Fear of Flighting - flying to the mouse

I'm one of the fortunate kind who absolutely LOVES flying especially going up and down. I find the flight pretty boring. However, the turbulane notes from Debbie I still found useful as I will be able to explain this to my DDs if we should experience any.

However, I'm not so lucky in the fact I HATE roller coaster rides and I envy everyone who can go on them. They look so much fun but I've attempted small ones and want to cry!

I find it fascinating how we're all different with our likes/dislikes etc. It is amazing how every person is unique yet we're all the same speicies - well most of us! :lmao:
I am in the same boat too:confused3 We are planning on going to Florida next September and just the thought of travelling all that way on a plane makes me feel physically sick:sad2:
I really wish that I didn't feel like this, I work myself up into such a state:confused3
We came back from Spain earlier this year, and they announced that there would be quite a bit of turbulance, and I thought I was going to pass out:sad2:
We go to DLRP:cheer2: in September and I am determined not to get so worked up this time.
I think a trip to the Docs will be on the cards next year when we fly to Orlando, I just know my bum will be clenched the whole time:rotfl:
That sounds like exactly what I was thinking of Deb. I will admit to being a former flight simulator geek and I have watched a lot of in-cockpit videos :blush: so as we are thundering down the runway I know the pilots are calling out to each other

"Takeoff power set"
"80 knots"
"V1" (The point at which they are committed to getting the plane in the air)
"Rotate" (This is where the nose comes up)

Etc. etc. It really, really does help to know what is going on 'up front'.

"Positive rate"
"Gear up"

You can get over your fear of flying, After a particually bad flight back from america I got really anxious/sick/shaking etc whenever I flew, however I could see that this was begining to affect my children and make them nervous.
I decided to play it cool, and show that it didnt bother me anymore and I started to relax,, then I flew with a great pilot who informed us turbulance ahead and 80% of people scared off this but there was really nothing to worry about, he said just think of it as your car going over a bumpy road it does no harm to the car and likewise nothing to the plane.
After hearing that Im not worried about turbulance at all ,I close my eyes and imagine Im in a car going down a local road.
Im off soon back to Florida and hadnt even thought about the flight until I read this.

You will all be fine, dont let it affect your holiday.:)
It's not a fear of flying I have, it's a fear of crashing..

Seriously I am not a fan of landing, hate seeing the plane change direction and tilt to one side, other than that I am bored silly.
I hate flying but know it is the only way to see Mickey, but have been known to spend long periods of time in the loo hurling, fainted in front of all the passengers as the cabin crew tried to help me to the front of the plane as was going funny colour !! very embarresing !(know thats not spelt right) But now have DS 2 so busy making sure he is ok dont have so much time to think about myself, still ocasionally need to go wash face in loo's to calm down but not so often, thankgoodness for 2 yr old ..
I too have fainted twice - on return night flights - it's quite common apparently - something to do with eating and then going straight to sleep and a drop in blood pressure/lower oxygen. Quite alarming as the first time I was flying alone - ended up in someone's lap!!

I was terribly afraid of flying, never flew till I was 44 - mainly due to panic attacks - but when I turned 45 I decided enough was enough and after counselling I can now fly alone to the US and it doesn't bother me.

Honestly if I can do it anyone can. As far as safety goes you are far less likely to crash in a plane than in a car - do you worry about getting in a car? No - because it is something you do every day - just try and see flying in that light.
I hate flying!!! used to work for va and still hate flying!

Turbulance is the worse and also take off

That's exactly how I feel. Fine flying and landing but take off and turbulance I hate! And I swear I'm getting worse the older I get not better :confused3

UKDEB - thanks for that that's nice to know. I think I always imagine with turbulance that the plane won't stop falling so the 'it cant harm the plane' makes me feel better.
I hate everything about flying.

We're flying to Orlando on September 10th and I am already panicking. Everything is going through my mind and I sometimes wish I had not booked the holiday. For the sake of my family I can't show how I feel because I know it would spoil everything for them, so I will just have to grin and bear it.

I love it when we get there i'm like a big kid, but then the flight back.... panic time again :scared1:

Lyndon :thumbsup2
Hello, well I am one of the many who hate flying.

I never used to but had a bad flight once and that was it.

I was going to go on the course, but I knew they took you up in the air after, and I just knew I would not go on the plane without hubby.

I have a very kind and patient doctor, who prescribed diazepan to take, it gets me on the plane which I would not do without.

We have just come back from Cyprus and the flight was about half an hour longer than normal and I could just have cried.

I nearly kiss the floor when I land, I dont think it is something I will ever get over.

When we were flying back from Menorca in May, we had an early breakfast (not me, I do not eat or drink before flying, apart from taking tablet). There was us (me a nervous flyer) - a lady and her mum beside us, the lady had a panic attack on the way out because of fear of flying - and beside her a lady on her own, because her hubby was lying on the bed crying because he had to get on the plane, so it must be quite common.

I now just accept it, and book my seats before I go and mention to them that I prefer certain seats, which helps. In work they think I am weird because I look forward to the holiday when it is yonks away, then dread it when it gets closer because of the flying !:rotfl:

We are thinking of trying Florida next year and to be honest when we landed in Cyprus all I kept thinking was that if we were on the way to Florida then I would only be half way there - scary thought :scared1::scared1:
I don't enjoy flying either, although by the sounds of it I am a mild case compared to others! I hate take off and landing, especially the bits where you feel like the plane is "dropping" and that's when I grip the seat and have sweaty palms!! I've just flown back from Majorca and it was very bumpy getting airborne and I could see the look of concern on my children's faces...despite how I was feeling I put on a brave face! I find mild turbulance mid flight ok, but if it is severe then it is scary. One of the bumpiest landings has been arriving into Orlando - many people were ill then.

However, despite all of that, I would never give up flying as I enjoy holidays too much.


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