Grrrr! People annoy me!

So my parents are long time cruisers. They've basically been on every line out there, except DCL. They don't have anything against DCL, their opinion was just that they saw no reason to bother with it until they had grandchildren to take with them. So, having provided the requisite grandchild, I've now got us booked on the Fantasy this winter. My parents, who were on yet another cruise a few months back, ran into her in St. Maarten. They were curious about her, since they knew they'd be sailing on her soon. They ran into a DCL cruiser in port and asked him what he thought of it. They were surprised to find he was cruising without kids and really enjoyed it. They were especially impressed when he told them he could bring all the alcohol he wanted onto the ship.

I have a feeling this won't be their last DCL experience.
just booked a cruise for next year, this will be our second cruise (first was also Disney) and my parents first ever. My aunt likes to cruise a lot but only with Cunard, when my mum told her we were booked to go, she snobbishly said 'just don't judge all cruises by the Disney one you're going on' I mean WTH?! Why say that to someone, talk about taking away the excitement from my mum. And how would she know anyway? She has never been on a Disney cruise!

Anyway, rant over...
I have done them all....Royal Carribean, NCL, Carnival and Holland America
Disney is more expensive but it is also way better! It's the Ritz Carlton of Cruises ...highest standard of service !
Your mum will be impressed and everything Disney equals happiness!
You can't fault people who don't know better....I will spend the extra money for Disney happily.
I have done them all....Royal Carribean, NCL, Carnival and Holland America
Disney is more expensive but it is also way better! It's the Ritz Carlton of Cruises ...highest standard of service !
Your mum will be impressed and everything Disney equals happiness!
You can't fault people who don't know better....I will spend the extra money for Disney happily.

...and this is pretty much the same attitude as the lady that prefers Cunard lol.
Seriously, the Ritz Carlton of Cruises? No, it's not.
Disney equals happiness?
You can't fault people who don't know better?
Criminy! This is a joke post right?
I've never been on a cruise period....this is my first experience entirely. I was given soooo many opinions on different types of cruises with different cruise lines. In the end all cruise lines have a pay as you go option, and if you budget correctly you can have the vacation of a lifetime. Inevitably I went with DCL, for the magic....watching my son's face light up when he sees a Disney character is not something you can just can live it....and it's possible not just in Disneyworld or DisneyLand but as I make my way to the Caribbean.

This is not something that I wanted to pass son is 5...there are only so many cherished years of true believing before that twinkle just isn't as bright. Enjoy!! :sail:
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I know a lot of people wonder the same thing about us. We take a lot of trips, and we are just a middle class family. I don't think they realize how much cheaper it is to travel when kids are in school. Not just DCL and WDW, but travel in general. It's one of main reasons we homeschool. I gave up trying to explain that to people a long time ago.

As for the original topic Cunard is a luxury line, and DCL is not so that may be why she feels the way she does.

We are the same! We travel off the peak times, and we homeschool our son. We recently hit both WDW and Aulani during off peak time and had a blast with much fewer points (DVC) spent on both than if we travelled during typical school vacations. Our first cruise will be the first week of December in 2015, and we are excited about the pricing and hopefully having smaller crowds. We were able to upgrade to concierge due to the price point which will probably spoil us for all future cruises.
:sail:I just want to add in here for all those who say DCL is more expensive:

You really have to look at the TOTAL cost of your cruise on other cruise lines..:teacher:
With Most of disney competitors you could end up spending so much more compared to DCL.
Drink card, entertainment, Casino ect. Ect.

Sister and brother in law spend more on their cruise with other cruise lines, than I do with my family of 4 on DCL.
-They hate eating in the same restaurant every meal. Ordering from the same menu most nights. So they end up paying for 3-4 dinners in the other restaurants.
-They always feel like there is LOTS of down time, so they end up paying for a few extra fun things to do on the ship.
-O and they always buy a 2 drink cards cuz they like to have a soda with thier meals.
So when I add in all these extras and x4 :faint: DCL works out to a better deal. And to prove it I drug my sister and brother in law with us in April 2015.

We compared bills and their DCL was $678 cheaper :yay: than their total bill from their cruise they took April 2014.And on top of they Like DCL so much they booked a B2B for April 2016! :hug:

So when looking at the those "cheaper" :rolleyes1cruise lines... Be realistic and add in all those extras you would be buying too. When you do most will see DCL is close in price if not a better deal depending on your cruise style..
O yea.. i didn't add it into my sisters comparison..
But my DH just made a good point.

:teacher:Don't forget to add in the cost of one excursion off the boat with at least one meal.. (Per person) :teacher:
This will be your castaway cay day DCL includes.
I have the same problem. I'm looking to book our first cruise. My mother insists DH and I not do disney because it's too expensive. Well, with the MTO rate we can use on Disney, Royal Caribbean was more $ and Carnival was only $100 less. Why would I not do Disney!? I'm driving distance to canaveral!


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