How much weight did you have to loose, before

My clothes weren't exactly falling off, but I know that after I lost about 12-14 pounds, I was able to fit in some clothes that were too tight before. Last year, I intentionally bought some clothes that were WAY too tight (like, I would never wear them in public when I was at that weight), but I was actually able to wear one of the pants I bought to work after I lost some weight!

I can't wait until I reach the point where my current clothes will be too baggy and fall off!
I think the old rule was 10 pounds for every dress size. I'm not really sure if that's true or not - I think it may just be an old wives tale. But at least it's a rough estimation...
my tight clothes loosened after 5 lbs and were too loose after 10 lbs. I lost 20 lbs and went down two sizes, but another 5 and my newer size will by cooommmmmfffyyyyyyyy!! :)
I HAD to get new clothes at 30 pounds gone. Once I put on the new clothes, people really really notices. It's been fun! I have gone from a 26/28 to a comfortable 18 (and one pair of 16's!)
I've lost 35 lbs and I've gone down almost 2 sizes. I think it was around 20lbs that I went down a size although after about 10lbs I was definitely noticing that things fit better.
I concur about the 10 pounds being the first time I started noticing that my clothes were getting bigger.

My 20 lb clippie is eluding me. I can see myself shrinking, but the scale isn't showing it.

I already moved the next size down clothes "up" in my closet so they are ready for me when I'm ready for them.
I've lost 25 pounds. The size 14 capri pants I bought for my May cruise fit me perfectly May. I recently ordered a pair of 8 capri pants (both Lands' End, so I know the sizing is consistent) and they fit!!

So what is that 14, 12, 10, 8? FOUR sizes??

Too bad I "gave up" on my weight and got rid of all of my 8's quite awhile ago!! I had some VERY nice size 8 clothes that have moved onto other homes. :(

Originally posted by RUDisney
I concur about the 10 pounds being the first time I started noticing that my clothes were getting bigger.

Btw, RUDisney....

Your CLOTHES were not getting bigger.....YOU were getting smaller!!!!

:) I know, it's semantics, but outlook wise it makes a big difference! :)
But, Ohiominnie, when I look in the mirror, I see myself as I was in HS.... a perfect size 7. So, my pants must be getting bigger because I never changed. ;)

Isn't that the reverse of what happens to a person with anorexia, when they never see themselves as how thin they are?
RU disney..I know what you mean. I'm 50 pounds heavier than HS/College but I still see the thin me when I look in the mirror. I guess that's good? I still think I'm thinner than I am. I pull out some old pants and know for sure I can wear this..I'm not that big. BUt then they come up to my knees!!!

After loosing 8lbs people noticed my face being thinner and I could pull on/off my 16 shorts without unbuttoning them (they're not elastic either). After 10 pounds I just bought a size 14 jeans and they fit perfectly (standing up!) They are a little snug in the waist when I sit but that just reminds me to keep up the hard work!
I have lost 42 pounds and have gone down 2 (almost 3) sizes now...I noticed a difference after I lost my first 15 pounds (as far as I can remember anyway)...I noticed my shorts were very loose around my hips...:)

Now my goal is to get into a size 14/16, which I hope is going to be soon!! :)
To be honest, I don't really remember, but I would like to say 15 pounds, maybe. I have lost 48-1/2 pounds to date, started at a size 22/24 and now my 16's are loose and most 14's fit.
For me, 55 pounds has been about 5 sizes, so I'm guessing 10 to 12 pounds is about a dress size.

(Gone from size 20 to size 10. Although some of the 10s are still a bit snug :o. I have to hold my tummy in, and sometimes it helps to have a bit of help from *body smoothing* undergarments. :p

I think 5 more pounds will put me more comfortably in this size.)
i didn't notice a difference until about 15lbs.......

I agree with some of the people who commented about how they see the thin person they were in high school when they look in the mirror.........I only graduated 5 years ago but at that time I was TOO SKINNY........10-15lbs and I would have been perfect. but I still see her in the mirror......but when I get pic's back from outtings........I see the truth. So, 30 more lbs. and I will be seeing the truth.....

Have A Disney Day!!!!!!!!


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