George Takei calls Clarence Thomas "A Clown in Blackface."

Germany didn't attack the US, Japan did. And the US didn't inter everyone who looked Japanese, only those who were Japanese.

Yep, we all remember Pearl Harbor. A military base in a U.S. Territory with a larger Japanese population than the West Coast. And a territory that was socially accepting of Asian people. A territory that did not blanket confiscate property and intern people.

But we forget a important fact. 2/3s of those interned were American citizens. They merely looked "Japanese."
Yep, we all remember Pearl Harbor. A military base in a U.S. Territory with a larger Japanese population than the West Coast. And a territory that was socially accepting of Asian people. A territory that did not blanket confiscate property and intern people.

But we forget a important fact. 2/3s of those interned were American citizens. They merely looked "Japanese."

Nobody forgets any of that. Because of the manner in which we were attacked, there was great mistrust in Japanese - including citizens. Was what happened unfair? Of course. But, the bottom line is we didn't inter Chinese, Koreans, or Mongolians, all of whom are the same race as Japanese. We interred Japanese. People from one specific country were targeted.

Contrast that with segregation where an entire race was targeted. That is racism.
After reading the article, I can seen why GT is really offended by the comments of Thomas. Frankly, I also find what CT said offensive.

GT admits he said things in the "heat of the moment". However does not make it right.

The spat began after last week's historic same-sex marriage ruling, when Thomas, one of four justices to dissent, wrote that denying gays and lesbians the right to marry is not denying them of their dignity.

I hadn't hesrd thst quote before but couldn't agree more. Thomas got everything he has because of affirmative action. But he is now of the opinion...I got mine screw you. He is of limited intellectual capacity and as far as I'm concerned due to his wife's lobbying ties is unethical as well. And the only reason he was appointed is because of his race. If Scalia doesn't tell him what to say he couldn't think on his own. He doesn't have an empathetic or compassionate bone in his body. He should have been called out years ago. Good for George.
Its actually kind of funny how blatant the double standard is. I follow George Takei on Facebook and his stuff is funny but what he said is in fact a racist comment. And I wouldn't even care that he said it (go ahead and flame me for that) but just that he actually gets a pass for saying it while others who have said and done less are vilified. Amazing.
Oh and Thomas point about denying dignity to gays also mentioned that blacks didn't lose their dignity because of slavery. Really? They all loved it??!!Georges full remarks reflected his time in an internment camp and how his dignity and thst of his family was impacted. Thomas has limited capacity to recognize dignity. I'd like to see how he would react in past circumstances. Sorry for the rant. Most won't agree with me but Thomas is an embarrassment to the history of the Supreme Court and the legacy of greats like Thurgood Marshall
Its actually kind of funny how blatant the double standard is. I follow George Takei on Facebook and his stuff is funny but what he said is in fact a racist comment. And I wouldn't even care that he said it (go ahead and flame me for that) but just that he actually gets a pass for saying it while others who have said and done less are vilified. Amazing.
Imagine if Bill O'Reilly said it. The dis would be lit up.
Justice Thomas' dissent made me think of the Whitney Houston song:

"No matter what they take from me;
They can't take away my dignity."

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Feel like this goes here...

Nobody forgets any of that. Because of the manner in which we were attacked, there was great mistrust in Japanese - including citizens. Was what happened unfair? Of course. But, the bottom line is we didn't inter Chinese, Koreans, or Mongolians, all of whom are the same race as Japanese. We interred Japanese. People from one specific country were targeted.

Contrast that with segregation where an entire race was targeted. That is racism.

Would it surprise you to learn that the census in those days did breakdown race of what we now call Asian into separate races of Japanese, Chinese, and Korean? That data helped enable the round up. So perhaps not only the internment was racist, but the census too?
I hadn't hesrd thst quote before but couldn't agree more. Thomas got everything he has because of affirmative action. But he is now of the opinion...I got mine screw you. He is of limited intellectual capacity and as far as I'm concerned due to his wife's lobbying ties is unethical as well. And the only reason he was appointed is because of his race. If Scalia doesn't tell him what to say he couldn't think on his own. He doesn't have an empathetic or compassionate bone in his body. He should have been called out years ago. Good for George.

Oh and Thomas point about denying dignity to gays also mentioned that blacks didn't lose their dignity because of slavery. Really? They all loved it??!!Georges full remarks reflected his time in an internment camp and how his dignity and thst of his family was impacted. Thomas has limited capacity to recognize dignity. I'd like to see how he would react in past circumstances. Sorry for the rant. Most won't agree with me but Thomas is an embarrassment to the history of the Supreme Court and the legacy of greats like Thurgood Marshall

Wow, just wow. Not only should you apologize for that rant, an apology beyond "sorry," you should be embarrassed. Call him out bad decision by bad decision, but to use the same tactics and language that the race baiters use is just shameful.
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Since coming and and becoming a loud voice in social media, George has been a controversial figure. He's trolls several times a week. I don't agree with what he said any more than I agree with Justice Thomas's dissent.

I also know George already apologized.
That is an incredibly lame argument, since the ideologies of both parties flipped between the 1860's and 1930's. Furthermore, the internment was an execute order (Executive Order 9066), so it's a stretch to say it was the responsibility of the entire Democratic party.

Ok, so then by your logic, the Iraq war shouldn't be called a republican war, since the original authorization of force in Iraq was signed by a republican president?

Or, are you simply spinning, given that FDR, whom many credit with constructing the foundation of the modern Democratic party, is the one who signed EO 9066? (at the urging of many of his democratic party supporters, might I add).

Given that, my pic was appropriate. CT votes for the party who freed his ancestors; Takei votes with the party who literally interred him.
Ok, so then by your logic, the Iraq war shouldn't be called a republican war, since the original authorization of force in Iraq was signed by a republican president?

Or, are you simply spinning, given that FDR, whom many credit with constructing the foundation of the modern Democratic party, is the one who signed EO 9066? (at the urging of many of his democratic party supporters, might I add).

Given that, my pic was appropriate. CT votes for the party who freed his ancestors; Takei votes with the party who literally interred him.

That works as long as you ignore nixon's "Southern Strategy." A strategy that turned the "party of Lincoln" on its ear and opposed all the things that undid Jim Crow.
:rotfl2: ok I'm late to this party and I tried to follow along buuuuttt.
are we mad that George takei is a racist and no one knows it?
are we mad that other people aren't mad?
Are we mad because the confederate flag is coming down, that Al Sharpton isn't upset that some one called Clarence Thomas a blackfaced clown (lol, probably because many black folk call him much worst, uncle tom is pretty popular around here)

Because pretty much from where I'm sitting, another 2nd tiered Hollywood type said something stupid (oh big shock) and got 5 minutes on the talk circuit.
I'm just mad because I thought this was going to be a Star Trek thread!

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