"I Beat the Refrigerator into Submission"...Wait, What?--an Oct.14 TR*FINISHED 4/9*

Day 4: Sunday October 5th, 2014 (MNSSHP)

Hey y’all! :wave: I’m sorry it’s been so long since I last updated this TR. Let’s see, when I left off, we were headed to bed after a late night at MK.
This next morning we slept in until about 10. I know I know, that’s pretty much unheard of for us, but after the late night we all had, we needed the sleep. But once Mom and I woke up, we were in desperate need of some caffeine,:scared1: so we grabbed our mugs and hurried down to the food court. Once we made it back to the room, it was time to start getting ready for our ADR.

We were on a MK bus by 1, leaving us plenty of time to make it to our 2 PM ADR. Once at MK, we hopped on the monorail to Poly, because our ADR was at….Kona Café! Mom and I ate here in January 2013, and we loved it, so we knew the boys had to go. :woohoo:

Mom and I shared sticky wings and beef satay. Dad and DLB shared sticky wings and each of them got their own island chicken sandwich.

Everything was delicious as usual! :thumbsup2:cool1: After lunch, we still had some time to kill, so we decided to wander around the gift shop. I ended up buying a pair of earrings. Dad and DLB decided they wanted pineapple dole whips, so while they got their desserts, Mom and I found the bathroom so that I could change. Because tonight, I was…

Minnie Mouse! ::MinnieMo

Once the boys were done with their dole whips, we took the monorail back to MK. Upon our arrival we got our MNSSHP armbands and headed into the park. :banana:

I would just like to point out that my gloves probably lasted all of five minutes. :confused3 It was just too hot for that nonsense! :rotfl:We had a FP+ for Pirates, so we headed that way. Not gonna lie, I had a little bit of anxiety on that ride, considering I had just gotten stuck the night before. But we made it through without a debacle, so everything was all good. :thumbsup2

DLB wanted to ride Buzz next (shocker:lmao:), so that’s where we went. It was on this ride that Dad goes “Yeah! I got 484,000 points!” And then we hear DLB say, “Dad, that’s 48,400 points.” It was pretty funny, to be honest. :rotfl: Sorry Dad!

After Buzz, Dad and I had FP+ for Space Mountain, so away we went! Space is one of my favorites, so I was pretty happy about this one. Unfortunately, I really have no idea what Mom and DLB did while we rode. Oh well! Because I didn’t want to ride in the front (which, now that I think about it, was kind of ridiculous) I rode in the back of one car and Dad was right behind me in the front of another.

It's pretty obvious I was NOT ready for this picture.

And neither was Dad. :rotfl2:

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After Space, we met up with Mom and DLB to use our FP+ for Under the Sea. I love this ride and all the details in it! :fish:

"Those poor unfortunate souls!"

And they all lived happily ever after. . .

After UtSVotLM (well THAT’S a mouthful :rotfl:), it was getting close to time for the party to start. Mom and I went and jumped in line for the 7 Dwarfs M&G while the boys went to try to get FP+ for who-knows-what. Our time in the line passed by fairly quickly, and once the party actually started, the line moved FAST. I was actually quite surprised. :thumbsup2

I had to get down on my knees because the CM told me I was blocking the dwarf behind me (I think it was Sneezy). Anyways. . .From there, Mom and I went to get in line to meet Jane, Tarzan, and Terk. Again, I have no idea what the boys did (hmmm, maybe I should’ve asked more questions :confused3)

This line was actually a little frustrating. We got in the line, but as soon as we were a couple people away from the front, Jane and Tarzan went in for a break while Terk stayed out to do M&Gs. I felt kind of bad for Terk, because nobody wanted to meet just him. Eventually, though, Jane and Tarzan came back out.:banana:

When I got to the front of the line, I’m pretty sure I was grinning like an idiot. This was probably the M&G I was looking forward to the most. Terk even start dancing with me! :dance3:

As much as I wanted Jane and Tarzan’s signatures on my shoes, I knew Terk couldn’t sign them. I didn’t want him to feel left out, so I just didn’t get any of them. :(

After this fabulous M&G, we rushed to meet the boys to try to get a spot for the first parade. Ha. Ha. Just kidding! There was literally a wall of people in the Hub. :confused: :scared1:There was NO WAY we could see anything. So instead, we went over to HM to get the magic shots we’d read so much about.

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How wonderful that you made it quickly through the dwarves line. I hear that can get really long.

Sleeping late this day was probably a good idea. I'm guessing you enjoyed your evening more than you would have if you had gotten up early.:thumbsup2
Then we went stake out a spot for the fireworks and the next parade. We actually had a pretty good seat, much to my surprise. Celebrate the Magic has changed since the last time I saw it, and Mom and I both teared up, for sure! It’s such an amazing display! “And I can only hope that we never lose sight of one thing: that it was all started with a mouse.” :love::sad:pixiedust:

Then it was time for HalloWishes!!! :banana::jumping1:

Once the fireworks were over, Dad, DLB, and I went down to the Main Street Bakery while Mom kept our spots. We got Halloween cupcakes and brought one back to Mom, too. popcorn:: YUM! They were really good! :woohoo:

We ate our cupcakes while we waited for the parade to start. There was a little boy sitting in his stroller behind us, just talking Mom's ear off. He kept saying "Raise your hand if..." and would fill in the ... with something random. It was adorable & hysterical!

Finally, it was time!

Some of the pictures came out better than others...Honestly, I was too focused on watching to take very many.

After the parade, Mom, DLB, and I went to meet Lotso in Tomorrowland, while Dad went to try to find some real food.

After the M&G, DLB wanted to ride Buzz, and there was literally no one around, so we did. After our ride, I really wanted a frozen blue raspberry drink from the Lunching Pad. So I went and got one. SO GOOD!

Dad texted us to tell us he was in Cosmic Rays. Of course, we found him in a back corner somewhere. :confused3 Way to make it easy to find you, Dad. :rolleyes2

Mom wanted HM to be the last thing we did, so once Dad was done eating, that's where we headed.

Okay, I think the CMs that work HM during Halloween have way too much fun with that job. Some of them were down-right scary! :scared1:

After HM, we made our way up to the front of the park. There must have been a million and one people at the Pop bus stop! But finally, we made it onto the third bus. When we got back to our room, I crashed...HARD.

All in all, our first MNSSHP experience was pretty fun. There were A LOT more people there than we expected there to be, and that caused for some stress. But I still had fun, and I think my family did too!

*Up next: EPCOT*

I love the Minnie Mouse costume. Such a cute dress!

I agree with you on the details with Little Mermaid - it really is so incredible!

I love the picture of you dancing with Terk. So cute!

The pictures of Celebrate the Magic, HalloWishes, and the parade are great. I also tear up at Celebrate the Magic, it's so amazing! So no judgement on that one here.

I love your mom's idea of doing HM last ... definitely a very Halloween-appropriate choice!

I'm glad to hear you enjoyed MNSSHP. I hope you get to do it again some time in the future!
How wonderful that you made it quickly through the dwarves line. I hear that can get really long.

Sleeping late this day was probably a good idea. I'm guessing you enjoyed your evening more than you would have if you had gotten up early.:thumbsup2

I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly the line moved. We did a lot of reading before we went, so we knew to get in line around 5:45. I actually think it was closer to 6 when we got in line.

Absolutely! I probably never would have made it all the way to the end of the party if we hadn't slept in.
I love the Minnie Mouse costume. Such a cute dress!

I agree with you on the details with Little Mermaid - it really is so incredible!

I love the picture of you dancing with Terk. So cute!

The pictures of Celebrate the Magic, HalloWishes, and the parade are great. I also tear up at Celebrate the Magic, it's so amazing! So no judgement on that one here.

I love your mom's idea of doing HM last ... definitely a very Halloween-appropriate choice!

I'm glad to hear you enjoyed MNSSHP. I hope you get to do it again some time in the future!

Thanks! That dress is actually a dance costume from last year; it worked perfectly! Celebrate the Magic is one of those things that I can just watch over and over and cry every time!

I had a great time; it was definitely different from being in the park on a normal day. Unfortunately, I don't get to go back to WDW until my graduation trip, so I don't know when I'll get to do MNSSHP again.
Day 5: Monday, October 6th, 2014 (Epcot)

So originally, our plan had been to go to Typhoon Lagoon this day. But, after checking the weather forecast, we decided it would be better to wait until later, when it would be warmer. So, off to Epcot we went! We’d already planned to come to Epcot after TL, so we didn’t have to worry about changing FP+.:thumbsup2:cool1:

We were on board an Epcot-bound bus by 10:30 that morning (yes, we slept in again:confused3). We started our day off with a PP stop in front of Spaceship Earth.

After our picture, we began making our way toward WS. As we walked, a little boy who was probably about 4 or so ran past us.:duck: His grandmother was chasing him, yelling “Stop that little boy!” Someone finally heard her and stopped him. She caught up to him and made him sit down on the bench. It was all quite dramatic:eek:, but I was glad someone had stopped him before he got too far away from her.

We spent more time in WS this trip than we ever have because of F&W. Our first stop was Australia. We got lamb chops and shrimp. I’m not a fan of shrimp, so I didn’t eat any of that, but Dad said it was good. I do know that that lamb chop was REALLY good.:bitelip:

We moved on to Mexico and got rib-eye tacos. It was at this point that we realized we hadn’t picked up passports to get stamped at each booth we visited. Dad ran back to get some, so Mom, DLB and I went into the pavilion and rode the Three Caballeros. Then we met back up with Dad and continued eating around the world.

The Farm Fresh booth was next, and Mom wanted to try the hash and yard bird. I don’t remember if I tried any of that or not. China was next. I think this was in China (I honestly can’t remember though; anyone know for sure?)

I wanted to meet Mulan, and the boys wanted Chinese food, so we split up.
Mulan was so adorable! I got her to sign my shoe, too.

Up next was Poland, where we got kielbasa. If I remember correctly, this was really good too. Italy was next, which was the probably one of my favorites. That ravioli was SO GOOD.:worship: We also stopped for some PP.

This is one of my favorite pictures from the whole trip. :)

We decided to stick around to see the mime. He was pretty funny, and I was kinda surprised we’d never seen him before.

We walked through Japan next, and DLB wanted to do an Agent P Mission. We started talking to the CM to get our instructions. She looks and me and Mom and asks, “Which one of you two is older?” :rotfl:We all burst into laughter and inform her that Mom is, in fact, my mom. I felt a little bad for laughing, because she was obviously embarrassed, but it was just so funny! Now, this is not the first time someone has thought Mom and I were sisters,:hug: but we’ve never had someone ask which one of us was older!:rotfl2:

The Agent P Mission was pretty cool and a whole lot more detailed than I remember the Kim Possible ones being. We ended up here at some point.

And this was somewhere along the way (I think the very end)

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After we completed our mission, we moved on to Belgium. This was one of my favorites, too. We got a Belgian waffle with chocolate and a potato leek waffle. Both were delicious!

Up next was the Desserts and Champagne booth, and I wanted a frozen smore’s. So DLB and Dad stopped somewhere else while Mom and I went to get our desserts. I couldn’t eat whatever it was Mom got because of my allergies, but my frozen smore’s was yummy! I even had a British guy stop me and ask me where I got it. I don’t know what it is about British accents, but they always make me grin like an idiot! :cloud9:
We stopped to see the acrobats in France (?). This show always gives me anxiety.

PP stop!

Selfies while we waited for the show…DLB was being difficult.


Once we had sufficiently stuffed ourselves and watched the acrobats, it was time for our 3:30 FP+ for the Seas with Nemo and Friends.
I think this was the first time ever that we rode Nemo and didn’t do Turtle Talk with Crush. But we did walk around and look at the animals for a little bit.
I like dolphins, dolphins are my favorite. ;) (I'd like to think that this was funny, but I'm not actually sure :confused3)

From there, we walked over to the Land; we had a 4:30 FP+ for Soarin’! After our trip through the skies of California, Dad, DLB, and Mom got drinks at Seasons. I got one at a cart outside so that I could get a bottle. At this point, DLB had a migraine. :worried: Mom said she’d sit with him while Dad and I went to ride Livin with the Land. Then the parents traded off, and Mom took me over to Mouse Gears. Dad and DLB came in there a few minutes later and said they were headed back to Pop.
I wandered around MG for a few more minutes and spotted it. A WDW varsity jacket. Now, I have this weird obsession with varsity/letterman jackets. I don’t know why, but I do. But, I was trying to be responsible, so I didn’t buy it right then. I knew we’d be back, AND we were going to DTD the next day, so I would have other opportunities.

Mom and I wandered over the Innoventions building for our Visa photo-op. This was the first time I can remember there being 2 characters back there!

Then we went over to Journey into Imagination. This is such a cute ride, and I love little Figment.

After our ride, we had a 7:30 FP+ for the character spot.

I’m in love with this picture!:love:

Minnie is Mom’s bestie. ;)

After our M&G with our favorite pals, we decided to head out. We stopped for a PP just before we left.

We took a bus to AoA instead of Pop so that we could get something different for dinner. Mom and I ate our make-your-own pasta there, and we brought some back to the room for the boys.

We were out like lights by 11:30 that night.

Day 6: Tuesday October 7th, 2014 (DTD)

Wow. It's been 3 months since I've updated this TR. I hadn't realized my life had gotten that crazy. My humblest apologies. Now, let's get back to it!

When I last left off, we'd spent the day in Epcot. The next morning, we slept in (sort of). When everyone started moving, Mom and Dad walked down to the food court to refill our mugs. Then we hopped on a bus to DTD!

We got to DTD and went straight to WPE for lunch around 12:30. I didn't make any notes of what we ate; SORRY:oops:


Lunchtime selfies! DLB didn't want to participate:confused3

We love "Wolfie's"!!


After lunch we made our way down to Disney Quest. Normally, I don't do very much at DQ, but I actually had a lot of fun this time. I think the Astroblasters was my fave, but too many times on it can make you really dizzy!

There's no such thing as a normal picture with this bunch:rotfl2:IMG_9921a.jpg

We even made a new friend


Mom and I took an Animation Academy class, too. This time we were learning to draw... MINNIE!::MinnieMo::MinnieMo

My drawing (above)

And Mom's (below)


Not too shabby!

After a few hours at DQ (does that abbreviation make anyone else think of Dairy Queen?), we headed back to DTD Proper and specifically to my favorite part of DTD: The World of Disney!princess: I could spend hours and hours wandering around this store!

This time, I bought a few new charms for the bracelet I started in Jan. 2013. And the WDW letterman jacket I had seen in Epcot last night (spoiler alert: I'm obsessed with that jacket and wore it all winter)

I was sorely tempted to buy a Simba pillow pet,:simba: but I also had a budget I intended to keep. So I took a picture instead, and kept going.


Ever since I was a little girl, I've always loved taking pictures with the princesses outside World of Disney.princess: There were a lot of people though, so I only got a picture with Aurora.


After World of Disney, we visited Mickey's Pantry and the Pin Store.

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We'd had our fill of DTD for the day. We hopped on a bus to the Boardwalk to try to find something to eat.

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Because we hadn't made any ADRs for dinner, we knew that wherever we went would probably have a wait, but we were okay with that. We eventually decided on Big River and actually didn't have to wait very long if my memory serves me correctly.


I don't remember exactly what I got, but I know I had a burger of some kind and it was AMAZING!:woohoo:

We wandered around the Boardwalk a bit and watched a few street performers.

We decided to get dessert to take back to the hotel, so we headed down to the bakery. Mom got a chocolate peanut butter cake bar, I got an oreo cupcake, Dad got a strawberry cupcake, and DLB got a cinnamon roll.

Since it was cool enough that we weren't worried about the icing melting, we walked over to Fantasia Mini Golf. I have to say, I absolutely loved this course!


I even got a hole in one!

Because I'm a dancer, I loved all the dancing statues!

The boys decided it would be funny to mock me.

Although this is one of my fave pictures from the whole trip:laughing:

We love Sorcerer Mickey!:smickey:


Dad won the game...as usual. One of these days, we'll come up with a handicap that will level the playing field. :crutches::scratchin

We ended up taking a cab back to Pop just to save time. When we got back to the room, we ate our desserts and went to bed.

Day 7: Wednesday, October 8th, 2014 (Typhoon Lagoon & Epcot)

Since we'd had to change our plans to go to Typhoon Lagoon on Monday, we decided to go today. And we were glad we did. The weather was a whole lot better for a water park today than it had been on Monday! :sail::beach:

We made it to TL at about 9:45 am. We rode the family raft first. Then singles. Then storm slides.

At this point we were pretty underwhelmed by TL. There weren't any PP photographers like there were at BB, and the slides were pretty tame. We came to the conclusion that TL is better for families with little kids.

We saved the wave pool and the water coaster for last. Crush n' Gusher (the water coaster) was really fun! There are 3 different "tracks" and we probably rode about 12 times (not an exaggeration):laughing:

The waves in that wave pool are GIGANTIC! I got knocked off my feet more than once. A little boy I didn't know latched onto me at some point to keep from floating away!:laughing::laughing:

By then we were ready to eat. We walked over to the Leaning Palm for lunch. Mom and Dad got chicken sandwiches, I got cheese pizza, and DLB got a BBQ sandwich. It was all pretty good and filling.

After we ate, we took a bus back to Pop. Or rather, we took a bus to Epcot and then to Pop. We all took showers and got ready for an evening in Epcot!
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We were in Epcot in time to use our 5:30 FP+ for the Character Spot.



Brothers reunited!:rotfl2:



After the Character Spot, we headed over to Club Cool. At this point I know better than to let DLB trick me into trying some of those. Nice try, bro! :laughing::lmao:

We picked back up where we left off in WS to finish eating our way around the world. We got braised short ribs in France and filet mignon in Canada that were YUMMY! Then we decided to go back and get repeats of our favorites from Monday. We got frozen s'mores and ravioli. YUM-O!

At some point along the way we stopped to take these magic shots.
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Then it was time for our 7:55 FP+ for Test Track. This was actually only the second time I've ever ridden this.

After TT, Mom and I went outside to find a spot to watch Illuminations. We found and empty bench and parked it. It was great until...a lady came and sat on my foot. :scared::earseek:

Our view from our bench.

After Illuminations, we took advantage of the EMH. Soarin's stand by was only 10 minutes, so you can bet we jumped at that chance! After that, we did Livin with the Land since Mom and DLB hadn't gotten to the other day. Then, as is tradition, we ended with Spaceship Earth on our way out.

Then, we took the bus back to Pop and headed to DreamLand.

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Day 8: Thursday, October 9th, 2014 (SeaWorld)

Since we were going off property today, we had to rent a car. We met the shuttle that would take us to the Wyndham at 8:30 this morning. While Dad went to the rental car counter, Mom printed off our SeaWorld tickets at the business center. We got the car, and we were off!

It really didn't take very long to get to SW:fish:. We were all really excited; I hadn't been since my very first trip to WDW back in 2003, and DLB had never been. We made it in time for the Blue Horizons show at 10 am.

Can I just say: I LOVE DOLPHINS! (If only there was a dolphin smilie). I really don't know why they fascinate me so much, but they always have. So I was super excited for this show. I'll refrain from posting the hundreds of pictures we took and only include a few;)



I could've lived without the birds flying over my head:duck:, but other than that I LOVED it!


After Blue Horizons, Dad went to ride Manta. Since he's the only one into big coasters like that, Mom, DLB, and I went to the Pets Ahoy show at 10:45.:dog2::cat:


This was really cute! It was hard to take pictures, though, because it was kind of dark and the animals were moving pretty fast.

After Pets Ahoy, we went to meet Dad at One Ocean for the noon show.




I think Baby Shamu was my favoriteIMG_0078a.jpg

After One Ocean, we were all pretty hungry. We went over the Voyagers for lunch. I have no idea what we got, though. Sometimes I make note of what we ate, sometimes I don't.:confused3

After lunch, we headed over to Antarctica: Empire of the Penguin.

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This was really cool. We picked the milder ride because we knew neither Mom nor I handle excessive spinning very well. The ride follows the story of a particular penguin and at the end you get to see..

live penguins!



After we finished watching the penguins play, we walked over to the dolphin observation. We didn't pay to feed the dolphins but we could still get close.




From the dolphins we moved on to sea turtles and alligators.




Dad wanted to ride the Kracken, and DLB & I wanted to look at the dolphins some more, so we split up. While Dad went to ride, we walked down to the underwater dolphin observation. Dad came back pretty quickly; the Kracken was closed.

Someone had dropped their sunglasses into the dolphin habitat, and the dolphins were playing keep away with them! It was pretty hysterical.

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At this point, we were ready to go. We stopped to take a picture on our way out.


We had a coupon for a free round of mini golf at Winter Summerland if we got there before 4, so we hurried.

We made it!





I'm pretty sure Dad won...as usual.

After our game, we drove to the thing everyone had been looking forward to all day long...

Sweet Tomatoes.

We discovered this delightful restaurant on our June 2012 trip. It's amazing!!!

After dinner, we took the car back to the Wyndham, and then walked to the DTD bus stops to catch the bus back to Pop. We were pretty worn out, and a little kid on the bus decided to serenade us to sleep.


Just like that.

When we got back to the room we hung out and played cards for a couple hours before turning in for the night.party:


Hey there! I hope everyone is having a wonderful Easter! Now, on with the show!

Day 9: Friday, October 10th, 2014 (AK)

This morning there were morning EMH at AK, so we made sure we were at the park before 8. As soon as the rope dropped, we went straight to the Safari, stopping only for a PP.


Then, on to our Safari adventure! There were a lot of animals out, but I'll only post a few pictures since I know most -- if not all -- of you have been on a safari in AK.



After our safari, we wandered along the discovery path and looked at some gorillas...and apparently didn't take any pictures of them:confused3

Then we walked over to the Tree of Life to see It's Tough to be a Bug... I'd forgotten how much I really despise this show. I don't do bugs -- even fake ones -- very well at all. I'm pretty sure I sat in a wall sit position the entire time to avoid feeling any creepy crawlies under me. *shudders*

Afterward, it was time for our 10:10 ADR at Tusker House!:thumbsup2:banana:


In this situation, I was glad the chef came out to talk to me because there were a few things that had coconut in/on them that I wouldn't have guessed. :sick:

Donald came around for a visit first.


Next was Daisy. DLB didn't want to take a picture with a girl. :sad2:

Then came Mickey:mickeyjum


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And last but not least was Goofy! :goofy:

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We absolutely love Tusker House breakfast and this morning did not disappoint!

From breakfast we moved on to one of the must dos on my list: meet Pocahontas. In all the times I've been in WDW, I've never done this.


Another signature on my shoes!:thumbsup2

After my M&G, it was time for our 11:30 FP+ for Dinosaur!

Don't we look absolutely terrified?

From there, it was time for our 12:30 FP+. Dad and I heaved to EE, while Mom and DLB headed to Kali River Rapids. This was my first time riding EE, so I was a little bit nervous but primarily excited.
I look like I'm screaming bloody murder, right? Yup, that's exactly what I'm doing.:scared1:
Dad and I were done about 15 minutes after our FP+ time, if even that. We knew Mom and DLB wouldn't be done at KRR yet, so we stopped for some PP.



Then Mom called me and said they would meet us at the jungle trek. It was time for our 2:00 FP+ for FotLK! :simba:


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FotLK is one my absolute fave shows in all of WDW!! From one favorite to the next, we hurried over to Finding Nemo the Musical just in time for the 3:00 show.




Once the show was over, DLB and Dad were done for the day. I still had a couple characters I wanted to meet, so Mom and I stayed in the park while the boys headed back to Pop. But first, we stopped for some family photos.


Once the boys left, Mom and I took the train out to Rafiki's Planet Watch. I was finally going to meet Rafiki!


Everything I had read and all the CMs we talked to said Chip and Dale were outside at Rafiki's Planet Watch. We wandered around looking for them for a good half hour before finally giving up. I wasn't too terribly disappointed because I've gotten pictures with them before, though. So we took the train back to the mainland to head out of the park.

On our way toward the gate, we heard someone calling our names. We turn around and saw friends from home! One of the girls on my dance team was in WDW with her family at the same time we were. We stood and chatted for a few minutes, took a picture, and then parted ways.

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I made Mom stop for a couple more pictures on our way out.
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And then, we saw him. Frankie Grande. As in:


Now, I had no idea who he was before he was on Big Brother, but we certainly knew who he was today. But we didn't realize it fast enough or we totally would have gotten a picture. (*spoiler alert* I was on the lookout for the rest of our trip but never saw him again)

This is what Mom and I sent to my aunt and cousins:

We kicked ourselves for the entire bus ride back to Pop for not going after him to take a picture. When we got back to the room, Dad agreed to take me over to AoA to take some pictures and maybe get dinner.





We ended up heading back to Pop and ordering pizza to take back to the room for dinner. We ate and then crashed, dreading what we knew was coming tomorrow: our last day in WDW.:sad::sad:


Day 10: Saturday, October 11th, 2014 (MK)

When we woke up the next morning, Mom and I tried not to think about the fact that today was our least favorite day of the whole trip: our last day.:sad: But we were determined to make the most of it. So we got up, ate cold pizza for breakfast, and got ready to go. DLB wasn't really moving yet, so Mom told Dad and me to go on to MK. So we did.

As soon as we got to the park, we headed straight to BTMRR, one of our favorites.
From there, we headed back to the front of the park, where I knew Aurora was doing M&G. princess:I had tried multiple times to see her this trip, and I was determined to get that signature on my shoes! And I did.
She asked me if my ears were used for storing pixie dust, which I thought was just adorable! Since Snow White's M&G was just across Main Street from where we were, we headed over that way. Unfortunately for me, her line was already closed. So instead, Dad and I stopped for some PP.

You can't really see the castle because of the parade going on, but that's okay.

SIDE NOTE: Did anyone else see the April Fools' Day post about Cinderella's Castle changing to Elsa's Ice Palace?? Even though I knew it had to be a prank, I was still a little bit scared until I read for sure that it was just a joke. I love Frozen, but that would be just too much.

Anyway, back to the TR.
I made Dad stop for a picture in front of Cinderella's fountain on our way to meet Mom and DLB and Princess Fairytale Hall.

We stopped at the Friar's Nook for some water, because it was HOT. If I remember correctly, this was the hottest day of the whole trip. We met up with Mom and DLB, and Mom and I hopped in line for our 1:00 FP+ for Anna and Elsa's M&G!!

We seriously only waited like 15 minutes. And I absolutely adored this character encounter! These two were just...perfect!
Elsa loved my shirt, so we posed like it.

I absolutely LOVE this picture!

After the M&G, we found the boys and headed over to Mickey's Philharmagic, which is a family favorite.:smickey:
After turning in our "opry glasses", DLB and Dad decided to have a go and pulling the sword from the stone.
But, they were unsuccessful. I guess neither of them is the rightful king.:upsidedow

Then, it was time for our 2:05 FP+ for 7DMT! :banana: We scanned our MBs, made it to right in front of the second turnstile...and then the ride shut down. We decided to wait it out, because we didn't want to waste our FP. After about half an hour, they got the ride running again, and we were good to go.
We were in the very back this time, which was really fun!


*continued in next post*



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