Hitched on the Monorail...a mobile matrimonial

Mindy, I didn't feel like a traditional veil this time around (I did the big poofy white dress with my first husband) so I tried to think of something that was a little different, and I wanted it to be a bit "fantasy". Thanks for the compliment!
'I am led to understand the CM has been fired and I believe the couple have had some restrictions placed on them about visiting disney' (quote from a previous post - I seem to have mucked up quoting in the usual manner!!)

Mindy sweetie - It appeared that things didn't go so well for this couple with Disney after the event, so maybe it is still the case that in-park events such as this are still a big no-no.
Just curious, I have not heard any follow up on that couple but heard later about ramifications (exactly why I didn't dream of having my wedding in the parks). Where is the follow up story everyone has been talking about? I am a member of Offbeat Bride, too, and would be interested to see it.
I'm so confused, where did that quote come from and how is it directed at me? :confused3
Just curious, I have not heard any follow up on that couple but heard later about ramifications (exactly why I didn't dream of having my wedding in the parks). Where is the follow up story everyone has been talking about? I am a member of Offbeat Bride, too, and would be interested to see it.

Haven't heard of any follow up story but I talked to the bride (on here) several months after her wedding and she didn't mention anything? :confused3 I know weddings like these are against park rules but I don't see how this couple harmed anyone.
Oh no not again!!
Mindy I wasn't being mean and I shouldn't have maybe posted the whole quote, because most of it was absolutely nothing to do with you!!! It was just that part of the quote was referring to the exact wedding whose link you had posted, that was all. I apologize if I upset you. or if you thought I was implying the rest of the comments contained therein, to you. I will adjust the quote inserted in my post to include just the relevant part.
Maybe you are right and there were no repercussions, but one of our brides posted that there were on here, so I don't know who is right. I agree that the couple did nobody any harm, but (here we go again) they did break the rules did they not?
I think that maybe I should stop posting because all I seem to do lately is upset people unintentionally.:guilty:
*sigh* It's not...it was a quote from another user directed at me from when the debate was raging high earlier today. I am not sure why it was used again, but I am assuming it was in error. smh

I believe Joanne is referring to the n you posted to the couple who had the guerilla wedding. I referenced it early on in the madness as an example of Disney CMs essentially in some form endorsing such events (and honestly, I don't, which is why mine was on the monorail lol) and it was was stated in response that the CMs were fired and the couple has been banned for life. I am not saying that isn't true, but I am trying to figure out where people have found this out, just out of curiosity, since I followed this couple's story on Offbeat Bride loooong before I got married.
Oh no not again!!
Mindy I wasn't being mean and I shouldn't have maybe posted the whole quote, because most of it was absolutely nothing to do with you!!! It was just that part of the quote was referring to the exact wedding whose link you had posted that was all. I apologize if I upset you or if you thought I was implying the rest of the comments contained therein, to you. I will adjust the quote inserted in my post to include just the relevant part.
I think that maybe I should stop posting because all I seem to do lately is upset people unintentionally.:guilty:

No! Joanne sweetie, I adore you! I'm just confused, because I don't see the quote you posted? And I don't understand the CM bridesmaid? I'm just really confused, sweetie! Too many glasses of wine tonight, perhaps??? :hug:
Joanne, I know I assumed it was an error, so I am sure Mindy is ok. I am beginning to think it is me and my da** thread that's cursed s pease dn't worry about it. :(

I already know people are still saying horrible things about me all over this board and I haven't answered them, because I DON'T want to perpetuate the crap and make things worse, but I wish they would realise I CAN read, and I actually have fairly sensitive feelings.
*sigh* It's not...it was a quote from another user directed at me from when the debate was raging high earlier today. I am not sure why it was used again, but I am assuming it was in error. smh

I believe Joanne is referring to the n you posted to the couple who had the guerilla wedding. I referenced it early on in the madness as an example of Disney CMs essentially in some form endorsing such events (and honestly, I don't, which is why mine was on the monorail lol) and it was was stated in response that the CMs were fired and the couple has been banned for life. I am not saying that isn't true, but I am trying to figure out where people have found this out, just out of curiosity, since I followed this couple's story on Offbeat Bride loooong before I got married.

Oh, okay. I missed that as I was skimming the thread. Sorry to bring it up again.

Looks like I caused more trouble, typical! :laughing:
Joanne, I know I assumed it was an error, so I am sure Mindy is ok. I am beginning to think it is me and my da** thread that's cursed s pease dn't worry about it. :(

I already know people are still saying horrible things about me all over this board and I haven't answered them, because I DON'T want to perpetuate the crap and make things worse, but I wish they would realise I CAN read, and I actually have fairly sensitive feelings.

Try not to put too much thought into it! People talk big when they are behind a computer monitor. We all have a common bond and we should all be supportive of each other.

BTW, I'm not trying to endorse "guerilla weddings" inside the parks, I know they are not allowed. I think it's very creative and, in the case of these examples, pretty harmless, but I know it is breaking the Disney rules.
No Mindy, it's not you. It's me, and I should probably just delete this post and stop being on these boards which is pretty much what people what me to do anyway.

I am sorry to sound self pitying, but this just isn't going away even after I thought it had calmed down and fences had been mended. My bridge here has clearly been burnt and no matter what I say or do, I doubt that is changing.
No Mindy, it's not you. It's me, and I should probably just delete this post and stop being on these boards which is pretty much what people what me to do anyway.

I am sorry to sound self pitying, but this just isn't going away even after I thought it had calmed down and fences had been mended. My bridge here has clearly been burnt and no matter what I say or do, I doubt that is changing.

I'm sorry I brought it back again, I didn't mean to! Delete if you want, but don't leave the boards! It's the internet, everything is forgotten in a couple days, anyway.
Jessica sweetie - please don't feel like that!!! It was all a storm in a teacup and I have tried my best to calm it all down, but I think it will just take a little time. As soon as the next big debate arrives, this one will be totally forgotten. That is just human nature.
I, for one, would hate to see you disappear from the boards over this!! Now, that one would really be my fault, and I would be truly sorry for it. Please stay!!
Well I'm glad that seems to be over. OP, I'm sorry for posting "against" you, your hurt feelings were coming across as an attack towards someone I hold in esteem on these boards. I am delighted that the issue has been resolved, and my respect has only increased, for both of you, in how you handled the situation.

OP, I apologise for putting you in a position where you felt you had to justify how were able to go so often to Disney. :flower3: I hope you'll stick around and see how great the boards can be. :thumbsup2
What a lovely post Ember - let's hope that Jessica takes note!! Thank you for what you say about me I am truly honoured by your comments!!!
Jessica..I LOVED your monorail wedding!!....What a lovely idea..a very cool wedding indeed. And what could be better than cake on the boardwalk afterwards...:thumbsup2

Thanks for telling us your wedding story...:)
I'm glad everything has calmed down!

And Jessica, I just wanted to say you were a very lovely bride. :) I love your stockings! Best wishes to you and your husband!
Thank you, everyone, especially Joanne and Ember. I appreciate you being so welcoming after everything that happened. I have been having some scary pain the past day or two and I daresay that has contributed to my grumpitude, though I try not to use that as an excuse.


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