Inspired by...what does your boss give you for Christmas

Each employee gets a cash bonus. The doctor that I assist gets me Longaberger baskets and their kitchen pottery. I am pretty spoiled by her!!!!!! :teeth:
I'm a county teacher. My boss gives us nothing & I don't expect anything.
Thank goodness for the room moms who take up collections for gift cards!
I get between 200-250 cash bonus every christmas from my boss....
RadioNate said:
Like I said in the other thread DH is the boss and we don't give his employees anything.

Every year I feel horribly guilty about it but we really can't afford it. We are looking at $400 + and that's only spending $5 a person.

We usually skip presents to eachother to save money at Christmas. Our list is big and we usually end up spending about $1500. This year do to my medical bills things are even tighter and I'm trying to stick to $1000.

He does usually do a pizza lunch or something similar.

Ya know what? A pizza party sounds like a great idea. Better than we get, and my company could EASILY afford it. And, ya know what might make it even better, if your DH wrote a letter expressing his appreciation to the folks who work for him. As long as ya don't have like 50 employees!
I get nothing from my work, no bonus, no gift. We do get a free lunch but it's the same stuff we get for free lunches during the year, cold cuts or pizza.

My husband gets a bonus check every year..last years check was awesome! Others have been very small.

We both used to get Christmas parties but neither place does them anymore. My work has minors working there so they took a vote to see if we would want a party without alcohol (because of the liability of minors attending where drinks were being served) and most voted no. My DH's decided to give bigger bonuses and skip the dinner...we like it that way!
We get holiday bonuses. Last year I was only just starting and I received 1 weeks salary. However, I've been told the other directors were given anywhere from two to four weeks salary.
well lets see I've worked for him for 9 years and he usually gives nothing to us. He has about 30 employees. Last couple of years we got pizza for lunch as a gift that he split the cost with the supervisors. I'm not complaining but... well its the thought.


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