I need some motivation and encouragement!


Marseeya Here!
Jul 2, 2006

We are going to WDW in less than 20 days and I have done NOTHING to prepare myself physically. No walking, no exercising, nothing. I'm on new meds that make me feel rather sluggish, which is part of the reason, but also I just have absolutely no motivation. I know in my mind that I'm going to get there and all that walking is going to kick me in the butt.

Help, DIS friends! I am soooo out of shape. Can I even get prepared in less than 20 days? :confused3
Yes you can. :) If you are feeling sluggish, you might feel more out of shape than you really are. Drink some coffee or whatever caffeinated beverage you prefer and set yourself a small goal everyday - start with just walking down the block or your street and go up from there.
Maybe some walking at a local mall would help you?

You could also try designing your trip so that you have an opportunity to take frequent breaks. There is nothing wrong with doing Disney at a slow pace. Don't be so hard on yourself:hug:
Maybe some walking at a local mall would help you?

You could also try designing your trip so that you have an opportunity to take frequent breaks. There is nothing wrong with doing Disney at a slow pace. Don't be so hard on yourself:hug:

This is good advice. There is nothing wrong with going through the theme parks at your own pace.
Hey :)

The medicine isn't going to stop making you feel sluggish just cause you're at wdw. I would schedule breaks and take it easy this trip. Enjoy :)
Thanks, guys. :) I think we're definitely going to go at a different pace for this trip. The kids are old enough to go out on their own and it'll just be hubby and me walking around the parks. I just haven't walked in SO so long.

We are going to WDW in less than 20 days and I have done NOTHING to prepare myself physically. No walking, no exercising, nothing. I'm on new meds that make me feel rather sluggish, which is part of the reason, but also I just have absolutely no motivation. I know in my mind that I'm going to get there and all that walking is going to kick me in the butt.

Help, DIS friends! I am soooo out of shape. Can I even get prepared in less than 20 days? :confused3

Yes you can, NO you won't run a marathon, but 20 days of walking will most most definitely improve your ability to walk. I say go for it, do you have a treadmill or a membership to a gym? If not how about a walk around the neighborhood or a mall.

I can't help you with the motivation, if you find some let me know and maybe I can pick some up.

Just don't kill yourself at WDW, take it slow. I know I had some surgery last year and it has really kicked my butt, I weigh more now than ever and I am more out of shape than ever, but I bet being at WDW will give you some adrenalin. I know it did me.

Have a great time, This is the best time to go. All the decorations, take your time and really enjoy everything. Also maybe take a brake and hotel hop and look at all the decorations, it is so beautiful.
I think you can make things better in 20 days.

Believe me, I know the lack of motivation feeling. I think you should do some moderate walking up until your trip. If nothing else, it will get your legs limbered up and accustomed to some activity.
Just do it!! :)

20 days is close to 4 weeks (well, if there was 5 days in a week, lol) but you can walk a little each day and by day 20, you'll feel much better and more prepared to walk around the parks. When we were there in August we averaged about 11-14 miles a day. That was at a slow pace because even though DH is a marathon runner, he walks slow around WDW! lol I was amazed at how much we walked (it was just he and I) and we took huge afternoon breaks and went to the pool.

Your motivation? YOU are going to WDW! That's all the motivation you need! :D Maybe I'll see you there!
Hey Mushy, I agree that there is no substitute for getting up off one's keister and walking or being more active.

I know!!! When I am out of shape, I am out of shape...
And, I've been off my feet with a stress fracture or some problem with my foot for months... :mad:

I am posting because I am concerned about how you mentioned that perhaps meds were making you sluggish. I am just one who is very wary of meds and their side effects. So, I just wanted to say that I would take that very seriously. Look at alternatives, etc...

But, anyhow, get up and move that body...
WDW awaits!!!! :banana:


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