Hitched on the Monorail...a mobile matrimonial

Dear Joanne, I wouldn't have bothered to post, but I wanted to show my public support for you. :hug:

The OP broke the rules and expected everyone to be all happy for her that she got away with it. When no one jumped up and down shouting praise and compliments, she felt the need to attack you and try to make you feel bad. Then she felt the need to inform us that she has no money (but apparently enough to go to Disney "more often in a month than most people do in a lifetime") and health issues in an attempt to have everyone say, "Oh, well, in your case, that's okay then!" But no one did that either. Her tone has been condescending and her reactions way off base.
Jesus, you people can't read.

My husband and I were given APs as wedding gifts. That's how I am able to attend often. As for the rest of it, I have NO dea where you all are getting that I am looking for people to be happy for me that I "got away" with anything. There was nothing to get away with and I NEVER presented it as such.

Mention of that and my health issues were simply illustrating why I got married in as fun and lighthearted a way as possible in the first place.

Snobs, the whole bloody lot of you. So easy to sit atop a high horse from behind a computer.
OP you are now being just plain rude - its disgusting behaviour and you cannot attack someone personally for having a different opinion to yourself.
You come across as an attention seeker and for that reason I suggest all 'proper' disney (and of course Joanne our lovely S/D brides :) ) now ignore your rude posts and no longer waste our time posting about this 'sneaky' wedding. I hope disney doesnt read- like I said before Ive been led to believe they monitor these boards.
I say no more.
Good day.
Excellent. Please say no more. If I am rude it is because I have spent all night reading allegedly quotes from me that have no resemblance to anything I have actually said. You call me attention seeking, but I never asked any of you to comment on my post. Perhaps it is you who seeks attention. It would have been so simple for Joanne to approach me more positively to start; she instigated this. In addition, it would likewise have been easy to acknowledge her wrong in this, and she has remained too stubborn to do so. That is fine. Please. Do as you promise and say no more.
You know, after the wedding, I turned to my husband and said, "I can't wait to share this with other people who are so excited about Disney, that they will understand." Our friends and family sort of looked resigned whenever we talked about possibly getting married at Disney. They aren't Disney people. They didn't get it.

I'm not a mean person. And you all don't know me, I know. But I don't EVER rub things in other people's faces. I have always hated that. I hate seeing someone in pain, and I certainly never want to be the cause of it.

I posted here for one reason. It was the Disney wedding thread and I got married at Disney. I wasn't trying to show anyone up or make anyone feel bad.

I researched beforehand and all I saw was that the parks were strictly forbidden. I asked my friend's godfather (security exec) and he was for the idea. We picked a place where we wouldn't bother anyone. We wanted to keep this lowkey, no fuss, no grandstanding.

I am so horrified that I am now being seen as some sort of horrible person because of this. I am still being told that I was trying to solicit popularity. I don't understand this. Aren't we all sharing our stories? I am being called bitter and a rule breaker. What rule? I didn't get married in the parks and didn't attempt to bring in outside vendors.

I know I have gotten rude, and although I suspect that I won't get any apologies in return, I am sorry for that because I am NOT a mean person. I have been looking at these weddings and thinking how amazing and beautiful they are, including Joanne's, and been genuinely happy and excited that folks had the means to do it right. I didn't, and that was ok, because got to use the only thing that doesn't cost any money, and that was my imagination. I would never have dreamed of making negative comments to anyone on their posts, and honestly, it never occured to me that anyone who could afford just beautiful weddings would ever have cause to be envious or angry at me with my cotton dress and paper flowers. Had I thought that was the case, I wouldn't have posted, or I would have put a disclaimer eight miles high that oh my GOD, my wedding isn't a patch on the gorgeous ones I saw here. And truly, had Joanne said what she did, without making the assumption that I was just trying to stir people up, I might have accepted it and at the very least clarified things.

I know that you all are all friends. I was hoping to make friends, too. I just wanted to be happy and share that happiness. I don't know why it had to be like this.

I *know* you all don't care, but maybe it will make you feel better to know that I have been crying my eyes out all night. (it's quarter to 7 here on the east coast of the US...or MST [mouse standard time :)]) and I have been too upset to sleep, thinking that people I thought I might have something wonderful in common with just see me as a rule breaker, a fraud, a pot stirrer, and frankly, a witch. That isn't me at all. I was looking forward to sharing with you all, but you decided who I was before I ever got that chance. All because Joanne read something wrong, that honestly, HAD I said, I would totally have seen her point. Because that would have been a jerk move. But I didn't say it, and no matter how I try to tell you that, you won't just, not even believe me, but read it. It's right there!

I have seen the friendships here and thought that the community was so cool. I didn't expect people to just hate me.
Dear Joanne, I wouldn't have bothered to post, but I wanted to show my public support for you. :hug:

The OP broke the rules and expected everyone to be all happy for her that she got away with it. When no one jumped up and down shouting praise and compliments, she felt the need to attack you and try to make you feel bad. Then she felt the need to inform us that she has no money (but apparently enough to go to Disney "more often in a month than most people do in a lifetime") and health issues in an attempt to have everyone say, "Oh, well, in your case, that's okay then!" But no one did that either. Her tone has been condescending and her reactions way off base.

OP you are now being just plain rude - its disgusting behaviour and you cannot attack someone personally for having a different opinion to yourself.
You come across as an attention seeker and for that reason I suggest all 'proper' disney (and of course Joanne our lovely S/D brides :) ) now ignore your rude posts and no longer waste our time posting about this 'sneaky' wedding. I hope disney doesnt read- like I said before Ive been led to believe they monitor these boards.
I say no more.
Good day.

Thank you so much sweet girls, for your love and support!!
Jessica (OP) and I have exchanged PMs in an attempt to bring this ugly matter to a close. I truly hope we can, because she isn't the only one who has been in tears over this matter!!
In the interests of full disclosure, and for all my bluster truly horrified that I may have broken a rule and been utterly out of line, I called Disney Guest Relations this morning and spent about an hour talking to her, as she also consulted a supervisor, essentially "turning myself in". I was told that as it was not in the parks, and not anywhere where Disney Fairy Tale Weddings take place, that there was nothing untoward in what my husband and I did, and in fact they thought it was an innovative and creative alternative to an option I could not afford. If there are further questions about the rules, I guess you would have to address them with Joyce, because she searched the rules, spoke with additional supervisors and determined that not only was there no chance I would be banned over such a thing, it was not in violation of their wedding policies, given the location.

As for any "bragging" on my part, I will reiterate to "legitimate" Disney brides that I am nothing but envious and admiring of your beautiful weddings and happy for you. I hope you can admire my creativity and be happy for me.
If this is the case, I humbly apologize for saying you were breaking the rules, if you weren't!!! We have always been led to believe (from DFTW themselves) that it was 'frowned upon', but maybe that is just it, it is frowned upon but not banned. I personally would not do it the way you did, but each to their own, and if you were genuinely not breaking rules, then I am happy to acknowledge that.
We will maybe see a lot more brides choosing this way of doing things if it is found to be not against the rules!!
Thank you, Joanne. I really appreciate you saying this. I truly truly truly would not have gone ANYWHERE that would be a DFTW location, although I won't try to say we didn't consider the beach at the Poly for about ten minutes. When that seemed like not such a good idea, we even thought of just doing it in our (non-Disney) hotel room. Then my then fiance said "Monorail?" and the flurry of researching began. We were stymied as there isn't a straight set of published rules for such things, hence our going with my friend's godfather as the final authority. After all this kerfuffle, I began to have doubts again, so I called Disney and outright explained what happened and what we had been told and the CM laid it all out. I am glad I called, because I sincerely did not want to have unwittingly done wrong and was willing to throw myself on my sword. I was relieved to be told my original information was correct.

I am sorry things got out of hand and hope we can simply enjoy continuing to share stories. I am not happy that anyone shed tears over all this!
And I hope no one ever has to do it as I did because everyone deserves a fine wedding!
I too, am glad that this whole sorry episode is over!!
I do hope that you now see that I am not the dreadful person you thought I was. I am sorry if I come over as a 'mother hen', but that is just my personality. Maybe I should try to keep that side of me in check - though I think it will be hard being anything other than myself!! :hug:
I also hope you will change your view on the girls on this board!! They are the loveliest, sweetest girls and are always so very supportive of one another. They were showing support of me and I am grateful to them and cannot see their love and support as a bad thing. They were also registering disapproval of something which they saw as wrong. Perhaps they now see things differently, but that is for them to decide. They really are the best of girls!!!
I have no dog in this fight as I was married almost 17 years ago in a courthouse in Annapolis;)

I did want to say I think your wedding was very creative and fun, and I hope you can focus on the joy of the two of you being married. When we got married my DH was in boot camp and we decided on his break to go and get married. We were engaged for 4 days and told our family that we were getting married, "on Thursday," and we would love to have them join us. We also surprised folks since by the time the new year came around he was back in MO and I was a Mrs.:thumbsup2

I hope you continue to have fun with your DH!
I am feeling nothing but love right now. :)

Nothing like those short engagements, huh? When you know, you know!!!
I think your wedding was a fun idea! I have seen weddings at Port Orleans Riverside, on a boat during Illuminations and even one at Blizzard Beach:lmao:. I love the creativity some people have! Congrats!!
Hi trisana21,

First of all congratulations on your marriage. I wish you both good health and happiness!

Secondly, thank you for clarifying what Disney feel are the 'rules' when it comes to weddings on property not taken care of by DFTW. Though your discourse with Tinkerbell 766 has been somewhat unpleasant and upsetting for you both, it seems some good may have come out of it. It could mean more people like yourself may choose to do as you have done, now that it has been confirmed that you were not in violation of any rules.

Let us hope this may lead to more Disney wedding dreams coming true! :woohoo:
Oh, I bet that a Blizzard beach wedding is super cute!

I am sure that Disney's preference is always to have folks go through DFTW, no doubt, but for weddings they don't provide, like a doofy monorail wedding, as the CM is spoke to said, "Disney is about fun and happiness and love, and everything you did was about that." As I told Joanne in a PM, I am actually an annoyingly strict rule abider, which is why I looked everywhere first. Things did get unpleasant and I am definitely sorry for my part of it and that other folks had to be involved or even see it, but happy that things got clarified and seem to be nice now. I don't like being at odds with people at all.
Now, my husband did say that it would be pretty funny if a year or so from now we could look at weddings done by DFTW on the monorail as "our fault". LOL...how cute would a Wedding Car look!? The CMs loved the idea and who knows, might share it as a suggestion somewhere. Disney is good about absorbing ideas like that. From all accounts, that's kinda how the more intimate weddings through DFTW got started, because people were doing them anyway! :)

In that case, all bets might be off. lol
I would love to be on a monorail watching someone getting married. I think it would be awesome to see. My DH and I pretty much eloped to. I ran away from home with him and moved to Maine from Florida. He had taken all his vacation time coming down to Florida to meet me. We met over the phone and would talk for hours. We started talking in the beginning of Feb. HE came down in APril and I moved with him and we got married May 2nd and will be married for 15 years in 2012. He was in the navy so we a Justice of the Peace come to the house and just had a big bonfire and party afterwards with all his navy buds. It was fun. We never had a honeymoon so we are going to WDW in May for our 15 year anniversary and leaving the kids behind. That is our honeymoon LOL.


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