How would you handle this family problem?


Earning My Ears
Sep 15, 2014
I am a long standing poster here but I've created this account to ask this as it's a bit close to home and in the past other posts have been found. How do you handle people who criticize your children or the way you parent? I don't mean in terms of a difference of lifestyles or that one kid is a swimmer and the other kid isn't, I mean when it's absolutely personal and it comes from an immediate person in your family? This person is extremely passive aggressive, we all know it and it's been an ongoing problem for months now but when it's about your kids, do you just brush it off like they do when they criticize you? I feel like by swallowing the accusations, assumptions and blatant lies and just keeping quiet for an easy life, it gives them the right to keep doing it. If I say anything I know it will explode and I don't want that for anyone, especially the kids because they all love each other. I just feel like I've been pushed and pushed and that I don't know how much more I can take. To explain again, I don't mean just a difference of parenting styles, this was a definitive "you are useless, clueless and do it wrong" type situation while verbally bad mouthing my kids. But it's ok ya know, because family can do that?

I am shocked, hurt and angry. Am I alone or do y'all also struggle with the balance of keeping the peace without wanting to be walked all over?
While no kids of my own, my parents never put up with that. And neither will I. Now I'm not sure if you were referring to behavior, education etc, but if you as a parent to YOUR children are okay with what ever they are critiquing you about, it's time to end the relationship with the other family. It sucks for the children, but in my experience children begin parroting their parents. Which can lead to teasing self esteem issues etc. Personally I think adults should keep their mouths shut, (especially concerning others' children) but hey, one can dream right? And my parents have turned away aunts and uncles who talked down to my siblings and I. No family member should bully another, and no one should have to deal with a sibling/aunt/ect. Critiquing how one raises their own children.
I would not and could not tolerate that. And this comes from someone who has to do things a bit differently parenting wise due to challenges my children have. Even if I don’t agree with something someone does (family or friend or whatever) I have enough respect for them as an adult not to act up as long as the child(ren) is not in danger. If I have to or choose to say anything I do it with respect and I expect the same from others.

Telling someone they are clueless and doing it wrong is disrespectful.

I recently visited my sister and nieces. One of my nieces is pregnant with her 2nd child. Her two children will be 2 years apart and sharing a room. Her SO feels they should give away some of the first child’s toys to make more space in the room. She refuses saying she won’t have her first child short-changed because of the 2nd child. She wants him to get a 2nd job so they can get a bigger place. Now my first thought was “she has no clue how her home will end up overrun with toys if she goes this route and telling her SO to get a 2nd job instead of getting rid of a few toys when she hasn’t worked outside the house is selfish and her attitude could damage their relationship”. However, as young as she is, she is an adult. I am also not her mother. I simply (repeating what her mother said) asked her to consider how the toy supply could get out of control if she doesn’t get a handle on it before the 2nd child is born. I used myself as an example as I have to do this and my two are almost 7 years apart and do not share a room. I also mentioned how she won’t get much help parenting wise if daddy has 2 jobs and how things could go financially if they get a bigger place before they are really ready for one.
Without specifics, I don't know if I can comment. I will say that I am a bit of a know it all which certain things having to do with my nephew. He will be 4 next month, still sleeps in his parents' bed (they have coslept since infancy and he has never spent a single night in his own bed) and more disturbingly he still NURSES. He is almost tall enough to stand and suckle. Its just creepy. I tell my sister this whenever I see it. I probably should not since it is her child and her choices, but I just can't keep my mouth shut. Now I will say that I do not make comments in front of the boy since that is just wrong to do that to him.
I am currently pregnant with twins and i know there are a lot of things that I will do that she will not approve of (we have already discussed some of my plans and she has told me how "wrong" they are), but I don't let it bother me. If the things that are being said about your parenting are causing a rift, perhaps you should attempt to sit down with the people making the comments and see what the issue is.
Everyone has opinions, for me personally I would just not have that person in my life. There will always be people who have judgements for anything you do (homeschool/private/public) (bottle/breast) (vegan/hunter) (pacifier/non pacifier) and the list goes on and on and on. Heck in my short time on these boards I've seen some pretty heated debates on strollers. The reality is you live your life, no one else does, no one else knows what it takes to get through a day in YOUR life. If someone has an opinion then it's just that. You say it makes for an easy life, but it isn't if it affects you. Usually if someone makes a comment about a decision we have made, I just quickly squash it. If that person continues then I don't answer the phone/hang out ect....with them. My family/friends learned pretty quickly that we are confident in our decisions and so an opinion is often met with "that's a great idea, next time you want to buy a vehicle you should look into that" or "that's a great idea, next time you have a baby you should consider that" On here I like to just pull up a chair and grab a nice big bag of popcorn::
I am a long standing poster here but I've created this account to ask this as it's a bit close to home and in the past other posts have been found. How do you handle people who criticize your children or the way you parent? I don't mean in terms of a difference of lifestyles or that one kid is a swimmer and the other kid isn't, I mean when it's absolutely personal and it comes from an immediate person in your family? This person is extremely passive aggressive, we all know it and it's been an ongoing problem for months now but when it's about your kids, do you just brush it off like they do when they criticize you? I feel like by swallowing the accusations, assumptions and blatant lies and just keeping quiet for an easy life, it gives them the right to keep doing it. If I say anything I know it will explode and I don't want that for anyone, especially the kids because they all love each other. I just feel like I've been pushed and pushed and that I don't know how much more I can take. To explain again, I don't mean just a difference of parenting styles, this was a definitive "you are useless, clueless and do it wrong" type situation while verbally bad mouthing my kids. But it's ok ya know, because family can do that?

I am shocked, hurt and angry. Am I alone or do y'all also struggle with the balance of keeping the peace without wanting to be walked all over?

Several of my In-laws and one of my sisters' husbands fit this to a T. I have learned over the years to stop the competition before it starts. (I am assuming your situation is rooted in some sort of sick sibling/cousin/my kid is better than your kid/I'm a better parent than you rivalry...correct me if I am wrong)

I have one BIL in particular that has driven his Own Sister crazy the past 11 years with the comparisons, accusations, and one-upping between their two girls. My DD is 9 months younger than theirs, and he tried doing that with her from time to time as well, but I quickly took my self, and DD10, out of the competition by saying "Oh, wow! That is awesome for M. I'm glad E doesn't like that/do that/want that, or I would go broke!" or "That is wonderful. I am so proud of M. She takes after her fave aunt!" or "Yup! E is 14 months old and not walking yet. What's that? Oh, yes, I *do* remember that M started walking at 8 months. What a fun milestone! No, I'm not really worried...E will figure it out before she leaves for college!" or, (when our little boys were born 3 months apart) "Yes, that outfit for 3 year old C is amazing. You certainly *do* have an 'Abercrombie kid!' A is more of a Walmart kid himself...."

Now, those were just "silly" examples (all of which I have actually uttered LOL), but it gets bad when BIL and his sister dig in deeper between the two of them, but by taking my self out of the competition in the early years, I have been able to bypass all of this. There was a time where we stopped visiting when the girls were about 2-3 years old because M kept biting, hitting, and grabbing toys away from my DD and then throwing them at her (and everyone else, including her own parents), and I finally stood up for my DD and said to DH that we would not attend family get-to-gethers until BIL and SIL decided that M's behavior needed to change. They started to finally get with the program and realize that nobody wanted to be around their "perfect' (bratty and sometimes downright dangerous LOL) DD, and now at 11 and 10 years old, my DD and M are seriously best friends. They adore each other and are each other's favorite person in the whole world. Unfortunately, M and the other cousin still have parents that go at it every time they are together, and there is virtually no relationship between the girls.

So, depending on your situation without knowing a lot of detail, I would stop it NOW. Say what you need to say in the most non-accusatory way you can: "Dear Family member, I want all of the family members involved in this situation to stay close and for the kids to grow up to love each other. I will always stand up for my kids and I will always stand up for yours. Please do the same for me."

You do not have to declare in a tantrum that you will "never, ever come to a family function again", just quietly decline any unnecessary time together for a while and see what happens. it might get better.

Also, I have a MIL that is sweetly passive-aggressive to my face, then talks about me all the time behind my back, even to my kids when they were still allowed to be around her without me supervising. I smile and pretend like I am complimented by her backhanded comments and don't "get" that she is being sarcastic and passive-aggressive. It Drives Her Nuts.

ETA: your relative, like most, is probably really insecure and using your kids or your parenting decisions to bolster his/her own confidence in his/her own decisions. Not cool that they have to tear you down to build themselves up, but as long as you are confident with your parenting and life decisions, then I would start looking at insecure family member with pity and sadness that that is all they have to make themselves feel better. I know, with BIL, it is ALL about feeling like the red-headed stepchild (no offense to redheads out there!) of the family while his sister is daddys favorite (which, in all honesty, did trickle down to the grandkids). He feels like he needs to create this competition between his sister and the two kids so that his DD can finally be the one who comes out "on top"...something he himself has never been able to achieve within the family. How can that not make one feel sorry for the guy??!!
I am a long standing poster here but I've created this account to ask this as it's a bit close to home and in the past other posts have been found. How do you handle people who criticize your children or the way you parent? I don't mean in terms of a difference of lifestyles or that one kid is a swimmer and the other kid isn't, I mean when it's absolutely personal and it comes from an immediate person in your family? This person is extremely passive aggressive, we all know it and it's been an ongoing problem for months now but when it's about your kids, do you just brush it off like they do when they criticize you? I feel like by swallowing the accusations, assumptions and blatant lies and just keeping quiet for an easy life, it gives them the right to keep doing it. If I say anything I know it will explode and I don't want that for anyone, especially the kids because they all love each other. I just feel like I've been pushed and pushed and that I don't know how much more I can take. To explain again, I don't mean just a difference of parenting styles, this was a definitive "you are useless, clueless and do it wrong" type situation while verbally bad mouthing my kids. But it's ok ya know, because family can do that?

I am shocked, hurt and angry. Am I alone or do y'all also struggle with the balance of keeping the peace without wanting to be walked all over?
Fortunately, I don't have people like that in my life/family. Before you accuse me of bragging ... I have other issues, just not that one!

Since you want to maintain the relationship between this person and your kids, I might bite my tongue and try to distance myself as much as I could. Also, does anyone in the family even give credence to what they this person says or thinks since they are known to be passive aggressive? Everyone else may just be thinking, "Oh that's just Pat flapping his/her jaws again." So, while you are insulted maybe no one else is paying any mind to it.

If the person is insulting you in front of your kids, that's a whole 'nother kettle of fish.
This is one reason I am glad we live a good distance from family. We love our family and are extremely happy to visit. But that's it. I wouldn't want to be within "no warning just popping in" distance of any family. We cherish the times we have together because we don't see each other.

That being said, there is a situation right now with my DH family where I don't want our DS being part of it. We've decided to not visit until things settle down. We've taken ourselves physically out of the equation. We still love our family, but it's best that, for right now, we're separate.

Maybe, if that's possible in your situation to better control how/when/where you all meet, it might help. With what is being said, if it's someone who is insulting your kids though and you're not standing up for them, then, I'd not only remove myself from their presence, but make it known (in front of my kids and them, so the kids know you're defending them) that that behavior is unacceptable and that OUR family does not act in such a childish, mean-spirited way.
Without specifics, I don't know if I can comment. I will say that I am a bit of a know it all which certain things having to do with my nephew. He will be 4 next month, still sleeps in his parents' bed (they have coslept since infancy and he has never spent a single night in his own bed) and more disturbingly he still NURSES. He is almost tall enough to stand and suckle. Its just creepy. I tell my sister this whenever I see it. I probably should not since it is her child and her choices, but I just can't keep my mouth shut.
In fact, you *can* and you should.

To the OP, I do not tolerate continual criticism. The first time someone criticizes how I parent, I offer a polite explanation. "I think it's disturbing that your 4 year old still nurses." "oh, I'm sorry you feel that way. I know you just want what's best for my child, but our family has decided that this is what's best for him." or "I think homeschooling is a terrible thing to do to your kids." "Gosh, that's really too bad. Numerous studies have shown that homeschooled kids do better academically and socially than public school kids - did you have a specific concern? I'm happy to discuss specific concerns, or bring you research on those issues."

After that, if they're interested in criticism only and not discussion, I lay down the law. "I still think it's disturbing that your 4 year old nurses." "I'm still sorry you feel that way, but I'm not going to wean my child because you're bothered by something that doesn't even affect you. Since I don't think we're going to be able to come to an agreement, I think it would be best if we agree not to discuss this in the future."

Then the next time, "I'm sorry, I will not discuss this with you. If you persist in this level of criticism, I'm afraid we'll need to limit our contact with you until you can respect our decisions and our boundaries."

And then the next time, we leave whatever family event we're at immediately if it comes up again, and limit contact with that person until they can start acting like a human.

It's just basic respect. I don't sit around and criticize my family members and their decisions and their parenting methods even though they differ significantly from my own. They do not show the same respect, and so if gentle reminders about how grownups act do not spur them to appropriate behavior, then we limit contact. This is why I don't see my ILs very often even though they live 20 minutes away.
For more minor things, or comments that aren't really criticism, but are approaching criticism, I use the bean dip approach, or humor.

Humor: When's he going to stop nursing? Oh, I don't know, we were hoping he'd go to the local college so he can come home between classes for a quick snack. (an actual conversation I had with my SIL.)

Bean Dip: When's he going to stop nursing? Hm, not sure. Could you pass the bean dip? (Hm, not sure. Hey, did you catch the game last night? Hm, not sure. Hey, I never heard how your pickles did at the fair!)
Think about what you want your kids to learn from this. Standing up for yourself and setting healthy limits? Or ignoring them?

I can understand your situation, and I know it's difficult, but you are the only one with the power to change the situation. Allowing someone to stay in your life when they are toxic, even though they are family, does you and your children no good.

Lay down the conditions for seeing your family. If you can see them in limited instances, great. Be super nice and open, always, but protecting your kids and their development comes first.

This coming from someone who didn't see their godparents/aunts/uncle for 10+ years because they were toxic.

Best if luck with however you choose to handle it!
My MIL was this way. DH would argue with her at first. It was causing problems for everyone. There is no love lost between my MIL and I. Though she has finally learned that being civil to me causes her less problems with her son.

DH and I limit contact. MIL has no problems talking badly of anyone not in the room. Including her other children, grandchildren, and of course her ex, my daughter's other Grandfather. Oh, and myself of course. Due to this, her contact is extremely limited and DD is never left alone with her. I am glad that we live far away so it is not more of an issue. I am sad for DD who will not know her Grandmother the way I knew mine. When we visit, we simply leave when she starts. She is learning. I will give her that. She doesn't like it, but she is learning that DH and I are united on this.

Now, OP, I know you don't want to give details. And that is fine. You share what you want. But, as a parent it is your job to protect your children the best you can. Constant criticism, even if not from you, will eventually kill their self esteem. Are you okay with person taking your children's self esteem from them? Because that is what they are doing. I have always been of the opinion that you could -whatever- to me. And I chose to take it, well, that was on me. But I would be damned if you are going to do it to my kids and I will sit idly by and let it happen. Part of the reason we have so many issues with my MIL is that I allowed her little insults to keep the peace between her, me and DH. Then DD came along and DH & I put a screeching halt to it.
I think it depends on the situation. My BIL and SIL have 3 boys, ages 6,5, and 2 and do not watch them AT ALL. Last year the 2 year old almost drowned in the lake we were camping at, the 6 year old got lost at the fair (and the parents didn't notice he was gone until my other SIL pointed it out), and one of them almost fell in the irrigation ditch behind my MIL's house. She also leaves the 6 yo and the 2 yo in the car while she drops the 5yo off at school, despite the fact that my other SIL drops off at the same time. Both the 5yo and 6yo have left the house and been returned by neighbors numerous times. DH has had several talks with his brother and has threatened to call CPS if they didn't get it together. In that case, when you are concerned about the safety of children, I feel like the comments are warranted.
However, my MIL has criticized in the past that we "over supervise" DS3, until recently when she realized that he is a runner and is absolutely not afraid of anything. Prior to her realization we told her that she had her shot at parenting, it's over, and now it's our turn. Then we told her if she wanted to micromanage someone, she's looking at the wrong son. That shut her up.
worm761 said:
My MIL was this way. DH would argue with her at first. It was causing problems for everyone. There is no love lost between my MIL and I. Though she has finally learned that being civil to me causes her less problems with her son.

DH and I limit contact. MIL has no problems talking badly of anyone not in the room. Including her other children, grandchildren, and of course her ex, my daughter's other Grandfather. Oh, and myself of course. Due to this, her contact is extremely limited and DD is never left alone with her. I am glad that we live far away so it is not more of an issue. I am sad for DD who will not know her Grandmother the way I knew mine. When we visit, we simply leave when she starts. She is learning. I will give her that. She doesn't like it, but she is learning that DH and I are united on this.

Now, OP, I know you don't want to give details. And that is fine. You share what you want. But, as a parent it is your job to protect your children the best you can. Constant criticism, even if not from you, will eventually kill their self esteem. Are you okay with person taking your children's self esteem from them? Because that is what they are doing. I have always been of the opinion that you could -whatever- to me. And I chose to take it, well, that was on me. But I would be damned if you are going to do it to my kids and I will sit idly by and let it happen. Part of the reason we have so many issues with my MIL is that I allowed her little insults to keep the peace between her, me and DH. Then DD came along and DH & I put a screeching halt to it.

My MIL is like this too. We never lived close enough to her that my kids were ever alone with her until about 4 years ago. For about 8 months she was around my kids on a daily basis, because we needed a afterschool sitter and DH insisted that we use his mom (against my better judgement based on past experiences with her other kids/grandkids). In that time, she constantly berated and belittled my kids by telling they were stupid, lazy, and disrespectful (and worse)...for things like not making their bed in the morning, or not taking the garbage out (they were 10, 6, and 4 at the time, and apparently *her* kids were required to do both of these things since they were in diapers) She would make them do things at our house that were different than the way I do them or taught them, then yell at them when they forgot "her" way or told her its not how mom wants the to do it.

She would make them come home and clean the house instead of have them do their homework even when we told her that they NEED to get homework done because they have sports practices all evening. I would tell them to remind G-ma that I said they have to do their homework, and she would tell them behind my back that I was raising spoiled, bratty kids (them) and they were lucky I was their mom and not her because she would never allow them to get away with everything I let them get away with.

On top of that, she broke my washer by putting a heavy quilt in it and said that she washed it at my house because she didn't want to break the one at her apartment. She used to steal rolls of toilet paper, ziplock bags, foil, plastic spoons, laundry soap and fabric softener, and anything else she saw that we had *plenty* of. This was right after we moved to a brand new state, my job was just getting off the ground, and we were still recovering from a shortsale and a terrible economy in our home state. Trust me...we did not have "extra"....all bulk items were budgeted to last for months.

The last two straws were:

She ruined my formal dining room table by using a clorox wipe and when I asked her about it she lied and said that one of the kids did it. Even though the kids said they saw her, I sucked it up and didn't call her out as a liar, but put a reminder note on the fridge not to use anything but a washcloth and water on the table - not addressed to anyone, just a scribbled note on the whiteboard that said "Remember! Only water on the table!" (which shouldn't have offended *her* at all since she said that the kids were the culprits, right?). I came home to a nasty note from her, in plain view on the fridge, telling me that if I am going to accuse anyone it should be MY KIDS because she sees them make messes and not clean up ALL THE TIME (yes, she handwrote and bolded/underlined lol), and went on to say a few more nasty things about the kids and myself.

The 2nd was the day I found out she hit DS, who was 10 at the time. He didn't want to tell me because he was talking back to her (defending something about our family or home) and she slapped him. I do not allow my kids to be disrespectful or backtalk, but like all kids, they still do it, and honestly, even DD who was 6 at the time stood up for him and said that g-ma was being really mean to him and telling him that he was stupid and lazy and his mom is stupid for letting him get away with whatever it was he was doing - I *think* he was telling her that we put all dirty clothes on the floor by the washer and all clean clothes go in baskets (this has always been my method since I am really good at *cleaning* the clothes, but not so great at actually folding them and putting them away LOL), and it turned into a power struggle between the two of them. That was the night the stories started unraveling and the kids just started talking and talking and telling DH and I everything that was going on.

I wish I could say that we called her right then and there and fired her, but we didn't. DH talked to her alone and told her to knock it off. We used her for another month or so, and I made sure I stayed close to the situation. She never hit anyone again, but the verbal abuse didn't stop so I told DH that I was done. I found a new babysitter and the kids have never been left alone with g-ma again. Not even for a short visit. The guilt I feel because I feel like I should have ended it so much sooner still gets me...even though my kids are pretty much old enough not to even need a sitter any more! DS14 still remembers that time, but the younger ones don't really, which I thank god for. They don't really like her, but they are not sure why. There is virtually no relationship there now, which is fine with me.

On top of our our babsitting horror, MIL is just a generally unhappy person who thrives on putting people down and being passive aggressive. I've witnessed too many times with too many people to count.

We have found thst staying away and only visiting on mandatory holidays is best.
It's hard to comment without knowing the situation. Maybe they are being rude. On the other hand what if you don't discipline your children and let them run wild? I have a friend who keeps threatening her children with "we're gong to leave if you don't behave" over and over again while her children misbehave at my house, restaurants etc.
Usually, I just refuse to rise to the occasion and completely ignore them. Sometimes, when I'm feeling up for a little confrontation, I just flat out tell them they are acting passive aggressively.
It's hard to comment without knowing the dynamics and the severity of the situation, but in general, I'm a deflect and avoid kind of girl in those scenarios. (Like a PP said "Pass the bean dip!")

I also like "Thanks for your input. I think this is what's right for our family." or "Isn't it interesting how many different parenting styles there are and how they can all produce great kids!" Quickly followed by a change of subject.

Of course, if they're saying something nasty in front of your kids, I do think it's important for your kids to hear you directly defend them and their family.
I am a long standing poster here but I've created this account to ask this as it's a bit close to home and in the past other posts have been found. How do you handle people who criticize your children or the way you parent? I don't mean in terms of a difference of lifestyles or that one kid is a swimmer and the other kid isn't, I mean when it's absolutely personal and it comes from an immediate person in your family? This person is extremely passive aggressive, we all know it and it's been an ongoing problem for months now but when it's about your kids, do you just brush it off like they do when they criticize you? I feel like by swallowing the accusations, assumptions and blatant lies and just keeping quiet for an easy life, it gives them the right to keep doing it. If I say anything I know it will explode and I don't want that for anyone, especially the kids because they all love each other. I just feel like I've been pushed and pushed and that I don't know how much more I can take. To explain again, I don't mean just a difference of parenting styles, this was a definitive "you are useless, clueless and do it wrong" type situation while verbally bad mouthing my kids. But it's ok ya know, because family can do that?

I am shocked, hurt and angry. Am I alone or do y'all also struggle with the balance of keeping the peace without wanting to be walked all over?

As you can see you are not the only one with "family Probs" lol. The real question is how do you want your relationship with this person to continue. If they are close family then you probably can't and don't want to just cut ties and carry on without them or you would have done that without making this post asking for advice. I am a person who particularly hates conflict but at the same time I tend to over react sometimes if my children are involved.

I personally would instead address how their comments, behavior makes YOU FEEL rather than point the finger at them and criticize them for their inappropriate behavior. Know what I mean? Start the conversation with an example like "the comment you made has been bothering me... it really hurts my feelings when you criticize me/my parenting/my kids behavior etc". People usually respond better to that kind of an approach and if you want to continue to have a relationship with them then you don't really want to start and argument or family feud. You simply want to be heard and to see a change in their behavior. If it happens again after the talk then you can maybe stop them right then and there and tell them this is exactly what you were talking about and how it really bothers you/hurts your feelings etc.

But I think the most important thing is to address it and get it over with. I have seen families torn apart over stupid conflicts that no one wanted to sit down and talk about. And life is way too short to let petty arguments keep us all apart from our loved ones.

Best of luck to you!


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