Fake service dogs a real problems

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(Second reply.)

In case you don't want to wait through the weekend or make the phone call, here is a quote from the latest FAQs from the DOJ (the ones that came out this past summer stating scam IDs aren't recognized and stores and restaurants do not have to allow service dogs in carts and on seats) - emphasis mine:

"Q18. My city requires all dogs to be vaccinated. Does this apply to my service animal?
. Yes. Individuals who have service animals are not exempt from local animal control or public health requirements.

Q19. My city requires all dogs to be registered and licensed. Does this apply to my service animal?
. Yes. Service animals are subject to local dog licensing and registration requirements.

Q20. My city requires me to register my dog as a service animal. Is this legal under the ADA?

A. No. Mandatory registration of service animals is not permissible under the ADA. However, as stated above, service animals are subject to the same licensing and vaccination rules that are applied to all dogs.

Q21. My city / college offers a voluntary registry program for people with disabilities who use service animals and provides a special tag identifying the dogs as service animals. Is this legal under the ADA?
. Yes. Colleges and other entities, such as local governments, may offer voluntary registries. Many communities maintain a voluntary registry that serves a public purpose, for example, to ensure that emergency staff know to look for service animals during an emergency evacuation process. Some offer a benefit, such as a reduced dog license fee, for individuals who register their service animals. Registries for purposes like this are permitted under the ADA. An entity may not, however, require that a dog be registered as a service animal as a condition of being permitted in public places. This would be a violation of the ADA."

I don't know how updated the following link is, but it lists which states have discounts on dog licenses for service dogs, which it says is about half the states: https://www.animallaw.info/topic/table-state-assistance-animal-laws
There is nothing in the federal law that grants service dog handlers discounts on dog licenses, and the DOJ has stated such. That is why some areas choose to waive it, or choose not to waive it - it is at a local level, as the licenses are at the local level. Call up your program/trainer (if you have one) or the ADA Hotline on Monday and you will see. This is a well-known thing in the service dog community - you can ask on any service dog group/list you may be on, as well.

No, of course not...Licensing of pets as well as personal transport devices for recreation, like bicycles, is a local matter, not specifically a matter for the ADA but, then, why would pet licensing be an ADA matter, anyway? Come to think of it, why would a pet license be required of a Service Dog, which, obviously, is not a pet, as specified in both the ADA and the ACAA? and, come to think of it, why would those state and local licenses levied like a tax on bicycles, motorcycles, mo-peds and on and on not also be levied on such personal transport devices as wheelchairs, power chairs and on and on and on? Could it be because to burden those who require the assistance of such devices with an additional tax on medical equipment required for everyday living be a form of double taxation and an increased financial burden on those who generally cannot afford it? Try researching case law and stop using personal opinion as legal fact.
A dog license is not a pet license; a big park of dog learning is making sure the animal is appropriately vaccinated. It may not be required in all areas, but a license is required in most areas, along with vaccination requirements.
The ADA FAQs about Service Animals says local regulations must be followed. What can't be required is a separate service animal registration.

This was already quoted from the ADA Service Animal FAQs dated July 20, 2015 (the most recent)

Q18. My city requires all dogs to be vaccinated. Does this apply to my service animal?
. Yes. Individuals who have service animals are not exempt from local animal control or public health requirements.

Q19. My city requires all dogs to be registered and licensed. Does this apply to my service animal?
. Yes. Service animals are subject to local dog licensing and registration requirements.

Q20. My city requires me to register my dog as a service animal. Is this legal under the ADA?
. No. Mandatory registration of service animals is not permissible under the ADA. However, as stated above, service animals are subject to the same licensing and vaccination rules that are applied to all dogs.

I'm going to close this thread at this time because it has become an arguement about a single point
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