Has anyone had their impacted wisdom teeth pulled without being put under?

For Me (and I have had them removed) Valium, Laughing gas and Novacaine are just the appetizer tray. I have to be out. I would rather sit on a hot poker than see a dentist coming at me. I had an impacted tooth that had to be cut out and the last thing I saw before going under was that little hammer and the chisels. They still have imprints of my fingers in the arm of their chair and I was knocked out. :scared:
My DH had a nightmare experience getting his pulled out while just "numbed". but his were not impacted. he had to go under for the impacted ones

the same oral surgeon put me under for my impacted ones and I was under/done/out in 15 minutes. thats it. You are really in "twilight" as I have been told. I have also heard that its traumatic when you are older for healing, etc.

personally...impacted...I would choose to be OUT. Its quick and was NOT the same as being under for a longer surgery. at least for me.
remember....just pulling wisdom teeth is not the same as impacted..they have to be cut out and stitched. :faint:

Don't be scared...I was terrified and it ended up being one of the easier procedures I have had done. with about 4 days healing time.
themarquis said:
The doctor refused to do it that way -- here was his explanation: by the time you reach a certain age (maybe 19 or 20?) impacted wisdom teeth have grown into your jaw; therefore to take them out, they have to crush them into bits and pull out all the pieces (which supposedly would be very traumatic to undergo awake). They can't just pull them anymore. I don't know if this was true or B.S. but when I heard about the crushing part, I was like, where do you sign me up for that general anesthesia? :rotfl:

I think it *was* a load of BS - I was 25!!!!
The "certain age" thing I have heard too...its a much bigger deal to get them pulled as a 39 yr old adult than when I was 16. My oral surgeon also said this....but I did fine and if I had to...I would do it again.

Don't be scared...but go under. You don't want to be aware of whats going on in those 10 minutes. :badpc:
My older DS had his wisdom teeth taken out with the IV anesthesia. He wasn't completely out, but really unaware of what was going on. One of his teeth was impacted and right near a nerve. He did really well.

I had mine out as an adult with just novocaine and one was impacted. It was OK, he had to stop and use more novocaine at one point. I think the tugging at the teeth got to me but there wasn't any pain during the procedure. As long as you have some good pain medication afterwards, it shouldn't be a problem.
I guess I'm just a 36-yr old chicken...I'm having my two right wisdom teeth pulled on Friday...they're not impacted, but I'm still going under...


I wasn't this nervous about giving birth! I do remember that having the first two wisdom teeth out 13 years ago was quite an experience...I must have been tougher then!
also, if you are having it done at an oral surgery clinic, you will be monitored for breathing, heart rate, etc., and they know exactly what to do if something "goes wrong" (which it won't!) I'm saying that b/c my mom has a terrible fear of surgery (including dental) and a lot of it is motivated by an unfounded fear that a person "won't wake up". Just remember they are professionals and that this isn't going to happen. Besides, as another poster pointed out, you're not going to be totally out, so it is very very safe.
I had to be put under when I got all 4 of mine out because I have problems getting numb just for getting a simple filling, so there was no question I would have to be put out. The novacaine just doesn't work for me, so I can't have anything done that requires stitches (like mine did) without being asleep.

I do understand your apprehension about getting put under, so if you don't have any problems getting numb like I do then I would find another oral surgeon who will do it when your awake.

BTW, the recovery is BRUTAL so make sure you have a couple days to recover.
These surgeons put everybody out, regardless. I'm not afraid of the dentist at all. I had both of my right ones (not impacted) pulled with no problems. I had an indepth cleaning where they numbed my whole mouth in one day and I've had three fillings, none of this every bothered me. I'm much more scared of the feeling after the anestisia. I can tolerate just about anything as long as I know whats going on. When I don't is when there are problems.
I had two taken out originally with just laughing gas. When it came time to do the second two--one was out..the other was impacted and I was pregnant. The one that was out was no big deal. The one that was impacted was an entirely traumatic affair. I am in no way afraid of dentists..but the amount of force and effort required to get that impacted tooth was very traumatizing. I was scheduled for the laughing gas--but then didn't think about that when I got preggers.

For months later--anytime I saw that oral surgeon anywhere--I would tear up.

I cried after the procedure--he came to the checkout to see if I was okay and I had to shoo him away.

I am ordinarily not like that. I do NOT need to be put under for dental work ever....but I did notice a huge difference between having laughing gas the first time where I was mostly oblivious to anything they were doing and the second time when I was fully aware of what was going on.

Laughing gas for me is a valid alternative but at this point--no more impacted teeth to worry about.
I had one impacted wisdom tooth removed when I was 25 and I was not put under. All I had was numbing shots in the gum and that was actually the worst part because I hate shots. I remember being uncomfortable but I don't remember any pain. They did give me a prescription for pain pills afterwards but I never had it filled. The oral surgeon was able to cut the tooth into four pieces and remove it and I only had two stitches.
I had two impacted wisdom teeth out in my 30's after they got infected. I didn't want to go under either. I think the worse part about it was that they put gauze in the back of my throat to keep any tooth particles from going down and it made me feel like I was going to choke even under all that novacaine. I had a root canal done once in a back tooth and they used a rubber dam and it didn't bother me at all but that gauze - yuk. Nancy
MareQ said:
I had mine out fully awake. Just novocain and some laughing gas. He thought I was insane because they were impacted and he had to cut deep and crack each tooth several times to get it out - but I wanted to be awake so he allowed it. No problem for me.

Thats the reason many dentists want you out. The noise freaks out lots of people. Maybe with the sweet air it will be OK, that and novacaine.
I had all four of my wisdom teeth taken out the same day with novocaine only. The top two were impacted. It was not fun. I remember having my mouth propped open a long time. I did hear a lot of crunching and such, but I had no issues after the fact. It didn't hurt. Once the novocaine wore off, I felt fine. In fact, I went to a party the next night.
Had 2 impacted and 1 not removed in the office, totally numb and on a valium IV drip - I was high as a kite and had the best time! Seriously, they couldn't believe that I was still lucid, never mind trying to chat. They had to break the teeth up, but again, I was as happy as could be. My oral surgeon told me it would be easier in the office than in the hospital, and recovery much easier.
I had two impacted wisdom teeth taken out under local anesthesia. You really don't feel any pain during the procedure. I only felt a lot of pressure because they had to break both of the teeth into smaller pieces before they could be removed. If you are good at disassociating yourself from what is going on you won't have a problem. The real pain comes after the teeth are out.

As a counter my 18 year old had her wisdom teeth taken out while under general anesthesia last year. She ended up getting sick to her stomach from the anesthesia and throwing up for almost 48 hours. Talk about a bad situation. All of that heaving with your gums messed up from taking the wisdom teeth out. She was miserable and I was frantic that she would rupture the wounds from surgery.
JadenLayne said:
I have two wisdom teeth that are impacted, laying sideways actually. They will go months without bothering me and then they will really bother me for a week or so. They are bothering me now worse than they have in quite a long time.

Well I've been to the dentist, who recommended an oral surgeon, who told me he wanted to put me under anestisia to take them out.

Well I'll admit it, I'm scared to death of being put under because of a past experience of not wanting to come out of the anestisia. To be frank I'll just let them hurt before I go under.

My dentist says it's "possible" to have them out with just the numbing but the oral surgeon doesn't want to do it that way because it's easier for the person to be under.

I just want to know if anyone has had impacted wisdom teeth and had them taken out while just under the numbing meds and not being under. If I hear that it's possible I'm going to go to another surgeon until I find one who will do it this way.

I've had 3 taken out without being put under. I am also afraid of not waking up. My dentist had recommended that I go to an oral surgeon but I begged & pleaded with him to do it & he agreed. It wasn't bad at all. The last tooth was the worst because everytime he got the tooth to wear he could pull it, the darn thing kept going back in LOL. He also dripped novacaine down my throat & that wasn't too pleasant. A very weird feeling.
I have had it done both ways and I liked being put out MUCH better!
I am in complete terror anytime I have to go to the dentist or have anything done with my teeth. I'm just so scared they'll break or something, so you can imagine how nervewracking it'll be when I finally get my braces off; all that popping and scraping. :scared: Thank God my wisdom teeth are perfectly straight (or were 18 months ago, can they change?) and I won't have to get them out. Even the sound of a cleaning gets me so freaked out I wish I was out!

Of course, I'm scared of being unaware of my surroundings so it would be a lose-lose situation.

DDad had an impacted wisdom tooth cut out about 4 years ago; he was put under anesthesia and was fine.
Mumbling Jumba said:
For Me (and I have had them removed) Valium, Laughing gas and Novacaine are just the appetizer tray. I have to be out. I would rather sit on a hot poker than see a dentist coming at me. I had an impacted tooth that had to be cut out and the last thing I saw before going under was that little hammer and the chisels. They still have imprints of my fingers in the arm of their chair and I was knocked out. :scared:

This made me laugh. I relate! I had all four pulled at once with laughing gas. The drugs were a good time.


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