Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust - That's What Solo Trips Are Made Of - Update 7/21 P17

KAT!!! I'm so glad to see you back on the DIS, I've missed you! Your solo trip sounds fantastic! :banana:

Thank you!

And :welcome:

Ugh I feel your pain about trying to find comfy shoes for the parks...I usually use Crocs, but lately I've been feeling like they're not good enough either. If you find something good let me know! :laughing:

I currently have on my feet a pair of Montrail flips. The arch actually seems to be hitting me in the right place. The strap feels a little big, but we all know how hot it gets in Florida, and your feet can swell, so these a winner. I won't go tearing the tags off just yet though. :lmao: I'm going to wear them around the house a bit and see how I do.

I can't help you on the shoes...I'm not a big shoe person. If we are splitting our days up with some rest, I wear my Nike cushion flip flops in the morning and my Skecher gym shoes in the afternoon/evening. If we aren't breaking up the day, it's my Skecher's all the way.

You know, the way I talk about shoes, you'd think I'm a big shoe person, but I'm not. I'm just an obsessive shoe person. I need that one magical pair and then I will wear them until they die. :lmao:
All caught up. I, for one, am so glad you decided to go ahead with this solo trip. I find that no matter how much we love our children, a little break revigorates us.

::yes:: Yes, and AAAAMEN!

Had I known Kat was doing this, I would have been here first. :rotfl2:

I know you would have. :lovestruc

Kat, it was very hard when we went to Disney a week after my Dad passed. I shed a few tears walking into Epcot and then totally lost it and sobbed uncontrollably when we got on Spaceship Earth because that was "Grandpa's Ball" as the kids called it because it was my Dad's favorite ride. It did get easier as the week passed, and now I just get misty-eyed when I give out that balloon.

I think it's wonderful that you give out the balloon. I have been trying to think of something like that to honor my mother, and nothing has felt right just yet. I know it will come to me. :goodvibes

There's been a couple of times in the parks that I've gotten choked up without her. The first was really when we walked into the Magic Kingdom on our first family trip without her, and it, much like the rest of the world (and World) was still there! Going on, without her! Even though I knew that, it was still hard to wrap my brain around.

OMGosh! :sad: Such bitter sweet moments/memories. :hug: At least they will always be with you when you two go. Good to share those memories with the kids when you're in the parks.

Oh, I hear you, believe me. It's nice to feel supported in my desire for some alone time. :goodvibes

Consider me like an undergarment, baby! I'm here for total support. :thumbsup2 :rotfl2:

I have a VIP account with Zappos.

Me too!! Aaaaaah :cloud9: someone else who get's my affinity for comfortable shoes.

I'm just sayin'. I order something, and it's here the next business day.

::yes:: It's totally brill! Is it not?!?

I have a really hard time finding a good touring shoe. I'm a flip flop girl, and it's hard to deviate from that path, but I need a flip flop with really good support.

I've met my match!! :lovestruc

So I've tried Crocs, Tevas, Merrells. I've got another set of Merrells, Keens, and Montrails coming today.

Can't do any of them. :rolleyes2

Could we send up a little pray to the shoe gods?


You bet! I'm kinda on the same trek as you are.

I'll share what I've found. I think they might be too much for you, but! You never know....

These are my daughters picks...


This is ONE of mine....


I currently have on my feet a pair of Montrail flips. The arch actually seems to be hitting me in the right place. The strap feels a little big, but we all know how hot it gets in Florida, and your feet can swell, so these a winner. I won't go tearing the tags off just yet though. :lmao: I'm going to wear them around the house a bit and see how I do.

You know, the way I talk about shoes, you'd think I'm a big shoe person, but I'm not. I'm just an obsessive shoe person. I need that one magical pair and then I will wear them until they die. :lmao:

Ditto! You'd think I was a shoe hound too, but I just like cute and comfy shoes, one's that support my high arches and my some what wide foot, and one's that won't allow my knees, hips and lower back feel like someone ran me over at the end of a long day. Is that too much to ask for?!? :confused3 :rotfl:

Once I find a couple of pair I wear them out before I get new one's, so I know I'm not a shoe hound. :laughing:

The shoes that I showed pics of are Yellow Box, if you want to know more about them, I did a whole post on them in my PTR (there's a link for them). Feel free to read up if you like. I think you'd like the more flat looking one's in the pictures (lots of style choices). Right now it's hard to find the thicker one's (now days) that aren't rock hard. Soooo hoping they change that back to the softer one's that I've been wearing for years, before we go that is, I'm not totally in love with the one's I bought. :worried:
My next pair I'm looking into are....Sanuk, yoga mat flip flops. Not sure what to expect in the support part, but I'm sure they will feel really soft and comfy otherwise. :goodvibes
OMGosh! :sad: Such bitter sweet moments/memories. :hug: At least they will always be with you when you two go. Good to share those memories with the kids when you're in the parks.

I'm quite sure there will be a full on "mom memories" post. I'll warn everyone beforehand to grab the kleenex.

Consider me like an undergarment, baby! I'm here for total support. :thumbsup2 :rotfl2:

Camille, I just snort laughed. It's a rare person that can make me do that, and I thank you. I've had a long week and that just tickled me to no end. :rotfl2:

I'll share what I've found. I think they might be too much for you, but! You never know....

These are my daughters picks...


This is ONE of mine....


Ditto! You'd think I was a shoe hound too, but I just like cute and comfy shoes, one's that support my high arches and my some what wide foot, and one's that won't allow my knees, hips and lower back feel like someone ran me over at the end of a long day. Is that too much to ask for?!? :confused3 :rotfl:

Once I find a couple of pair I wear them out before I get new one's, so I know I'm not a shoe hound. :laughing:

The shoes that I showed pics of are Yellow Box, if you want to know more about them, I did a whole post on them in my PTR (there's a link for them). Feel free to read up if you like. I think you'd like the more flat looking one's in the pictures (lots of style choices). Right now it's hard to find the thicker one's (now days) that aren't rock hard. Soooo hoping they change that back to the softer one's that I've been wearing for years, before we go that is, I'm not totally in love with the one's I bought. :worried:
My next pair I'm looking into are....Sanuk, yoga mat flip flops. Not sure what to expect in the support part, but I'm sure they will feel really soft and comfy otherwise. :goodvibes

Those are super cute!

I don't know if that foot bed would be supportive enough for me. I'm going to check out your post on your PTR and see more about it. :goodvibes

I'm currently rocking the oh so fabulous look of double socks with a pair of sandals I ordered. The arch support and foot bed is awesome, but one of the top straps is a little tight, so I'm trying to stretch them out. :lmao:
Yes, that's a capital ME. Not to be confused with M.E.

Or MSEP. Or MNSSHP. Or taking the TTA.

Sorry. I forgot how much fun it was to use all our little DIS acronyms. :teeth:

I have fantasies about this trip, I won't lie.

Not those kind. We're keeping it PG. I mean, I may love Captain Jack, but I won't try to kidnap him...this time.

Speaking of, I finally got to meet him last year. Oh, dear sweet Lord, was that a moment. You'll have to ask Miss Tinkerbellarella about what happened to me. I could try to describe it but I will most likely be reduced to the fit of giggles I experienced then. I don't think I've had the same feeling since I was a pre-teen at a New Kids on the Block concert.

And if that hasn't dated me, I don't know what will. :lmao:

Anyway... :rolleyes1

Now my flight to the Happy Haunting Ground leaves super early.

What I like to refer to as stupid or crazy early. Not nice words, but sooo true. My flight's at 630am. Which means I need to be up know, I just don't even want to think about that yet.

The cool thing about the crazy early flight is that it puts me in Orlando around 9:30am. Which gives me a whole day!

But let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Let's talk about the flight, shall we? Why? Why could that possibly be so exciting? :hyper: Well, I'll tell you!

Because it'll just be me!!! :lmao:

It's a theme, see?

Anyway, I'm really stoked about loading up my Nook with books (I'm a frugal princess, so I like to do a lot of library loans) and reading to my heart's content. Or not. And listening to music. Or not.

Because I can.

MWA HA HA!!!!!!

Now, I'm not a fan of flying. The great irony of this is that my sister is a pilot, it's what she does for a living. You couldn't get more opposite siblings if you tried. I'm able to pretty much talk myself out of my claustrophobia and fear of heights and get on that airplane. Why? Because it takes me to Disney. And that's pretty much it.

So books, crosswords, word searches, and MP3 player, these are my big distractors, and I'm so excited to be able to do whatever I choose.

Oh, the freedom. The bliss.

The joy of looking forward to my own room at CBR. Of knowing that I get to pick whichever bed I want. And spread out my stuff. And do whatever I want!

Oh, I can see how the power of a solo trip so quickly goes to your head. ::yes::

So I figure I'll get to the resort somewhere between 1030 and 1100 if I'm lucky, get checked in, and see if I have a room.

And after that's all sorted out, I'll....

well, we have to save something for next time, right? :thumbsup2
Before we get to my day one plans to pirate up, as it were, let's have a little chat about some logistics and some fun.

I called this week and added Magical Express to my reservation, so my transportation is all set, which is awesome.

There's only 18 days until my trip, so let's do the oh my gosh I'm in the teens dance...which looks a little something like this...

party: party: party:

I still need to purchase my MNSSHP ticket, but the website was a little wonky tonight, so I'll probably try again tomorrow. My hotel ressie is paid in full as of this evening, which is nice to have taken care of.

And, I had a lovely girls day today with two dear friends who I met on the DIS, Tinkerbellarella and LegoMom3. We met up and had a great lunch at the Rainforest Cafe and totally pretended we were at Downtown (or AK, take your pick). ;)

And now to return to your regularly scheduled pretrip report programming...


When last we left me, I believe I was reveling in all that is flying on an airplane alone, and heading over to my resort, the tropical CBR, to get checked in.

My big plans for day one are as follows...

are you ready...

it's insanely detailed, I just want to prepare you...

I'm going to the Magic Kingdom!

Shortest post ever.

Just kidding. :lmao:

Really, I have very few "set" plans for this day, but I do have a general idea of a couple of things that are must do's for me.

One is to be able to go the left.

Whenever I go to the Magic Kingdom with the family, as soon as Nemo was old enough to have an opinion about what he wanted to do, we always, always, always would walk down Main Street and go to the right.


To ride on Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin, of course! Because that is what little boys want to do!

But what do I want to do?

I want to go the left, and head straight to Pirates of the Caribbean, because I have priorities, my friends, and one of those is pirates. Before Captain Jack, this ride was one of my favorites, and it's been ever since I was a little kid.

The second thing I'd really, really like to do is see the Main Street Electrical Parade. Another one of my favorites from childhood. It is scheduled to run that night, and I'm hoping weather and my stamina permitting, I'll be able to make it that late.

Normally, 900pm isn't late for me, but given that I'll have been up for the crazy early flight, I'm not sure how long the adrenaline rush of being in Disney alone will last. :rotfl2:

The Main Street Electrical Parade brings back really fond memories for me, of being a young kiddo and seeing it, of the time Nana and I watched it sitting on a bench at the top of the train station, of the time we just happened to catch it one night on a trip with my mom and father in law. Just the music transports me back to a time when I could get pure joy just from seeing a Disney parade, and for a moment, I can be that kid again.

I guess that's one of the reasons we keep going back, right?

I was just reading a post on Facebook tonight that was a quote by Walt, talking about how it's unfortunate that most adults have to grow up, that they can't remember what it was like to be twelve.

And I think that's one of the great things that Disney World does. No matter how old we are, and whether we're with family or alone, for a brief moment in time, we get to be kids again.

I'm really looking forward to that.

I'm thinking I'll do my usual sweep of HM, the TTA, maybe some Fantasyland rides if I feel like it, who knows what else. Somewhere in there, I'd like to sneak in the delightful, delectable Dole Whip float.

Honestly, I'm going to wing it.

Because I can.

Because it's just me. ;)
Alone time! What a dream. That is one down side to living so close to WDW, I can't go without my family wanting to tag along.

And our family almost always heads to Pirates first.
I'm here! I'm here!

Thank you so much for the heads up! :)

And I see you have met Camille! One of my dearest DIS friends!

I totally wish you were going in October....

And I came so close to going in Sept....

But will be good to be there in spirit! And tag along on here! You will have so much fun!!
I'm here! Can't believe I missed it starting. Gotta love Zappos VIP, it does have the unfortunate affect of making all others shipping by any other store seem down right pokey.

I've even had an item ordered on a Sunday, arrive on Monday.


I'm of no help with shoes. I love them and bring lots so I can rotate. Doesn't matter how good they are, I'll get hot spots as my fragile feet break in the Florida heat. If I rotate style and where straps hit, it minimizes any issues. I too am a sandal girl. Favorite park shoe though is probably my Noats, followed by Keen and maybe my Privos.

You don't want to know how many pairs I bring on a trip. I mean depending on the trip you need park shoe, dress up shoe, work out shoe, pool

Love the plans the resort the "free" flight, all of it!!!!
Alone time! What a dream. That is one down side to living so close to WDW, I can't go without my family wanting to tag along.

Always hornin' in on your Disney fun, huh? :lmao:

And our family almost always heads to Pirates first.

I need to hang with you more often. ;)

And btw, :welcome:

I'm here! I'm here!

Thank you so much for the heads up! :)

Yay, it's Maroo!!!!


And I see you have met Camille! One of my dearest DIS friends!

I have met the lovely Camille. Bless her, she was the first one here. :goodvibes

I totally wish you were going in October....

And I came so close to going in Sept....

Much as I love October, I am a September girl at heart. I miss my low crowds, early MNSSHP fun. :goodvibes

But will be good to be there in spirit! And tag along on here! You will have so much fun!!

This is what I love about the DIS. Regardless of whether or not you're physically there, I'm taking you all with me! :thumbsup2

I'm here! Can't believe I missed it starting. Gotta love Zappos VIP, it does have the unfortunate affect of making all others shipping by any other store seem down right pokey.

I've even had an item ordered on a Sunday, arrive on Monday.



And oh my gosh. I know what you mean. I am spoiled by Zappos next day shipping! Now when things take a normal amount of time, I am frustrated. :lmao:

I'm of no help with shoes. I love them and bring lots so I can rotate. Doesn't matter how good they are, I'll get hot spots as my fragile feet break in the Florida heat. If I rotate style and where straps hit, it minimizes any issues. I too am a sandal girl. Favorite park shoe though is probably my Noats, followed by Keen and maybe my Privos.

You don't want to know how many pairs I bring on a trip. I mean depending on the trip you need park shoe, dress up shoe, work out shoe, pool

Love the plans the resort the "free" flight, all of it!!!!

Ooooo....I like your style with the shoes. I am just not sure how many I want to pack for four days, but maybe I should be rethinking this whole rotation concept you've got going on.

Thanks for lovin' the plans! I am in love with them myself. ;)
I am going to be of absolutely no help at all in the shoe department (figuratively!!).....didja happen to notice my running shoes yesterday?...that's pretty much what I live in these days. They're comfy. The end. :upsidedow

Speaking of, I finally got to meet him last year. Oh, dear sweet Lord, was that a moment. You'll have to ask Miss Tinkerbellarella about what happened to me. I could try to describe it but I will most likely be reduced to the fit of giggles I experienced then. I don't think I've had the same feeling since I was a pre-teen at a New Kids on the Block concert.

I remember receiving a phone call shortly after said event. It was moving weekend for us, and despite finally getting out of the IL's house after the summer-from-Hades, all I wanted was to be down there with you guys!!

Before we get to my day one plans to pirate up, as it were, let's have a little chat about some logistics and some fun.

I called this week and added Magical Express to my reservation, so my transportation is all set, which is awesome.

There's only 18 days until my trip, so let's do the oh my gosh I'm in the teens dance...which looks a little something like this...

party: party: party:

I still need to purchase my MNSSHP ticket, but the website was a little wonky tonight, so I'll probably try again tomorrow. My hotel ressie is paid in full as of this evening, which is nice to have taken care of.

And, I had a lovely girls day today with two dear friends who I met on the DIS, Tinkerbellarella and LegoMom3. We met up and had a great lunch at the Rainforest Cafe and totally pretended we were at Downtown (or AK, take your pick). ;)

It smelled like Disney!! That counts, right?! :lmao:

...Really, I have very few "set" plans for this day, but I do have a general idea of a couple of things that are must do's for me.

One is to be able to go the left.

Whenever I go to the Magic Kingdom with the family, as soon as Nemo was old enough to have an opinion about what he wanted to do, we always, always, always would walk down Main Street and go to the right.


To ride on Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin, of course! Because that is what little boys want to do!

But what do I want to do?

I want to go the left, and head straight to Pirates of the Caribbean, because I have priorities, my friends, and one of those is pirates. Before Captain Jack, this ride was one of my favorites, and it's been ever since I was a little kid.


Honestly, I'm going to wing it.

Because I can.

Because it's just me. ;)

Ah, the power of the Going Left!!! :worship: And eating desert before dinner, or eating desert and NO dinner, or simply subsisting on Dole Whip Floats for a day!! (hey, do you realize I ate a plate full of fries yesterday without incident?!!...I can't believe I didn't seize that opportunity. Dang.)

If you happen to eat at Casey's, think of me. :flower3:




I am going to be of absolutely no help at all in the shoe department (figuratively!!).....didja happen to notice my running shoes yesterday?...that's pretty much what I live in these days. They're comfy. The end. :upsidedow

I'm going to post about the shoe issue soon. I think I have reached a conclusion of sorts. :lmao:

I remember receiving a phone call shortly after said event. It was moving weekend for us, and despite finally getting out of the IL's house after the summer-from-Hades, all I wanted was to be down there with you guys!!

Do you remember me telling you that I could die happy? :lmao:

It smelled like Disney!! That counts, right?! :lmao:

It totally counts. :thumbsup2

Ah, the power of the Going Left!!! :worship: And eating desert before dinner, or eating desert and NO dinner, or simply subsisting on Dole Whip Floats for a day!! (hey, do you realize I ate a plate full of fries yesterday without incident?!!...I can't believe I didn't seize that opportunity. Dang.)

If you happen to eat at Casey's, think of me. :flower3:


I'm not going to lie. Just eating Dole Whip floats all day did cross my mind.

I totally did not even think of the french fry thing. :rotfl2:

I don't know if I'll go to Casey's. I used to love, love, love their hot dogs, but since they've changed vendors a few times on the dogs and the buns, not so much. I like to go with the family because it's inexpensive and the kiddos love it, but I'm not sure if I'll do that on my own.

If I have any nekkid food incidents though, I will think of you. ;)
So after trying on fifty bazillion pairs of me, that's what it feels like...I think I've narrowed down my choices to two.

Shockingly enough, after thinking I would never find a Croc flip I liked, today I tried on the Athens (an older style you can only find certain sites) and really, really liked it. The cushion for the heel is awesome. I do not know if it has enough arch support for me. Honestly, I don't think there's any way for me to know that other than purchasing a pair and wearing it for a while.

They cost me about $24 with a bunch of discounts on, so I'm pretty pleased with the price.

The only thing about them is that they're black. Which is awesome. But you know how they sell the super cute ones at Disney? With Mickey heads? I SO want those. And the last time I was there, they did not have my size. At. All. Anywhere I looked. And believe me, I totally realize the simple answer is that I could have both. :lmao:

So do I keep the black ones because they were $24? And then if they don't have Mickey ones at least I'll have black. That's what I'm thinking. Not sure. Here's what they look like:


I also like the Montrail Molokinis. These are the flips you bake in the oven on low temp, as per the instructions that come with them. You stand in them for a couple minutes after and they mold to your foot. The arch support actually feels pretty good on these. The issue that I always have with shoes is that a lot of brands don't make a 1/2 size in flip flops or sandals, and I really am an 8.5 So an 8 is too small and a 9 can be too big. The 9s are a bit big, but I think it's workable. They're more expensive ($60 on Zappos, but cheaper with discounts on Shoebuy) but suddenly Shoebuy is out of basic black.

Of course.

Because that's my luck. So I can either wait to get a discount on black, pay $60 on Zappos (which totally bristles when I know they're cheaper on Shoebuy), or get this color:


which I actually think is pretty cute. And green is enough of a neutral to me that I think it will go with most of my clothing. I'm pretty obsessive about my shoes matching my outfits nicely. Which is why I usually go with basic black.

Anyhoo, these are my choices. Thoughts, comments, suggestions? :goodvibes
So after trying on fifty bazillion pairs of me, that's what it feels like...I think I've narrowed down my choices to two.

Shockingly enough, after thinking I would never find a Croc flip I liked, today I tried on the Athens (an older style you can only find certain sites) and really, really liked it. The cushion for the heel is awesome. I do not know if it has enough arch support for me. Honestly, I don't think there's any way for me to know that other than purchasing a pair and wearing it for a while.

They cost me about $24 with a bunch of discounts on, so I'm pretty pleased with the price.

The only thing about them is that they're black. Which is awesome. But you know how they sell the super cute ones at Disney? With Mickey heads? I SO want those. And the last time I was there, they did not have my size. At. All. Anywhere I looked. And believe me, I totally realize the simple answer is that I could have both. :lmao:

So do I keep the black ones because they were $24? And then if they don't have Mickey ones at least I'll have black. That's what I'm thinking. Not sure. Here's what they look like:


Ok, I confess, I am not a croc fan. The rubber seems to rub and give lots of people blisters. I've never worn them so can't really comment but my kids have had issues with them. And learned that the Disney first aid stations have moleskin. Who knew? I digress. I know they are super popular but that would be my concern. However for $24...they might be worth having in a rotation.

I also like the Montrail Molokinis. These are the flips you bake in the oven on low temp, as per the instructions that come with them. You stand in them for a couple minutes after and they mold to your foot. The arch support actually feels pretty good on these. The issue that I always have with shoes is that a lot of brands don't make a 1/2 size in flip flops or sandals, and I really am an 8.5 So an 8 is too small and a 9 can be too big. The 9s are a bit big, but I think it's workable. They're more expensive ($60 on Zappos, but cheaper with discounts on Shoebuy) but suddenly Shoebuy is out of basic black.

Of course.

Because that's my luck. So I can either wait to get a discount on black, pay $60 on Zappos (which totally bristles when I know they're cheaper on Shoebuy), or get this color:


which I actually think is pretty cute. And green is enough of a neutral to me that I think it will go with most of my clothing. I'm pretty obsessive about my shoes matching my outfits nicely. Which is why I usually go with basic black.

Anyhoo, these are my choices. Thoughts, comments, suggestions? :goodvibes

hmmn. I'd be worried that if the size isn't just right and your feet slide at could have issues. Now granted if all you end up doing is laying around having Dole may be just fine! And with the heat to mold option, that might resolve any sliding issues. But of course would make them non returnable.

I do agree that the green is neutral enough to go with just about anything.

I'm not much help. I'll stop now.
Ok, I confess, I am not a croc fan. The rubber seems to rub and give lots of people blisters. I've never worn them so can't really comment but my kids have had issues with them. And learned that the Disney first aid stations have moleskin. Who knew? I digress. I know they are super popular but that would be my concern. However for $24...they might be worth having in a rotation.

hmmn. I'd be worried that if the size isn't just right and your feet slide at could have issues. Now granted if all you end up doing is laying around having Dole may be just fine! And with the heat to mold option, that might resolve any sliding issues. But of course would make them non returnable.

I do agree that the green is neutral enough to go with just about anything.

I'm not much help. I'll stop now.

I am not sure if I feel better or worse after reading that! :lmao:

But to clarify for you, I wore the Crocs around the house and did notice slight rubbing on one foot. Because like most people, one of my feet is slightly larger than the other, and sometimes this gives me problems.

I've looked at the Molokinis and honestly, they're not any bigger than my current flip flops. I think with the molded footbed, they'd be fine because they'd be more conformed to my foot. It does render them unreturnable, but if they cost me about $40, I think I'd be willing to take that risk. In that case, I'd probably return the Crocs, unless I wore them around the house tomorrow with no issue.

I can go with the same flip flops I currently have that are completely shot (by that I mean re-purchase the same ones), but one, I know they'll only last three months if I wear them all the time, and two, although they're awesome, they don't have adequate arch support for the parks usually.

But again...

if I am lying around and eating Dole Whips, it does not much matter.

And truthfully, I don't really see myself booking it around to do stuff on this trip, but I definitely don't want to be in pain. I think I'm going to take yet another look around the Zappos site tonight and see if I can find anything in a 8.5 that I like.

Pray for me. :lmao:
My shoe input from my many trips to WDW. I almost always wear my tennis shoes. If I want to be stylish, I wear my Chucks (love my Converse!) I do have a pair of Croc sandals that I have worn to the park with very little problem. I have the Cleos because I can't stand stuff between my toes. If I'm going for a short time, I will brave a nice pair of flat dressy sandals. But I think you'd do fine with the crocs you picked, if you don't mind stuff rubbing between your toes.
My shoe input from my many trips to WDW. I almost always wear my tennis shoes. If I want to be stylish, I wear my Chucks (love my Converse!) I do have a pair of Croc sandals that I have worn to the park with very little problem. I have the Cleos because I can't stand stuff between my toes. If I'm going for a short time, I will brave a nice pair of flat dressy sandals. But I think you'd do fine with the crocs you picked, if you don't mind stuff rubbing between your toes.

You know, it's funny you mention your Chucks because I was seriously debating whether or not I could buy a pair and slip my orthotics I use in my running sneakers inside them.

That's been another debate I've been having. Can I find a lighter sneaker or mary jane style shoe that my orthotics would fit in.

Yeah, stuff between the toes doesn't bother me at all. I am a die hard flip flop girl, I love them. Unfortunately, they don't always love me back. I'm going to wear the Crocs around the house today and see what I think. :thumbsup2
So it's our last official day of summer as Nemo goes back to school tomorrow. I remember when I started on the DIS and he was about the same age as Squirt is now. Crazy to think that he's going into second grade! They grow too fast. I'm really grateful that I'm able to stay home with them, and super grateful that I'm getting a break from that in this trip.

Btw, it's absolutely pouring here. Given that it's the last day of summer, we are totally spending it in our pajamas in front of the TV. :thumbsup2

So aside from the shoe angst which will work itself out eventually, I figured we could move on to day two of my trip, Friday. Funny how this day is lazy and the day I'm about to talk about sort of is too. :lmao:

Now the night before, if I make it through MSEP, I figure I'll be pretty tired given how early my flight was. So my goal for this day of my trip is to sleep as late as I can, and just wake up naturally. Ah, the heaven of not having to set an alarm. Bliss!

And really, I plan to spend that morning at the resort. I think there's a hammock and Pina CoLava with my name on them. I'd like to just chill out, read on my Nook, enjoy the relaxation of CBR. Depending on how ambitious I am, I may head over to Downtown for lunch. I'm really jonesin' to hit Earl of Sandwich once on this trip. I love, love, love their yummy sandwiches! :thumbsup2

Early afternoon, I'll start getting ready for MNSSHP, which I am SO excited about.

I love Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party. I love it so much, I wrote the whole name out for you. :lmao:

Halloween is my favorite holiday. (For those of you who have heard this before, you can tune out if you like. For those of you who don't know me, read on!) I'm an October baby, and I love fall. Picking apples & pumpkins, the crisp smell in the air, autumn leaves. I love seeing my beloved happy place all decked out for fall, complete with scarecrows and pumpkins. My mother also called me her Pumpkin. (It's a theme.) :goodvibes

I've been to so many MNSSHP, and they're all special for different reasons. There have been the years that it's absolutely poured, and we've put ponchos over our costumes and plodded on, determined to not let rain ruin our fun.

There was the year that DHS and I dressed as Captain Jack and Elizabeth and fulfilled my little dream of getting our picture taken in front of Cinderella's glass coach, pumpkins and all, Nemo asleep in his stroller. I think it was after that trip we started referring to him as MJS instead of DH. :lmao:

There was the last family trip we took with my mother. Mom, Nana, and my DFIL were there with us. Squirt wasn't born yet, and Nemo was old enough to have any opinion on his costume. He wanted to be WallE, and he wanted Mimi (what he called my mom) to be Eve. So we made it work. We put him in brown shorts, did an iron transfer onto a yellow shirt that looked like WallE's front panel, and then an iron transfer onto a gray hat that were WallE's eyes. For my mother, we ironed the plant symbol onto a white tee, and Eve's eyes onto a white baseball hat. They were soooo cute. It was very sweet, and I still have both their shirts and hats.

So many memories. I love Disney World. I love it in the fall.

And I'm secretly tickled of being able to attend a MNSSHP by myself. I've always had a great time at them with my family, but inevitably there are things that don't get done, and that's normal with any family trip.

But now those things that don't happen? I can try to make sure they do!

Like having my picture taken with all the princesses and their princes. I've never done that, not once.

Seeing if the good Captain is still available for meet and greets like he was last year.

Actually I love the meet and greets during the party, I have to be honest. All the characters are just so ON.

And without a doubt, I will have to find my beloved Tarzan! ;)

I had a bit of a dilemma as to what I would do for a costume. I own my Elizabeth dress (custom made on EBay) but didn't feel I could be Elizabeth without my Jack. And honestly, I wasn't really feeling the whole pirate thing by myself. Pirate, for sure, is something we do as a family. pirate:

When my mother passed, I inherited her sewing machine, and was determined to learn how to sew. Since then, I've been sewing up a storm.

And I decided I was going to make my own costume. I tossed around a couple of Disney ideas, but I don't do so well working with patterns. It really needed to be something that I could make without a pattern and just wing it.

So...I decided, with the help of some lovely DIS be Wendy.

I have always wanted to be Wendy. She's on my bucket list of characters to dress as, as it were.

So one day, and 7 yards of fabric later (I totally messed up the first time, and was able to completely remake the dress) I ended up with this...


I also created a matching hair "ribbon" out of the blue fabric the waist sash is made out of so I can get a nice big hair bow going on. I've been growing my hair out so I can get it in a relatively appropriate length ponytail. I am that hardcore about my costuming. I like it to be as much me as possible.

And let me tell you a little secret about my costume.

It is SO comfortable. I made it with this wonderfully soft cotton fabric I found at Joann's, and it really feels like wearing a comfy nightgown. Awesome.

For the shoes, which you may or may not be able to see in the picture, they're actually a pair of Merrell Mary Janes that were my mother's. After that night, it's quite possible I'll be able to say I've walked a mile (or several) in my mother's shoes. ;) I'm excited to have something of hers with me on this night, never mind that I learned sewing, really, as a way to feel closer to her.

I'm so excited for my costume and all the special events that take place at the party.

I love the Boo to You parade. I own the special events CD with that soundtrack, which is impossible not to get stuck in your head. I love runs quite close to Illuminations as my favorite fireworks show at the parks. The Headless Horseman riding down Main Street, or Liberty Square, depending on where you are...AWESOME.

I can't describe it. That adrenaline rush of walking into a Halloween party, that feeling in the air. Trick or treating in the Magic Kingdom in the dark.

Going on the Haunted Mansion, all the CMs done up in ghoulish makeup to complement the event.

I could go on, and on, and on.

But I think you get the idea.

I am so excited about this day. I plan to enjoy every moment.

Losing my mother taught me that. It's a carppy way to learn about the important things in life, losing someone you love.

Yesterday we were out shopping, and the kids were being kids and at one point, I just looked at them and started laughing. Because there was just no point in getting upset. And honestly, it was kind of funny. So I separated them and continued on my merry way. :rotfl2:

My mother loved people, loved her family and friends, and had a zest for life that was so evident at Disney.

Often now, when I do something, I think of whether or not what I'm doing or how I behave would honor her. Would honor the woman she was, and the woman she raised me to be.

I hope that on this trip, I honor her in my actions and in the fun that I have. Because though I know there will be tough parts, I also know that she'll be there with me.

And that really, is quite priceless.
Now you have me missing MNSSHP. Once the kids got older (as in more expensive) we quit going. I love, love, love your costume. What a great job.

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Oh Kat,

The fact that you will literally be wearing her shoes....priceless. Between you and Cruella and her puppies I am seriously starting to think we should do a costume of some sort.

I will say that I have a pair of Privo Floats (mary jane style) that are an amazing park shoe! I've used them for cooler park seasons, too hot for me in the summer but they could be great in Oct. I'm concerned that the croc's already rubbed, the others sound like a better option. Or, just bring a couple pairs, flips don't take up much space!


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