Is it too early to start a good riddance 2013 thread???

Totally ready. My dad died, my 9 yr old son died and my 4 yr old granddaughter was diagnosed with leukemia.

:hug: I am so sorry for your losses and your dgd's illness. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
Well i'm very glad i'm not the only one happy to see this terrible year drawing to an end. You name its happened to me this year. Nothing has been left out everything from ilness to death things that have been breaking down one right after another needless to say it has been a very expensive and trying year for us. The only thing that we weren't hit with this year was job loss of any kind and i'm so thankful for that.

I'm counting down the days to a new and hopefully much better 2014.
My husband was sick this year and a lady said to me be confident that things will get better and all i kept thinking to myself was how can i be confident things will get better when i'm not confident they won't get any worse. That is how bad this year has been so to all of us stuck with the 2013 curse here's to a much happier and brighter 2014.
My heart and prayers go out to all my Dis friends who've suffered heartbreaking losses, trials and tribulations life has presented, that 2014 will bring us all blessings, hope, and peace. :flower3:

Our family has also rolled with the punches, as 2013 definitely rates one of the worst years of my life :guilty:. My dear sweet Mom who is a 20 yr breast cancer survivor, was once again dx w/BC in July :sad1:. Sadly in mist of all the testing, she fell and broke her leg, which required extensive surgery, several mos of rehab, and sudden onset of dementia. Needless to say, too weak for more surgery, the beast traveled and sadly she is at our local Hospice House. :sad2:

Atho I lost my dear Dad 11 yrs ago, the thought of losing my Mom is even more heartbreaking :(. I can't begin to think of holidays or much else except being with my dear friend I love so much is nearing the end of her earthly journey. :sad:

Counting my blessings for my loving hubbie, supportive children, grands, my 2 siblings, the wonderful team of compassionate Hospice drs/nurses. Leaning on my faith that soon Mom will be in heaven w/dear Daddy, my lil brother, and soaring at peace w/the angels without pain and suffering. :angel:

If you're lucky to still be blessed with your Mom & Dad, please give them a big hug, you never know what tomorrow will bring.:hug:
It's definitely been a mixed year for us. I battled pretty bad depression this past winter (homesick!).. Giving birth to my daughter was definitely a plus, but I can't say it was all sunshine and roses. Things are looking up for sure, but we are taking it day by day.

Another blow- my darling 88 yo mother-in-law was admitted to the hospital today. Her foot was numb. The doctors found a blockage and she will have surgery in the morning to have a stent placed. She is one of the sweetest people I've known in my life. My prayer is that she lives at least another 88 years.
2013 was an unhealthy year for my family, Jan 25th my nephew was diagnosed with stage 4 osteosarcoma. He's had a year of surgeries (2 major ones) and three rounds of chemo. Just finished the last one a couple weeks ago and got his feeding tube removed last weekend. Will have body scans soon and we are praying and believing for good results.
My dd had a rough time with her blood pressure during her pregnancy with my grandson and spent a fair amount of time in the hospital as well as delivering him a little early. After a rough start though he is flourishing and dd's blood pressure returned to normal several weeks after delivery.
SIL had to have surgery and was in the hospital briefly this year as well.
I found I have some heart issues, had to have a stent in September and another one in November. Unfortunately I had a minor heart attack as a complication of the second stent (plaque broke away during the placement of the stent and blocked the artery further down). Thankfully my cardiologist says I only have minor damage and believes the heart attack will not seriously effect my life.
The good things this year have been my church, much support and love from them during these hard times, my job/coworkers (love those folks!), and my absolutely wonderful grandson Zan. He's been such a life-changer for my husband and I. Turns out grand-parenthood suits us well, lol! We're lovin' the whole Granna and grandpa scene :)
I'll say good riddance to 2013.
Of course, I said the same thing to 2012.
DW had some major health issues in 2012 and became disabled.
When it ended, I was still hopeful that 2013 would be better.
Unfortunately, not much has changed, she had two more surgeries and she is finishing off the year with a bang, literally. She slipped, kicked the toilet, and broke 5 bones in her foot. Luckily, no surgery needed for the foot, just 3 months of healing to go through.
But I'm still staying positive and trying to be optimistic about 2014.
I'm hoping for a few things:
1. Doctors figure out how to help her get better.
2. We get a successful resolution to her disability case, so we can at least get some of these medical bills paid off.


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