Have you ever changed Deodorants

A few years ago one of the doctors at work was trying to flirt with me, he asked if I was wearing Gucci purfume. I was kinda wierded out and told him he must be smelling my deodorant because I don't wear purfume! I still wear the same deordorant, Secret Cocoa Butter Kiss. I hope they never get rid of it because just like that creepy doctor, I like how it smells too!
I have tried many antiperspirant-deodorants over the years, changing either because it wasn't strong enough or I was allergic to it.

I started using Axe Phoenix when it first came out. I don't remember what I used before that ... Speed Stick Ocean Blue, I think. I didn't like the way the gel felt.
DH switched from Arid, to Axe. But then switched the soap as well over to old spice. I have stayed with Secret. I think I used Dove once but when back to old tried and true. I don't use it to much, as I am blessed and don't sweat much.
I think I used Secret when I was a kid. I changed to Dove in college, probably due to a successful marketing campaign that convinced me at the time it improved the quality of my underarm skin.
I have tried to change many times to something without aluminum but so far none of them have worked. When I lived with my parents growing up, I used whatever my mom bought which was generally what was cheapest. Now I prefer Dove until I can find something without aluminum that works.

ETA: My SIL uses milk of magnesia for a deodorant. It sounds really odd but she says it works.
Ok I have to confess. I wear Dove Cucumber aerosol because the instruction diagrams on the back make me giggle like a middle schooler. I'm that immature.
I once forgot to put on deodorant and when I noticed I quickly stopped at a store to get some. They didn't have my kind so I bought a different one of the same brand. IT WAS HORRIBLE! All morning I just smelled wrong. I couldn't stand it. I actually went home at lunch, showered and put on my usual kind. The other vile one was disposed of immediately.
I used to use Secret but switched to Dove about a year ago. I like it. I tried one of the clear gel ones once and broke out so quickly switched back!

My DH has used Mitchum since I met him in high school, old dog... :)
Mainly Dove. Whatever I use must always be unscented. I don't want my deodorant giving off an odor.
All the time. I'm not really loyal to one brand. I'm also concerned about the health effects of wearing deodorant all the time so at home and when I'm not doing anything that requires any kind of exertion I use a natural deodorant from Lush. If I'm going out or exercising I use Secret currently. If natural deodorants were more effective I would switch over completely.
Never thought about brands.. i just use what ever is the cheapest..
I started using Dove Dry Spray to see what all the fuss was about. I used it for a few months, but found it didn't work as well in really hot and humid weather as the solid does, so I switched back. One time I tried a natural deodorant from LUSH and broke out in a horrible rash. Had to go to urgent care and get a steroid to get rid of it. Clearly something was in it that I was allergic to, so now I try to be cautious with which deodorants I use.


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