Grateful-ness podcast

I also listened to the show and wanted to thank the podcast team for their incredible hard work, thoughtfulness & courage. Yes, courage because sharing personal history isn't easy. But I suspect some of the information shared not only answers questions that people have had, but may actually help a few people who are going through tough times & trials in their own lives. There were many parts of the show that were, simply put, inspirational. No doubt some people, whether now or in the future, will watch or listen to the show and take some hope and comfort. And in the long run, perhaps giving hope and comfort is the very best that any of us can do for others in this world. At the tail end of the podcast, you can hear Kevin exclaim that he hope's he/they (forgive me if my recall isn't perfect) don't have to do this again. Please correct me if I am wrong. But . . . I agree. 100%.The DIS team has opened up over and over again. It is now a matter of public record & is available for people. A lot has been asked. And a lot has been delivered. There have to be some limits. Thank you for your candor, honesty and integrity.
Can't wait to listen (listening live would require me to be up before 3am which isn't likely)
It sounds like this is definitely going to be a "in the car on the way home from work so I can cry and not worry about running mascara"
Actually, I might pull out the waterproof today.
I said I hoped we didn't have to do this again, as it's an emotional thing to do.

The show ended with everyone a bit teary.

It's very difficult to not think of the people that are no longer with us to celebrate where we are in our lives now.

Today was an emotional day.
Thank you for adding this. People who just read my post without having just watched the show may not have understood the context. Thank you once again for your work. It is much appreciated by many.
I also want to echo the acknowledgement of bravery, vulnerability, candidness and sincerity to the podcast. I can't think of a time when a co-worker or member of a volunteer group offered such personal information in a public forum. I affirm Kevin's post, and celebrate the wonderful tapestry of voices that has been woven within the podcast team over the years. Best wishes to each of you as you offer your unique viewpoints on the news and happenings in Disney and beyond!
:daisy:- Krista "Tigger-ette"
Can't wait to listen, even though I now know it'll be emotional, and I'll have to pick at day @ work where not many are around on my lunch hour, so I can "share and connect" with everybody emotionally. Before I even listen - I've said it time and again before, and I'll say it again now - I always have, always do, and always will - appreciate all the time, effort, thought, care, will, emotions, energy, and everything else that "the team" puts into EVERYTHING they do (podcasts, boards, FB, Park Benches, 7-in-7's, GKTW Meets, etc., etc., etcl., etc.) and the sharing of what portions of their personals lives they feel comfortable sharing with all of us. And, as always, I feel like each and every one of you are my friends that I just haven't met yet, talking about a subject I love. You have all (individually and collectively) touched my life and made it a better place, and I cannot help but be grateful for that, and to thank, love, and respect you for that!
This show really highlights the main difference between the DIS and other Disney podcasts. I like them all, but the DIS tends to provide a more personal point of view concerning Disney. It makes show like Len and Matt's more superficial by comparison. I feel that I "know" the DIS team, while a lot of the other hosts feel like radio personalities. Thank you for not imposing a heavy hand on editing out the "real life" stuff and emotions
Thank you all so much for sharing your backgrounds and your love of Disney with us. We all benefit from you each "following your passion" each and every day and appreciate your years of hard work to entertain, educate and serve us. For many of us, you all are the connection that keeps our passion for Disney alive and thriving through the tough and sometimes long spaces in-between visits to our happy place, and for that we are grateful. We, Pete, are blessed by you too.
Thoroughly enjoyed yesterday's show. I loved how you were able to make a successful business about something you are all so passionate about, and that each member of the team found their way there through their own path. Thank you for sharing and best wishes on continued success.
I couldn't watch that podcast and not post. I have been watching every week for over a year and a half...and what keeps me watching is how honest and real this show is. Thank you for sharing your passion with us!
I've been a listener since 2007....and I went back to listen from the beginning. Today's show really touched my heart. I've always felt that the team shoots from the hype..nothing phoney....I like that. I remember years ago when I first started to listen, you couldn't find a picture of Pete, John or the show is on video.... oh how things have changed (and for the better)...I remember the first time I met Pete (on PCC 2.0)....he was happy to meet me and gave me a hug. He made me feel like a friend as did all the other podcasters when I met them. They are all such nice people. I'm so glad that I came across this web site when I was researching Disney.
I figure after his sordid history, if Craigory can get his life on track, anyone can!

Just kidding...your candidness was appreciated. I don't think I could share like that in the public eye.
I said I hoped we didn't have to do this again, as it's an emotional thing to do.

The show ended with everyone a bit teary.

It's very difficult to not think of the people that are no longer with us to celebrate where we are in our lives now.

Today was an emotional day.

Thank you so much to all of you for sharing your memories with us. It was a very touching podcast.


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