"I'M STUCK IN DISNEY!!!!!!!!" A Delightfully Unliveable TR ~ NEW TR 9/27!!!!!!!!!!!

NOVEMBER 4, 2012 Part One
#StuckAtGinas12: The Bonus Chapters!

The next day, again we slept in. Shocking, I know! We decided we were going to go back to Sarasota because we wanted to go see a psychic together and there was one doing readings at Elysian Fields, which is this awesome store that has spiritual things and stuff. I don't really know how to describe it, but the point is, there are psychics there and it wasn't that expensive. Gina & I believe in stuff like this. For me, it's mainly because I've experienced psychics genuinely predict things in the past. We've never done it together though, so we decided now was the time!

I called and made an appointment and we headed to Sarasota! Right away I loved the store because there was a plaque that said "Remember who you are." HELLO LION KING QUOTE! That sold me on the place.

I made Gina go first because psychic/mediums make me extremely nervous. I've just had so many crazy things happen in my life that you would not even believe and I feel like as soon as they see me they are going to be hit with that mess. So I was nervously reading books and playing with stuff during the 15 minutes that she was in there.

When she came out, she had this look on her face like she had just seen an elephant fly basically. And I was like, "OMG. How was it?" She replied, "It was perfect. He knew everything. OMG, go." Right away I was like OH MAN THIS IS GETTING REAL and I went in there basically shaking. I was just like, why am I even here, I don't want to know what ridiculous situation is going to bestow itself upon my life next. Like, I can't deal with this.

Well, as soon as I went in, I got comfortable because I just liked the guy. He had a welcoming presence. I barely told him anything about myself, just my name and birthday.

I don't remember all the details now (I wrote about it when I first got home, but unfortunately I can not find where I saved that), but I can tell you that he knew so much about me and it was scary. For some reason, I wasn't uncomfortable though. One of the main things he knew right away was that I was in show business, and he said he saw it working out for me but only if I keep going and make it happen. He really stressed that I had to put the effort in, and that he saw it REALLY happening in a big way, like that is what my life is going to be. He said that he saw me as a kind of "Taylor Swift" artist. Which I was not thrilled with because I am not particularly fond of Taylor Swift. But he clarified that he saw me writing a lot, writing my own music (like Taylor does? I guess?) and other material, whether it be TV or movies or plays, whatever, he sees me writing. He asked if I was a writer already and I said yes. He mentioned that I do a lot of things well but I was going to have to work hard at them and get better. He just kept stressing for me to keep going. He also magically knew I was into improv, and he told me to specifically keep doing that.

He said that I'm way too hard on myself, like WAY too hard on myself, even though I actually really do like myself when I'm separate from all the noise. That sent chills down my spine because that's exactly how I feel.

He said he saw me moving in the near future and it is going to be someplace sunny. He then asked if I wanted to move. Basically, he would predict something that I was already thinking, and then ask if that was what I was wanting. And every time the answer was yes. The more we talked about moving the more he was like "They're really telling me that you are going to move. You are definitely going to move." I don't know who THEY are and I didn't ask because ~*they*~ were ridiculously on the money and I just... it was creepy.

He kept talking about Chicago. I have no contacts in Chicago or anything like that, so it was really weird. Throughout the reading he just kept saying it. "I keep getting Chicago." I kept trying to figure out what that would mean in my life, but I've never even been there. Then he suggested that maybe I was going to be in the play Chicago and we both laughed but who knows. I've been wondering about this ever since because he was so right about almost everything else that I'm convinced that Chicago has to mean something. The only thing I can think of is that it would be Second City, the famous improv theatre in Chicago, but I don't think I would specifically move there for that when we have UCB right in NYC. So that's up in the air.

He mentioned that a period of healing was going to go on soon and whatever I was going through was going to end over the next few months. He was actually wrong about that.... things got worse before they got better. But that's another story.

He asked me if I was in a relationship and I said no. He said that I didn't really want a relationship which was correct. He said that I would get one when I moved but probably not before then and it was mainly just going to be a fun relationship.

He brought up a certain date that was in the coming weeks and said he saw something happening on that date, something changing. He asked if the date rung a bell and I said no.

At the end he asked if I had any questions. At the time I had been #StuckInDisney of course and I was really wanting to move there. I didn't name Disney specifically but I asked in general about moving somewhere and having a job I've always wanted to do that might be related to entertainment and may not be. He said that "they" were telling him that it would be good but only for a season or two. Which was again right on the money b/c literally my whole life I've wanted to work in Disney for the Fall-Winter of one year.

The other question I had was about someone I know who I was just confused about. Like I didn't know if they belonged in my life or not and if so, where? He asked me for the name so I told him and then he asked for the person's birthday. I thought about it for a second and I realized the birthdate was the date HE HAD JUST TOLD ME, the one in the coming weeks that was going to bring a change.

We both started cracking up out of shock. But I was freaked out.

He took a moment to think after that and then he told me that this person was a good person but they go through a lot of depression and then named specific personality traits of theirs. Again, I was freaked out. I mean, this person was not even in the room. There was no way he could have known if they were depressed or any of the other characteristics he named. I could have easily been talking about another friend of mine who is happy all the time, but no. He knew exactly who I was talking about and he MAGICALLY fed off of this person's energy or SOMETHING. I mean, he was bringing up PERSONAL stuff, DETAILS. INSTANTLY. All I had told him was the name and birthday. I know there are "psychics" who ask the right questions and just kind of read you from what you say and your body language, but for this man to pull these specific details about a friend of mine out of the air like magic was absolutely astonishing. I was aghast.

He then told me again that this person was good but we both really needed space from each other at that time. BOY WAS THAT TRUE!

After that it was time to wrap it up. I thanked him and got up. He said to me, "Have fun today! Go to the movies." I was like OKAY and then I left.

Gina and I went to Starbucks and discussed that insane experience. She told me that he was ridiculously accurate with her as well and knew details about her mom and other things he could not possibly have known... except he did. We were both just kind of dumbfounded and basically in love with this psychic because we had both wanted to find a good one for years and it's obviously a very difficult thing to find because of the mass amount of fakes out there.

The funny thing was, we kept mentioning the psychic's name all day and for the rest of the trip. I don't want to post it here but let's just say his name is Kevin. We just kept saying stuff like, "I guess we can do this. Kevin would have warned us not to." or "We should go to the movies. Kevin wouldn't steer us wrong." I mean, over and over we just kept saying it because we are dorks. So then we realized that since he is genuinely gifted, he was probably picking up on us repeating his name 1,000 times. Oops. Sorry, "Kevin."

We left Starbucks and headed to our dinner destination!



This is my "Hi, I'm in Florida!" pose.





Follow this path and you'll find O'Leary's Tiki Bar, which quickly became one of my favorite places.


Not only do they have awesome food, but the restaurant is located on the water. There is live music and THERE ARE DOGS EVERYWHERE.

This is literally I want in a restaurant and IN LIFE. Food, water, music, and dogs. DONE.


It reminded me of the Polynesian, too! OH THIS PLACE.

We went inside to order and were given pagers. We then walked outside and found an empty table right by the water. Immediately, I started freaking out over all the dogs. Since this is an outdoor restaurant, dogs are welcome and so many people bring them. One thing everyone knows about me is that I am beyond obsessed with dogs and I always have been. Literally, I think there is nothing in the world better than dogs. There is a reason why dog is God spelled backwards, okay? My dog of 14 years, Pooh Bear, passed away 2 and a half years ago and my life has never been the same since. One thing that happens now is that I cry almost any time I am around dogs. I just love them *so much*, I can't even explain it, it's like when you meet your soulmate and the world stops except I am like that with EVERY DOG. And they were everywhere. I could not even deal. I was so happy.

This was the view from our table!


AHH I love it here.



Then our buzzers went off! I went to pick up our food and came back with a DELICIOUS tray! Well, the tray wasn't delicious (or maybe it was. I don't know, I didn't taste it) but the food was!


Gina got a veggie burger (left) and I got a "non-veggie" burger as we called it. Oh my God it was SO GOOD. Seriously one of the best burgers I've ever had. I didn't eat a burger at ALL during #BirthdayFestivus13 cause I was waiting to have another one of those babies. And the fact that it came with curly fries.... omg. OMG. This perfect meal.

We were happy. YAY.



Did I mention the sun started to set? The insane beauty of this place is a little distracting. There's just so much. The gorgeousness, the food, the dogs. I was in love.


Behold, one of the best dogs ever.


What's awesome is that all the dogs just kind of hang out and a lot of them play around and all of them are cool and there is no problem. This dog was playing frisbee with a human and did a fantastic job of retrieving the pink frisbee even when it was thrown far out into the water.



That's the thing about dogs. They never get tired of anything. You wanna play frisbee for the next 15 years? Go find a dog. You're set.






See her out there? There she is, back out in the water finding the frisbee. What a good girl!

NOVEMBER 4, 2012 Part Two
#StuckAtGinas12: The Bonus Chapters!

Now I must introduce my other favorite dog from O'Leary's. This is Maggie!


She is perfect and so friendly. She came right up to me and let me pet her a lot which made me VERY happy.


The other thing you gotta know about Maggie is that she had the perfect little "Arf arf!" bark, like what a bark sounds like when it's a sound effect on a cartoon. AHH I loved her.



She was a baby at the time. :-)


Ahh, such a perfect day. I miss it! Especially the dogs.




Have I posted enough pics yet? No? Okay!




We hung out for a good long while. Per our psychic's advice, we decided to go to the movies again! I had been dying to see The Perks of Being A Wallflower for ages, so I suggested that because it was playing at the cinema in downtown Sarasota. Gina really wanted to see it too, so we settled on that.

Let me just say this was the best decision ever and I love the psychic for giving us such fantastic advice!!

Bye bye perfect doggie.


After finishing up, we went for a walk around the marina! It was just SO beautiful.








Off we went downtown! First we went to Whole Foods, I believe. Then we parked REALLY far away from the theatre because Gina wasn't sure where we'd find another lot. So we walked super far, but it was fine. I was used to it from being in Disney!

We headed inside and the theatre was EMPTY. Don't you just love when that happens? It was so awesome!!


Okay, I am so in love with this movie I don't even know what to say.

Unlike basically everyone I knew as a teenager, I didn't read the book. In high school, I was the person who would totally ignore anything that was super popular. If everyone was reading/doing/watching/wearing something, I was always like going the opposite way. So I figured it was overrated. OH WAS I WRONG.

This was by far my favorite film of 2012 and one of my favorites of all time. It is extremely rare that any writer captures what it's actually like to be a teenager - John Hughes comes to mind as the only one who really did it properly prior to Stephen Chbosky. The Perks of Being A Wallflower stands up to Hughes' work and I do not say that lightly because I worship Hughes. I have watched the movie many times since and it never loses its power for me.

Let me just say that it's funny how things work out because I had meant to go see this movie a bunch of different times (it had been out like a month and a half by that point) but stuff kept getting in the way. I am so happy I happened to see it on this day, in Florida, with Gina, after getting #StuckInDisney. I don't know why, but everything just aligned perfectly and it was a fantastic way to end the trip. When I see a film I love, it's not just like "Oh, that was great"... I become obsessed. So to see something I really cared about and enjoyed that much really made the trip all the more special to me. We really lucked out with that and Wreck-It Ralph, another superb movie, playing at that time. This whole trip, I just had the best luck of all time!
NOVEMBER 4 Part 3 & November 5
#StuckAtGinas12: The Bonus Chapters!

After that AMAZING theatre experience, we went to Sweetbay (grocery store) and hung out basically? And bought snacks. OH MY GOD WERE WE FRUMPY. I can't even describe it.

I will just post this picture.


This is Gina... holding a potato? I don't know. I think we found it randomly in that basket by itself and in the moment we found this HILARIOUS. I think we were just overwhelmed by the awesome day and definitely very tired.

Then we found this wine, and well, I LMAO'ed a lot.


On the way home we stopped at Wal*Mart. There is really not much to do in Gina's town so I feel like we always end up at the local Wal*Mart. Yeah, it's one of those towns.

I bought Nutella.


We also got more snacks and a pizza I think? I don't know. I do remember that I bought champagne. Because I am classy. There is only one way to end a vacation: champagne and pizza from Wal*Mart. And Nutella. Just trust me on this one, kids. It's the only way.

We went back to Gina's and I believe we watched a movie, but I can't remember which one. Most likely Disney. I drank champagne and ate Nutella. It was a glorious evening.

I also took a bunch of goodbye pictures of the kitty.




Aww. Sleepy time now.


November 5

I woke up the next morning, again late of course. I was going home today! I had finally booked a flight home a few days prior via Southwest which was one of the ONLY helpful airlines with affordable rates. Honestly, thank God for Southwest.

Especially because I had acquired a lot of stuff on my trip and they give you 2 free checked bags. That was awesome because this trip bled me dry and I really didn't want to spend $25-$50 just to move my stuff! I LOVE SOUTHWEST.

Thankfully, Expedia also came through with my refund. I was shocked it happened so soon since they said it could take weeks!

My flight wasn't until like 7pm so Gina and I just hung out all day watching TV (Boy Meets World, mostly) and eating and stuff. You know, our usual.

I finished up packing and realized I never wore my Peter Pan shirt!


I'll never grow up. It's true.

Well.... you know what happened next. Gina and her parents drove me to the airport. I thanked them for everything and I LEFT FLORIDA.

CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?! I was actually kind of not processing it myself. SO MUCH had happened, it was just insane. I was very overwhelmed, but also content.

I had a short layover in Baltimore. I went to Auntie Anne's and got a pretzel dog and then bought the DVD of the movie Management because apparently I hadn't spent enough money? LOL. It was only like $4.99 and I love that movie, so I figured why not. I'd be frugal tomorrow! I wanted to buy Disney stuff in there but it was all way expensive and I mean, nowhere near as good as the WDW merchandise I had just purchased. Oh well.

I continued reading Looking For Alaska on the plane, but I was often interrupted. Not in the seat directly next to me, but in the one next to that, there was a super super drunk guy. I felt really bad for him.

Of course he had to start asking me questions and stuff. He was like, "Where are you going?" and I said, "New Jersey." and he was all drunkenly like, "Wellllll duh, we're all going to New Jersey! WHERE in NJ? Where do you live?" And I was like ahh let me just be as kind as possible without giving too much info, so I gave him a vague idea of the area I live cause I was not about to get into specifics with this dude. He ended up telling me that his father had just died and he was coming from the funeral and I just felt so awful for him. We all deal with our pain in different ways, and I totally wasn't judging him. So I just tried to be as nice as possible, but he started talking to other people and stuff and the staff was concerned. So the flight attendants had to basically baby him and ask him if anyone was waiting for him at the gate, etc. He started getting a bit nasty with them, you could tell he just wanted to be alone but I don't think he was capable of taking care of himself. The staff was still so nice, so cheers to the Southwest employees. They even walked him from the gate to Baggage Claim. It was so sad! I hope he got some help and found some peace in his life.

I had to wait super long at Baggage Claim. I had texted my mom (who was waiting outside with my dad) to tell her that I was there. I have never gone 16 days without seeing my mom before, so she ended up coming in and just waiting with me. It was great to see her! I felt like I hadn't been home in a year.

My dad was waiting in the car and it felt great to be with my parents in NJ. We had to make a stop in the city and I started to get aggravated cause my tiredness hit me and I just wanted to go home at that point!

It's so weird when you arrive home and your house feels like... new to you or something. I don't know how to explain it. But yeah, I definitely felt like I had been gone for ages.

WHAT A TRIP! I won't get into my closing thoughts on the whole thing - I already got into that during the update when I left Disney. I will say again though that this was probably the best Disney trip ever, and if it had to end, I'm so happy I got to go to Gina's and kind of slowly phase out the vacation instead of automatically being hit with reality upon leaving Disney. We had such a blast and honestly this whole trip was just unbelievably fun down to the last second. I am still so RIDICULOUSLY thankful it even happened and I will never forget any of it. Especially now that I have documented it down to the last detail!


Whether you've been with me since the McLovin report or you just hopped on, whether you casually catch an update when you can or you read every update as soon as I post it, Thank you so much! It means so much to me that I get to relive my trips here on the DIS, and it's so awesome that you all love reading along. Sharing everything with you guys has become a big part of my trip and I can not wait to share all the details of #BirthdayFestivus13 with you, too! The first post in that report will be up soon! I've actually been working really hard on it and a good portion of it is done. Gina, Jess, Lee-Anne and I sure had one hell of a time on that 18 day extravaganza... JUST YOU WAIT. YOU'RE GONNA LOVE IT!!

Until then... BOO to YOU and YOU and YOU and YOU! I'll see ya next time!

The first post in that report will be up soon! I've actually been working really hard on it and a good portion of it is done. Gina, Jess, Lee-Anne and I sure had one hell of a time on that 18 day extravaganza... JUST YOU WAIT. YOU'RE GONNA LOVE IT!!

Until then... BOO to YOU and YOU and YOU and YOU! I'll see ya next time!


Thoughts as I'm reading through the #StuckAtGinas12 posts:

-Dang it, I wish you were here right now so we could eat lots of pizza and rent movies.

-My cat is just so adorable, it's ridiculous.

-Those people in the Wreck It Ralph theater, oh my god. I wish we had been able to take a video of it or something, it was unreal.

-"Kevin"!!!!! Our psychic BFF <3 I've told you this before, but I completely agree with him that you should write! And I'm so glad we took his advice about going to the movies.

-HAHAHA WHAT I don't even remember going to Sweetbay and WHY AM I HOLDING A POTATO.

I can't believe it's been almost a YEAR since this all happened. I can't wait for the Birthday Festivus report and I refuse to stop telling you how excited I am to read it! My pins have not yet shown up at my house so that is sad. But it's only 2 PM so I guess there's still time. TTFN!
Read your whole report and LOVED IT!!! Can't wait for the next one!! Thank you so much for writing and sharing your experiences with us! :cheer2:
Thank you Lia for sharing this adventure with us. I have thoroughly enjoyed every update, and will be tagging along for your next one...can't wait to see what trouble (I mean fun) you girls get into! :)
That's a wrap!

Sounds like you had such a nice time at Gina's! I wish every vacation had a mini-vacation attached to it. So much movie watching! Wow. I will add Perks of Being a Wallflower to my list... wonder if it's on Netflix.

I just watched Princess and the Frog on the plane home and I actually REALLY liked it, one of my recent favourites.

That is so amazing about the psychic. I've never been to one, but now I want to go see "Kevin", haha.

LMAO wine? That's can't be good! I like your champagne photography of Katniss, tongue and teeth, haha.

And hooray for puppies! And a turtle. Tortoise? I wish I had those roll up in my backyard, all I get is racoons. Although it might be annoying if you want to mow the grass... can't exactly shoo a tortoise!

Thanks for such an amazing trip report, it was such a great read! You definitely could be a writer! I'm a numbers person (accountant) so I can never find the right words to describe things in my trip report, but I keep trying!

See ya at #BirthdayFestivus13!
Wow. I'm so glad that I subscribed to your TR. I don't do that very often, but it makes my day when you update. I love your zest for life, and it always cheers me up to read about your crazy shenanigans. I also want to tell you that you really do have an amazing way with sharing your observations about life and people that not many people do. I go from being able to imagine the very people that you are talking about, to agreeing with you about dogs and frisbees! It's a talent. Writing is not as easy as you make it seem, so keep it up, it's a gift. Especially these days, when so many younger people can't communicate beyond illiterate texts! :rotfl2: I'm looking forward to reading more!
:thanks: That was AWESOOOOMME!!!!

:thumbsup2 You really are an artist. :artist: Quite a talented writer. Keep up the fantastic work.

:cat: Here's a cute kitty for you.

:dogdance: Oooh, and a dancin' doggy!


I find it so strange that I can feel such a kinship with people I've never met. But Lia, I think you are absolutely wonderful. I also follow you on Instagram and Twitter (same username as here). I always look forward to reading your updates, seeing your pictures, and just hearing about your life in general. Stay fabulous, my dear, and I can't wait to read all about Birthday Festivus.
I've really enjoyed reading your trip report - many thanks for writing it! Can't wait for the next one!
Oh wow, haha, that is just SO FREAKIN' AWESOME that the guest bed was like that. Even better that as of my last trip, LM is my now #2 Disney Princess (behind Stacey of course).

Bahaha, yeah it seems that Publix is one of the few non Disney approved places to visit in Florida. And Chick-Fil-A.

Ummm... so I just could not stop reading though your psychic story and I pretty much had a mini heart attack (or at the very least some mega chills) about that birthdate part. I mean I freaked out. Just... wow.

I totally get your Dog obsession. I grew up always having Dogs. ALWAYS. And it's been a number of years since I've had a dog and I truly miss it and I truly get SO VERY EXCITED whenever I come across one. So um, yeah... I get it. :dog2:

Ahhh this whole section of Bonus material is kind of like reading Jess' DCP report. :laughing:

So many thoughts and so many feelings. Dangerously sad that it's over, yet ridiculously glad that the new one is Coming Soon! Your style of writing is simply perfect (and yes, I fully admit to totally "borrowing" some of that style). Oh who am I kidding, flat out theft is probably the better word. :rolleyes1 Amazing detail without being boring in any way is a remarkable thing to do, and you it to perfection.

Lia, I know I've said it many, many times, but your passion is truly unequalled, and I feel truly honoured to have read this. :goodvibes

And oh yes... now I want a turtle. :rolleyes:
I've been a lurker on your TR but I want to tell you how much I enjoyed following along on your adventure :woohoo: My favorite chapters were the ones you wrote about MNSSHP. I love going around Christmas but you've made me want to go for Halloween. Anyway, great job! Anxious for the next adventure!
Great report Lia!

Sarasota looks beautiful! I love going places with lots of doggies around, they are just so wonderful!

I really loved Wreck it Ralph too! And Tangled, and Toy Story 3 and Princess and the Frog etc, yay Disney!
Oh my how I loved your final chapters and thought your transition from Disney to Gina's house was so great and fun! You both did a lot in those few days from movie watching, eating, hanging with that beautiful kitty and visiting Psychic "Kevin" - wow!! That experience alone I found fascinating because the truly gifted ones leave such a huge impression on you not to mention when the good things they've spoken to you about come to pass :)

For now I'll patiently wait for the first installment of #BirthdayFestivus13 and I'm sure it will be just as stellar as this trip report was!

I have to admit though I'm already jonesin' for it to start :yay:

have a sparkly day Lia!! pixiedust:
Hi Lia. Coming out of Lurkdom to let you know that I thoroughly enjoyed your TR! There were moments i literally LOLed and moments I felt your emotions! Loved it!! I am anxiously awaiting your BirthdayFestivus TR! You are super entertaining! Thanks for the laughs!
Wow, I can't believe that this TR is actually over! I feel like I've been reading it forever! That said, I am really looking forward to reading the birthday festuvis TR. It's always great being able to read TRs from people similarly aged since its not so common here and there are so many things to related too! I loved being able to read about your time with Gina. It sounds exactly how I would have spent the time with my friends. We always do Disney movie marathons when we have reunions.

Also, I always fly southwest! They were so great rescheduling a flight I had when my cruise was delayed because of a hurricane in august 2012. Even though the circumstances of why you were stuck it WDW weren't the greatest it was still great to see and have you report on the events. Looking forward to the next TR and the many more to come. Maybe this time i'll actually comment regularly!


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