I had a breakdown yesterday.


<marquee><font color=blue>Future Mrs. Ryan Seacres
Nov 22, 2007
I cried.
I threw stuff.
I slammed doors.
I screamed.

I need to get my pain out.

I have no support, what so ever.

I have dreams. Wild dreams. Dreams that will be with me forever, I know it.

I told my dad ALL of my dreams yesterday. They just, spilled.
Do you know what he said?

'It's okay too dream. But this dream of yours will turn you into a nobody if you persue it.'

My mom doesn't care at all.
I have no one.
At all.

No friends, because I know they will laugh.

I just need someone to help me.
I pray.
I prayed all night yesterday, asking God to take me away from this place.
I pray at school, wishing my problems would go away.

I just need some help.
But nobody can help me.


This dream of mine, will NEVER, ever, go away.
I need someone to HELP me!

I need to scream.

I have one real wish.
I wish, that my world will shatter into a new one. All my dreams will come true, and I stop hurting myself and others.

Dreaming hurts me. Because know one cares, and no one will help me.
They won't come true.

Blah, I'm so annoyed.
I'm so sorry.
I'll pray. :grouphug:
Your name is Cassidy I'm guessing. I'm Katie.
Just follow your dreams.
sometimes the dreams that come true are the ones you never even knew you had. don't narrow your life down to one pathway. just live and let life at you as it comes. don't get hung up over one thing you think you HAVE to do. everything will fall into place the way its meant to. and its not that your dad doesn't care, he only wants you to be successful.
That's awful.
But you know that you have us here, and you can scream and whatever you need to here. My PM box is always open, by the way.
:hug:In my opinion, your parents should be a bit more supportive, and if you think that your friends will laugh at your dreams, then maybe they aren't your real friends at all.


First of all...:hug:

Everything will work out. I promise. However it may be in a way that you're not expecting it to.

You'll be just fine! I know these times in middle school are the worst and alot of people get to be in their lowest of lows.

Do you have a pastor/counselor to talk to about this?

Firstly, I agree with Shelby. Slow down chicka, you're like what 12-13? Chill pills are in need - you've got the rest of your life to fulfill this dream. You can say "No, I want it NOW!", but guess what? Stop wanting your life away, and live in what you have.

Take it easy.
Im so sorry. :(

You know what my dad said to me a couple of days ago?
Your not good enough to be a dancer at disney hannah, you should try to be snow white or that little mermaid thing.
I still have five freaking years to practise and shiz and he still says im not good enough. *makes hitting motion*

I dont even look like either of them!
What is this!
Youd think your parents would support you a little bit

so i feel your pain.

aww, im sorry :flower3:
i would love to hear about your dreams,
if you would like to share them.
Whoah Cassidy.
That was intense, you put your body and soul into typing that.
I love your courage, and you ALWAYS have you bud Sean<3
Cassidy, you're only 12? 13?, you have your entire life ahead of you. If this is a dream you REALLY want, you will calm down, relax, and use this time to practice. You want to be a singer right? Your voice isn't even close to being fully developed.

Your dad is just trying to protect you. Do you know how many people go out to LA every year with the dream to be famous? Tons and tons.

Seriously, do you want your parents to spend every speck of money they have just so you can have what you want RIGHT NOW, because you're too impatient to wait? It's selfish, Cassidy.

Let me tell you, every single person on the planet has big dreams. But the difference between you and them, is they know they have to wait.

The best things in life come when you weren't even expecting it.
i am sure everything will work out.
i have some pretty big dreams for myself too.
and i know i won't give them up either.
but, i just have to work for the things i want.
just work your hardest and you never know where you'll end up.
You'll be okay. If anyone says your dreams won't come true just think of all of the Disney songs talking about your dreams coming true. Listen to those not other people. And you have a one in a million shot that they will come true. But you could be that one. You can always pm me if you need to.
Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. -Thomas Jefferson.

Even if your parents and friends don't support you, if you believe in your dreams hard enough, they can come true. Then your parents will eat their words.

You know, it's good that you have dreams. But, and this isn't out of mean-ness, just reality based, people's dreams don't always come true. Life doesn't have some sugar-coated ending to it. I found that out pretty quickly myself. You will be successful in whatever you decide to pursue. Take life one day at a time and everything will fall into place. That's what I'm hoping will happen for me.
First off, I'm very sorry that no one respects your dreams and encourages you to pursue them. But you don't need other people's approval to follow a certain path. Support is nice, yes, but not necessary.

It sounds like you want other people to take you seriously, and I don't think throwing a temper tantrum is the way to make that happen.
Cassidy, you're only 12? 13?, you have your entire life ahead of you. If this is a dream you REALLY want, you will calm down, relax, and use this time to practice. You want to be a singer right? Your voice isn't even close to being fully developed.

Your dad is just trying to protect you. Do you know how many people go out to LA every year with the dream to be famous? Tons and tons.

Seriously, do you want your parents to spend every speck of money they have just so you can have what you want RIGHT NOW, because you're too impatient to wait? It's selfish, Cassidy.

Let me tell you, every single person on the planet has big dreams. But the difference between you and them, is they know they have to wait.

The best things in life come when you weren't even expecting it.

Thank you for taking my words. ;) :goodvibes I couldn't agree more.



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