Excuse me waiter, I dropped my fork-July dining review with lots of pics! Update 8/8

I'm really enjoying reading your reviews!! They're really great!! We also love the Coral Reef. The chocolate wave is delicious. It sounds like you guys really had a great time. I can't wait to read more. Thanks!
After calling it an early night, I went to bed and my wife and daughter relaxed and watched “Cars” in the courtyard. Thursday morning was an early Magic Kingdom day and we were planning on being there well before 8:00 am.

We were inside the turnstiles at about 7:50 and saw most people crowding the two side entrances under the train station so we had a great spot to watch the opening show again. It was much less crowded Thursday than Tuesday where there were no extra hours.

We took our time walking to Tomorrowland because I promised my daughter I would take her on Astro Orbiter, motion sickness notwithstanding. That thing looks innocent, but has a much smaller radius than Dumbo and has some serious G forces. I didn’t get sick at all, which just reinforced that maybe I wasn’t a whimp at the Garden Grill!

We did Dumbo and the Barnstormer again, and went over to Frontier land to ride Big Thunder Mountain and fastpass Splash Mountain. We did the Country Bears to a near empty theater. After riding It’s a Small World for the 6th time and cashing our fastpass, it was close to our 12:15 lunch reservation at the crystal palace.

Our first four trips we ate breakfast here and really loved it. Our 2009 trip had too many breakfasts so we tried the lunch and liked it. We decided to book an early lunch here again this trip. This restaurant has many choices. If someone cannot find something in the adult line, the kids line always has more basic options.

For instance I had pasta and mac n cheese one trip up.


Here are some of the various plates we had that day:




This was one of our daughter's plates:




The spicy cornbread stuffing in the previous picture was one of the best things I personally tasted the whole trip. It had that "wow" factor I mentioned in previous posts.

This time we all seemed to go up multiple times and just got smaller portions to get to try more (at least that was the girls’ approach).

They had a very nice dessert area here also. They had soft serve ice cream and other various items. It was very close to Chef Mickey’s in terms of selection and was a nice way to end our meal.


This is a restaurant that is always on our “can’t miss” list. The atmosphere is always positive and the food is good. We were talking after and might actually do a breakfast here the next trip just because we seemed to have moved to more non-breakfast meals this trip and the Crystal Palace breakfasts are the best we have had personally.

As a bonus to this restaurant, kids get to avoid the lines to see Pooh, Eeyore, Tigger and Piglet in a nice setting with much better character interaction than offered in park lines.
Really enjoying your reviews and was delighted to read that you stayed at our favourite resort! We love POFQ and will be returning there this fall. :thumbsup2 I agree with others when they say the beignets are something that must be enjoyed immediately. If they get cold they do lose a lot of their pixie dust, LOL! Thanks so much for your review of Garden Grill as I have ADR's there for the last dinner of our trip and there really aren't many reviews of this restaurant. Sorry to hear the experience made you and DW slightly nauseated. No one in my family has a problem with motion sickness so hopefully we'll be ok. Thanks again for taking the time to share your experiences with us, looking forward to the next installment.
LOVE the Garden Grill review, it's rarely mentioned on the boards and I so appreciate the photos! Everything looks delicious and fresh. Living with the Land has been one of my favorite attractions for so long now, I can't believe we haven't eaten at GG yet. I'm definitely going to try it soon!

Also love the 'Ohana pictures. That bread pudding is the ultimate indulgence! :worship: I think next time we go I'll tell them just to give me noodles, shrimp, chicken, and dessert. Need to make sure I have enough room for all my favorite stuff! :laughing:

Great reviews!
Looks delicious! Im glad you liked O'hana....we had a bad experience there when we went about 3 years ago. We had a later reservation (like 7:45pm) and had to wait forever because everyone that was already seated was waiting for the 9pm fireworks and wouldnt budge! When we were finally seated I sat down and the seat cushion was wet :crazy2: There was also no entertainment at that time....
We are thinking of giving it another try on our next trip and going earlier because I did LOVE the food....that bread pudding is AMAZING!!!
Loving the reviews of Ohana and Crystal Palace. I really want to try Ohana but DS and I are going alone next trip and I know he will not eat any of that food...maybe the steak. I know they give kids other options like nuggets but I don't want to pay that price for him to eat nuggets and fries:rotfl:

Crystal Palace is definitely on our list for our next visit!!
Your CP lunch looks really good
We've only ever eaten breakfast there
Great reviews, keep 'em coming :goodvibes
After spending a little more time in the Magic Kingdom, we did the bus transfer at the TTC (for the first time ever) and went to the Animal Kingdom for two things. One was so our daughter could do the affection station petting zoo area that lightning ruined on Monday and we also wanted the Simba “magic shot” for our photopass album. After the petting zoo I headed back to the hotel for a nap while my wife and daughter went around to get a little booklet stamped.

That one ill-timed storm on Monday really did cause this three plus hour diversion. Had it not rained, we could have stayed in the AK and taken care of all of this Monday! Luck is everything!

We decided that the plan would be to head out to Hollywood Studios for the early Fantasmic show. We got in the park around 8:00 and headed for the theatre immediately. We ended up sitting in the next to last section farthest from the entrance, but I guess unless you are there two hours early that’s what you get. It actually worked out OK because the preshow started and the wait wasn’t bad at all.

We knew we were in trouble a little for a meal because we were not yet hungry at the Animal Kingdom and didn’t have time to eat before Fantasmic, so we had to find something at Hollywood Studios. We looked around at the menus and found Rosie’s All American Café, which had something we could all eat.

This kind of got me into a two day “burger rut” as we were planning Pecos Bill’s the next day. There were some other choices on the menu, but I got the angus burger just because it looked really good, plus I am not opposed to eating burgers more often than I might at home.


This was a very good, juicy burger considering it was after 9:30 at night. There wasn’t really a fixin’s bar, just the basics like at the Liberty Inn. Overall this was a good meal and a new option at Hollywood Studios. I had fries and yes, for some reason, carrot cake which went back to the hotel and was eaten later. The room refrigerators are really nice for this!

My wife had the nuggets with fries and chocolate cake. I would guess these were just average because she ate some and the rest went back to the room with the cake. I think it was just late, hot and we were tired from running around all day. It was more of a desire to just get back to the room than anything else.


Our daughter had the kid’s nuggets with applesauce and carrots with a chocolate chip cookie. She ate all the nuggets and the applesauce. The carrots made it back to the room and I just ate the cookie here at home yesterday!


Overall, Rosie’s is a good, basic meal choice at Hollywood Studios where I always found food choices to be somewhat limited. It seems like MK and Epcot have a ton of choices but Hollywood and the AK are not as blessed. Granted, it was late when we were there so the outdoor seating wasn’t as hot as it would be at lunch or early dinner time and there was no crowd at all which may have helped make the experience artificially better than when we would normally eat at a place like this, but I can only rate it on when we were there. The menu is very basic, but you will know that before you order. If a burger and fries are all you need and you are looking for somewhere in the food challenged Hollywood Studios park, Rosie’s is a very viable option in my opinion. This will at least be on our radar for the next trip, especially if I can eat there in a more planned way to break up the burgers!
I loved your review of 'Ohana! I've been there twice now and I loved it both times. I left there stuffed full both times and it was well worth it! That banana bread pudding was to die for. And great review of CP & Rosie's. I'm suddenly hungry for some fries after seeing your photo! I'm serious! :thumbsup2
I do wish that the studios had a few more CS options
Looks like your dinner was pretty good though :thumbsup2
We haven't been to Rosie's - glad there is an option in DHS. Ohana is a must do for my kids because they love the food but they especially love the entertainment. We had an 8:00pm ADR (the only one available when I booked). They got to do the coconut races and( something else I forget) we all did the hula.Wishes was scheduled for 10 pm and we thought we would miss it but we were just finishing dessert when it started. In fact it was so late by the time we were done... We had to get a taxi.
As our trip sadly entered the last full day, we had one of our favorite meals saved. We LOVE to have breakfast at Akershus with the princesses. We liked everything about this meal in the past so it was one of the first I booked 180 days out just to make sure we got it.

Epcot had an early entry that day so we got a Soarin’ fastpass right away and due to Test Track being closed the line went from 10 minutes in the stand-by to over an hour in about 12 minutes of real time while I was waiting for my family to catch up (our daughter had a toe injury as we were walking to the bus). The line for that ride all trip was CRAZY! Instead of waiting an hour, we rode Living with the Land again and killed some time shopping.

The counter serve restaurants were attaching a 20% off coupon to the receipts at different times to be used at Emporium, Mouse Gear, Mickey’s of Hollywood, Keystone Clothiers, Island Mercantile or Disney Outfitters if you used it before noon. We basically did all our shopping at Emporium (and ran up a monster bill), but got 20% off which helped. Since we were leaving the next day, getting the items shipped to the hotel wasn’t an option, so we just had it waiting at the gate when we left the park! If they have that deal going all the time, it is worth it. Just go in around 11:00 when the parks are getting crowded anyway and get your stuff a little cheaper. Our receipts said it is done August 15th but hopefully they will extend it.

We barely made it to the restaurant for our 9:45 reservation, but we were there in time, just a touch sweaty for the Belle picture. Here, if you didn’t know, the picture is free for everyone.

We got seated fast and went up to the cold bar with various fruits, meats, cheeses and danishes. Here are a few selections:




After a few minutes, out platter came out which was eggs, sausage, bacon and the best breakfast potatoes ever. All of this was cooked perfectly. I have a recipe for the potatoes and once or twice a year we have “princess breakfast for dinner” at home just to hold us off between trips!


We are not on the adventurous side at all, so we never ate anything here but the breakfast, but I have first-hand testimony from friends that it is great also.

The character interaction here is very good always. The princesses have been on their game every time we go. This time we ran into the same issues as we did at Chef Mickey’s with people cutting off the princesses for additional pictures and autographs which caused us to have to wait until after the bill was paid to meet Ariel. They had two different little parades while we ate where the KIDS were encouraged to go to the princess in THEIR ROOM and follow them around. Parents were told to stay seated and get pics from their seats, but a select few didn’t listen and were bumping into people trying to eat and were grabbing the princesses after the parade, which caused Ariel to lose her place and skip us. It was no big deal because they went and got her, but it is irritating at any rate.

The service here as been wonderful the past two times, but this time I have to say it was below average. I think there were two reasons for this. The first was because we had a trainee there learning the ropes. His name was Epson and he was doing the best he could. The regular waiter, Geir, was getting a little annoyed with him. We had to ask for refills a couple of times. I am always willing to excuse this if it is someone “earning their ears” as the badge says. The kid was trying and I know how tough it is starting a new job when I speak the same language as everyone, but this kid has to deal with English, Spanish, Portugese, etc. I’ll forgive them on that one.

The other service issue is that we felt rushed the whole time. This was the only restaurant where we had that feeling. They brought us our bill before our platter even came out! It felt almost like they were not bringing us refills so we would leave. A large part of this is we did have a 9:45 and they were trying to turn over the restaurant for lunch, but if you are going to charge nearly $100.00 for breakfast and accept 9:45 reservations, you better allow the people with that reservation the same time allotment as someone with an earlier reservation! If you can’t do that, cut off the reservations at 9:00! I have heard a few complaints about the meals in the castle for feeling rushed, which (plus spending only one credit) is why we usually meet the princesses here.

That being said, the meal here was top-notch, and we will go back. I am on the fence as to whether we will try and do another late breakfast or get something closer to 9:00. The 9:00 would work because you could get there at 8:00, ride Soarin’ get a fastpass after riding then go to breakfast. It is also a great place to meet Belle, Cinderella, Aurora, Snow White and Ariel in a more personal way.

The service issues may have been a one time thing and they were not really “that bad,” I just felt I had to mention it because we never had that experience there before and am hoping it was an aberration, not a trend!
Great reviews! I've really enjoyed your whole report so far. We are going next week and our first-night reservation is for Coral Reef. We went last year and it was honestly the dining highlight of our trip -- DESPITE all the mixed reviews it gets here, we all just loved the entire experience.

We are also trying to figure out whether we want to keep our `Ohana reservation so your review and photos were really helpful. I'm really curious to try it but I'm not sure if it's the kind of experience the rest of the family would appreciate. The pictures of potstickers and wings may bring them to my side. :thumbsup2

I'm also from Pittsburgh! Though I moved there at age 14 and was never able to bring myself to use the term "pop" since the "soda" habit had been instilled early. I do smile every time I hear it though. ;)
Sorry for the delay. I just got back from another short trip (not to WDW)!

Later on our last full day we decided to stay in the Magic Kingdom until late (2:00am) and just basically try to get in everything we could. By this time in the trip it became the usual late July “hot,” and we were starting to get tired. In addition, that end of the trip depression was setting in with a little of that “I’m tired and actually ready to go home” feeling. As a result, we ran around and covered quite a bit.

It was getting close to 9:00 and with the Main Street Electrical Parade/fireworks sucking in people, we thought it was a good time to eat. I had been on a slight burger tear, but we had Pecos Bills on the list from day one and didn’t want to leave without eating there… plus we were kind of boxed into that area by the parade.

There were other choices, but the burger with onion rings on it looked too good to pass up:


I threw some items like hot mushrooms from the fixin’s bar on there and found it to be the best BURGER of the trip. It was everything a burger should be! Plus, the options from the fixin’s bar here were better than anywhere else. If you are walking around the MK and suddenly want a great burger, this is your choice. It is probably the best counter service/fast food type burger I have ever had. Next time I am making sure we eat there early in the trip before I get “burgered out.” I cannot imagine how good that would have been as my first meal of the trip.

Like I said earlier, if I could have swapped the days of the Earl of Sandwich meal and maybe the burger I had at Rosie’s the night before, this thing would have been even better!

My wife decided to go with the taco salad and loaded it up with items from the bar including a few pickles!


Our daughter went with the kid’s PB&J along with French fries.


Both girls didn’t finish the whole meal, but I think it was just from hitting a “wall,” rather than a lack of quality. It was getting late at that point and we knew we had to pack and go through the baggage process in the AM so I’m sure that was also a factor.

In our many trips to Disneyworld, I believe this was one of our first in Pecos Bill’s. I can tell you it will not be our last. This is a great option for any meal and I highly recommend it. And if you were wondering… yes that was another piece of carrot cake!

Next will be our final (and most pleasantly surprising) meals of the trip… lunch at Pinnochio’s village Haus!
My DH loves the burger at Pecos Bills and even the veggie burger is good there :)
Great Pecos Bill review. I have always wanted to try the place as their toppings bar looks so good the few times I have stopped by.
On our final day we got our bags packed and checked at the hotel. We were flying Southwest, who allows two checked bags per person for free, so that made it very nice. The check-in was easy and stress-free. The Magical Express is a fantastic perk!

Our flight wasn’t until 6:30 back to PIT, so we were able to make one last trip to the Magic Kingdom. Because we were not able to get there for the opening, it was a different animal in there a little later in the day. We were still able to ride some of the less popular rides one last time.

Because I had paid out of pocket for the pizza at the food court earlier in the week, we still had a meal coming. Pinnochio Village Haus was a restaurant I personally chose every trip except for our 2009 vacation. The menu there had changed and just got a little boring. In the late 90’s it had a fixin’s bar close to cosmic Ray’s and Pecos Bill’s. In fact I famously embarrassed my wife there when I used my hotdog carton as a plate and had sauerkraut as a side dish! When we saw the menu had changed again we decided to give it a try and I was glad we did.

As stated in the last post, I was pretty good in terms of burgers so I had the meatball sub with fries and the mango gelato.


All of these were great and the sub was very big. This was exactly what I needed for variety.

My wife went with the flatbread pepperoni pizza.


Allow me to tell you that I sampled this myself and it is the best pizza they offered this trip. There may be sit-down places that have better, but in terms of counter service, this was awesome. She had gelato with it for dessert. I do not believe she got a side dish with this, but there were several very generous slices of pizza, so it really wasn’t needed. The crust and sauce were much better than the food court or Pizza Planet, plus they did something by mixing parmesan cheese in with the other pizza type cheeses on top that gave this a unique texture. It was the type of pizza I would order at home.

Our daughter had the kid’s mac and cheese with at least grapes and a cookie.


As she was tearing into the macaroni she said, Daddy, you have to find this recipe and make this at home.” I sampled some and it was very good, even to an adult. Disneyworld does mac and cheese right I have noticed.

Overall, I think Pinnochio has to be added to most counter serve rotations. It has offerings that are different. Next trip I will space this out along with Earle of Sandwich to break up the meals with some variety. The burgers offered at the counter service restaurants at WDW are generally very good… almost up there with Red Robin in terms of quality, so to appreciate them, you need variety. As a bonus, we lucked out and got a table by the It's a Small World window, which made our daughter's day!

After eating we eventually made the long walk down Main Street USA with our heads a little low knowing it will be at least two or three years until we return. The good news is I already have close to $200 in the savings envelope for the next trip!

I’ll post a few more times with some final thoughts on the meal plan in general and the food overall this trip. Plus, the Steelers have their first home exhibition game on the 19th and my brother and I have a tradition of making something new at our tailgate for that game every year, so we already decided we will be attempting to replicate that Earle of Sandwich Hawaiian in the parking lot. I’ll take a pic and post it to show everyone who had all the nice comments how it turned out!

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