February 2016 Pre-trip and Trip Reports

And is that the DW and DS on the bus pic? My DS will love having someone to goof off with. Despite being 18, he acts much more like a 12 year old. Then again, don't all teenagers? And I look forward to meeting your DW at GSP. She's a little more attractive than you. (or me). :lmao:

Yeah that's my bunch, my DS is shy at first but he is a trip.
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did your mom by any chance make the pearl into a necklace? and if so, can we see it?

many inquiring minds want a sneak peak....b/c we are super curious as to what they look like!

Sorry it took my so long mtnminnie, been kinda hecked around here, but here is a picture of my mom's pearl

Altogether is was around $75 I believe.
Oh BTW Tiggerdad, your toy drone you ordered is on the the way we pasted it yesterday on I10.

You should get it tomorrow. I know you wanted it for GSP so you could get a birds eye view of everyone else backing into their sites.
It's about dang time! I wonder how many pictures that thing had taken of it going down I10.
I hope its ok that I high jacked your thread (we are camping in March) but I just wanted to say to all of you camping right now, I am very jealous. We went to Animal Kingdom today and the weather was perfect. They only thing that would have made it better is if we were camping at the fort. The animals seem to love this weather too, they were all out and about.
Great looking pics there. Weather everywhere looks better than here. We are facing snow tomorrow and rain on tuesday. So a messy couple of days upcoming, but we are still on target to hit the road later this week.
I haven't sat down much today and watched any tv, but I did hear there is a another cold front pushing through, hope it doesn't affect anyone's travel plans.

I know if I lived up north and was driving down to the Fort in the winter, I would leave the snow plow on the front of my truck! It would be a little extra insurance for the snow and I myself would be dangerous with a snow on my truck down south, kinda like a Mad Max deal, don't make the mistake of cutting me off in traffic, :drive:That's Right Shifting And Plowing ignorant drivers out the way.

I'm thinking now about getting me a snow plow, Tiggerdad you with me!?
It would make navigating I75 a lot better anyway. It's always funny going that long stretch of I10 and it is usually boring, really manageable traffic and then all of a sudden you get on I75 and it really is sometimes like being in the movie Mad Max.

After this last trip we ended up on I75 in the 1-3AM time range and it was so much better. Took a nap in Ocala and was back on the interstate for the last few miles around 7AM ahead of the traffic. I didn't have to catch myself teaching the kids new words...using sign language to convey my feelings to the other drivers...my wife sliding into the floorboard with her hand over her face.
using sign language to convey my feelings to the other drivers...my wife sliding into the floorboard with her hand over her face.

Are you try to tell other drivers their #1 or in first place? My wife to tell your wife just to sleep through it, it way less stressful on the nerves!
Goooood morning from the fort!!!!! We made it with only one minor issue to speak of which is all we can ask for.

Saturday was a cold cold cold cold, oh did I mention cold? Morning. We pulled out of the driveway just short of 8am (closest to 7:30 we could manage was the goal and I was happy.) We started heading SE to meet up with friends on the route to I95. By the time we got to I95 all 3 families where less then a mile apart heading southbound. At first I was thinking this won't be too bad of a drive south, then just south of Fredricksburg the winds shifted from N to NW. Let the tale of staying in my lane begin!!! We ticked off the miles but our speed was down due to the winds and we finally made it to our first stopping point of the day JRs in Selma, NC.


Well for those of you that know what JRs used to be it was like a massive country store with low priced smokes and cigars. Great for RV shopping when you needed something cheap for the kitchen or bath. Well unless you want smokes or cigars do not stop in, they have removed ALL merchandise and are focusing only on tabacco products. Needless to say I still wanted a few new cigars so I took care of that part of the trip, but I was seriously hoping to find an item or two for the RV.


Thanks to the winds all day I had to make a fuel stop a little early in SC and take on another 62 gallons, those winds where just killing me mileage wise. About 8pm after the stop we where parked for the night at Point South KOA, exit 33. Another family had arranged pizza to be delivered to my site about 20 minutes after we got there. It was perfect timing as I had just finished dealing with water and walking the pups after their dinner. Of course Caren found many ways to stay entertained and the pups did rather well as always by sleeping most of the way


My guard dog did a wonderful job keeping watch that our magic bands would not be stolen.


Sunday morning we all got up had breakfast and started to prepare for the road. Caren walked the dogs and took them to the doggie park for me while I got things loaded up. And that is when we found the minor issue. While checking over our trucks my friend john found his inside dual flat. Looks like sometime after dark Saturday he hit some debris and blew out a sidewall. Luckily we come prepared (including I brought my cordless impact) and the tire was changed quickly before we hit the road. The drive south on Sunday was great, no major winds to speak of, mostly blue skies and light traffic and we ticked off the miles. That was until we got to Orlando, then it hit a crawl, and I mean a serious crawl in traffic. 45 minutes to go 11 miles and passed I think 3 or 4 accidents involving 4-8 vehicles.


But while traffic (and the idgits around me might make me look a little serious) we where still on our way to the happiness place on earth. (ok that picture was taken earlier in the trip but I had my serious face on.) I do run the GPS for traffic conditions, not that I need to know the way to Disney.

After all that traffic we finally got there!!!

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This was just at 4pm that we arrived. Once we where checked in, golf carts unloaded and backed into my site 416 it was about 5:30. Then came time to start the wash down. Due to the snow showers we got on Friday night there was tons of salt down and the golf carts as well as the RV was covered. Caren helped me as we gave the two golf carts a proper wash and salt removal, and then worked with me to get the salt spray off the RV too. The truck still needs a good bath but that can wait.

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Once all that was done Caren and I worked on the setup inside and out, there is still some more setup to do but finally we all hit that moment and went to trails end for the dinner buffet. We had a great meal together and lots of laughs about the trip down. It is Monday morning, I have some work to take care of at 7:30am that will take me about an hour or two to finish up. I think we may head to Epcot today, activate our annual passes and just take a lap around world showcase. I know one family is planning on a down day in to recover from the trip south, but I have to talk to the other family.

I hope to keep filling you with updates and pictures, but we shall see how that goes once I am in full disney mode (or a late night at Jelly Rolls)
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I will keep them coming. Right now I am trying to be quieter then a mouse since Caren is sleeping. And Someone (me) left their 5:15 alarm turned on for the work week. I managed to sleep in to 20 to 6, but then the dogs wanted out and I could not sleep anymore.
jbrostek, I know the feeling of high winds and Disney. In 2014, we were coming out of NJ Halloween weekend going to Disney. My parents and I left on Sunday morning right after a Nor'easter came through. All I can say is even when you expect it, you still don't really get the idea until it hits you. We were making good time down the NJ Turnpike with some wind buffering. However, when we got to the Delaware Memorial Bridge, I got the experience of the wind. While driving over the span, I was probably running 55-60 at the start, by the time I got to the other side, I was down to about 35-40! Luckily, there was minimal traffic at that point of crossing over. The trailer and the truck stayed straight as an arrow. I saw two other trailers doing the same thing with the drop in speed. Once on the DE and MD side of the bridge it was not as bad but still could be felt. Until we got to the bridge on the top of the Chesapeake on 95. Everyone knew to keep quiet for that ride over the span due to the cross winds. My father said afterwards that was some of the worst cross winds he ever experienced in an RV in all his years. We got to the Baltimore split and I decided to go the long way to the Western side of the city. It was the better choice over the Eastern side and the bridge. The wind played havoc with our trip all the way down to the VA/NC border. Once in SoVA / No NC area, the winds were down to the point in which we could run 65-70 instead of 60-65. From NC down, it was less wind and light traffic. Good driving conditions. We stopped at the FLA/ GA line at the KOA there for the night. The next morning was beautiful weather right to the gates of Disney. We even opened the truck windows for awhile for the warm air to filter through.

Enjoy your time in the land of the Fort. The site looks great. The dogs look happy they are close to the dog park. Make sure you turn off your alarm for the next morning :) We all look forward to the next set of trip reports.
jbrostek, Glad you all made it down to the Fort safe. VA DOT was advising people to stay off the roads today with the snow coming again. Hopefully it is not too bad, we are expecting up to 6 inches, but for us that is not much. My truck is also currently white from salt, and will need a bath on the way or once we get to Disney. Just some last minute packing, here, hook up and we will be headed that way. Nice set up there.
Glad you made it in safe and sound. Glad the dogs could sleep....errr....I mean guard your stuff on the way down. Where around Orlando did you find the traffic backed up so bad, I4?

Site 416, if I'm not mistaken is one of the sites right up against the sidewalk leading to the comfort station.

Be warned, just down is site 420, my old stomping ground and where I developed this "squirrel" kinda thing I got going on. In the oak tree at the opening of that site was a large squirrel nest that had at least 5 of them living in it and they were all day non-stop action. Keep your stuff locked up is all I'm gonna say.

You guys have fun and hope to hear about it as you go.
jbrostek, I was in 418 a couple trips ago even though I had requested a Preferred and wanted 100 loop. I got "upgraded" but really it didn't matter because I didn't get 100. But we liked being so close to a Comfort Station (a big deal for us in our popup but I'm sure not for you). And I was next door to tiggerdad's old site, 420, which is a shade tunnel and probably has an entire brigade of kamikaze squirrels...

I liked the pictures of Caren with her dog and your dog guarding the Magic Bands. Those dogs look pampered for sure, they lead the good life.

Enjoy your stay and be glad you got out of Virginia when you did.

Bama Ed
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Glad you made it in safe and sound. And all I'll say is, "I HATE WIND". Driving, cycling, towing, walking in the winter... you name it.

I won't rub in the weather to those back in VA or Chris and Paul in PA. It snowed here Sunday, but it's going to be 60 by Friday and mid 60s on Saturday.

Keep up the TR as you can and have a great time.

We stopped at the FLA/ GA line at the KOA there for the night. The next morning was beautiful weather right to the gates of Disney. We even opened the truck windows for awhile for the warm air to filter through.

Enjoy your time in the land of the Fort. The site looks great. The dogs look happy they are close to the dog park. Make sure you turn off your alarm for the next morning :) We all look forward to the next set of trip reports.
Sirenia88, was that KOA the Jacksonville North/St. Mary's KOA? We're stopping there this August on our way down.
I've been following and really enjoying everyone's trip reports. I look forward to yours, jbrostek!


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