High School Class of 2016/College Class 2020

Oh boy! DD16's BF of 4 months broke up with her last night. She is heartbroken! This is her 1st real relationship and I am so sad for her.

After snuggling with her while she cried and texted with friends, we watched some Gilmore Girls and I sent her to bed with a couple of Tylenol PM's. She has 2 tests today.
Oh boy! DD16's BF of 4 months broke up with her last night. She is heartbroken! This is her 1st real relationship and I am so sad for her.

After snuggling with her while she cried and texted with friends, we watched some Gilmore Girls and I sent her to bed with a couple of Tylenol PM's. She has 2 tests today.
Hi everyone...I enjoyed the journey on the Class of 2018 board (current college freshmen), and now that I have a high school junior and we are starting the process over again, I went searching for a similar board for the Class of 2016.

I'm looking forward to catching up on the posts here and sharing the ride with all of you!
My DD took the PSAT test yesterday. Does anyone know how long it takes to get the results back?
My DD took the PSAT test yesterday. Does anyone know how long it takes to get the results back?

My DD also took it yesterday and said she was told they would have the results in December. I cannot remember if she had more specific info than that.
OK, so who else has experienced the "angry Registry of Motor Vehicles Examiner"? :scared1:

OMG! Where do they find so many unhappy people?????

We committed the unforgivable sin of losing dd's ss card. She has her permit so its obvious that they already checked her birth certificate, her ss card, our proof of residency, etc. We go to take her road test. I felt that they wouldn't let her take it until we had the card or at least a print out from the ss office, but we were already there so I thought we could at least ask. Well, there is no one there that could answer just a simple question! Even the lady at the "information desk" would not answer just a question. So we waited until our number was called and asked. Nope, gotta have "the ss card or a printout from the ss office," direct quote from the lady that called our number. Ok, so we run over to the ss office, fill out their application and SHOW THEM DD'S PERMIT for identification and they order the card and give us a print out.

We go back to the DMV, get another number and wait two hours to finally be called. The first thing she says is "we stopped giving road tests 45 minutes ago. They will start again in two hours" :furious: My head almost blew off. I was sooooo angry. So through gritted teeth, I said, please just look at the paperwork we have here and make sure we have everything. She asked dd 3 times "do you have your permit" to which dd said yes and showed her the permit in her hand each time. She tells us what we have is fine.

We go back. And when we finally get called again, they tell us "oh, we have to have the ss card" I tell them we have the print out. "Oh, we can't take that anymore, we have to have the card" :furious: Again, through gritted teeth I asked the woman "do you have any idea what she had to show as identification to GET her ss card". "no, m'am" "THE FLIPPIN' PERMIT THAT YOU GAVE HER!!!" Let's just say, that my unhappiness was pretty much known by all.

I missed a day of work, dd missed another day of school because these people simply could not just answer my question in the first place.

We are going to the next county over when the ss card comes in next week to take her road test, at dd's request :rotfl:
OMG! Where do they find so many unhappy people?????

We committed the unforgivable sin of losing dd's ss card. She has her permit so its obvious that they already checked her birth certificate, her ss card, our proof of residency, etc. We go to take her road test. I felt that they wouldn't let her take it until we had the card or at least a print out from the ss office, but we were already there so I thought we could at least ask. Well, there is no one there that could answer just a simple question! Even the lady at the "information desk" would not answer just a question. So we waited until our number was called and asked. Nope, gotta have "the ss card or a printout from the ss office," direct quote from the lady that called our number. Ok, so we run over to the ss office, fill out their application and SHOW THEM DD'S PERMIT for identification and they order the card and give us a print out.

We go back to the DMV, get another number and wait two hours to finally be called. The first thing she says is "we stopped giving road tests 45 minutes ago. They will start again in two hours" :furious: My head almost blew off. I was sooooo angry. So through gritted teeth, I said, please just look at the paperwork we have here and make sure we have everything. She asked dd 3 times "do you have your permit" to which dd said yes and showed her the permit in her hand each time. She tells us what we have is fine.

We go back. And when we finally get called again, they tell us "oh, we have to have the ss card" I tell them we have the print out. "Oh, we can't take that anymore, we have to have the card" :furious: Again, through gritted teeth I asked the woman "do you have any idea what she had to show as identification to GET her ss card". "no, m'am" "THE FLIPPIN' PERMIT THAT YOU GAVE HER!!!" Let's just say, that my unhappiness was pretty much known by all.

I missed a day of work, dd missed another day of school because these people simply could not just answer my question in the first place.

We are going to the next county over when the ss card comes in next week to take her road test, at dd's request :rotfl:
Uggh! I know, it is so frustrating! We were fortunate that the paperwork part wasn't so bad, and the people manning the desks were fine (some were even really nice), but the registry examiners themselves were unbelievably obnoxious. DD and DS went together the first time, one at a time. The examiner failed DS because his door had stuck and the light came on as he was driving off (a safety violation, apparently), but he made him go through the whole exam anyway. He didn't really talk to him, either, just barked something at him and handed him the paper. It took us a while to figure out what actually happened. DS was devastated. DD went next, with the same guy. He yelled at her a couple of times, then belittled her even though he passed her, saying he was "Cutting her a big break". She was in tears on her way into the registry office after the exam, then when we got into the car afterward and she saw how upset DS was, she cried even more. It was a really awful experience.

DS then tried to make another appointment, but the first appointment was six weeks later, and at a registry office two hours from our house. Seriously, it was the only appointment available, I couldn't believe it. So I told DS he could work on trying to get an earlier, or closer one if he wanted to (he would have had to miss the first day of school for that one), so he called, as people at the Registry had told us to do, but somehow, when he put his permit number in and went to look for another appointment, it cancelled his appointment first, so that he lost the one he had, and there were no more until the following week! :headache: (I heard him on the phone going, "No, No, NOOOO!!" :rotfl2: :sad: ) He got one closer to home, but he was a wreck about this next guy, too, as he had heard stories. And yes, this guy lived up to his reputation, also, but thankfully DS passed and finally got his license. I was so happy for him that day.
Yikes! Now, I'm really not looking forward to taking DD for her DL.....whenever that will be. She really isn't too interested in driving. She has a waiver, so may not have to take the road test, but there is always a chance! She could have had her license by the end of October, if she'd gotten all her hours in. She just never wants to drive. I admit, there are plenty of times when I don't even ask her, because we are running late and can't really spare the extra time it takes to get there with her driving. So, it's partially my fault, too!

Does this year seem academically harder for your kids? DD is struggling to maintain A's and has several friends that dropped classes because they couldn't handle them. This is the year a lot of kids take a heavy load of AP's (DD is taking 3) so I'm guessing that's why. She's started private tutoring for one of her classes. I figured it would help relieve some of the stress, but she just did worse on this unit test than any others so far. Ugh. I think she is getting burned out. I can't wait for Christmas break. Oh wait, she will just spend that studying for finals. Just like she spent Thanksgiving break doing a big project. Sigh. So much for breaks.:(
My DD also took it yesterday and said she was told they would have the results in December. I cannot remember if she had more specific info than that.

Has everyone gotten their scores? (Ours were posted on Naviance.) DD is one point away from last year's cutoff so she has a small chance, but I'm guessing she's going to miss it by a point or two. There seems to be a pattern where the scores go up one year and down the next. Unfortunately this is an "up" year. These are the scores for some of the previous years. Last year isn't included, but out state went down one point from the previous year. http://hubpages.com/hub/National-Merit

My DD isn't 16 until Feb, but she also has no interest in driving. All of her friends are 16 already and very few have their license already. I guess they are all just content with having us driving them around.
Has everyone gotten their scores? (Ours were posted on Naviance.) DD is one point away from last year's cutoff so she has a small chance, but I'm guessing she's going to miss it by a point or two. There seems to be a pattern where the scores go up one year and down the next. Unfortunately this is an "up" year. These are the scores for some of the previous years. Last year isn't included, but out state went down one point from the previous year. http://hubpages.com/hub/National-Merit

My DD isn't 16 until Feb, but she also has no interest in driving. All of her friends are 16 already and very few have their license already. I guess they are all just content with having us driving them around.

DD came home with her scoring and booklet on Monday. She is pleased with her results and was happy with all of the info given & is using it to plan her strategy for the next step.

She's 16 & hasn't had the time for driver's training yet. It's really starting to stress me out. She was hesitant until very recently, which doesn't help ease my mind. This is the kid I've been dreading driving since she took years off my life at the WDW Speedway at about 8 or 9. Seriously, there's even photographic evidence to prove my hair was standing straight up when we finally got off that ding dang ride! DH & my other DD were on the other track & had great difficulty keeping their car going because they were crying laughing. It backed up both tracks. Never, ever again. Yeah, I'm not looking forward to this kid driving.
Yikes! Now, I'm really not looking forward to taking DD for her DL.....whenever that will be. She really isn't too interested in driving. She has a waiver, so may not have to take the road test, but there is always a chance! She could have had her license by the end of October, if she'd gotten all her hours in. She just never wants to drive. I admit, there are plenty of times when I don't even ask her, because we are running late and can't really spare the extra time it takes to get there with her driving. So, it's partially my fault, too!

Does this year seem academically harder for your kids? DD is struggling to maintain A's and has several friends that dropped classes because they couldn't handle them. This is the year a lot of kids take a heavy load of AP's (DD is taking 3) so I'm guessing that's why. She's started private tutoring for one of her classes. I figured it would help relieve some of the stress, but she just did worse on this unit test than any others so far. Ugh. I think she is getting burned out. I can't wait for Christmas break. Oh wait, she will just spend that studying for finals. Just like she spent Thanksgiving break doing a big project. Sigh. So much for breaks.:(

DD has been driving since September and so far, (knock on wood) has been a safe responsible driver. She is a stickler for how others act in her car so even when other teens are riding with her, she lets them know up front what her rules are.

This has actually been an easier year for dd. I was afraid it would not be but she comes in and finishes her homework before I get home from work. Sometimes she does have an essay or project that is a little more on-going but she does a bit every day and gets it done. With 90 minute class period, they are given quite a bit of time to work on things while at school. She has straight A's and has scored in the highest bracket on all her state tests. The ACT stressed her out (the timing of it made her nervous, next time I will make sure she wears a watch and can equal out her time) but she still scored well.

The senior project is looming over her and she has to make a decision soon on WHAT to do.
My DD also took it yesterday and said she was told they would have the results in December. I cannot remember if she had more specific info than that.

DD got her PSAT scores today. 72 in critical reading, 65 in math, and 59 in writing skills. She improved in all 3 categories vs last year.

She took the SAT last Saturday- hopefully, her scores will mirror those on the PSAT.
Hi everyone! How is the 2nd semester going so far?

Dd will be going to a vo tech open house soon and sign up to try to get into the vet assistant class for next year since she didnt win the lotto this year.

She ended up getting a pre law class that she enjoys.
DD is going into her 2nd trimester exams next week. Doing really well with all her classes- she added advanced topics Physics this trimester, and is taking the added workload In stride. She took the SAT in December and did very well. Took the ACT last weekend.

She applied for a summer STEM program at Carnegie Mellon- it would be a great thing for her, but it is a bit of a long shot to get in. So we will see what happens with that. She did get into the Mentorship program for next year, which will be a great experience for her (and look good on college applications).
Hi everyone! How is the 2nd semester going so far?

Dd will be going to a vo tech open house soon and sign up to try to get into the vet assistant class for next year since she didnt win the lotto this year.

She ended up getting a pre law class that she enjoys.
I hope she gets in this time. Fingers crossed! Glad she likes the law class.

Mine are enjoying their year, I think. Both have classes they enjoy a lot, are working, and planning their college strategies. Seem happy.

It's hard to believe that in a relatively short time, they'll be applying to colleges! :faint:

It is just really unbelievable how fast the time flies. Seems like just yesterday they were going off to preschool!
MomofKatie, hope your dd gets into the STEM program.and that is great about the mentorship!

Pea-n-Me: thanks.I hope she gets in if not she can do it as adult education after high school, but I would like to get it for free,lol.
Bur seriously,where does the time go?
So far, so good. Lots of figuring out what to take and when to take them. Classes have been selected for Senior year and DS17 is just waiting to see if he gets the schedule he wants.

He received some exciting news yesterday, he has been accepted into the Summer Seminar at the United States Navel Academy. It's a 6 day program and in order to attend he'll have to miss 4 days of school but he is willing to have to make up the work so he can take part in this wonderful opportunity. He is also going down to the USNA next week for a Visitors Weekend. He gets to spend 3 days following a Pleeb around and getting a bit of an idea of what goes on there.

We also completed all the paperwork for a 5 1/2 week Summer program at the St. Paul's school in NH. We all have our fingers crossed for tuition assistance with that one. He had his interview for St. Paul's the other day and feels good about how it went.

There are just so many exciting and nerve wracking things going on right now. I don't know how he can stand it!
This has been a tough year for DD so far. Her APUSH class was a nightmare. I'm not sure the teacher should have been teaching an AP class and he assigned tons of homework that in no way helped with subject matter (basically he just had them spending hours rewriting the text book as notes but then didn't cover the material in class). Since it isn't an area crucial to the field that she wants to study, we made the decision to move her to a regular US History class.

It turned out to be a blessing since she just received a Ryman Arts Foundation scholarship. With that, she receives 3 1/2 hours of professional Art training (on the campus of a local Art College) each Sunday and is expected to do approx 6 hours of homework each week. The first semester scholarship is for 12 weeks but after that she can apply for two more 12 week scholarships (for a total of 3 semesters) with instructor approval.

There was no way she could have done both the Art class and the APUSH, and since she hopes to attend an Art college after graduation, this is a better way for her to be spending her time. And she is so much happier and a lot less stressed!

Her other classes are doing well and we are actually sitting down tonight to schedule both the SAT and ACT to be taken in the next couple of months.
So far, so good. Lots of figuring out what to take and when to take them. Classes have been selected for Senior year and DS17 is just waiting to see if he gets the schedule he wants.

He received some exciting news yesterday, he has been accepted into the Summer Seminar at the United States Navel Academy. It's a 6 day program and in order to attend he'll have to miss 4 days of school but he is willing to have to make up the work so he can take part in this wonderful opportunity. He is also going down to the USNA next week for a Visitors Weekend. He gets to spend 3 days following a Pleeb around and getting a bit of an idea of what goes on there.

We also completed all the paperwork for a 5 1/2 week Summer program at the St. Paul's school in NH. We all have our fingers crossed for tuition assistance with that one. He had his interview for St. Paul's the other day and feels good about how it went.

There are just so many exciting and nerve wracking things going on right now. I don't know how he can stand it!

That is wonderful!! Congratulations on his Summer Seminar!!


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