great friend she is...


<marquee><font color=blue>Future Mrs. Ryan Seacres
Nov 22, 2007
You know my earlier thread on kelsi?
She's doing it.
She called me emo. Again, it's only one word. But its one word that means ALOT.
I wear black. It isn't a HUGE deal. I like black. I wear black shoes everyday, their the only pair that fits me good and are comfortable.
She just pisses me off so much.
I wanna knock her lights out.
Im not slitting peoples throats and cutting my wrists, am i?
NO. I dont think so.

I saw this commercial about bands like The Used and Paramore and stuff like that and she kept saying that I was emo for saying those bands are cool.
What the crap?
Just ignore her...
Seriously, there's no point in listening to her ********.
And if you ignore her, she's realize that you don't care what she says about you, and she'll stop.
Whatever, the guys at my school say it all the time to EVERYONE! I k now they're just kiddig, they ALWAYS laugh when they say it. No one gets bothered by it really.
Either deal with it, or tell drop her as a friend.
I'm sorry she's starting again.:hug:
Ok you know what? If your friend says this she isnt really a friend. Friends don't call each other emo!! Just tell her to accept you for who you are and tell her if she can't do that, you'll drop her as a friend!
I'm sorry this is happening to you, Cassidy. Just try to ignore it. I'm called emo just because I wear black clothing every day, too. .-.
OMG! You're soooooo emo! You need serious help. I mean, BLACK! AHHH! Only kids who wanna die wear black!!!!

Dude. People at my school call each other emo all the time. It means nothing. It's just a word. Other people can't label you because it isn't their place.

Ignore her, let it pass on by, don't make a big deal about it.

Because, really, it's what you think about yourself that matters. Not what she thinks.

And one more thing, if she makes you feel like ****, she shouldn't be your friend.
i wouldn't listen to her.
thats stupidd.
shes supposed to be your friendd and shes acting retardedd.
paramoree rockss<3
there my one true lovee hahaa:lovestruc
and the used and other bands like them are such good musicc<3
there really meaningful when you listen to the wordss.
your "friend" is being stupid and i wouldnt worry about it. its your personal stylee.
i love black too.
people call me goth and emo all the time.
its annoying but you get over it because only you know whats truee.
Is this the same girl you started the other thread about? Ignore her. She is not worth your time at all. Please listen and just IGNORE her!

It's sad when people are defined by the type of music they listen to.

She's calling you goth and emo because you wear black SHOES?! What the heck??? That is so bizarre.
Ignore her.
And if she can't see that Paramore rocks then PFFT TO HER.
If you ignore her and pretend like it doesn't bother you and maybe she'll back off.
I'm sorry this is happening to you, Cassidy. Just try to ignore it. I'm called emo just because I wear black clothing every day, too. .-.

Im sorry, off topic and random but...

I just noticed your tags are all different!!
I like them!!
Your friend having to point out the flaws of others shows that she has self esteem issues, if she has to call you emo to make herself feel better.

Although, commercially those bands ARE emo bands, you really shouldn't take anything to heart, as that makes you look weak in her eyes, and therefore makes you an easy target.

The best thing to do it just ignore it.
It's no big but if it bothers you that much, then just tell it to her face.

She does it again and be like 'w.e i'm done with you'
Alternatively, you can play dirty and make personal attacks on her.

Point out her flaws to counter whatever she says to you.

But don't do that if you're not naturally a mean spirited person. :laughing:
You know my earlier thread on kelsi?
She's doing it.
She called me emo. Again, it's only one word. But its one word that means ALOT.
I wear black. It isn't a HUGE deal. I like black. I wear black shoes everyday, their the only pair that fits me good and are comfortable.
She just pisses me off so much.
I wanna knock her lights out.
Im not slitting peoples throats and cutting my wrists, am i?
NO. I dont think so.

I saw this commercial about bands like The Used and Paramore and stuff like that and she kept saying that I was emo for saying those bands are cool.
What the crap?

You don't want to be judged...yet you are judging?


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