How early do you get up when at WDW

What time do you get up to go to the parks

  • I hit AM EMH and I am there at ropedrop

  • I intend to be there for ropedrop but never seem to quite make it.

  • We go when we get up, no early risers here

  • We hit PM EMH

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How about this one. I am usually there real close to the rope drop for the early EMH and I will go to the park that has the late EMH afterwards. When you go, go hardcore!!!
Go early or don't go at all:rotfl2: Just kidding but we do try to make it for rope drop.:thumbsup2
Weget up when The Boss (my DW) tells us to. She is an early riser, but the rest of us aren't. We still make it to the parks usually just after open.

Im showing this to my soon to be DH!! :thumbsup2 He can learn alot from you! JK!!! The man song comes to mind! LOL! No he already knows we will be getting up at the latest 7 am out the room by 7:30 for breakfast at the food court and out at the bus stop by 8:15
We are ropedrop people! :D
My option isn't there... I'm awake about an hour before we leave the hotel... since that's how long it takes me to get ready. We don't do MEMH, but we are there for rope drop.
we always get up early and are at the parks when they drop the ropes. we like the cute little shows they do prior to that. we go from open to close almost every night anyway.

next trip to our world 0ctober 10-18 Movies.:)
My dd and Dh are early risers (5am) everyday winter or summer regardless of what time they went to bed.So we are up and at em for rope drop.
We set the alarm by 7am if we plan on showering in the morning, 7:30 if we showered the night before. We get dressed, eat a quick cereal bar/fiber one bar breakfast in the room, and be at the bus stop by 8:15 at the latest. Sometimes, we will walk over and get on at the main bus stop so we could refill our mugs on the way. DH used the room coffeepot most days, I don't drink coffee, so I didn't care either way.
My DH and I are early risers but our kids (in their 20s) like to sleep. So we get up around 6:00 and actually take the time to go to the gym or for a run around the Boardwalk since that is where we stay. We get back shower and make a quick breakfast in the room and the kids are then up and getting ready and we are still at the parks at opening or within 10 min. of the opening.
We get up at about 5 am at home. Sleeping till 6:30 and getting there for rope drop is sleeping late! ;) We always make rope drop. :thumbsup2

My dd and Dh are early risers (5am) everyday winter or summer regardless of what time they went to bed.So we are up and at em for rope drop.

I'm the same way! Sleeping until 6:30 is sleeping in for me! And I always say that if I want to relax on my vacation, I won't go to Disney to do it! :banana:
We get up at 6:00am (this is late for us, we're usually up at 5:00am at home), get ready, eat breakfast and head out for the parks.
We never do rope drop or morning EMH. We get up around 9, grab breakfast and then get to the parks around 10:30am. We always stay late and do the park with EMH that night.
Two of us are up by 5:30 all rarin to go.... DH and DD not so much, they enjoy their sleep. They need to be woken up at 7ish! They are always happy once they make rope drop but it isnt always easy!
I wake up at 5 am at home for work, so at Disney I "sleep in" unitl about 7:30 and hit rope drop. Occasionally, depending ont he time of year and the crowds, I'll do AM EMH, but not always.
I voted for number one, but actually we never do EMH mornings becuase we've read it's not worth it. We usually go to another recommended park (using and hit rope drop there.

We're up at 6..shower, have breakfast and off to the parks.
I don't sleep much on vaca. Maybe its because I'm in a diff place, or maybe I'm ~~ too excited to sleep~~ :rotfl:
Should be a button for early AND late EMH, think the numbers are a little scewed for those of us that make it a point to be at both!!! We alway try to be sitting at a nice meal when the crowds are the largest ~ 7 days WOOOHOOO!!!!
We stay up late - never ever been to a rope drop - I think they're a figment of every-one's imagination! :lmao:
I'm an early riser (up between 5am-6am) by nature & vacation does not change that. I'm always at the AM EMH park early in the AM. I also do PM EMH parks too. Helps me get the most out of all of the parks.


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