Got bad news today re: DH...UPDATE pg 8

I'm so sorry. I'll pray the doctors at CC come up with an alternative.

Hugs and prayers to your family. :hug:
Minky, I am very sorry to hear this news. I hope the Cleveland Clinic will give you options. Thinking of you and your family:hug:
I'm so very sorry to hear all this. :hug: I'll be praying for all of you.

Please keep us updated.
Oh Minky, I am so sorry to hear about today's news. I will pray that God will grant you peace during this uncertain time and that your kids will be comforted.

Continued prayers coming your way!
I was hoping for some better news for you MinkyDog. I'm so very sorry. You two are too young to be facing this. Hugs to you, DH, and your kids. Hoping that DS will accept treatment during this highly stressful time.
I'm Sorry but I think you knew that was what the local Dr was going to say. I wouldn't give up hope until he has been evaluated by the best and see what they say. They truly do take on the worst of the worst up there. Get everything sent and let them review it and I'd do it quickly.

Hang in there.

We went to see the local heart surgeon today. It's all bad news.

The surgeon advises against surgery. DH would need open heart surgery, but he believes the surgery is a very high risk. He says there is a high probability that he may need a trach and may not be able to get off the ventilator for weeks or months, or ever. Being on a vent causes lung damage(which he already has in abundance) and the risk of contracting pneumonia and sepsis is very high. The surgeon is not hopeful. We're still going to submit his records to the Cleveland Clinic and let the chips fall where they may. If they say the same thing, then it's a done deal.

It's pretty sad around here tonight. I can hear both of us deep-sighing from time to time. We're telling our families tonight. We're going to wait on telling the kids much until after DD21 gets done with finals in 3 weeks. I'm worried about telling DS27 because he is already in a deep depression (he has bipolar disorder, unmedicated--yeah...such fun...)

Obviously, we are having some very serious conversations. DH is of the mind that he wants to go ahead with our Alaska cruise, if his pulmonologist will clear it. If we can't go to Alaska, we'll go to the beach or WDW or something--we could take a million short vacations with what we've got invested in that cruise, LOL. In the meantime, I think we're going to take the camper up to North Georgia and leave it there, so we can just drive back and forth and enjoy it--much easier on him. At this point it's all about quality of life, I think

Sorry to hear the news. Sending you many hugs. :grouphug:
You have so much on your shoulders -- sending prayers Minky, for peace and comfort for you and your family. Hang in there, we never know what tomorrow brings! :hug:
I haven't been over this way and just saw this. I am so sorry for all you are going through. I'll be praying for you and your family and hoping you can get to take your Alaska Cruise. :hug:
Thank you all for your kind words. We have not given up hope. After talking with the surgeon today we realize that DH has some VERY tough decisions to make. Frankly, the thought of lingering on a vent for weeks or months is extremely unappealing to him. I don't know if I could even care for him myself. His quality of life at the moment is decent, considering his severe lung and heart disease. He doesn't want to exchange that for a life of confinement, pain, and extreme uncertainty.

We know that with or without this surgery DH could die. The surgeon gave him 3 years max if DH does not have surgery. We are Christians and we know that this will work out for the best in God's timing, no matter which way it goes. We are praying for peace and strength to face these very difficult decisions. And life goes on...
Wow, you surely have a lot on your shoulders right now. I am praying for you, for peace and strength to get thru this.


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