How much do you spend on new clothing each year? Buyers remorse after buying?


DIS Veteran
Oct 2, 2006
What percentage of your income do you feel right about using for clothing/shoes?

I'm having a hard time letting money go towards things like clothing/shoes. A few years ago and even within the last two years I could go and buy whatever I wanted and not get buyers remorse. Now I just feel bad about spending the money when I could be putting it towards savings of some sort or vacationing. My last three purchases have been returned within a week of buying them.

I know I shouldn't feel bad about spending the money because I do allocate a % of my income to extras. Anyone else get this feeling sometimes? It feels really hard to break out of.
Are you asking about extras or clothing and shoes?

Are you talking about the whole family or just one person?

We have a Misc. category in our budget and we also have a "blow money" amount we use. Either of those can accommodate clothing if necessary. We do not have a clothing budget per say.

We probably spend about 1% of our income on clothing.


What percentage of your income do you feel right about using for clothing/shoes?

I'm having a hard time letting money go towards things like clothing/shoes. A few years ago and even within the last two years I could go and buy whatever I wanted and not get buyers remorse. Now I just feel bad about spending the money when I could be putting it towards savings of some sort or vacationing. My last three purchases have been returned within a week of buying them.

I know I shouldn't feel bad about spending the money because I do allocate a % of my income to extras. Anyone else get this feeling sometimes? It feels really hard to break out of.
I know what you mean. I bought a shirt at Eddie Bauer and plan on returning it. It was $27 and I can get two at Penney's for that.
New clothes? What are those? So far, this year, I bought myself 2 new shirts at Penny's and they were on clearance. I think I spent less that $15.

I don't go clothes shopping every season. I only pick up something when I actually need it and it's a good deal.
Eh, I don't have a clothing budget per se...

I do work P/T at Target and admittedly anything in the $3 range that fits is fair game, as long as we will have a use for it. I've gotten chinos, polo shirts, jeans, swimwear, sweaters, ballet flats, sun dresses, graphic tees, etc... Not necessarily when I am looking for them.

Other than the ridiculous low, low price of $3.74 (and some of my favorite pieces are from that) I buy as I need something. Right now I am in the market for white dress sandalls... when I find the "right" sandal (not a flip flop, a little bit of a heel, comfy) I will buy them and have NO remorse.

To casually just buy 2 shirts for $30 doesn't happen (I'd have to be LOOKING for those 2 shirts on purpose) But my cheap clearance finds round out my targeted specific-clothing purchases, so that I really don't need to buy clothes just for the sake of buying clothes...
How do you define 'new'? I spend probably $100/month (although with my job change that's going to go down) but mostly at thrift stores. It's rare for me to walk into a mall & purchase a new item of clothing.
Clothing is my creative outlet so just like a painter would buy paints & brushes I purchase items to add to my collection.
Well, that all depends then.

We spend about 1% for 5 of us. However, when I was single and working full time and had money, I spent more of a percentage of my income on clothing.


Just clothing and shoes for myself.
i spend way more than most because i work in fashion and its kinda required. i did the math and guess i spend 5-7% of my income on clothes/shoes a year. i own a lot too since i have been the same size for 10 years now so at this point i try to buy a few investment pieces and add as needed. since sept. i have been on a clothing ban for anything outside of work b/c i have more than i will ever need. i just bought some things this month b/c i needed summer clothes and i still feel guilty because it feels like falling off the wagon. i don't buy things full price unless it can not be avoided.
I hardly ever buy clothes... truly wear the same pair of flats for 20 years. BUT.. I spend a ton on vacation and sometimes have remorse about it before we actually go. Once we get home though and have created such wonderful memories, the remorse goes out the window.:lovestruc
New clothes? What are those? So far, this year, I bought myself 2 new shirts at Penny's and they were on clearance. I think I spent less that $15.

I don't go clothes shopping every season. I only pick up something when I actually need it and it's a good deal.

Lol. Ditto...what are new clothes? I buy about 6 new shirts a year...3 short sleeved shirts for spring/summer and 3 long sleeved for fall/winter. And MOST of the time they're on clearance. >_<

I hardly ever buy clothes... truly wear the same pair of flats for 20 years. BUT.. I spend a ton on vacation and sometimes have remorse about it before we actually go. Once we get home though and have created such wonderful memories, the remorse goes out the window.:lovestruc

I think I have shirts in my closet from 5 years ago...that I wear around the house (never out and about, they're too raggedy). :P

But, part of my lack of buying clothes has to do with I HATE my body right now (gained weight when I got pregnant with my son 4 years ago and haven't lost it :( ). So...I'd rather not buy new clothes. I do have a couple nice outfits to wear on dates with my husband. :P
I just did the math, we spend 2.5% of our income on clothing for a family of four. My husband works manual labor and is hard on his work clothes. Also, our kids are still growing; so we have to buy new shoes and pants about every six months. Shirts will usually last a year. Thankfully we get a small selection of nice hand-me-downs from some older cousins, and I think DD has almost stopped growing so we may get more wear out of her wardrobe. About time.
So far this year we haave spent about 4% of takehome salary on clothing. I think this is a bit high and have really tred to cut back. I have way too many clothes and don't need anymore. My Dh will need some more clothes for work this year.. we will have to budget that in. We are very lucky with the kids in that their grandparents will help with school clothes - but we will have to buy some. I am hoping to end the year at about 3%.
We spend very little money on clothes as I buy most of our stuff from thrift stores on their 50% off days. I try to go weekly so I can get the best pick of things.

Shoes I won't buy used though.

For a family of six I spend less than $1000 a year on new shoes and clothes.
I have no idea how much I spend on clothes. I do spend a lot on my kids, which I don't feel guilty about. I do go shopping a lot but mostly talk myself out of things for myself. I will pick out a whole bunch of stuff but by the time I get to the check-out I change my mind.

I do have to admit, when I was younger, before kids, I owned A LOT of clothes and did a lot of shopping. Now I'm more in the mindset of paying a bit more for items and styles that last.
I hardly ever buy clothes... truly wear the same pair of flats for 20 years. BUT.. I spend a ton on vacation and sometimes have remorse about it before we actually go. Once we get home though and have created such wonderful memories, the remorse goes out the window.:lovestruc

Same here..I do buy the grandkids quite a bit as gifts and back to school and know the parents appreciate that. What do I need? not much. I do buy things once in awhile on clearance at Kohls or Coldwater Creek..maybe once or twice a year. Other than that I buy from thrift stores. I don't really buy extras..I think my only real vice is scrapbooking stuff and grandkids stuff...and vacations...but clothes? I really don't need many at all and have plenty so feel silly just looking for clothes for the sake of looking..OH.. going to AI in Mexico this year so did get another swim suit :scared1:and got one for DH for Father's Day.
I think the issue changes when you have kids.

My kids are still growing. That means a new wardrobe pretty much twice a year, as they outgrow the old set. (My girls are close enough to the same size that the hand-me-down thing doesn't always work.)

I have absolutely no guilt about that. I don't buy an outlandish amount. Nor do I shop in the stores that are all about the most popular brands. But I will pay for quality; a Lands End parka is worth every penny!!!

For myself, I have 2 wardrobes: "teaching" and "other." I supplement either as necessary. I recently had to buy a dress for an upcoming wedding. There's no buyers remorse (besides, I got a great deal at JCPenney's :) ) Before that, I think the last thing I bought myself was a $40 Easter dress. Before that, probably shoes last fall as the school year started.

Extras like trips to WDW don't enter the picture unless and until the basic needs are taken care of. Clothing myself and my kids (along with my husband, but he does his own shopping) are among those basic needs.

So no buyers remorse here.
Me: I bought ten shirts for $3 each from a friend who had lost weight last fall. I probably buy two pair of jeans a year for $20-30 each. I don't really budget clothing money, I'll pick up something here or there if it's on sale. But I haven't bought any new shirts other than those ten for at least 8 months.

As for DD16, she gets clothes at the beginning of summer and for back to school, and anything else comes out of her money. Last fall we spent $300 and she spent about $200 on stuff this spring. So maybe $500-600 a year for her, and maybe $150 a year for me? (This isn't including socks and underwear, and shoes get purchased rarely because her feet have stopped growing, so she's just amassing a collection of Chuck Taylors. :P)
It's about two percent of my yearly budget. I usually buy two or three times a year when there are massive sales + coupons. I get stuff that will stay presentable through several seasons and will not wear down too soon. Shoes are probably the biggest purchases for me. I only have three pairs, and only two of those are used often enough to show any signs of wear. I purchase those in the spring and fall. Don't skimp on shoes, because sore feet affect everything else!


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