Flying 2 days for 3 days at WDW is a SNAP! Final Thoughts 01/02

Oh that salmon looked divine, as does the lava cake. But $3 for baklava?!?!?!!? I think DH would have a fit if he saw that...

So envious that you got to go to both the Halloween party and the F&W festival.
Oh that salmon looked divine, as does the lava cake. But $3 for baklava?!?!?!!? I think DH would have a fit if he saw that...

So envious that you got to go to both the Halloween party and the F&W festival.

Considering that the Lava cake is only $2.75, he would be justified in having a fit!

I might have gotten to enjoy MNSSHP and F&W but YOU get to go to Christmas! It'll be my turn to be envious in a couple of months when you're writing your TR. :goodvibes
Your habit of hating anyone who is currently at Disney or talking about their recent Disney trip is contagious!
Your habit of hating anyone who is currently at Disney or talking about their recent Disney trip is contagious!


Actually, I saw a motivational sign today outside a church...and it read...

"Attitudes are contagious. Is yours worth catching?"

I think anyone on the DisBoard has Disney envy! It really is quite catching, isn't it?
Hmmm...I just got a very odd phishing email that referenced your TR from someone who never posted on your TR...I would suggest that people not access disboards posts from emails, but come here directly and access the links, not click on any emails you get. It looks like a totally normal notification email, but the text is... "Disney is the dream of everyone in the child" Could be something generic that anyone could post, but when I came to your TR there was no post like this.

I check my email and go to threads based on the ones I've subscribed to that I get email notification of new posts in either my CP or subscriptions. Just trying to help people be safe!
The Plan

I appreciate that I may well (not) be feasting on a different set of F&W snacks; and if this is the case, then this becomes my (not) back-up snack plan.

I love France, in particular the boulangerie and the kiosk that sells these crepes.


I also love slushies. This Raspberry one from Fountain View Ice Cream, or the Orange Green Tea one from China or the Orange Grand Marnier one from France will be high on my hit list.

The reality

After we were done looking at the English shops, we crossed the Epcot Chunnel…and headed into my favourite country in the World. I don’t know why but France is where I could spend all my time in Epcot.


The thing about being in World Showcase is that once you work out which direction you’re heading in, there is only one way to go. So, there was none of the usual conversation started for Firefly and I. Instead, we headed straight for our favourite punch lines!

“Oooh! Can we stop to take a photo?”
“Oooh! Can we stop for an autograph?”
…and headed straight for photo opportunity and signatures with …


I’ve seen Marie at least 5 times during my various visits at the World. This is the first time the queue was short enough for us to even stand a chance of getting cuddles!

And then it was snacking time again.



We had read good things about the Crème Brulee au chocolate au lait.


Another first for Firefly!


This was the first real disappointment of the day so far. The chocolate crème brulee was WARM; so wrong!

It was getting hot and I looked across at the creperie but decided to head towards here instead.


Today, a crepe did not stand a chance against this selection!


We should have bought the crème brulee from here instead!

After all the bites we had been having, we were more thirsty than hungry. So, we both picked up one of these. I’d had a couple of non-alcoholic slushies at the World in May and was looking forward to continuing the love affair with this Strawberry variety.


Refreshing and not as sweet as I had thought! Just perfect for the moment.

When we came out, we were lucky enough to score a table in the shade.
Again – I’m not above taking shots of other people’s food, particularly when they ask if they could leave it at our table whilst looking for the rest of their party!


Terribly trusting of them; given that we could have absconded with their food….pity that thought only occurred to me AFTERWARDS!

We sat there in the warm shade enjoying our strawberry slushies when an elderly lady asked if she could share our table. Happy to share, we agreed and she sat down. Her views on life turned out to be diametrically opposite to mine. Political, religious and intolerant comments are no longer permitted on the DisBoard, so I cannot repeat any of the conversation. Suffice to say that if we were living in the 1900’s, she would have fitted in perfectly.
Moving on in the anti direction, I was dismayed to find that I was F.U.L.L. Much as I would have liked to continue sampling something from every country, the limitations of my gastrointestinal system meant that I needed a short hiatus.

So, we regretfully looked at and by-passed the following.








And then I came across the one country I had both looked forward to and viewed with trepidation.


Yes – I missed taking a shot of the Aussie stand! I don’t know how I did that!
I tossed up between the not lamington and the lamb; and in the end I went with the Grilled Lamb Chop with Roast Potato salad and Red Wine reduction. Great!


That potato salad was positively addictive and the lamb was very tender, although a little overdone to my carnivorous tastes. It needed to be a little bit more pink on the inside for me. The sauce was a little on the sweet side; but not unpleasantly so.

For those Aussies reading – and you know who you are – that debated with me whether or not to try the Lamington or not….I just couldn’t do it. I had read that the cake was more a butter cake than a sponge and I piked out!

As we passed this country, Firefly reminded me of a promise I had made to DS.



It was rather hot (but not terribly humid) and I was beginning to feel that a stop by Japan might be in order.

Up next: Touring the rest of the World

Hmmm...I just got a very odd phishing email that referenced your TR from someone who never posted on your TR...I would suggest that people not access disboards posts from emails, but come here directly and access the links, not click on any emails you get. It looks like a totally normal notification email, but the text is... "Disney is the dream of everyone in the child" Could be something generic that anyone could post, but when I came to your TR there was no post like this.

I check my email and go to threads based on the ones I've subscribed to that I get email notification of new posts in either my CP or subscriptions. Just trying to help people be safe!

Thanks!! :hug:
That's very annoying to know that it's happening. I just rely on User CP these days and subscribe with NO email notification.
Thanks!! :hug:
That's very annoying to know that it's happening. I just rely on User CP these days and subscribe with NO email notification.

I have to rely on the emails to at least let me know about new posts, for some reason my User CP doesn't keep new posts reliably. In the morning I can see them all for the last night like 8-12 hours, but in the evenings it won't show me things that happened 30 minutes ago. Weird. I find that I would miss a lot if I didn't go back to when the email came in. A lot of times when I click on the "new posts" check it shows me things several days from when I last went to the thread, I have to go back and find the one that I last read.....
We sat there in the warm shade enjoying our strawberry slushies when an elderly lady asked if she could share our table. Happy to share, we agreed and she sat down. Her views on life turned out to be diametrically opposite to mine. Political, religious and intolerant comments are no longer permitted on the DisBoard, so I cannot repeat any of the conversation. Suffice to say that if we were living in the 1900’s, she would have fitted in perfectly.

Sometimes I can't believe the sorts of things random strangers will share! :sad2:
Thanks for posting a photo of all the menus!

You know one of my fears is for a stranger to sit down next to me and start talking to me!!!
Sometimes I can't believe the sorts of things random strangers will share! :sad2:

I KNOW!! .... And then we all run to read all about it on the DisBoards! :rotfl2:

Thanks for posting a photo of all the menus!

You know one of my fears is for a stranger to sit down next to me and start talking to me!!!

I was hoping to get all menus and kiosks.....Sadly, it was not to be. Ah well, I'll just have to go back at some point and spend more time there NEXT TIME!

I almost hate when strangers talk to me at home; but when I'm on holiday, I'm more than happy to be THAT "stranger" that strikes up the conversation. :rotfl:

At least with somewhere like WDW, you can get up and leave. What do you do on a cruise ship when this happens? It's not like you can jump off the boat....:rolleyes1
The plan

I haven't updated this thread with the outcome of the '(not) little talk' with DS.

All cool on the downunder Western Front! He took it relatively well and has compiled a shopping list for me and DH:
1. Bakugan from Japan
2. Bakugan from Japan
3. Bakugan from Japan
4. Bakugan from Japan
5. Bakugan from Japan

Anyone getting the feeling that I'm going to have to stop by Japan when I'm at the World?

But I'm still (NOT) having the Fugu fish!

The reality

By the time the afternoon rolled round, I was feeling a little bit tired and sleepy. It must be the late nights and lack of sleep I’d been not getting lately; and coupled with the heat and all that Blissful Bites I had eaten, I was beginning to feel like I needed to put my feet up and have a lazy afternoon.

Problem was – I was at the World! You don’t get tired at the World…..much.
So, I persuaded Firefly to head on into Japan.



I had promised DS that I would look for some Bakugan for him – he wanted Dharak and Colossus something or other. The names all get incomprehensible after a while.

Unfortunately, Japan did not have either species and DS had agreed that I was to get nothing if neither option was present. So, we left without any money changing hands.

The shop in Japan was pretty noisy and we needed a little peace and quiet….which we thankfully found.


I think Firefly was happy for the stop and to rest her feet. I know I was.


After a while, it was time to press on.

Regretfully, we passed on by a few F&W stands…



And here…



We walked on a little bit further and came to the American Pavilion. This was my 3rd visit to the World and I suddenly realized that I pretty much by-passed this pavilion every single time. It was time to address this massive oversight. Plus it was likely to be air-conditioned inside.
We walked into the cool interior and the Voices of Liberty were singing. I had read on the DisBoard that they were incredible. We found a bit of floor space to sit on so that we could listen to their dulcet tones.

I also took the time to admire the ceiling.


As it turns out, we were sitting just outside here.


Faced with the choice of going back outside into the heat or sitting in air conditioning for a bit longer, it was no contest.


We headed into the show. Sadly, I’m not even sure I remembered much of it; I only remember Mark Twain talking somewhere at the start. I think Firefly nudged me at least once to wake me up during what she said was an incredibly patriotic show; but I don’t think I remember opening my eyes more than twice. So, despite me finally making it into the American Pavilion, I still cannot tell you very much about the Adventure!

But it was worth the stop; because when we came back out, the intense heat of the day didn’t seem so bad anymore. And the 20 minutes catnap had done me some good.

So, we turned into Italy.



And there were the Street Performers out. This girl actually caught a ball tossed by the performer WAY BACK there! He's the one with the red and white striped "Where's Wally" t-shirt. And, if you look carefully, you can actually see the ball in the air....


New restaurant, didn’t try it!


Firefly had mini Pooh with her….Keep in mind that SHE did it, I only took the picture!


But at least mini Pooh now had mini Eeyore to keep him company.


Realising where we were, Firefly and I had a sudden urge to keep going. We passed on by the Italian stand.



And the German stand..



Because a new yet to be firm favourite beckoned to be discovered…

Up Next: A clear new snacking winner in Germany!

I got that wierd email notification to your TR too :confused3

Wow, the F&W Festival looks divine! Adding another time of year that I want to visit WDW....

Maybe I just need to move to Orlando for 12 months so I get to experience every holiday and festival :thumbsup2 :lmao:
Your story of falling asleep in the American Adventure made me laugh! The friend that I travel with has seen that and the Hall of Presidents at least once each trip (makes a total of about 3 times each!) and still can't remember anything from either due to falling asleep every time! :laughing:
The American Adventure is good - you will just have to go back and see it again next time!
And thanks for the menus from F&W - they all look great. :)
Oh no, you've left us in suspense! :rotfl:

Next update coming right up!

I got that wierd email notification to your TR too :confused3

Wow, the F&W Festival looks divine! Adding another time of year that I want to visit WDW....

Maybe I just need to move to Orlando for 12 months so I get to experience every holiday and festival :thumbsup2 :lmao:

If you decide to move to Orlando for 12 months, let me know. I may well join you!!! :cheer2: :cheer2:

Your story of falling asleep in the American Adventure made me laugh! The friend that I travel with has seen that and the Hall of Presidents at least once each trip (makes a total of about 3 times each!) and still can't remember anything from either due to falling asleep every time! :laughing:
The American Adventure is good - you will just have to go back and see it again next time!
And thanks for the menus from F&W - they all look great. :)

I know. I feel bad about falling asleep and not having made it there before...but it's right in the middle of the World; and by the time I get there, I'm either too tired or too hot. Maybe next time I need to take the Friendship across and make a bee line for it! :rotfl:
There were heaps of delectable F&W delights around the World; and after resting in Japan and the American pavilllions, Firefly and I were ready for more delights.
Since Australia, Firefly and I had not eaten a thing. Despite the tempting blissful bites, I think subconsiously we were both aiming for the same spot.

Both Firefly and I were heading HERE!!!


The new Karamell Kuche store in Germany!

Some of the delectable selections in the cake windows.





Isn’t it just amazing? The selection was just so delectable and beautiful that it was hard to pick what we wanted to eat. I think that this shop had just surpassed my previous French Boulangerie as my favourite snack shop in Epcot.

Firefly settled on these treats…



And I settled on this…


OMG! OMG! OMG! The caramel is sooooooo good! I don't think I've ever tasted any caramel so mouthwateringly sweet, but with that right touch of saltiness before. The caramel in Australia is sweet; but misses that bit of salt. Plus, the two layers of chocolate on top and bottom of the caramel gave me the perfect platforms to hold without getting any caramel on my fingers.

If anyone has THE recipe for making that caramel, please post a response.

I wish I were there now to grab something else!

Whilst we were eating, this floated by and I couldn’t resist a shot of the Globe in the World.


Despite the wonderful sugar fix, it was still not enough to overcome neither the tiredness of my feet nor the soreness of Firefly’s.

So, we caught one of the Friendships across the lake.



Which invariably led to one of those discussions…

“What do you want to do?”
“I don’t know…what do you?”
“I don’t know…how about we head in this direction?”

“Ooh! Can we stop for an autograph?”


I don’t have any photos of me and Duffy – they are all on Firefly’s photopass CD; which has arrived.......! popcorn::

Up Next: Late afternoon in Future World

You posted the Karamell Kuche store photos as revenge for my Max Brenner photo didn't you? :lmao: Now THAT is cruel. I need to eat some of those yummies now!!!
Wow! Yum, yum, yum!! I am sooo loving the food porn! That Karamell Kuche is making my mouth water.
We stopped at Karamel Kuche too...thanks to knowing about it from the DIS. You can't bottle the smell and show it on the DIS though. It was all so yummy! Definitely a new must do for world showcase!


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