Girls Trip Take 2 - Labor Day Weekend 2021 and Christmas 2021 Trip

More Trip News and a Big Announcement.

So yesterday was our first ADR day. Our next ADR day in on the 25th. If your counting days you most likely wondering how our first ADR day can be so soon and also so far apart. Danielle has a reservation at Sports that starts on July 15th and runs until we all move to AOA on July 24th.

Why will she be at Sports for 9 nights? Well her lease is up on July 15th and SHE'S COMING HOME. Yes, she had decided after 3 years she's ready to leave Disney and start her adult life here for now. I'm thrilled she'll be home but I'm also torn for her. I hope she really is ready to leave for good. She will be coming back with us when we leave July 28th. Dennis is driving his truck so he can haul a UHaul trailer back with her things.

She made her decision after Dennis found out about his work conference so she worked her end date around that. I'm thinking this trip will be "The Farewell Tour". She has told her Proprietor (boss) that she is leaving and what her last day will be. She is working with Danielle and is being really good about it. She also hopes to talk her into staying. Disney doesn't just let you go when you give notice, they work with you. They would rather have time to replace someone. She would also like to leave on a good note for her resume and if she ever wants to go back.

Back to ADRS. Danielle's 60 days +10 started yesterday. She added Michelle to her reservation which gave us the option of using her room when we arrive on July 21st until our room at the Hilton is ready and extended our ADR window. We're staying the first part of our trip at the Hilton through work so that doesn't help us with ADRs. Michelle was set to make the ADRs yesterday but had some trouble doing it on her phone. I logged into her account online and made the ADRs. We have a Tusker House late breakfast, Via Napoli early dinner and Beaches and Cream lunch. There were so many options making the ADRs this far out. I got to thinking, I wonder if we can get a breakfast at Topolino's? Danielle called me to help her with the park reservations so I suggested she see what was available. Yep, we had no issued getting a breakfast on the day we move from the Hilton and Sports to AOA. She booked that and then Michelle changed our lunch at Beaches to an early dinner. Our thoughts were even if we're still full from breakfast or a snack we can still eat ice cream. This will also have us back at the Resort early to enjoy it before hitting MK the next day.

I'm also still debating renewing my AP. It expires May 24th. I know I won't be making as many trips now that Danielle is not there but I also know she is going to want to make a trip in the next year. Dennis doesn't plan to go back to Disney after this trip for a long time, but I know I'm not done with Disney. What to do?
Hello Everyone and Welcome to another Belated Trip Report!

If you have been with us before I Welcome you back and hope you will chime in along the way. If you're new I Welcome you and also hope you'll chat along with us.

I know this is a trip that happened almost 2 years ago, but we had so much fun I just had to share. It's just been taking me way too long to get these reports finished. Fingers crossed I get this one done faster, but no promises.

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My name is Vanessa and I'm a true Disney Addict. I have done my best to spread my Love for Disney to those around me. I have been able to sprinkle my husband with a mild love for Disney. I have succeeded wholly with my two daughters and failed with my son. I'm still working on my extended family and friends. I'm old enough to have grandkids but young enough at heart to continue to get excited planning a trip and weepy while I'm there. I don't have a favorite character but Belle, Merida, Rapunzel, Minnie and Snow White top my lists. My favorite park is the Magic Kingdom. My favorite thrill ride is Tower of Terror. My favorite themed ride was Splash Mountain and I haven't found one to replace it yet.

This trip originally started out as my first ever solo trip. Remember when I said I had succeeded in passing on my Love of Disney to my 2 daughters? Well my youngest daughter had such a great love that one of her dreams was to work for Disney. She finally got into the Disney College Program (DCP) on her second attempt. She started during her Junior year in college in January 2020 and was sent back home in March of 2020 when they closed the parks. She completed her Senior year and got her degree, even though she was heart broken that her dream was smashed by Covid. DH and I took her to Disney to celebrate her graduation from LSU in May of 2021. The Magic was working because she got the official announcement that the DCP was back while we were in Studios. She immediately applied and by June 15th she was back in Orlando. This trip was my first chance to see her since she left home to go back to Disney, so of course she was part of the trip.

I present to you my youngest daughter and Disney lover Danielle.

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I booked my trip in May before she even left for Disney so she and I would have something to look forward to when we both got lonely. I booked a room at All-Star Movies with NO DISCOUNT. Can you even imagine that? Disney did not offer any discounts for the time I was going, not even an AP discount. I figured since it was just the 2 of us Movies would just be fine and it's really close to DCP housing.

This stayed my solo trip to see Danielle until August. While visiting with DH's cousin and her daughter Leah the subject came up. Leah had a love for Disney that her family did not share. She had made a trip as a child with her whole family and a one day trip to the MK with her older sister but had never really DONE Disney. By the end of the visit she was added to our trip. Please welcome Leah for the first time. She was a Freshman in college when we took this trip and had no idea what craziness she was getting herself into. She did great!
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So, now we're up to 3 people but what girl's trip would be complete without my original Disney planner sidekick? Michelle had been thinking about crashing our trip for awhile. She was doing the single Mom role with JP while her DH was working out of state and only home about twice a month. She was also going to be 6 months pregnant at the time of the trip and would not get a chance to take a trip without kids in the future. Our dates fell when her DH was not home and her mother-in-law could watch JP. It was also when Gia (step-daughter) was going to be with her mother. She had to join us once Leah was added. Don't we all have FOMS (fear of missing something)? If you have read our reports before you already know Michelle. She has helped me do several reports but since Dominic ( child #2) was born she hasn't had time. I really miss her point of view and writing. Please welcome Michelle and technically Dominic!
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My original trip dates were September 4-8, but I added the 8th right before the trip due to needing more sleep before heading home. I will be explaining that later. Leah was booked from the 4th to the 8th and Michelle was booked from the 4th to the 7th. She didn't want to leave JP for too long. Our plans were to all fly in on the 4th. Leah and I would fly out on the 8th and Michelle would fly back on the 7th. We still had access to Magical Express which was a great benefit especially for Leah since she was new to all of this. She is an experienced traveler but not to Disney.

Our park plans were:
Saturday 9/4 Epcot after everyone arrived.
Sunday 9/5 MK all day
Monday 9/6 AK most of the day then back to Epcot
Tuesday 9/7 Michelle leaves, Leah & I go to DHS for 1/2 day then we had tickets to Boo Bash.
Wednesday 9/8 MK for a few hours then Leah would fly home. I planned on spending time with Danielle for the rest of the day.
Thursday 9/9 saying goodbye to Danielle and Disney.

I originally had ADR for just Danielle and I, but after we started adding people I had to make some adjustments.

We ended up with:

Sunday, 9/5 Skipper Canteen lunch for all 4 of us.
Tuesday, 9/7 Toppolino's Breakfast for Danielle, Leah and I.
Tuesday, 9/7 Oga's for Leah and I.
Wednesday, 9/8 Ale & Compass Breakfast for Danielle, Leah and I.

This trip was still during the middle of Covid restrictions. We had moved up to not having to wear masks outside. We still wore masks anywhere inside, including rides and on transportation. You will get to see our faces much more than on our last girl's trip in October 2020.

Please stay with us while we share our fun.
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Vanessa, I see you!!! LOL I'm back on the Dis and just so happened to see your trip report. I got the first post down. Will come back and read the rest! I'm so excited. It's like "old times".
Vanessa, I see you!!! LOL I'm back on the Dis and just so happened to see your trip report. I got the first post down. Will come back and read the rest! I'm so excited. It's like "old times".


I'm so happy to see you back on the boards. I've missed you here.

Please jump right in.
Renew your pass! 2 trips and you spend that on tickets, they are crazy expensive!
Bittersweet for Danielle but I am sure it will be nice to have her home 😌
The other day I told Andi I miss her and want to live with her, lol 😆 she said mom we can’t be like those weird mom and daughters on the show smothered! :rotfl: :rotfl2:
I’m sure your heart is happy that Danielle is coming home though I get the worry too. It’s so great that this time she is leaving of her own accord. I’m sure she will be missed but I’m betting those nephews of hers will be hyper excited to have her back!
I think you should definitely renew your annual pass. You are definitely going to want a girls trip and with the pass all paid for it will seem much more doable. Disney math right there :rotfl:
Travel Day- Nothing Will Stop Us Now

Our original travel day was going to be Saturday, September 4th. Everyone was going to be flying in to meet Danielle. We had our flights arranged that we would be able to take Magical Express all together.

But what's a trip to Disney without a little Drama?

Our Drama was named Ida and she had Baton Rouge in her cone of uncertainty.

Hurricane Ida was headed for Louisiana and was going to hit Sunday night on August 29th. It was looking like it would pass right over Baton Rouge. This is pretty rare. We're pretty far inland and most hurricane tend to miss passing right over us. I'm not saying that we have never had a direct hit but they usually pass the east or west of us. If they come anywhere close to us we know we will have several days without power.

I spent the Sunday leading up to Ida hitting finishing all my wash and packing. I never finish packing this early but I wanted to make sure I did it while we still had power.

Ida did hit Sunday night/early Monday morning and we did have lots of wind and rain but not as bad as it could have been since we were on the west side of it. The areas on the east side get the worst of the storm and more damage. This photo shows where it was projected in blue and were it actually went.
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We did lose power. Luckily we have a generator and a window unit. We learned a hard lesson when Gustav came through. The office I was working in at the time was right down the street from our house so we didn't have power there either. The company I worked for has 3 locations, Baton Rouge, Metairie and Hammond. Metairie and Hammond were both on the wrong side of the storm and had more damage that we did. They also had no power. Hammond ended up being one of the areas that had a lot of damage.

New Orleans did not have power either, so of course the airport didn't have power. We hoped and prayed that they would get power so we could still fly out on Saturday. I don't know if they got power but Southwest cancelled our flights Tuesday, August 31st. They did give us a full refund, normally it's credit towards another flight. We did have to call and request the refund. No one was working so that gave Michelle and I time to come up with an alternate plan because we were not going to NOT go to Disney.

What to do? We couldn't fly out so we had to drive. Road Trip! I booked a room in Tallahassee for the Friday night. I added an extra night at Movies for just me and Danielle. I would need a good nights sleep before driving back alone. Michelle booked a return flight from Orlando to Baton Rouge on the Tuesday she was originally going to fly back anyway. She was also still able to use Magical Express.

We finally got power back on Thursday afternoon as did my office. The other 2 locations did not get power back until after I had returned from my trip. I went to work after the power came on to clean out the fridge and get the office ready for the next day since I was the closest to the office. Have you ever worked in an insurance office right after a catastrophe? I have done my fair share and it's hard. Some of the agents from our other 2 locations made the drive to Baton Rouge to help man the phones. We worked from 8 am to 5 pm with no lunches and the phone never stopped ringing. I hated to leave them but when 5 came around I did.

Michelle only had to work 1/2 the day so she dropped off John Paul with her mother-in-law and was waiting for me at home. I changed clothes and packed the car. We were ready for our road trip to begin.

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The GPS was showing our arrival time at the hotel for 11:29 pm. Of course this was still showing central time zone and we would cross over to eastern time zone before we got to the hotel. It also did not account for the traffic and stops. We hit the road at 5:36 pm.
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We drove on I-12 until we hit I-10. We were traveling some of the areas hit really hard by Ida. This of course made the traffic even worse. We were amazed at what we saw just from the interstate.

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Our first stop was the Mississippi welcome center. This is my usual first stop and it's usually a good one. The trip we just took in April was the worst we have ever seen it but I'll save that story for that trip.

We stopped for dinner and gas before Mobile, AL. I think it might have been Tilman's Corner. Our meal of choice was Arby's. It was fast and hit the spot.
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It didn't take long until we saw this. IFYKYK
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Our next stop was the Florida Welcome Center.

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We had fun sending pictures to Danielle to let her know where we were.

Michelle did really good trying to stay awake for me but she really needed her sleep. We were running really far behind due to the traffic and stops. I'm sure I had at least one more stop before we made it to the hotel. I really had a hard time the later it got. I should not have tried to go so far after working a full day. I will not try to get that far again if I ever have to drive that late in the day. It was after 1 am eastern time zone when we finally got to the hotel. We stayed at the Candlewood Suites on Lakeshore Dr. in Tallahassee. It was a nice room and was just what we needed and it was close to the interstate.

Pictures in next post.
UGH! Stupid hurricanes. I pray this year we have NONE! The weather has been beating us ALL down lately with Tornados. (Texas too) I'm so over it! Glad to see you guys made it there safely. I hate driving when I'm super tired. So scary! We usually stop and stay in Tallahassee also when we drive.
Wow, what an update!

I’m sure you’ll be thrilled to have Danielle closer to home, but it will be a big change for her. I’m glad her family will be there with her during the transition.

Someone on the dining boards mentioned the vast ADR availability for July - I took a peek and couldn’t believe all the options! I’m glad you have some great ADRs to look forward to.

It would be hard not to renew your annual pass! If you’re planning on two trips in the next year it would likely be worth it, especially with the additional discounts on resorts and food.
Renew your pass! 2 trips and you spend that on tickets, they are crazy expensive!

I'm leaning towards renewing. I could use it for the trip in July.

Bittersweet for Danielle but I am sure it will be nice to have her home 😌

It will be nice to have her home but I hope she finds her right fit.

The other day I told Andi I miss her and want to live with her, lol 😆 she said mom we can’t be like those weird mom and daughters on the show smothered! :rotfl: :rotfl2:

I'm hoping Danielle staying with us is temporary. I can't imagine she'll like being here for long since she's been gone for 3 years.
I’m sure your heart is happy that Danielle is coming home though I get the worry too. It’s so great that this time she is leaving of her own accord.

Her choosing to leave is very big.

I’m sure she will be missed but I’m betting those nephews of hers will be hyper excited to have her back!

Being with family is a big part of why she wants to come back.

I think you should definitely renew your annual pass. You are definitely going to want a girls trip and with the pass all paid for it will seem much more doable. Disney math right there :rotfl:

Another vote to renew! I'm hoping for another trip too.
UGH! Stupid hurricanes. I pray this year we have NONE! The weather has been beating us ALL down lately with Tornados. (Texas too) I'm so over it!

You're area has had enough bad weather to last for 20 years.

Glad to see you guys made it there safely. I hate driving when I'm super tired. So scary! We usually stop and stay in Tallahassee also when we drive.

Looks like Tallahassee will be our go to spot now too. We stopped there in December and will be stopping in July.
I’m sure you’ll be thrilled to have Danielle closer to home, but it will be a big change for her. I’m glad her family will be there with her during the transition.

We're all happy to have her closer to home. I hope her transition goes well.

Someone on the dining boards mentioned the vast ADR availability for July - I took a peek and couldn’t believe all the options! I’m glad you have some great ADRs to look forward to.

I'm wondering if Universal opening a new kids area has anything to do with it?

It would be hard not to renew your annual pass! If you’re planning on two trips in the next year it would likely be worth it, especially with the additional discounts on resorts and food.

Those are my thoughts. I know Danielle is going to want another trip back in the next year. She still has a bunch of friends still there. We will need my discounts since she won't have any.
"Going Down the Bayou"
Danielle was successful and has a Cast Member preview for Tiana's on 6/24. This should be what makes Michelle's trip a go. We all thought it was very fitting that her las CM preview will be for something Louisiana themed.
I'm going to be green with envy but also very happy for them. It will be the best way to celebrate their birthdays together. I don't know all their plans but I did hear something about a Monorail Crawl, a late breakfast and Medieval Times.
They originally has plans to celebrate Danielle's 21st and Michelle's 30th in Disney while Danielle was on her 1st CP. We all know how that ended when she was sent home that March. We did have a "Drinking Around the World" party to compensate. Family members adopted a country and had a table with food, facts and a drink. It was one of the best parties we ever had.
Table Markers
I had France.
Italy & Germany

Continued in next post.
The first stop was the Contemporary, but I did not get off at this stop.
Heck with you, Contemporary!!! :p
I stayed on the Monorail until it stopped at the Poly. They certainly had more decorations than the Contemporary but still not what they had prior to Covid.
I wonder if there's more, now (or will be)?
Most of my photos are the trees, garland and decorated tikis.
Those tikis are cool! I like that. :)
the Gingerbread House being the show stealer.
Wow! You weren't kidding!
When you enter the resort from the monorail your see trees framing the scene as you look down into the lobby. The Victorian theme is beautiful and elegant.
The main tree is huge
:eek: It's huge!!
I could just spend hours just looking at all the details on the House.
So many details!
It was getting late and knew I had left Dennis on his own for long enough.
:laughing: Worried he'd gotten into some mischief?
We're from the South so we like BBQ.
Heh. I'm from the North and like BBQ! :laughing:
The Brussel sprouts were over cooked and tasted burnt.
They did look overdone, but couldn't tell for sure until you said so.
The rest all looked pretty good. :)
The trees are beautiful at night but hard to photograph.
Bring a tripod

What? Don't most people do that?? :rolleyes1
Well her lease is up on July 15th and SHE'S COMING HOME. Yes, she had decided after 3 years she's ready to leave Disney and start her adult life here for now. I'm thrilled she'll be home but I'm also torn for her. I hope she really is ready to leave for good.
Oh, wow! I'm very surprised! I thought she was making her mark in Disney and leaning towards staying there.
Dennis is driving his truck so he can haul a UHaul trailer back with her things.
Good of him. :)
She has told her Proprietor (boss) that she is leaving and what her last day will be.
That must've been difficult.
We have a Tusker House late breakfast, Via Napoli early dinner and Beaches and Cream lunch.
Our thoughts were even if we're still full from breakfast or a snack we can still eat ice cream.

Unless you order the sink.
I'm also still debating renewing my AP. It expires May 24th. I know I won't be making as many trips now that Danielle is not there but I also know she is going to want to make a trip in the next year. Dennis doesn't plan to go back to Disney after this trip for a long time, but I know I'm not done with Disney. What to do?
You know you want to.
Danielle was successful and has a Cast Member preview for Tiana's on 6/24. This should be what makes Michelle's trip a go.
I'm going to be green with envy but also very happy for them.
I did hear something about a Monorail Crawl, a late breakfast
Heh. Late breakfast when you're hung over.
Delighted Danielle got a preview for Tiana’s and yes very fitting indeed as her last preview. Great that the girls will celebrate their birthdays together. I remember your WS party but I’d forgotten just how amazing it was until I saw all the photos. You guys really know how to throw a party!
Has Danielle any idea what sort of employment she wants once she finishes at WDW? It will be a big adjustment for you all having her home after almost 3 years away.
I wonder if there's more, now (or will be)?

The decorations at the Contemporary were back to normal this past December. We were very happy to see that.

:laughing: Worried he'd gotten into some mischief?

Worried he would sleep too long.

Heh. I'm from the North and like BBQ! :laughing:

I'm glad to hear that.

Bring a tripod

What? Don't most people do that?? :rolleyes1

I think I might know someone who would do that.

Oh, wow! I'm very surprised! I thought she was making her mark in Disney and leaning towards staying there.

She goes back and forth every year at this time. She really wanted to move out of food service but has had no luck. She also really misses family. I know she is going to miss her life in Orlando too. She has had so many great experiences. She was finally able to do the Sunrise Yoga at MK this morning. She was set to do it last year and it started raining and they didn't get to finish. She's gong to miss stuff like that.

That must've been difficult.

She handled it really well.

Unless you order the sink.

A Whole Can!

You know you want to.

Yes I do.

Heh. Late breakfast when you're hung over.

I can't wait to hear the stories.
Delighted Danielle got a preview for Tiana’s and yes very fitting indeed as her last preview. Great that the girls will celebrate their birthdays together. I remember your WS party but I’d forgotten just how amazing it was until I saw all the photos. You guys really know how to throw a party!

I'm so happy for them to get their birthday do over.

Has Danielle any idea what sort of employment she wants once she finishes at WDW? It will be a big adjustment for you all having her home after almost 3 years away.

She may go back to school to get a Masters. She has looked real hard at what she could do to get a different position with Disney if she went back. She really enjoyed the human resource side of what she was doing to she may look for something in that area here. We have lots of plants here. Her dream would be to get her Masters in Library Science and be a Librarian but the cost to get that isn't justified by the salary. She always wanted to work in Disney Achieves. She changes her mind so much. She will have to work and pull her weight. Coming home isn't a free ride.


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