Grossest Thing You've Seen at the Parks

I hope this post does not offend anybody, that is certainly not my intent.

A 60+ year old woman was wearing a white tank top with no bra. She took the straps off her shoulder and put them under her arm pits. Her breasts were quite large and they were sagging gown to her belly button area and the sides of her breasts could be seen also through the arm holes of her shirt.

In addition to this, she was wearing white shorts and she had obviously just gotten off Kali River Rapids. You could see through EVERYTHING.

I don't know if this is the GROSSEST thing, but it was pretty bad.
My neice, sister, mom and I were at dinner at Captain Cooks in the Poly and right before I got up to get my dole whip, there was a chubby little gal with her head UNDER the dole whip machine with her lips on the opening of it, just sucking it out...
(I chalked that up as I shouldn't have a dolewhip that night)
Not only that, she decided she wasn't done, and walked over to the ice (where the cream for the coffee was, took a big handful, put it in her mouth and spit it back out in the clean ice.. THEN, went over to the coffee stirrers and took a handful, put them in her mouth and put them BACK into the canister!
My sister told a CM who looked at us like we had a dozen eyes on our faces and just ignored her.:scared1:

We never went back there.
These are both horrible. :eek: Where were that little girls parents? And did that lady not think to look in a mirror before she left the house? Gross!!! :scared1:
I guess I should have mentioned, the little girl's dad WAS right there with her.. getting coffee. He just kept slapping her on the arm and telling her to stop, and of course, she ignored him. Had that been me, (which there is no way in the world I'd have even THOUGHT to act like that as a child) but had it been me, I'd have been not only taken back to the hotel room and had a warm red butt from being spanked, we'd have left the resort, right then and there!
Btw - my sister DID ask for a manager, and no one wanted to assist her, so when she got home, she wrote a letter, and never heard back. :sad2:
Next time I"m at Disney, I'm sooooo totally going to be ready with my camera.;)

Because you *know* what the evolution of this thread is:

"Let Me Show You The Grossest Thing I've Seen at the Parks" :rotfl:

Picture's worth a thousand words!!!!
I don't know if this is the GROSSEST thing, but it was pretty bad.
My neice, sister, mom and I were at dinner at Captain Cooks in the Poly and right before I got up to get my dole whip, there was a chubby little gal with her head UNDER the dole whip machine with her lips on the opening of it, just sucking it out...
(I chalked that up as I shouldn't have a dolewhip that night)
Not only that, she decided she wasn't done, and walked over to the ice (where the cream for the coffee was, took a big handful, put it in her mouth and spit it back out in the clean ice.. THEN, went over to the coffee stirrers and took a handful, put them in her mouth and put them BACK into the canister!
My sister told a CM who looked at us like we had a dozen eyes on our faces and just ignored her.:scared1:

We never went back there.

Had I witnessed this, I would have said something to the father and let the kid know how disgusting that is.
These stories are just gross!! I am dying over here :lmao: :rotfl2: :rotfl: !!!

My story didnt happen at WDW, but at SeaWorld. Hope that is okay.
Me and my son had just gotten off Kraken. And we were both laughing it up about what a great ride it was. And it being his first coaster, I pointed out that I was pleased with him not puking. A few seconds later as we are walking out after buying our picture, this girl makes a mad dash to the side of the path, and just pukes everywhere. A little while later we see her around the penquin area, and she is on her knees throwing up into a bag that her friend was holding. My son thought it was funny. I kinda figured she had been at the free beer area lol.
Not that bad of an experience, more funny if anything I guess.
This sounds very familiar to the lady I saw at MK last Memorial Day weekend. We were on our way to get in line for Pirates of the Carribbean, when my son gasped. I looked up and in front of us was a lady who looked to be in her late 40's, about 5'6, who had to have weighed more than 250. There is nothing wrong with that, but she was wearing a pair of lime green terry cloth shorts that not only did not cover her "cheeks", but were completed wedged all the way into her crack. Her entire bare behind was exposed. No underwear. On top she was wearing a white sports bra-type top, also about three sizes too small, and that was it. So, her entire rear end, enormous belly, and virtually her entire breasts were exposed. I could NOT believe she was allowed in the park exposed in such a way. Of course she got in line in front of us at Pirates.

Mama? Is that you?
My next trip to Disney, none of us are using the water fountains:scared:

Thanks for the warnings here!
Just remembered this! There was a huge guy at MK (what is it with me and the MK?) lying against a grassy slope with no shirt on and just a pair of shorts. Now that I can handle. What was gross was that he had a hot-dog sausage and was dipping into the salt he had poured into his huge belly button.

I kid you not, I was there. I (unfortunately) saw it with my own eyes...

OMG, that is the funniest (and weirdest and grossest) thing I have heard in a while! I am still LMAO here!:rotfl: :lmao: :rotfl2:
I needed to go #2 in Epcot. I went into a bathroom in 1 of the countries that only had a limited number of stalls. There was only 1 open for use, the others out of service. As I am sitting there, I hear the door open. I continue doing my thing and on 3 or 4 different occurences hear men's voices saying "What the you fill in this part". I finished, open the door to go and wash my hands and there is a middle aged man sitting on the sink...GOING #2.:scared1: He exclaimed he couldn't wait to go, hopped off the sink and went into the stall I was just in.:confused3

Needless to say I washed my hands with Purell when I went outside and not in the sink.
I needed to go #2 in Epcot. I went into a bathroom in 1 of the countries that only had a limited number of stalls. There was only 1 open for use, the others out of service. As I am sitting there, I hear the door open. I continue doing my thing and on 3 or 4 different occurences hear men's voices saying "What the you fill in this part". I finished, open the door to go and wash my hands and there is a middle aged man sitting on the sink...GOING #2.:scared1: He exclaimed he couldn't wait to go, hopped off the sink and went into the stall I was just in.:confused3

Needless to say I washed my hands with Purell when I went outside and not in the sink.

That is truly the foulest thing I have read on here, and I've been on this thread since day 1. To me that's worse than washing the kids' behinds in the water fountain (ok, it's comes really close to that one), or the guy dipping food out of his hairy belly button!! Seriously - if I was that ill that I couldn't wait for an open toilet at least get to a broken toilet!

Please share with us which country it was in Epcot so we never use that bathroom!
Please share with us which country it was in Epcot so we never use that bathroom!
I'm certain that restroom (whichever one it was) has since been thoroughly cleaned and sterilized.

EDIT: At least a sink is easy to clean. Be glad you've never seen someone make a "nest" of paper towels in the corner of the restroom floor and use that.
Last week when we were at Blizzard Beach we stood in line behind a family. The mother had on a black swimsuit that was REALLY worn in the back. You could everything. It reminded me of a wet piece of tissue paper. The son said something to his mom "Gross mom you can see your whole . . . " He kept going on and on. She was saying "I know it is a little worn but I wear it to the water parks so I dont ruin a good suit" After her son kept going on and on she asked her dh to look at it. He said there is nothing wrong it is just a little worn. I felt so bad for this woman. She had no clue just how worn it was and just how much she was showing. My ds 4 kept whispering to me and I kept having to point at other things for him to look at.
I needed to go #2 in Epcot. I went into a bathroom in 1 of the countries that only had a limited number of stalls. There was only 1 open for use, the others out of service. As I am sitting there, I hear the door open. I continue doing my thing and on 3 or 4 different occurences hear men's voices saying "What the you fill in this part". I finished, open the door to go and wash my hands and there is a middle aged man sitting on the sink...GOING #2.:scared1: He exclaimed he couldn't wait to go, hopped off the sink and went into the stall I was just in.:confused3

Needless to say I washed my hands with Purell when I went outside and not in the sink.

OK, GROSS, YOU WIN!!!!! :scared:
I needed to go #2 in Epcot. I went into a bathroom in 1 of the countries that only had a limited number of stalls. There was only 1 open for use, the others out of service. As I am sitting there, I hear the door open. I continue doing my thing and on 3 or 4 different occurences hear men's voices saying "What the you fill in this part". I finished, open the door to go and wash my hands and there is a middle aged man sitting on the sink...GOING #2.:scared1: He exclaimed he couldn't wait to go, hopped off the sink and went into the stall I was just in.:confused3

Needless to say I washed my hands with Purell when I went outside and not in the sink.

Congratulations..... you reached the Super Gross level! :thumbsup2

Do I say thanks? :confused3

---Paul in Southern NJ
I've got one that fits perfectly here. We were at WDW this past October with the extended family, including my 16 year old BIL. On day 5 of our trip I decide to get the older kids / young adults up for a morning of big rides at the Animal Kingdom. The plan was to hit EE, Primeval Whirl, Dinosaur and the likes.

So, we start to head to the park and BIL is missing. We decide to leave him and head for the buses only to find him in the food court finishing off his second round of pancakes and eggs. :rolleyes2 As we pass by, sure enough, he decides he is joining us after all.

We get to the Animal Kingdom and make a beeline for EE. For the first ride he chickens out and waits in the gift shop. We decide to ride again and he says he is up for the ride. As a sign of things to come we notice the picture of the "Yak Caravan" across the Himalayas for the first time and comment that was put there for BIL.

Sure enough, we start the big climb and I look over to see this look of dread on his face. He manages to keep himself together through the hills, going backwards, everything. He relaxes just as we are approaching the station to exit the ride; just before the tram jerks to a stop. So we jerk to a stop and I here this grunt from beside me. I look over just in time to see this brownish, syrupy half digest ooze coming from between BIL's teeth and running down his chin as he tries to avoid letting his breakfast go right there in the tram. I promise, that is an image that will live with me forever.

Somehow he manages to exit the ride, runs through the gift shop and halfway to the bathroom before leaving his breakfast in the bushes along the side of the walkway. When we notified a CM of the mishap he did give BIL credit for making it as close to the bathroom as he did. :worship: For us, this ride will (unfortunately) forever be known as Expedition Pancakes.

To make matters worse, we had fastpasses for one more ride so we decide to use them while BIL waits outside and gathers himself. We finish the ride and as we are getting off the tram we are the lucky winners of Dream Fastpasses for Animal Kingdom. Only problem is BIL wasn't there so he does not have a FP for all the rides. The DFP's did make a lovely addition to a couple of scrapbooking pages, though.
oh god, this happened to me, only it was SeaWorld, texas waffles and I didn't mke it to the bathroom. talk about humilting!:rolleyes1
When it comes to gross behaviors (nose picking, etc.) these are sometimes clueless people, but often times reflect repetitive/compulsive behavior of individuals with mental illness issues. Be kind when you can. I live with an OCD Schizophrenic and he can do pretty well for a couple of park hours, but I can't guarantee he won't "gross you out" on the bus on the way back to the resort when he hits the wall and we need to retreat for a break.
I needed to go #2 in Epcot. I went into a bathroom in 1 of the countries that only had a limited number of stalls. There was only 1 open for use, the others out of service. As I am sitting there, I hear the door open. I continue doing my thing and on 3 or 4 different occurences hear men's voices saying "What the you fill in this part". I finished, open the door to go and wash my hands and there is a middle aged man sitting on the sink...GOING #2.:scared1: He exclaimed he couldn't wait to go, hopped off the sink and went into the stall I was just in.:confused3

Needless to say I washed my hands with Purell when I went outside and not in the sink.

Oh, that wins, hands down. :faint:
Another throw up story --- We were on Ellens Universe of Energy and very excited to have scored the front seat on the first car/train thingy with one other family. Just after the announcement that now the opportunity was gone to change seats and you must stay put for the duration of the ride... the child from the other family threw up on my daughter and me. I don't mean a little, I mean a lot of projectile chunky vomit. Now I am a follow the rules kinda gal but there was absolutely no way I was going to ride that entire ride with vomit on me and my daughter, I have ridden it before and it is a long ride. Besides, I was now gagging so badly that tears were running down my face. The poor mortified Mother was also not going to stay anywhere near us or ride it either now, plus she was concerned about her son. We all got up to exit and sent the elderly lady who was managing the ride into an absolute tizzy. I quietly told her what happened but she yelled, she hollered and she threatened through her microphone so that all 100+ people could share in our misery. We just ignored her at that point and left informing the nice CM at the exit what had happened. Her eyes went huge and her little nose wrinkled at the stink that was all over us. She said she did not blame us at all. On the plus side, my daughter and I got new clothes and shoes that day.:rolleyes:


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