Honeymoon gift with dvc points????


Jun 20, 2008
Need some advice.
I am giving my brother for his wedding gift 4 nights.I am using my DVC points.
The question is if anyone has ever done or seen this done how would you put this "gift"in the envelope?
I do not know what to write or type .I want to tell him his entitlement of any 4 nights his choice of dates just unsure of what would look best when he opens up the envelope.
hopefully some knows of a way to tastefully give and surprise!
thank you!
I've given honeymoon trips to friends, but I never included it in a gifty sort of card or anything. We just sat down and discussed it, and far enough before the wedding so that there would be some reasonable availablility for their dates.
See his wife to be knows,he doesn't.I don't want to just say here is your gift..I thought I would basically type up an invitation or flyer with the info stating your entitled to 4 nights as a gift...
was thinking maybe someone else did this to put in envelope?"
How about a Disney gift card. When he opens it he will say, when will we use this? Then you can explain your 4 nights.
How about a Disney gift card. When he opens it he will say, when will we use this? Then you can explain your 4 nights.
If you're creative you can create and print a "coupon" that says something like:

Gift: Accommodation for a 4 night stay at a Walt Disney World Studio (or 1 br. etc) DVC resort of your choice.
To redeem: Contact __(your name and number)__

Decorate it with some pics of his or your FSIL favorite characters on it and stick it in the card :)
We gave my sister in-law their honeymoon at DVC as their gift. We did set down with them ahead of time to make sure they wanted to go to WDW for their honeymoon and let them choose the resort and dates they wanted. They knew ahead of time what they were getting but they were thrilled to get it as a gift. To make it extra special, I called the Boardwalk before they arrived and had some cash put on their account so they had spending money as well to go along with it which they knew nothing about until they checked in.

I wish someone would have given me a trip like that for our wedding! Oh well, 18 years later and we are still using that crock pot! LOL!
I gave my brother a honeymoon timeshare in Mexico ( not DVC) for his wedding and we had discussed it before becuase it wasa traip they took RIGHT after the wedding....
but if this is not for right after the wedding - then I would make a card and be done with it!

I just reserved a 5 nights at AKV for my nephew and his bride-to-be. I asked them if they wanted to go to Disney first. As we all know a Disney vacation costs a lot more then just the accommodations!

When we were there I picked up some bride and groom ears and will put them in a wrapped box with a note, 'Have a Happy Disneymoon' or something like that.
You guys and girls really have great ideas!
I now will incorporate these ideas and do it!
Thank you!!
I offered accomodations once, and it was declined. WDW is not everyone's idea of a Honeymoon destination. No hard feelings or anything like that, but check first to be sure it would be appreciated.

Need some advice.
I am giving my brother for his wedding gift 4 nights.I am using my DVC points.
The question is if anyone has ever done or seen this done how would you put this "gift"in the envelope?
I do not know what to write or type .I want to tell him his entitlement of any 4 nights his choice of dates just unsure of what would look best when he opens up the envelope.
hopefully some knows of a way to tastefully give and surprise!
thank you!

Well if the wife to be knows then we all know she is going to make the decision on when they go:love: So what I would do is get her to pick the dates put the reservation in their names and have the conformation letter from DVC in the envelope. Whatever you do I'm sure it will be appreciated!
I agree...check first. When we did this, we put together a packet of information and put it all in a big manilla envelope which was in turn wrapped as a gift. The people being gifted KNEW about it before hand though. It was just the "icing on the cake" so to speak!
Since you are talking about Disney as a honeymoon and the expenses involved, I wanted to add this link to the thread:


It's the Disney Honeymoon Registry. The couple-to-be can set up a registry for people to buy wedding gifts that apply to their honeymoon.

My cousin was in the same situation a few months back. She received a stay at a DVC property from one of her close friends. She also registered for this honeymoon registry through Disney. It allowed her to pick character meals, tours, tickets....basically anything she wanted. She sent out the link in her wedding invitation.

We were able to go to the registry and purchase $30 worth of Gift Cards that would be waiting for them when they arrived. Most of the other items were broken into different parts....such as the park passes were 6 parts of $50 each. So, if 6 guests wanted to pay each a $50...one pass was paid for. If some of the parts were not completed....say only 4 parts of the pass were paid for, then the couple had an option to just take the money that was paid in or add their own money to "pay off" the pass.

It is really a great tool....especially for a couple that may have lived together before marriage or a couple that at least lived away from their parents for awhile. My cousin and her husband had each lived away from their parents for awhile, so they already had the normal toaster, blender, microwave, etc. This registry was a great alternative.

Speed :teleport:
This is exactly what we do when we gift DVC points! :)

If you're creative you can create and print a "coupon" that says something like:

Gift: Accommodation for a 4 night stay at a Walt Disney World Studio (or 1 br. etc) DVC resort of your choice.
To redeem: Contact __(your name and number)__

Decorate it with some pics of his or your FSIL favorite characters on it and stick it in the card :)
I generally don't gift points, but I am thinking that if you figured out what four nights they wanted to go, you could make the reservation, then stick the mailed confirmation in an envelope.
If you already know the resort where they'll be staying, print some info/photos of that resort to stick in the envelope as well. That way he'll have a"visual" of the gift. What a nice present! :goodvibes

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