Failed Murder Plot-3rd graders -Update Post #75 -3 Children Charged

Something does not add up here. What did this teacher say or do to enrage a group of children to this point? Was it something other students convinced them to do?Something smells rotten here, its just all so strange.

That's what a mob mentality can do... it takes just a few & before you know it, you have all the underlings in on the plan...
That's what a mob mentality can do... it takes just a few & before you know it, you have all the underlings in on the plan...

I certainly dont disagree with that theory, I just really want to know what prompted it, something had to.

And why the only person talking about it in the media is a woman on a blog site. You would have figured this would have gotten out to press by now?
I certainly dont disagree with that theory, I just really want to know what prompted it, something had to.

And why the only person talking about it in the media is a woman on a blog site. Who would have figured this would have gotten out to press by now?[/QUOTE]

You would think the mainstream press would have picked it up already since this supposedly happened on Friday?
Although, there's nothing on Snopes either.

I certainly dont disagree with that theory, I just really want to know what prompted it, something had to.

And why the only person talking about it in the media is a woman on a blog site. Who would have figured this would have gotten out to press by now?

Good point. Here's hoping it is a horrendous misunderstanding.

I interact with 7-9 yr olds on a regular basis.......I sense little evil there......
Sounds like the mob mentality...

I will still maintain, behavioral issues or not, they belong in NO school, they need a special facility.

They have schools in special facilities. I should know.....I teach in one. ;)

where was this at? I'm in Cobb and didn't hear anythign about it..
of course...the only thing I had on my TV today was Tyra and HGTV.. lol

The shooting took place outside the Wachovia Bank across from Ansley Mall. The news is calling the neighborhood Midtown, but it's more on the backside of Ansley Park. A merchant from one of the stores in Ansley was making his morning deposit and was being staked out by an armed robber, who shot him and took off running through the neighborhood. It happened at about 11:30 this morning. I haven't seen the news in several hours so I don't know if they caught him yet. My kids go to school not far from there and their school was on lock down for the day.

I use that bank and shop at Ansley Mall (almost daily :rotfl: ) and was actually heading over ther when I saw it on the noon news. Needless, to say grocery shopping will have to wait until tomorrow. has the story as one of its top news stories today.

Agreed, people are so quick to blame video games, or evil music, etc...when it's usually a lack of supervision/attention that leads to these problems (But I'm NOT implying that's what happened in this case)

I think it's a combination of everything you listed above with a dose of some of those troubled kids just being plain evil. It only takes a few or one evil person with a dominant personality who has the ability to make others follow him or her. Some children and adults for that matter, are easily manipulated into following just about anything or anyone, especially in a mob mentality. Look at Adolph Hitler and his Nazi Germany for example or on a smaller scale, Charles Manson. They both show what truly evil people are able to accomplish with the power of persuasion and the ability to tap into people's fears, resentments, etc.

It's hard for a lot of us to admit but not all children are sweet, lovable, and gentle, as we see them as babies. Bad and evil are a trait that some are destined to follow and sometimes the best parenting in the world can't over come that. Look at those two boys in England in the early 90's, who convinced a young little boy to leave a store with them. They later killed him by stoning him to death and left his body on some rail road tracks. A security camera caught the images of them leaving the store and in the trial the two boys had a cold look of detachment to them. 41 years on this planet has taught me that some humans are just no damn good. Sad but true.
They're special ed. I wouldn't be surprised if at least a few of them couldn't grasp the gravity of even planning something like that.

I don't know about that...if they each had a job to do, they had to know what they were doing was wrong. "Hey,'re gonna be the one to block the windows to hide what we're doing and Molly is gonna mop up the blood." Come on.
Look at those two boys in England in the early 90's, who convinced a young little boy to leave a store with them. They later killed him by stoning him to death and left his body on some rail road tracks. A security camera caught the images of them leaving the store and in the trial the two boys had a cold look of detachment to them. 41 years on this planet has taught me that some humans are just no damn good. Sad but true.

My god I remember that case like it was just a few years ago.

As I somewhat alluded to earlier, we had an extremely violent kid in our 3rd grade class (the last straw was him holding MY son up against a cement pillar by his neck, took two staff members to get him off), this kid was never provoked, he just did one horrible thing after another. He had to be placed into a secured portion of the school along with 3 others who qualified as just as bad from across the district. I said that even though he had his own teacher and psychologist, if he was in the building, no kid was safe. One year later in a different town a similar kid stabbed a student to death, he was apparently on his way to his secured location within the school.

These things are horrendous and can start in third grade as we certainly witnessed at our first school. We never had either child return there.
Everyone is mentioning that they are only 3rd graders. But, as special ed children, they may be several years older than normal for 3rd grade.
My DD's in the third grade. This stuff chills me to the bone, but it really doesn't surprise me on the level that it would have a few years ago.
A class "project" gone horribly awry? Did they use crayons when planning this?

It will be interesting to see what happens once they sort out who the "ringleaders" are.

I have a hard time believing a class (any class) is comprised of 90%+ sociopaths.

Hard to believe, but it's not uncommon. Our school sends aggressive Special Ed kids to another county for their schooling ,at last count there were 17 kids in that class and all of them were aggressive. The teacher has been stabbed with pencils, bashed in the head with a trophy, kicked in the stomach to many times to count, had chairs and desks thrown at her and that's just the tip of the iceberg. Oh, and these are all 2nd - 4th graders.

Another thing , most of these kids probably have an IEP or the equivelant, if there is a plan in the IEP for aggression there is a slim to none chance that they will be expelled. The only real punishment for these kids will have to come from the courts.

This will probably get me flamed, but......I wouldn't be at all surprised for 1 or more of the parents to make excuses for what their child did because "they can't help it, they have special needs".
Hard to believe, but it's not uncommon. Our school sends aggressive Special Ed kids to another county for their schooling ,at last count there were 17 kids in that class and all of them were aggressive. The teacher has been stabbed with pencils, bashed in the head with a trophy, kicked in the stomach to many times to count, had chairs and desks thrown at her and that's just the tip of the iceberg. Oh, and these are all 2nd - 4th graders.

Another thing , most of these kids probably have an IEP or the equivelant, if there is a plan in the IEP for aggression there is a slim to none chance that they will be expelled. The only real punishment for these kids will have to come from the courts.

This will probably get me flamed, but......I wouldn't be at all surprised for 1 or more of the parents to make excuses for what their child did because "they can't help it, they have special needs".

Why in the world would anyone put themselves in this situation willingly? It sounds awful and I cant understand why they don't cap these classes at a more manageable amount of children or add more supervising adults to the classrooms. 17 aggressive kids in one classroom is a recipe for disaster!
The teacher has been stabbed with pencils, bashed in the head with a trophy, kicked in the stomach to many times to count, had chairs and desks thrown at her and that's just the tip of the iceberg. Oh, and these are all 2nd - 4th graders.

This will probably get me flamed, but......I wouldn't be at all surprised for 1 or more of the parents to make excuses for what their child did because "they can't help it, they have special needs".

I dealt with students like that last year. I had 3 of them in my class. I had a chair thrown at me (actually that happened several times but this time I didn't get away fast enough) and fell over it spraining my ankle. I was kneeling on the floor and a child tackled me from behind and damaged my back. I had a child become enraged at me and bite my stomach and break the skin. That started a fun round of bloodwork for hep. C and HIV. I went home every day with bruises and scratches. Flipping shelves, throwing toys and cursing me out was a daily occurance. I got used to being called a motherf'ing c-word. I had one parent conference after another and each one went the same way...the parent would ask me what I was doing to make their child do this? But I digress. My point to telling you all this is that these children were 3 and 4 years old. I teach preschool and sadly this story does not surprise me all that much.
As a third grade teacher, I am sad sad sad to say that this is not at all surprising. I've seen children who are so filled with hate and anger that they are walking time bombs. We want to think that the kids don't have these horrible tendancies to act out in the worst ways, but it is exactly the opposite. Kids are angrier than ever and have more opportunities to "learn" about effective ways to hurt others around them. Many also forget the role older siblings, neighbors, bus riders etc. have on these young kids. They are often the direct cause of much of the boiling anger and they pass along ideas to help to fuel the rage and violent tendancies of these angry kids. It's a recipe for disaster. Just this year we had a first grader sexually molest another first grader while in the bathroom (both boys) because this is what his older brother was doing to him at home.


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