For all those checking in May 22!!


Mar 21, 2006
Hey everyone!! I just wanted to get an idea of who all is going to be checking in on May 22 (same day as me) and say hello :) We will be there in like 8 days!! It's so exciting! :banana:

I was just wondering like when yall are getting down there and what time you're checking in... I know my friend (Taylor2285) and I are planning on getting there the evening before and staying on site and hopefully checking in relatively early on Monday...

Anyway, I just wanted to keep tabs and maybe we could all meet up and get dinner or coffee or something that night or the next day or something. It'd be cool to know some people right when we get there! Hope to see y'all there!

- Janet
i'm katie and i'm also checking in on the 22nd! i'm from NJ and going to NC for my grandma's birthday this coming weekend (19-21) then flying to orlando on sunday and staying off-site (or however you say it) and then checking in on the 22nd! i'm excited...i'm barely home 2 weeks and i have to reorganize my college stuff and see what i need to pack for disney--eek! getting everyone together would be fun!

i'll be getting there on the 22nd as well! getting together sounds REALLY fun! i hope to get there early!
Just wanted to drop everyone aline and say welcome to our program I have been here since Feb. 1st I live in Chatam 3103 and I love it and I would recomend everyone meeting up somewhere maybe and getting to know each other and maybe find a few roomates and if yall want if im off that night and yall decided u want to eat somewhere I'll come eat with ya let u use my discount and answer any questions i can for ya.
If you all want to drop me a line feel free:
phone # 740-590-0571

good luck and enjoy it feel free to ask me anything ill do my best to answer or find out for ya.

on one hand, next monday can't come soon enough, but on the other hand i still have sooo much to do before heading down to florida...

my hometown is so incredibly boring--there is absolutely nothing to do here (i'm from an ittybitty-on-the-cusp-of-rural-and-suburban-town in northwestern new jersey) and i am so bored. i planted flowers today and started packing...didn't get too far on the packing b/c i'm a mom is going to FREAK when she sees my room as it is COVERED with clothes. i don't even remember what color the rug is haha.

one week to week to week to go :crazy2:
yeah, i know what you mean, katie!

i'm getting things ready to go for next week... i can't believe that next week this time, i will be in florida @ disney world, knowing where i am living and where i am working, and my roommates and all that jazz. it's incredible.

question: was anyone thinking about making some definitive plans for us to meet up or anything?
i can't believe yall have started packing already! i am still just sitting here trying to make the time pass... i am too lazy to start packing until like possibly friday but most likely saturday :)

and i am up for making definitive plans if yall want to. if we wanna all meet up it's probably best to decide now cause it might take a bit to get the internet and computers up and running once we move in...what do yall think??
sugahappy said:
i can't believe yall have started packing already! i am still just sitting here trying to make the time pass... i am too lazy to start packing until like possibly friday but most likely saturday :)

and i am up for making definitive plans if yall want to. if we wanna all meet up it's probably best to decide now cause it might take a bit to get the internet and computers up and running once we move in...what do yall think??

1. i haven't started packing either! i'm one of those people who likes to pack like right before i leave (like the night before, or a little before that...) i'm only really taking clothes and some electronics; the rest of the stuff i will buy when i get to fl... which is sooooon!

2. i think you're right about the plans. it'll be hard for us to all contact each other when we're still getting set up and everything. i think that making something definite sounds good...
haha yeah and by packing i mean watching TV with my suitcase in the same room ;) once i packed at midnight the night b4 my cousin and i went to WDW after my HS graduation. my sister had to do it for me b/c i still didn't feel like throwing stuff in a suitcase. whatever. i have to go get ready to go to the mall with mom. woohoo plus my dad spilled red wine over one of my fave purses and it's not coming out so he owes me a new one! yay (i'm a purse FIEND) :Pinkbounc ok i really have to get ready now

but yeah making definite plans to make definite plans sounds great hehe :yay:
Hi eveyone, I'm coming down the 22nd too. I'll be flying from Chicago, so I will probably get to Vista right around 12:00 noon

Anyway, my name is Bill and I will be working QSFB

I would love meeting up with some DISers... on another thread (the CP Summer thread I think), people we talking about doing an Around the World at world showcase using drinks or candy or other fun stuff the first or second night. Anyone up for joining or doing something similar?
hey if you all pick a date to get together, let me know- i'll already be down for a week, but if i'm not working i would love to meet all the DISers that are coming down :), just pm me with the info!

I think we should all meet up too! When do yall think is the best time? Like what night would we have enough free time and not have to be awake at like 6am the next morning or something... do yall think the 22nd itself is good or maybe a day or two into the program?? I am up for coffee, dinner, or around the world-ing, whatever!!
well what time will we be done with all the orientation they have on the first day? we could meet up after that
Hi All.. I wont be arriving until Aug/Sept... havent picked my dates yet.... but just wanted to add something.

Last year I meet up with a bunch of people from another message board and it was fun. We all at at the rainforest the night before check-in. One of the people I met there I roomed with for the semester, worked out very well.

Just wanted to note that you will NOT get your work IDs until the 2nd day you are there. so best place to plan a meet up is not in the parks. Maybe at DTD somewheres.
I'm checking in the 22nd as well!! Whoo hoo! Only 5 more days, ya'll!! I'm taking the AutoTrain and I arrive about 9am on the 22nd. I'm a campus rep so I'm hoping they will just let me pick up my id at access control so that's one less thing I have to do that week!! If there is a post check in meet in greet let me know....I'm in!! I CANT WAIT!! :cheer2: :banana: :woohoo: :dancer: :stitch: :mickeyjum
I took auto train from Orlando to DC on my way back up and it was sooooo much better then driving it. Might I suggest in renting one of their portable movie devices. Its a long trip and I wished I had picked one up.

Also, as a reminder, for your rep badge, if you have not done so already, you have to e-mail the camps rep e-mail address as they need to send a note to access control before you try to pick up your badge. if you have not done so, e-mail them ASAP.

have an awesome trip!
jimmybop said:
I took auto train from Orlando to DC on my way back up and it was sooooo much better then driving it. Might I suggest in renting one of their portable movie devices. Its a long trip and I wished I had picked one up.

Also, as a reminder, for your rep badge, if you have not done so already, you have to e-mail the camps rep e-mail address as they need to send a note to access control before you try to pick up your badge. if you have not done so, e-mail them ASAP.

have an awesome trip!

I honestly don't think I want my campus rep badge because I would still have to return it before I got my Work ID. Or is that not right? What I'm hoping is that they let me just get my work ID after I check in. I still have an old work ID so either way I'm sure I'll find myself waiting in that hot little room sometime the first 2 days. can't wait! :cheer2:


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