Is $65 a day enough for a family of 4 to eat in WDW?

Originally posted by Luv2Roam
Counter service is not necessarily cheap. As an example last Friday I ate in The Land at the BBQ section for dinner. Just under $10 for a BBQ sandwich, fries, drink.

Just to use this as an example of what we do - in this case, the fries would be shared between DW, DD and me. So would the drink (if we even got one - usually drink water). The other 2 people would just get main courses - sandwich, for example, without the fries and drink. That brings the average price per person down to a very reasonable amount.
I think it is reasonable.
We are usually so busy enjoying all there is to do that we don't stop for three meals a day. We eat breakfast in the room. I always take bottled water and drinks from home. I buy ahead when they are on sale. We also eat our biggest meal (sit down) in the afternoon instead of during the dinner hours. This saves more than you would think.
If my children wanted snacks in the parks, they pay. Many times they are not so hungry when it is their money.
We enjoy the burger place in MK, the commissary( i don't know if this is what it is called) in MGM near Honey I Shrunk the Kids, Tusker House in Animal Kingdom, and the chinese and mexican stands in Epcot. The pizza at Fort Wilderness and buffet are very good values. This past summer we were at POFQ for the first time and we enjoyed their food court. I thought it was well worth the cost.
We went over the amount when we ate at the Garden Grill or something similar, but we were under on other days. Also, many evenings we ate a sundae or pastries from Epcot instead of an evening meal. Best nutrition? Probably not, but it is a vacation.
I do think it is key to take water with you to the parks. It saves a fortune on drinks.
I think you can do it, and I am a mother of four.
We (DH, DD10, DS7 and I) did a budget of $50/day this June. Some days we went a little over (usually to buy more drinks!) and some days under. Our budget included breakfast in the room and lunch/dinner in the parks or ASMo food court, and one "special" event of the Ice Cream Social at Epcot...what a deal!!!!!!! I highly recommed this as an inexpensive, yummy wait to meet some of the characters. We took a few bottles of water/gatorade with us in the morning but ended up buying more as the day went on...well worth it to us because it was HOT and we wanted good water. Mickey Bars help too. ;)

I say go for it. If you're going during cooler weather I bet you drink less, eat more. We were too hot to eat most of the time, and just wanted W A T E R!!! You'll be just fine!::yes::
It sounds like your meals are going to be pretty dull. I'm a fairly frugal person, but $16/day/person is a very tough goal. I always head for a supermarket and load up on water and snacks. For breakfast I'll hit a breakfast buffet like Ponderosa has for $3.99. That will keep me going into the afternoon. As an earlier poster noted, you burn a lot more energy at WDW than normal. Pop Tarts probably aren't going to cut it. You need a real breakfast.
For a late lunch a burger/fries will do and I'll usually wait til I'm out of the park to have a light dinner. I keep fruit/pudding cups and usually a bag of peanuts in my pack for snacks. to tide me over. I also keep cookies/crackers in my hotel.
Originally posted by disneysteve
Don't be discouraged by all the folks who say you need $100 or $150 or more per day. We've done it more than once on $75 or less.

Can you do it for under $100/day for 4 people, probably. But...........will you enjoy all the meals you are eating?

JMO, but I always budget a little more just in case I'm sick of the Mickey burgers & chicken strips & want to just sit down & have a nice meal.

As Disneysteve said, you can save by bringing snacks & drinks into the parks (get each person their own fanny pack & water bottle holder) & by eating off-site. I would budget a little more, but also try to save by doing this. You can always bring home any money you don't spend.

Our favorite sit down meals are at a place called The Orlando Ale House right outside of Disney. They have a very extensive menu & very reasonable prices. If you have a car & would like a change of pace then try this (I know that's a little off topic here :rolleyes: )

Again, these are just my opinions. I find my vacation more enjoyable not having to worry about whether I can order fries, a drink, a dessert or have a Mickey bar if I want to.
Originally posted by MELSMICE
I find my vacation more enjoyable not having to worry about whether I can order fries, a drink, a dessert or have a Mickey bar if I want to.

This is an important point.

We spent very little on food, but that wasn't because we were on a budget or couldn't afford more. We could if we wanted to. We were all perfectly happy with the meals we had during our trip and didn't feel the least bit deprived. We got our Dole Whip, Mickey bars, Rice Krispies treats and all our other favorites.

If you want more sit down meals or alcohol or other more expensive items, just realize that you will spend more and plan accordingly.
I say not only can it be done easily but it can also be done in a healthier way. We eat a good breakfast breakfast at home or in the room before heading out to the parks. Oatmeal, non-sugary cereal with fresh fruit, etc. We eat things that will sustain us. We bring our own bottled water. We also bring granola bars, apples, and cookies to munch on. Last week we ate at the Electric Umbrella twice (lunch and dinner). This was not our choice. We were there with friends and it is what they picked. I would mix it up a little but that is what they wanted.

My family (dh, ds 7, dd 9 and me) all had their own veggie burger with a fruit cup subbed for the fries. We put lots of toppings on and drank the bottled water we brought into the park. We were stuffed. That was lunch and it cost $25. For dinner, the kids weren't super hungry so they split a veggie burger that time. We ordered it with the fruit cup and then ordered an extra fruit cup because they each wanted one. DH and I both had our own. It came to $22.

At Cosmic Rays, a family of four can split their family roasted chicken special which comes with mashed potatoes. Everyone can order their own soup. That comes to $25. They also offer the veggie burgers or chicken sandwiches and we sub the soup for the fries for the $25.

So, we average $50 for counter service meals for lunch and dinner and I think we all eat pretty healthy. Granted, it isn't as healthy as our home cooking but it beats french fries and pop. That isn't knocking those that like that stuff. We just all start to feel sick after a few days of fried food type things. It isn't what we are used to. Of course, we also have sit down meals during our trip as well.

We would never be able to stick to that budget. But, that's us. We are foodies & one of the things we really enjoy in WDW is sampling all the wonderful restaurants.
Also, as Luv2Roam pointed out - Tap water in WDW can be rough on the digestive system if you aren't used to it. We always have to use bottled water or else at least one of us ends up sick.
I guess it depends on what your priorities are. Good food is a priority for us at home & even more so on vacation. We are willing to pay a bit extra on it & make our budget cuts in other areas.
DH & I do plan to start splitting more meals tho, as we do tend to wind up wasting food.
We found it pretty hard to budget because you never know how you are going to feel on that day. Some days we would get by on a big breakfast and supper (maybe a snack in the middle of the day) and other days, we were tired and just wanted to sit down, eat and get our energy back. At that point, we didn't care where we ate or the prices, lol. The restaurants are pretty busy so it would be wherever we could get in and sit.

I always bring what we think we will spend and leave a few hundred in the bank so its there if we need it. That way, its not in our pocket. To easy to spend that way :)
I know you can probably do it on your budget and adding an additional $10 a day would keep it loose, as was suggested. Honestly, we were too keyed up, excited and then dead dog tired to eat much!

I discovered our family (DH, me, 2 DS's) is good for one big meal. So we either ate whatever we wanted at lunch (sit down, counter, etc.) or did a big breakfast (buffet) and then coasted on light fare through the day. By dinner we just weren't very hungry.

But do budget in for snacks - you can always have your dessert as a snack. You know, skip it at the meal and have it a couple hours later. And sharing is a great way to save.
Oh, another thing. Watch the soft drink consumption. I've heard it will dehydrate you more to drink soft drinks rather than water. Don't know if it's true but last time I drank water all day and I didn't feel nearly as limp as I have before.

And don't forget that different fast food places around DW have different menus. There is a variety if you seek it out. Check out Deb Will's site and the menus. Some counter service area have actual dinners you can buy (Cosmic Ray's, Tusker House, World Showcase)...
We usually spend about $40 day for two adults and a child. We visit during shoulder season, and find that what we tend to do is cut down to two meals per day, as stopping to eat just takes too much time away from ride time. I always carry protein-type snacks, especially nuts, they stick to your ribs pretty well. We don't really do this as a budgeting tactic; more that we prefer not to overpay for food.

We eat breakfast in our room, and that we purchase offsite. We always make sure that breakfast has protein, so we buy smoked meats that will keep well in a cooler in our room. (You want to double-bag those cold cuts and wrap the inner bag in napkins to blunt the cold somewhat; otherwise they will freeze.) For short trips I will carry the breakfast munchies down with me in my carryon soft cooler and just buy a few drinks at a convenience store; for long trips we check our hardside rolling cooler as one of our bags, and we do a full grocery store stop. (A full grocery stop for a week's trip will normally run ~$25 not incl. liquor. That's a separate budget item the way I calculate it.) We don't snack too often, so we are not talking a huge volume of food, mostly fruit, nuts and pretzel sticks.

We tend to eat sit-down meals more often than counter-service, as the quality is much better, but more commonly at resorts instead of in the parks. We always take a midday rest, so we will normally stop at a resort and eat either coming or going. We share our restaurant meals in some way or another, either by buying one adult entree and one kid meal, or just splitting 2 adult entrees three ways. We don't normally buy any drinks in the parks; we carry a couple of Brita bottles and just drink tap water. (I'm a cold-caffeine junkie, so I carry in a 16 oz. Coke that I've purchased offsite. I ask for ice and add the Coke to feed my addiction. I don't do this at meals, though, just during breaks.) All our snacks are carried in, with the exception of one Mickey bar per trip for DS.


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