Good/Bad Internet and eBay Pin Sellers

Hmmmm I haven't purchased from sleepy for a while now but in the past the pins have been great. I wonder what's going on with our favorite sellers lately....

Ok well about 50 percent of your sellers were buying from parrotsand pins...the will would buy contastantly, so does 423disneypinfreak, jeffyoung,shells7pack, and alot more... parrotsandpins has stopped selling on ebay. The price of pins is 50 cents or less. Dont you get it. There are hundreds of millions of scrappers. Even if something changes the pins are out there. There is now a new seller ygpins selling directly from china. so your fighting a losing fight. When one leaves 3 more join. until ebay decides to only let disney sell the pins there will be no change. CFC sells all scrappers, dopeypins, they all get them from china directly.
Ok well about 50 percent of your sellers were buying from parrotsand pins...the will would buy contastantly, so does 423disneypinfreak, jeffyoung,shells7pack, and alot more... parrotsandpins has stopped selling on ebay. The price of pins is 50 cents or less. Dont you get it. There are hundreds of millions of scrappers. Even if something changes the pins are out there. There is now a new seller ygpins selling directly from china. so your fighting a losing fight. When one leaves 3 more join. until ebay decides to only let disney sell the pins there will be no change. CFC sells all scrappers, dopeypins, they all get them from china directly.

Ummm yes, clearly I "get it" have 2 posts here, why the confrontational post? I don't buy from 423, shells7, jeffy, I haven't bought from thewill for quite some time but when I did buy from him I checked his buyer FB and did not notice p&p listed. I don't buy from CFC or dopey either, I believe out of all the ones you listed only thewill was a green listed seller.........
eBay won't stop people from selling pins on eBay, that's why this thread is here, to help those who want to buy on eBay avoid scrappers. Of course it's clearly stated in many posts in this thread that the only way to guarantee your pins are 100% legit is to buy them yourself from Disney, unfortunately some of us can't do that so we have to find sellers on eBay to buy from.
Please come and share your experiences with us but please don't speak down to us as there are quite a few of us who are very knowledgeable on this thread. :) Thanks for the new name, we will be sure to add ygpins to the red list. :)
So I though I knew a decent amount about the scrappers that are plaguing us, but now I have learned a lot more here- thanks!!!

I contacted some ebay sellers who I did not see one the list before buying and I am going to include the responses I got below. Some are ridiculous...just thought interesting to share. I asked if they sold scrappers and could gaurentee authenticity....Let me know if I should post who they came from...

"I do my best to try and make sure they are all good pins. To be honest, no one can guarantee them unless you buy them from disney!! I have personally traded 1000's of my pins with no problems, and have NEVER had one of my customers tell me they had problems either. All have official disney backstamp, logo, and rubber mickey backs. That is "authentic" as I can tell you. Hope this helps."

"HI, that is correct all mickey backs and no scrappers.. Thank you.."

"I do my best to try and make sure they are all good pins. To be honest, no one can guarantee them unless you buy them from disney!! I have personally traded 1000's of my pins with no problems, and have NEVER had one of my customers tell me they had problems either. All have official disney backstamp, logo, and rubber mickey backs. That is "authentic" as I can tell you."

"Whats a scrapper?" *this one cracked me up as they had 1000+ feedback with some stating "fakes"

"I don't think anyone can verify that unless they are new on the card. This is a lot of pins intended to be used as traders or to keep. All have the official disney backstamp."

"I'm not sure what you mean by scrapper pins. If your asking if I can guarrantee the origin of every pin then the honest answer is no. No seller can guarrantee the origin of any pin. The only way to be sure your buying an authentic Disney pin is if you buy it yourself in Disney. This is the reason why pins are so cheap on EBAY.`All the pins we have are acquired by trading or were purchased as a collection at flea markets, yard sales, Craigslist and at times other EBAY sellers. Unfortunately there are tons of bad pins out there however we try to make sure everything sold is quality and if a buyer isnt happy we will gladly accept the pins back for a full refund. Please check our feedback and be confident that if for some reason you are not happy you will receive a full refund, no questions asked."
Well I would say those answers point to scrapper sellers. lol I can tell you that I can guarantee the origin of some of the pins I've sold, how? I bought them. LOL I wouldn't buy from any of them. :) Feel free to post names if you want, but no pressure :)
My sister won a scrapper vinylmation pin from thewill. I too, will not buy from sellers that make auctions private. When private shows up in feedback, that is a warning to me. Stay away.
So I though I knew a decent amount about the scrappers that are plaguing us, but now I have learned a lot more here- thanks!!!

I contacted some ebay sellers who I did not see one the list before buying and I am going to include the responses I got below. Some are ridiculous...just thought interesting to share. I asked if they sold scrappers and could gaurentee authenticity....Let me know if I should post who they came from...

"I do my best to try and make sure they are all good pins. To be honest, no one can guarantee them unless you buy them from disney!! I have personally traded 1000's of my pins with no problems, and have NEVER had one of my customers tell me they had problems either. All have official disney backstamp, logo, and rubber mickey backs. That is "authentic" as I can tell you. Hope this helps."

"HI, that is correct all mickey backs and no scrappers.. Thank you.."

"I do my best to try and make sure they are all good pins. To be honest, no one can guarantee them unless you buy them from disney!! I have personally traded 1000's of my pins with no problems, and have NEVER had one of my customers tell me they had problems either. All have official disney backstamp, logo, and rubber mickey backs. That is "authentic" as I can tell you."

"Whats a scrapper?" *this one cracked me up as they had 1000+ feedback with some stating "fakes"

"I don't think anyone can verify that unless they are new on the card. This is a lot of pins intended to be used as traders or to keep. All have the official disney backstamp."

"I'm not sure what you mean by scrapper pins. If your asking if I can guarrantee the origin of every pin then the honest answer is no. No seller can guarrantee the origin of any pin. The only way to be sure your buying an authentic Disney pin is if you buy it yourself in Disney. This is the reason why pins are so cheap on EBAY.`All the pins we have are acquired by trading or were purchased as a collection at flea markets, yard sales, Craigslist and at times other EBAY sellers. Unfortunately there are tons of bad pins out there however we try to make sure everything sold is quality and if a buyer isnt happy we will gladly accept the pins back for a full refund. Please check our feedback and be confident that if for some reason you are not happy you will receive a full refund, no questions asked."

The responses that you got regarding...that no one can positively promise...that they never have a scrapper is correct.
I have posted that before.
Not even the most honest sellers and traders...
and..I do consider myself one....
can guarantee the authenticity of every pin...
unless every pin is new on backing from Disney.
no one who trades wants to pay for all new on card pins...for trading purposes.
Which is the reason to buy from ebay in the first place.
The reason...that no seller can always guarantee it...
is..there is a chance.....
that any pin...we traded..
or bought from secondary sellers....
may be fake.
It does not mean that they are.
It just means..that some fakes are so good....
that...they might be...
and..the seller would never know it.
Hence...the reason for a good give you a refund "no questions asked'.. I have mentioned before...
some folks are so caught up in thinking...that every pin they get from the bay is a scrapper....
that...they may overreact to even a new carded pin bought directly from Disney by the seller.
Now..the sellers that ignore your question...
and..instead state that the pins have "mickey backs" ect....
SHOULD always be avoided...
as..they are trying to lie..
without putting it in writing.
No..they are fake...
Just so you know....
scrappers ARE considered fakes around here.:)
I once bought from them..and..
will not do so again..
as I do not trust sellers that make their auctions private.
I never buy from anyone that does so.

My sister won a scrapper vinylmation pin from thewill. I too, will not buy from sellers that make auctions private. When private shows up in feedback, that is a warning to me. Stay away.

I do not understand why you prefer sellers who publish their customers purchasing habits.:confused: Although I have not purchased a whole lot on eBay yet, I would prefer that what I purchase, when I purchase it, and how much I pay for it remain private. I would never consider shopping at my local grocery store if they posted my receipt, along with my name, as to what I purchased for all to see. Nor would I shop at an online store that allowed others into my account to see my past purchases or purchasing patterns. I would also not wish to shop at an Internet company that sold my personal shopping information to other parties.

On eBay, unless I am mistaken, eBay even hides my identity when I am bidding on an item, so why should they then publish who actually purchased something in feedback. As far as I can tell, when a listing is private, the only thing that is not seen in the feedback section is what I purchased and how much I paid for it. My feedback comment and eBay ID are published. If someone really wanted more information about my feedback comment and what I purchased, they can always contact me and then it is up to me to decide if I wish to release the info. Personally I think eBay sellers who consider my privacy important are the one’s who deserve my patronage.:)

Finally, debranator, I find it quite interesting that you are one who objects to privacy in feedback, yet so far you have not divulge your seller ID on eBay. This seems a bit hypocritical to me. How can I really trust your comments, especially about other sellers, when you refuse to reveal who you are?
I do not understand why you prefer sellers who publish their customers purchasing habits.:confused: Although I have not purchased a whole lot on eBay yet, I would prefer that what I purchase, when I purchase it, and how much I pay for it remain private. I would never consider shopping at my local grocery store if they posted my receipt, along with my name, as to what I purchased for all to see. Nor would I shop at an online store that allowed others into my account to see my past purchases or purchasing patterns. I would also not wish to shop at an Internet company that sold my personal shopping information to other parties.

On eBay, unless I am mistaken, eBay even hides my identity when I am bidding on an item, so why should they then publish who actually purchased something in feedback. As far as I can tell, when a listing is private, the only thing that is not seen in the feedback section is what I purchased and how much I paid for it. My feedback comment and eBay ID are published. If someone really wanted more information about my feedback comment and what I purchased, they can always contact me and then it is up to me to decide if I wish to release the info. Personally I think eBay sellers who consider my privacy important are the one’s who deserve my patronage.:)

Finally, debranator, I find it quite interesting that you are one who objects to privacy in feedback, yet so far you have not divulge your seller ID on eBay. This seems a bit hypocritical to me. How can I really trust your comments, especially about other sellers, when you refuse to reveal who you are?

Well HI!!!!!!!:rotfl:
I always divulge my ebay anyone who PM...
I am not sure if the boards allow you to post your id otherwise... me...I will gladly give you both my seller and my buyers ids..if you would like.
,I must say..although..
I make a living by selling on Ebay...
I rarely put up pins..
as the profit margin is not there for me.
I never buy from sellers that refuse to let you see their auctions...
as I regard that as very sneaky.
you CAN make your ID private
...all by yourself...
if you so wish...
and anything that you buy will be private.
but...some sellers will not sell to buyers with private feedback.
I will...
as I have never had a problem with any of them.
I do...assume,
by your suspicions of me..
that you are an ebay seller?:rotfl:
Funny....but..I did not see your ID..either.
mainly though...
you should always be suspicious of any seller....
that gives you a vague reply to your questions.
I asked one the other day
...who I have bought from many times in the past....
a pin I had my eye on..
had a 4.50 shipping price....
I warned him....
that ebay was on to something he must have done......
the rarely seen private feedback box
...was coming up on his listings when you left feedback..
his answer?
He said that a 4" pin...costs more to ship.:rolleyes:
He will be sorry......
that by ignoring my warning....
he does not realize..
that most sellers who have had that box pop up...
get removed or severely restricted.
Joan...If you have not been able to PM me....
it may be only have 9 posts.
I need 10 to private message.
BTW I have Deb's eBay name(s), she's legit. :)

And yes, you can post your eBay name as long as you don't post any auction links or say you're selling x items on eBay along with your name. :)

PS I don't like those sellers who have private auctions either. I avoid them as well.
pixie, that is great to hear about debranator because I do not know what PM is. And debranator, I am not a seller. I have nothing to sell. Was just wondering why you were so vague about who you were. I am joan2009z. Don't use eBay much anymore as my first experience was horrible. Buy my grandchildren pins mostly on Amazon now, never a problem.:) Also, have no idea what you are talking about with that seller. Why would eBay be so upset that he charges $4.50 for shipping?
BTW I have Deb's eBay name(s), she's legit. :)

And yes, you can post your eBay name as long as you don't post any auction links or say you're selling x items on eBay along with your name. :)

PS I don't like those sellers who have private auctions either. I avoid them as well.

pixie, that is great to hear about debranator because I do not know what PM is. And debranator, I am not a seller. I have nothing to sell. Was just wondering why you were so vague about who you were. I am joan2009z. Don't use eBay much anymore as my first experience was horrible. Buy my grandchildren pins mostly on Amazon now, never a problem.:) Also, have no idea what you are talking about with that seller. Why would eBay be so upset that he charges $4.50 for shipping?

ok..a lot of the time...
I realize that i think so fast...
that not everyone understands....
what I am saying.
first of all...
As to the seller i was referring to....
I have sold pins...
the HEAVIEST unboxed pin costs about 1.85 to ship..
and most cost about 1.45 or so.
so...add a buck for handling....bubble wrap..ect.
and..if you charge 3 bucks to most sellers....
it should not affect your dsr rating too badly.
DSRs are those little stars that come up when you leave feedback..
Ebay heavily penalizes you...
not for negative feedback...
but..for low star ratings.
ANYTHING lower than 5 stars..
to a seller, is considered failure.
if you Have too low of a star rating...
Ebay will get you..
It does not appear to the buyer...
but,the seller gets charged more...
in some cases,
20 percent higher...than what they are used to paying.
To put it in numbers for you....
last year....when I averaged 3000 a month in sales.....
I paid about 525-600 dollars in combined fees monthly to ebay and paypal....
I got 2...TWO!!!!!!...
low stars in shipping prices.......
my fees went up to 650-800 bucks a month.
So..that guy charging an extra buck to line his pocket.....
is not too smart.
I have bought from him...
he uses minimal packing materials and ships as cheaply as possible... show what I was talking about earlier....
now and then....
very rarely...
another box bops up in feedback..
AFTER you leave the star rating...
I call this box,....
"the kill box"....
it also has 4 questions...
all asking if you would buy from the seller again...
and..why? or...why not?
To my knowledge...they only put up this extra box.......
In order to "get" a seller.....
the ratings are from 1 to 10....
if you get even...a this extra box.....
ebay will hurt your pocket.
they can charge you much higher fees......
and/or.....put you so far back in search results...
that no one will ever find you.......
and..worst of all...
and..I KNOW very honest sellers that this has happened to...
they will limit how much you can sell.... is as little as 20 bucks a week.
putting you out of business.
now Joan..I looked up your ID are not a seller...
but a buyer who has feedback of 2....
I do not allow buyers with under 10 feedback even bid on my auctions....
as they are usually...a problem...
so..I too...will give you MY buyer ID..
I buy about as much as i sell.
The reason that I do not publicize my seller id...
except by private message....
when I can pick or choose who I give it to.....
I am VERY honest and upfront on this board...
I am NOT here to sell anything or make any money off of folks.
and...sorry to say..
I DO annoy some folks.;)
So..I really do not need someone to buy a cheap item from me...
just so they can kill my stars.
This is the way I make a living..
it is not a hobby....
people can be vicious.
I have been there.
PS.. Joan...
I just noticed.....
A PM is a private message...
to send a private message.....
click on the name of the person you want to write the upper left hand corner...
you will see a drop down...with an option to send a private message...
send me one.pirate:
the seller I was referring to is: tennpins
He WAS a recommended seller.....
pixie, that is great to hear about debranator because I do not know what PM is. And debranator, I am not a seller. I have nothing to sell. Was just wondering why you were so vague about who you were. I am joan2009z. Don't use eBay much anymore as my first experience was horrible. Buy my grandchildren pins mostly on Amazon now, never a problem.:) Also, have no idea what you are talking about with that seller. Why would eBay be so upset that he charges $4.50 for shipping?

A PM is a private message. :) You can click on my user name and a drop box appears, there you have the option to PM someone. You should be able to do it now, you should enough posts. :) You can PM me to try it out if you like.
I am gossamermoonlily on eBay, I have nothing up now but you can check out my profile if you like. I buy and sell using the same user name, my FB is 100% and I do allow people with under 10 FB to bid. :)

Wow, I'm behind...

Apologies for the late update, I will definitely work on it tomorrow

No problem at all, welcome back. :) Too bad there isn't a way to make so that more then 1 person can edit the post, then we could both work on it. :)
A PM is a private message. You can click on my user name and a drop box appears, there you have the option to PM someone. You should be able to do it now, you should enough posts. You can PM me to try it out if you like.
I am gossamermoonlily on eBay, I have nothing up now but you can check out my profile if you like. I buy and sell using the same user name, my FB is 100% and I do allow people with under 10 FB to bid.

:3dglasses Hey Pixie....
that is are a good person...
and...I am creepy.:lmao:
no really....
the difference is....
that ebay is not your occupation...
and..your kids will eat no matter what happens on ebay. food..:rolleyes1.
so..I have to protect my dsr ratings at all costs.:scared1:
yes..Ebay has made me paranoid....
as they refuse to help sellers with bad buyers.
Let's cut to the point: are there any reasonable priced bulk pins out there sold by honest people that are Disney pins and not scrappers? I'm not talking about a package of 1000, just maybe 50 or so.
Let's cut to the point: are there any reasonable priced bulk pins out there sold by honest people that are Disney pins and not scrappers? I'm not talking about a package of 1000, just maybe 50 or so.

A real lot of about 50...should cost around 125.
And..that will be with a seller...who occasionally sells lots...
not tons of them.
they are out there..
you just have to research...
See how many lots a seller has..
if they have 1 or 2 lots...
and..they are at auction...
not "buy it now" have a good shot.
I will do a search now...
:3dglasses Hey Pixie....
that is are a good person...
and...I am creepy.:lmao:
no really....
the difference is....
that ebay is not your occupation...
and..your kids will eat no matter what happens on ebay. food..:rolleyes1.
so..I have to protect my dsr ratings at all costs.:scared1:
yes..Ebay has made me paranoid....
as they refuse to help sellers with bad buyers.

ROFL!!! you are not creepy. LOL I'm just lazy and don't want to deal with more then 1 account. LOL My kids like food but yes, selling on eBay is more a hobby then a necessity right now, that might change if I don't find a job soon tho. :)

Let's cut to the point: are there any reasonable priced bulk pins out there sold by honest people that are Disney pins and not scrappers? I'm not talking about a package of 1000, just maybe 50 or so.

In my experience there aren't many on eBay. Unfortunately most of the large lots are sold by scrapper sellers.
I am also interested in buying a lot of about 50 pins, not scrappers. I haven't found anything myself on e-bay that seems ok, so would also appreciate the help in locating a dealer.


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