morning. It was an awful run. Everything hurt. I was stiff. I couldn't loosen up. But, I did my 4.5 miles. Tomorrow I plan to do a bike ride. My kids have field day tomorrow so I need to get my ride in before I go spend all day at field day with them. And there are 4 of them so I will be all over the field trying to catch a little bit of all of their days.

I got a bit of good news at work today. I spoke with the lady that handles donations for my area. She explained how Verizon's donations work. Basically, if I make a donation to my charity for the Boston Marathon they will match up to $3000/yr. So, if I can convince people to send/give me the money and I take it and make the donation in my name then I only need to really raise $2500 to be able to run Boston. Of course I would try for more but it just made running that race a lot more realistic. Of course it means I can't look for other jobs until after the race, which stinks a bit, unless the new company will do something similar.

And now that my financial situation is looking better in the last 2 days I am getting closer to pulling the trigger on signing up for the Disney marathon, and the other 2 races for the rest of the year. I would explain the situation but it would be too much to write. It doesn't even make sense to me and I know what happened.

I "practiced" using the containers for a few days and honestly it annoyed me. There is no easy way to track them other than pen and paper. It was a lot of thinking and I ended up falling back onto WW again. And I never did open the exercise cd's... :( I will work on maybe just trying to do them during the week.

Yay for matching donations!!! :) That is awesome news. And so is the fact that you are getting closer to signing up for the races. :) I hope everything is ok.

Busy couple of days for me - Friday was our school's fun fair after work which the kids love. Both my cakes and cupcakes won in the decorating contest :) After the fun fair ended I went to my friends house who was having a "31 bag" party. I walked home from her house (about 20-25 minutes) because my husband was ahead of me in our step challenge! I beat him in the challenge but realized I was only 400 steps away from 15,000 so I did some laps of the living room again! Yesterday my husband was working and then went out so I took the girls to the pool and out for lunch. Got my 10,000 steps in by 3 and then lazed around most of the rest of the day! Today I'm torn between feeling lazy and doing something energetic. I don't want to lose momentum but I also have a ton of stuff to do at home and I know if I go out I'll probably end up not doing any of it. I'm off tomorrow because it's a Pro-D day for the kids so I need to make sure if I'm lazy today I'm active tomorrow!

Congrats on the decorating contest win! And holy cow! Your motivation came back with a vengeance!

I'm bumping along. I missed my work out on Friday because I spent 1 1/2 hours at the orthodontist with the kids when it is usually just 20-30 minutes. Then Saturday and Sunday I had some kind of stomach issues. I didn't eat much at stayed close to the bathroom KWIM? Today I feel human again so I plan to go to zumba tonight. It is a very gray and rainy day today which makes it difficult for me to get excited about much. lol
My plan is to start P90X again tomorrow. It has me a bit nervous because there will be days and weeks of soreness ahead. But it needs to be done.

I was so sore at work today. I did 7.75 miles this morning before work. I am tired. If it's not raining in the morning I will be up for my bike ride. I am keeping it short because I need to get to bed.
The longer you wait, the more it's going to hurt! I spent some time with my trainer friend this weekend and got some good advice from her about CrossFit and monitoring my own ability respecting the limitations that my hypermobility imposes(and the fact that likely none of the trainers will have experience with super-lax joints. Thankfully, she trained me for a year or so, and knows me well, so I got good advice. We may be checking out a gym/box that's close to the Pentagon together in the next few weeks.

I would love to live closer to things, but I really enjoy my space. I don't know that I could live in a city with neighbors so close. I will consider trying a class this summer. I'm just not sure if I want to invest my time there just yet.
The BF has a hard time in the city - he's been known to count sirens and give me a running talley. Since I live near both police and fire stations, and in the junction of multiple jurisdictions, the number can be quite high. It doesn't bother me because I like to be able to walk to places, but Tim could not live where I do now.

I "practiced" using the containers for a few days and honestly it annoyed me. There is no easy way to track them other than pen and paper. It was a lot of thinking and I ended up falling back onto WW again. And I never did open the exercise cd's... :( I will work on maybe just trying to do them during the week.
As long as you find something that works. i'm finding that no matter what I do, my weight hasn't changed. Cut sugar and snacks...more exercise or less...doens't matter, my weight stays in a 2 pound band based on time of the month. I'm just watching my intake so that I'm fueled right for exercising now. Which is an end in itself, I suppose.
I "practiced" using the containers for a few days and honestly it annoyed me. There is no easy way to track them other than pen and paper. It was a lot of thinking and I ended up falling back onto WW again. And I never did open the exercise cd's... :( I will work on maybe just trying to do them during the week.

Yay for matching donations!!! :) That is awesome news. And so is the fact that you are getting closer to signing up for the races. :) I hope everything is ok.

I'm bumping along. I missed my work out on Friday because I spent 1 1/2 hours at the orthodontist with the kids when it is usually just 20-30 minutes. Then Saturday and Sunday I had some kind of stomach issues. I didn't eat much at stayed close to the bathroom KWIM? Today I feel human again so I plan to go to zumba tonight. It is a very gray and rainy day today which makes it difficult for me to get excited about much. lol

I am not a city boy either. I like my yard and space between the houses. I like quiet and peaceful.

I'm still not sure I will find enough people to donate. I run through my head and I just don't even know if I can come up with the $2500 to get Verizon to match.

I guess I wouldn't like the containers much either. I haven't even been following the plan the nutritionist laid out for me. I was so hungry on 1700 calories and now that my mileage is increasing I definitely need more. I changed a few things she said but I have decided not to kill myself. My doctor said he would be happy even if I don't lose any more weight so I am just doing my thing and if I lose more, great.

The longer you wait, the more it's going to hurt! I spent some time with my trainer friend this weekend and got some good advice from her about CrossFit and monitoring my own ability respecting the limitations that my hypermobility imposes(and the fact that likely none of the trainers will have experience with super-lax joints. Thankfully, she trained me for a year or so, and knows me well, so I got good advice. We may be checking out a gym/box that's close to the Pentagon together in the next few weeks.

As long as you find something that works. i'm finding that no matter what I do, my weight hasn't changed. Cut sugar and snacks...more exercise or less...doens't matter, my weight stays in a 2 pound band based on time of the month. I'm just watching my intake so that I'm fueled right for exercising now. Which is an end in itself, I suppose.

I did P90X tonight. I suspect I will be sore tomorrow. It is so sad how out of shape I really am. I can run, that's about it. My core is like jello.

I got up early to ride my bike but it was still raining so I got the extra hour of sleep. I can run in the rain no problem but it is hard to see while riding a bike in the rain.

Another busy day tomorrow. Everyone have a good night.
It was pouring this morning so I didn't run. I did my P90X this morning and I ran after work tonight. P90X kicked my butt. It is eye opening on how bad I am out of shape. I was dripping sweat after a 30 minute workout. It's crazy. Tomorrow is Yoga day, which is like my nemesis.

It's just a quick update for me tonight. Hope everyone had a great day.

The BF has a hard time in the city - he's been known to count sirens and give me a running talley. Since I live near both police and fire stations, and in the junction of multiple jurisdictions, the number can be quite high. It doesn't bother me because I like to be able to walk to places, but Tim could not live where I do now.

As long as you find something that works. i'm finding that no matter what I do, my weight hasn't changed. Cut sugar and snacks...more exercise or less...doens't matter, my weight stays in a 2 pound band based on time of the month. I'm just watching my intake so that I'm fueled right for exercising now. Which is an end in itself, I suppose.

I just like solitude I guess. There are times I wish I could walk to places and that there were actual sidewalks to use rather than the side of the road, but too many people would be overwhelming for me I think. I love to visit cities and would like to do a traveling NP job someday where I could live in places for 3 months at a time but I think I would always gravitate back to the country.

WW works for me when I am faithful to it, just like anything else. Well at least you are stable, weight-wise. I can imagine that it would be frustrating though. At least I know if I get my head in the game I can lose but I do have a lot to lose still. That would change as I get closer to my goal weight I suppose.

I am not a city boy either. I like my yard and space between the houses. I like quiet and peaceful.

I'm still not sure I will find enough people to donate. I run through my head and I just don't even know if I can come up with the $2500 to get Verizon to match.

I guess I wouldn't like the containers much either. I haven't even been following the plan the nutritionist laid out for me. I was so hungry on 1700 calories and now that my mileage is increasing I definitely need more. I changed a few things she said but I have decided not to kill myself. My doctor said he would be happy even if I don't lose any more weight so I am just doing my thing and if I lose more, great.

I did P90X tonight. I suspect I will be sore tomorrow. It is so sad how out of shape I really am. I can run, that's about it. My core is like jello.

Quiet, peaceful and the ability to have a bonfire every now and then. :)

You probably would be surprised how many people would donate. It would be tough for me to go around asking, but the Boston marathon is a big deal now since the bombing so people are aware of it.

I think nutrition is such a difficult thing. I wish I could go back to being a kid when you just ate what you needed and walked away when you were done. So much simpler!

It was pouring this morning so I didn't run. I did my P90X this morning and I ran after work tonight. P90X kicked my butt. It is eye opening on how bad I am out of shape. I was dripping sweat after a 30 minute workout. It's crazy. Tomorrow is Yoga day, which is like my nemesis.

It's just a quick update for me tonight. Hope everyone had a great day.

My core is struggling too. Running actually helped me with that. Hope that yoga went well for you!

I did weigh in yesterday but had a ridiculous day at work and ran out of time. I was down 4 lbs this week. Before you get too excited for me (sarcasm here), I did not really eat over the weekend because I was not feeling well. So I think the combination of that and water weight from muscle soreness is why it was such a big loss. My stomach is doing a little better but I am still uncomfortable after eating sometimes.

Hope everyone has a great day!
I'm still not sure I will find enough people to donate. I run through my head and I just don't even know if I can come up with the $2500 to get Verizon to match.
You might be surprised. The way I phrased it when I was fundraising was essentially to say that I was crazy and who wanted to pay a little to see just how crazy? And for anyone who donated over $100, I wore the name of their choice during the run. I ended up with about 10 people who made a big enough donation, and I put their names on ribbons that I wore around my ponytail. I've seen people with names written on the back of their shirt, in paint or pinned on, that sort of thing. It's funny how many people like the recognition. Many groups have fund raising mentors that will help you with it, too.

I did P90X tonight. I suspect I will be sore tomorrow. It is so sad how out of shape I really am. I can run, that's about it. My core is like jello.
Yup, the core is a really neglected part of the body. Strength training is so important! I danced on Monday and did CrossFit on Tuesday but I actually partially dislocated the right biceps tendon during the warm-up of all things. I hurt myself doing push-ups :crazy2: Who does that? I finished the workout with modifications - did the back squats since that's all legs and core, did the power clean but instead of doing burpees, I stopped at plank because lowering myself was the problem (and getting back up moreso). Now I just have to figure out how not to do that again. Back to warming up with bands, I think.

I just like solitude I guess. There are times I wish I could walk to places and that there were actual sidewalks to use rather than the side of the road, but too many people would be overwhelming for me I think.
The funny thing is that I'm super introverted. One of the reasons I'm not married is that even living with a roommate makes me crazy, which is also why my long distance relationship works so well, probably. The dogs are the only reason I know any of my neighbors, yay for neighbors with dog walking businesses! :dogdance: I do get what you're saying though - there are all kinds of opportunities to do things in DC that I pass up even if they're within walking distance because I can't handle the people. I do love heading up to the ranch and the open land there, and sometimes I dream of retiring someplace far away but still within driving distance of the big city.
WW works for me when I am faithful to it, just like anything else. Well at least you are stable, weight-wise. I can imagine that it would be frustrating though. At least I know if I get my head in the game I can lose but I do have a lot to lose still. That would change as I get closer to my goal weight I suppose.

You probably would be surprised how many people would donate. It would be tough for me to go around asking, but the Boston marathon is a big deal now since the bombing so people are aware of it.

My core is struggling too. Running actually helped me with that. Hope that yoga went well for you!

I did weigh in yesterday but had a ridiculous day at work and ran out of time. I was down 4 lbs this week. Before you get too excited for me (sarcasm here), I did not really eat over the weekend because I was not feeling well. So I think the combination of that and water weight from muscle soreness is why it was such a big loss. My stomach is doing a little better but I am still uncomfortable after eating sometimes.

Hope everyone has a great day!

If WW is working for you then stick with it. Things may not be going the way you want right now but at least you are learning some stuff along the way so when you are ready to full commit you know which tools to use.

Sorry you are feeling well. Hope you are back to normal soon.

You might be surprised. The way I phrased it when I was fundraising was essentially to say that I was crazy and who wanted to pay a little to see just how crazy? And for anyone who donated over $100, I wore the name of their choice during the run. I ended up with about 10 people who made a big enough donation, and I put their names on ribbons that I wore around my ponytail. I've seen people with names written on the back of their shirt, in paint or pinned on, that sort of thing. It's funny how many people like the recognition. Many groups have fund raising mentors that will help you with it, too.

Yup, the core is a really neglected part of the body. Strength training is so important! I danced on Monday and did CrossFit on Tuesday but I actually partially dislocated the right biceps tendon during the warm-up of all things. I hurt myself doing push-ups :crazy2: Who does that? I finished the workout with modifications - did the back squats since that's all legs and core, did the power clean but instead of doing burpees, I stopped at plank because lowering myself was the problem (and getting back up moreso). Now I just have to figure out how not to do that again. Back to warming up with bands, I think.

The funny thing is that I'm super introverted. One of the reasons I'm not married is that even living with a roommate makes me crazy, which is also why my long distance relationship works so well, probably. The dogs are the only reason I know any of my neighbors, yay for neighbors with dog walking businesses! :dogdance: I do get what you're saying though - there are all kinds of opportunities to do things in DC that I pass up even if they're within walking distance because I can't handle the people. I do love heading up to the ranch and the open land there, and sometimes I dream of retiring someplace far away but still within driving distance of the big city.

The problem with the donation thing is, I just don't have a lot of people to ask. But, I still think I am ready for the challenge. We'll see. I can't even commit to signing up for the WDW marathon yet. I don't know why, I think I feel guilty about going without the kids. I know I am worried the wife will make me miserable.

Sorry to hear you hurt yourself. Take it easy for a bit and let it heal up so it doesn't get worse.

I am right there with you on the introverted thing. It's kinda weird that I am in sales as that is usually not the job for an introvert but oh well. It's also funny because WDW not only doesn't bother me but I am usually completely at ease and at peace when I am there. I typically don't do well in big crowds of people but I remember my first solo trip. I stood on Main Street for the fireworks. I was surrounded by people and it was like I was there alone, it didn't bother me at all.

I had no work today so I got in my bike ride this morning, 13 miles. I also did Yoga tonight. I made it through the whole 30 minutes. I couldn't do that before. I was sore before I started from previous workouts and my bike ride but I stuck it out. The good news is, it is going to do exactly what I want it to do which is to help stretch me out.

If I had to choose I guess I'd say I'm a city girl - I have pretty much always lived in cities since I moved out of my parents place (military bases before that) but I'm also very happy out in the country although it's usually a getaway for me so I might find living there very different. The one thing I don't ever want to give up is living by the water and mountains - so pretty.

I have been getting in my 10,000 steps daily - well I didn't on Sunday and Monday but Sunday was really a rest day and yesterday I did 15,000 to make up for the 2,500 I was short on Monday. Since the pool is closed for three weeks it might be a good time to try a different class like Zumba so I need to see what the schedules are. June is always so busy though with school and especially since I'm heading the grad committee this year. I'm sure I can find something that works though. Have a great day everyone.
You might be surprised. The way I phrased it when I was fundraising was essentially to say that I was crazy and who wanted to pay a little to see just how crazy? And for anyone who donated over $100, I wore the name of their choice during the run. I ended up with about 10 people who made a big enough donation, and I put their names on ribbons that I wore around my ponytail. I've seen people with names written on the back of their shirt, in paint or pinned on, that sort of thing. It's funny how many people like the recognition. Many groups have fund raising mentors that will help you with it, too.

Yup, the core is a really neglected part of the body. Strength training is so important! I danced on Monday and did CrossFit on Tuesday but I actually partially dislocated the right biceps tendon during the warm-up of all things. I hurt myself doing push-ups :crazy2: Who does that? I finished the workout with modifications - did the back squats since that's all legs and core, did the power clean but instead of doing burpees, I stopped at plank because lowering myself was the problem (and getting back up moreso). Now I just have to figure out how not to do that again. Back to warming up with bands, I think.

The funny thing is that I'm super introverted. One of the reasons I'm not married is that even living with a roommate makes me crazy, which is also why my long distance relationship works so well, probably. The dogs are the only reason I know any of my neighbors, yay for neighbors with dog walking businesses! :dogdance: I do get what you're saying though - there are all kinds of opportunities to do things in DC that I pass up even if they're within walking distance because I can't handle the people. I do love heading up to the ranch and the open land there, and sometimes I dream of retiring someplace far away but still within driving distance of the big city.

I hurt myself doing push-ups a few years ago! Ended up with a shoulder impingement and physical therapy. I hope you heal quickly.

I'm very introverted but force myself out of my comfort zone daily. I've come a long way but when I'm tired, physically or emotionally, I fall back on my old ways. I like cities as long as I'm not alone. It's funny because I really don't like being alone all the time so I'm glad I have my hubby. Other than that though it all depends on my mood.

If WW is working for you then stick with it. Things may not be going the way you want right now but at least you are learning some stuff along the way so when you are ready to full commit you know which tools to use.

Sorry you are feeling well. Hope you are back to normal soon.

The problem with the donation thing is, I just don't have a lot of people to ask. But, I still think I am ready for the challenge. We'll see. I can't even commit to signing up for the WDW marathon yet. I don't know why, I think I feel guilty about going without the kids. I know I am worried the wife will make me miserable.

Sorry to hear you hurt yourself. Take it easy for a bit and let it heal up so it doesn't get worse.

I am right there with you on the introverted thing. It's kinda weird that I am in sales as that is usually not the job for an introvert but oh well. It's also funny because WDW not only doesn't bother me but I am usually completely at ease and at peace when I am there. I typically don't do well in big crowds of people but I remember my first solo trip. I stood on Main Street for the fireworks. I was surrounded by people and it was like I was there alone, it didn't bother me at all.

I had no work today so I got in my bike ride this morning, 13 miles. I also did Yoga tonight. I made it through the whole 30 minutes. I couldn't do that before. I was sore before I started from previous workouts and my bike ride but I stuck it out. The good news is, it is going to do exactly what I want it to do which is to help stretch me out.

I wonder if you could get corporate sponsors. You could wear their logos during the race and maybe start a Facebook page to get $$.

If I had to choose I guess I'd say I'm a city girl - I have pretty much always lived in cities since I moved out of my parents place (military bases before that) but I'm also very happy out in the country although it's usually a getaway for me so I might find living there very different. The one thing I don't ever want to give up is living by the water and mountains - so pretty.

I have been getting in my 10,000 steps daily - well I didn't on Sunday and Monday but Sunday was really a rest day and yesterday I did 15,000 to make up for the 2,500 I was short on Monday. Since the pool is closed for three weeks it might be a good time to try a different class like Zumba so I need to see what the schedules are. June is always so busy though with school and especially since I'm heading the grad committee this year. I'm sure I can find something that works though. Have a great day everyone.

You are rocking those steps! If you try Zumba give it a few classes because at first it's overwhelming to learn all the routines.

Last night I was supposed to go to Zumba and ten minutes before I got home I found out that DD had an art show. Erf. So this morning I got out and walked a little over 5k. I forgot how much I really enjoyed doing that. I had so much fun with my playlist that I haven't listened to since last year. And I feel good! I just need to hold onto this feeling and keep going...
The problem with the donation thing is, I just don't have a lot of people to ask. But, I still think I am ready for the challenge.
One thing people do is host happy hours or similar things - you just need to get your co-workers to come and bring their friends!

I am right there with you on the introverted thing. It's kinda weird that I am in sales as that is usually not the job for an introvert but oh well. It's also funny because WDW not only doesn't bother me but I am usually completely at ease and at peace when I am there. I typically don't do well in big crowds of people but I remember my first solo trip. I stood on Main Street for the fireworks. I was surrounded by people and it was like I was there alone, it didn't bother me at all.
Yup, that's pretty much exactly it. When I'm in a crowd and have to deal with my own group of people, I get antsy and edgy really quickly. (I'm lucky that Tim takes that in stride, while I try to tolerate his tendency to take reservation times as flexible guidelines.) Alone in a crowd, where I don't have to worry about anyone else, and I'm fine.

I had no work today so I got in my bike ride this morning, 13 miles. I also did Yoga tonight. I made it through the whole 30 minutes. I couldn't do that before. I was sore before I started from previous workouts and my bike ride but I stuck it out. The good news is, it is going to do exactly what I want it to do which is to help stretch me out.

I have been getting in my 10,000 steps daily - well I didn't on Sunday and Monday but Sunday was really a rest day and yesterday I did 15,000 to make up for the 2,500 I was short on Monday.

Last night I was supposed to go to Zumba and ten minutes before I got home I found out that DD had an art show. Erf. So this morning I got out and walked a little over 5k. I forgot how much I really enjoyed doing that. I had so much fun with my playlist that I haven't listened to since last year. And I feel good! I just need to hold onto this feeling and keep going...
Look at you guys getting back on track! One reminder that if you're trying to lose weight, what you eat is even more important than the exercise, or so the most recent news reports tell us. Weight Watchers, whatever works...for me, it's really going to be cutting even further back on sweet things. I need to switch me snacks to something more filling and satisfying. For me, no workout the last two days while I let my right shoulder settle down. Baltimore Ten Miler on Saturday, though!
I was typing and then my computer kicked me off and I lost the post. So this will be short. I just wanted to say that I am excited to see that activity seems to be picking up. Motivation seems to be improving. I hope it continues.

I haven't had much to say because I have been busy with work and exercising.

I have to share one thing though. You guys may laugh. I have been feeling guilty about running another Disney race so I haven't signed up for anything yet. But, I have been watching a lot of the DL 60th anniversary shows and I really want to go out there and possibly do Star Wars. I am just torn. It will cost more and I want to see marathon weekend. I wish I could afford both but I can't. I have never been to DL so this year would be perfect, I just don't know if it is worth it enough. So, for those who have been to both, I am open to opinions.
I'm not going to laugh. I didn't make a big deal of it, but since I had some extra leave to take, and would lose it if I didn't, I flew to California for the 24 day. It was exhausting but lots of fun. So, I'm okay with impulsive!

You know I love Disneyland and much prefer it to Disney World, so I'm biased. I also like the run better in CA but that's especially subjective - lots of people who mostly run in WDW don't like that the DLR races spend a lot of time off-property in Anaheim. So if park time on the runs is your thing, you definitely get more in FL than in CA, a lot more when it comes to the marathon (4 parks) vice the half (2 parks). There is really some cool stuff going on for the 60th - the new fireworks, parade, and World of Color are great. And you have the option of staying off property which cuts the cost a bit. For Tink, we stayed right across the street from the main entrance, and it was about a mile from the race start, which I thought was perfect. For the 24 Hour Day, I stayed well off property and took the bus ($6/day) to and from. Again - what's your priority? If you'd like to see DLR, this will be a cool time to do it and the half marathon distance will let you enjoy the parks more. If it's doing marathon weekend...there's your answer.
Chiomaca, thanks for your response. I am so excited that you went out for the 24 hr day, that is awesome. I am glad you had fun.

So, being the analyzer that I am I have put some thought into this. This decision is tougher than the last because the last decision was about going to Disney and running a race. I could make a case for either option so I knew I couldn't go wrong.

This one is different because I have never been to DL so I don't know for a fact I will love it. I'm sure I will. I know I have to go there at least once. Walt walked there so I have to go and see it. After seeing the new shows on YouTube I feel I should go this year.

So here is my problem. And I am just typing out loud, you guys can't really help me with this one I don't think. I think I am afraid and I am afraid of both options, and I think that I why I haven't done anything yet.

As time passes and races are getting closer and more real I am still not signed up for anything more than a 10K. I think I am afraid of the marathon this year. It was so hard last year and training isn't going as well this year, because my body hurts from being on my feet all day at work. So, I am beginning to worry about running the marathon again this year. That's the reason I think I am delaying signing up for the marathon weekend.

As for Star Wars. I am afraid of this option as well. The idea of going to DL by myself is intimidating. I know what to expect at WDW so going there by myself is nothing. That place is like home to me. DL is unknown to me. I know it's Disney and the same care will go into that. But, to travel there and stay off property (to keep costs down) without knowing anything about the good neighbor resorts is scary to me. Then to not know anything really about the parks is hard too.

What I do know is that I have to do one of them. I started this running thing for the sole purpose of challenging myself and getting out of my comfort zone. I won't give into the fear, I will most likely do one of them. (Still a bit worried about the wife making me miserable if I go) I think if I could rent some reasonably priced DVC points and stay at the Grand Californian I would pick that one because I might be more at ease in a Disney resort.

This was a hard realization to come to, and admit. Now I just need to figure out which fear to tackle, the new adventure and easier race, or the hard race is a safe place which also happens to be cheaper.

I did a 4.6 mile run this morning and I did it for speed today. The weather was perfect so it was a good day to push it. Of course this is when I worked all this stuff out.

Hope everyone has a good night.
What I do know is that I have to do one of them. I started this running thing for the sole purpose of challenging myself and getting out of my comfort zone. I won't give into the fear, I will most likely do one of them. (Still a bit worried about the wife making me miserable if I go) I think if I could rent some reasonably priced DVC points and stay at the Grand Californian I would pick that one because I might be more at ease in a Disney resort.
Well, I'm certainly happy to help you with the hotels, and there is a huge amount of discussion over on the DL boards, that I mostly ignore because we usually stay at Grand Californian when we go as a family. Any of the ones directly across the street are fine - I know lots of people like Carousel but I get points at the Marriott properties, so I stay at Fairfield Inn right next door if I'm off site. Hotel Menage looked pretty good and is within walking distance. Further up the road is even cheaper, but the hotels get pretty icky quickly.

Aside from that, we can't help much other than to be supportive. You've got time to train for your marathon, but if you're going to do the one you did last year, you need to kick start and commit NOW. My training program for my later race started this week, so you're already inside the 16-20 week window. And training for the January marathon will be a real challenge for you give the potential weather and the fact that I think the holiday season was nuts for you, so if you don't have that base earlier, it's going to be a problem.

The weather down here was apparently the best the Baltimore has seen for the Ten Miler in 8-10 years, so I got lucky. It was warm but could have been so much worse. The hills were killer, but I still managed a 3.5 minute PR. I need to stop letting myself walk as much. Had I skipped one of my running breaks, I'd have been below a 10 min mile. I'll get there!
Well, I'm certainly happy to help you with the hotels, and there is a huge amount of discussion over on the DL boards, that I mostly ignore because we usually stay at Grand Californian when we go as a family. Any of the ones directly across the street are fine - I know lots of people like Carousel but I get points at the Marriott properties, so I stay at Fairfield Inn right next door if I'm off site. Hotel Menage looked pretty good and is within walking distance. Further up the road is even cheaper, but the hotels get pretty icky quickly.

Aside from that, we can't help much other than to be supportive. You've got time to train for your marathon, but if you're going to do the one you did last year, you need to kick start and commit NOW. My training program for my later race started this week, so you're already inside the 16-20 week window. And training for the January marathon will be a real challenge for you give the potential weather and the fact that I think the holiday season was nuts for you, so if you don't have that base earlier, it's going to be a problem.

The weather down here was apparently the best the Baltimore has seen for the Ten Miler in 8-10 years, so I got lucky. It was warm but could have been so much worse. The hills were killer, but I still managed a 3.5 minute PR. I need to stop letting myself walk as much. Had I skipped one of my running breaks, I'd have been below a 10 min mile. I'll get there!

I am glad you had such a good race. Congrats on the PR. Don't worry about the walk breaks, maybe you could make them shorter but not eliminate one altogether?

How many miles a week do you run when training for a marathon?

I know there isn't much anyone can do for me this time. I know I can do the marathon but for some reason it has me scared because it didn't go so well. But, I know I need to kick up the training a bit and have started to the last couple of weeks. That's why I started P90X this week too, so I could increase the cross training.

I think I should just stick with the WDW marathon. I wanted to do it as a way to stay in shape for Boston, if I ever decide to commit to that one. Star Wars would be cool but I think a marathon would force me to stay on top of my game for April whereas I could get by easier with a 1/2 marathon.

I watched Eddie McCoy's videos for both races and while all the races are fun I found myself wishing I was running the marathon more while I was watching. I would love to see DL for the 60th but I can't do it all.

Now I just need to bring myself to sign up!!!
I woke up early for my run before work this morning. I did 8 miles and it was one of the best runs I have had in a long time. I was running way faster than usual (8:20 pace for the first 40:00) until I decided to slow down and take it a bit easier. Today it just felt easy. I then went to work and I was not in any pain at all. My legs felt great all day. It was kinda weird since today was exactly a year from when I did my 10K last year for my POT for ToT.

I was/am tired for pushing so hard this morning so I am going to bed. Just had to stop in and give my daily update. I hope everyone else had a great day as well.
I am glad you had such a good race. Congrats on the PR. Don't worry about the walk breaks, maybe you could make them shorter but not eliminate one altogether?

How many miles a week do you run when training for a marathon?
I don't worry about the walk breaks while I'm running, but I also know that I talk myself into taking them when I don't necessarily need them. "I'm tired, and I know I have a two mile uphill push, so I'll just walk this bit..." and then I push my spot to start running back, then back some's mental, not physical. That's the bit I have to work on for myself. I don't necessarily walk my intervals, lately for the ten mile races, I just slow my pace for the minute's recovery.

As far as marathon training, I peaked about 30-35 miles for the week, but that's just running. I was also doing 2-3 days of core/strength training at the circus school, and my baseline week day I walk 5-6 miles, so all the training is on top of that base. I rely heavily on the fact that I already have a strong core and upper body, or else I'd need more running.

I watched Eddie McCoy's videos for both races and while all the races are fun I found myself wishing I was running the marathon more while I was watching.
There's your answer then...

Glad you got out for the run yesterday and that it felt good. It's hard to wake up early for the run, but 8 miles is a great place to be at for your long run at this point in training!
Yeah, I have my decision. Now I just need to sign up and stop worrying about it. My decision got a little easier today as my wife told me she wants to go away at the end of the month for a night. This will be 3 times this year she has gone away, although one was for work, it was still away. So, while most normal people would think she has no reason to complain when I go, I still think she will make it difficult.

As for the training. I think I need to do even more than the 30 miles a week if I want to see the kind of improvements I need to qualify for Boston. I had given up on it but that might have been out of fear and self doubt. I just didn't think I could do it. But after yesterday's run where I dropped 40 seconds of my pace I feel if I put the work in, I might have a real chance of doing it with 2 marathons to try. So for the next 4 months I will be giving it a shot. I still may not be able to, but we'll find out.
I have never doubted that you could do it, I have just questioned if you are willing and able to put the work in. If you are, I think the time is well within your reach. You'll need to run more than 30 miles, probably closer to 40 and 50 towards the end. I'm aiming at slow pace improvements and I'm super strong, especially in the core where a lot of runners are weak - don't forget to put in the effort there. You never did any really long runs before your last marathon than I recall, partly because it was a late decision, so I think if you do that and figure out a good fueling plan, you can do it.

BTW, at the Baltimore race this weekend they had an energy gum. I'd forgotten my Shot Bloks, so I grabbed a couple of pieces to try. I can't say for sure they helped a lot because those hills were killer, but I chewed one piece at mile 5 and another at mile 8 and while I was tired, I never bonked in the heat and hills. I can't remember the name, but a quick Google search shows several options. Maybe give that a try since you don't like eating on the run?
The weather down here was apparently the best the Baltimore has seen for the Ten Miler in 8-10 years, so I got lucky. It was warm but could have been so much worse. The hills were killer, but I still managed a 3.5 minute PR. I need to stop letting myself walk as much. Had I skipped one of my running breaks, I'd have been below a 10 min mile. I'll get there!

Woohoo for a PR!!!

I woke up early for my run before work this morning. I did 8 miles and it was one of the best runs I have had in a long time. I was running way faster than usual (8:20 pace for the first 40:00) until I decided to slow down and take it a bit easier. Today it just felt easy. I then went to work and I was not in any pain at all. My legs felt great all day. It was kinda weird since today was exactly a year from when I did my 10K last year for my POT for ToT.

I was/am tired for pushing so hard this morning so I am going to bed. Just had to stop in and give my daily update. I hope everyone else had a great day as well.

I'm glad you had a good run. I think that it is the only thing that lifts your spirits when you are down and frustrated.

Yeah, I have my decision. Now I just need to sign up and stop worrying about it. My decision got a little easier today as my wife told me she wants to go away at the end of the month for a night. This will be 3 times this year she has gone away, although one was for work, it was still away. So, while most normal people would think she has no reason to complain when I go, I still think she will make it difficult.

As for the training. I think I need to do even more than the 30 miles a week if I want to see the kind of improvements I need to qualify for Boston. I had given up on it but that might have been out of fear and self doubt. I just didn't think I could do it. But after yesterday's run where I dropped 40 seconds of my pace I feel if I put the work in, I might have a real chance of doing it with 2 marathons to try. So for the next 4 months I will be giving it a shot. I still may not be able to, but we'll find out.

I'm going to give you the same advice I was given when I was questioning the TOT race. Just do it! Sign up and get the weight of the decision off of your mind. I think you will find everything much simpler once you do. We have faith in you and now you need to have faith in yourself.

Weighed in today. Up 1.4 lb but to be fair when I lost the lbs last week I hadn't eaten for about 3 days. I did not get out and walk this weekend because I decided on a whim to do some remodeling. I tore the carpet out of the living room and then went into the kitchen and removed paint from the cabinets and started painting. I can't do a full remodel but this will make me feel better until I can. My body is definitely sore still from all of that. I'm hoping that it was enough to make up for the lack of exercise. I am eating better because now there are fresh fruits and veggies and they taste so much better. :)

Hope everyone is having a great day!


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