Every road leads back to the place I know...

I am so very excited to read your trip report!!! You definitely deserve/d to have the best vacation ever. Your first two days sound great! Well, other then the uber drive of great length lol.

I too love WL (we stayed on BR side in a first floor room too)!

The Epcot day sounds lovely. I have always wanted to go to WDW alone (I may have to start small and do DL).

Waiting with anticipation on what occurred on Tuesday after the change in plans :). Hope all is well with you now that you are home.
Day 3 part 1: Tron Attempt One

The first thing I did when I woke up was grab my phone to check the weather. I was so afraid it would be another cold day! Happily it was 50 degrees, and would be getting a lot warmer. I flipped from MK to Epcot yesterday. Let's flip it back and head to the Magic Kingdom!

I decided on some instant oatmeal for breakfast. Now, I'm weird. I don't like coffee. I don't even like the way coffee smells. So I had no idea how to work the Keurig in the room. The power button was easy, but I just could not figure out why water wouldn't come out. I pushed every button half a dozen times. Why wouldn't it work?


Eventually I figured out you had to put water into the machine to get hot water out. Luckily I was too filled with anticipation to feel stupid.

I practically skipped out of my room to the boat launch, where I was the second person in line to get on to the first boat. I love boats. I love the way the world looks from a boat. I love the way the Lodge looks from a boat. I especially love the way the Magic Kingdom looks from a boat. It's just the perfect serene way to approach the park. Fog was floating off the water and a heron stood on one leg watching us cruise by. It felt like something in a Disney movie, especially since Poof! Suddenly there's a castle!

I had a MK Plan. I would rope drop Peter Pan, maybe grab something else, then head for Frontierland, and spend most of the day on the left side of the park. And that's exactly what I did. The wait at rope drop always seems to last forever. Near the front of the pack, I ducked into the seating area of Cheshire Cafe to wait. My number 1 rule of Disney is "Save the Feet!" It seemed weird that no one else sat down like I did. You can't get any closer to the rope because of the crowd. Why not rest? Especially since you can rejoin the crowd as soon as it starts to move. In any case, I sat and people watched for a bit, and as soon as the crowd started moving, I walked on to Peter Pan. There's something about the view over London (Maybe because I'm in a boat???) that I just love. I quickly jumped onto IASW, where they wished me goodbye by name. 8 minutes to open the rest of the park - perfect for a quick bathroom break at Tangled and a look for a friendly Lizard. Then it was BTMRRx2, HMx2, Pirates, and the Carousel. I have to admit that the Carousel makes me a little sad. My mom loved carousels and before she died, she made me promise to always ride a carousel for her whenever I had the chance. Whenever I ride one, I think of her, and wish she was there with me. She always loved hearing about my trips to WDW, though, and she'd have been happy with the white and purple horse I picked.

I accomplished so much by 11 am - and I was starving! Luckily I had a reservation at Liberty Tree Tavern for lunch. I always go in thinking I will want more side dishes, but I never do. Somehow, Disney knows the exact portion size I will eat. I was stuffed. I'm almost ashamed to admit it - I couldn't finish my ooey gooey toffee cake. I made a valiant effort, but I failed. As I slurped my last few bites, I looked at the MK map on my phone, which is when I realized I had forgotten to try for a boarding group for Tron. Oh well, I have another MK day planned.

I walked out of Liberty Tree just at the perfect time - I could hear the sounds of the Festival of Fantasy parade in the distance. I sat down on the convenient steps, and watched the parade float by. It as nice to sit and digest. But boy was it getting hot!
Day 3 part 2: splish splash

It was hot. I was hot. I was full. I was on vacation. I was feeling relaxed and lazy. I was going back to the Lodge and go to the pool.

The boat ride back was shady and breezy, cooling me down just right. I slipped into my swimsuit. My room was so wonderfully close to the pool - just a few short steps. The geyser exploded just as I walked past, misting over me like a blessing. I found a lounger quickly, tossed my coverup and shoes on it, and slid into the water. That perfect, cool-but-not-too-cool water. It was fun to watch the kids play. I don't think anyone enjoys a pool as much as an 8 year old. For the next 2 hours, I alternated between the hot tub, the pool, and sitting in my lounger reading a spicy romance. It was deeply relaxing. There is this point where your bones melt and turn into pudding, and that is exactly how I felt. Like a big pile of happy pudding.

Yet all good puddings must end at some point, and at 4 I headed back to my room for a quick shower, and a bus ride to Disney Springs. It's funny. Any other place, and I'd hate the bus ride. Often crowded, sometimes smelly, always feeling too long. Yet at Disney, they are almost like another ride. If only they weren't so deeply air conditioned. I freeze on Disney busses. I'm glad the ride to the Springs is short. I wandered a few shops, but didn't see anything I wanted to buy. The line for Gideons was well over an hour, but there was no line at the Summer House, and I'd read good things about their cookies. I picked up a few to munch on back at the room. Then I headed to Jaleo.

I had eaten at Jaleo once before on my last trip to WDW. The food and service had been outstanding. I love Iberian wines. I think Jose Andres deserves the Nobel Prize for his World Kitchen work. It's the perfect vacation splurge for me. Sadly, this would not be as good as the last time.

As a solo diner, some wait staff make a point to chat with me and spoil me. Most simply give me good - if average - service. But some look at me and think "only one person, the tip won't be very big" and blow me off. That's what happened this time. I watched my waitress speak to the other tables for minutes at a time, but she was as quick as possible with me. Then she brought the wrong food. Then only half of what I ordered. I finally had to ask for the rest of it. I couldn't get her attention to get a second glass of wine. No offer to look at desert menu. My food was good - outstanding, actually. But the service was such a disappointment, especially because I could see and hear her interacting so much with the tables with 2 or more people. I'm glad I had such good service my previous time. If this had been my only time there, I probably wouldn't have returned.

That night, I sat on my balcony and watched the HEA fireworks again, nibbling on a lemon cookie from the Summer House. If you like lemon, you MUST get this cookie. Moist with crispy edges and an intense lemon flavor, it was one of the best things I ate all week. I've never had Gideon's. I'm sure they are great. But OMG that lemon cookie! It's hard for me to imagine that anything at Gideon's could be better. Cookie and fireworks to end the night - this is exactly what a vacation is supposed to be.
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Day 4: Sleeping in, and Tron Attempt Two

Is there anything as purely decadent as sleeping in at WDW? Knowing that you can get up at any moment to face a world of fun possibilities? There is something about laying there, Disney music playing, contemplating all your options. It makes me feel so fortunately, so lucky. We all need to escape our modern lives sometime. WDW is a great escape. Maybe the perfect escape.

But no matter how much gratitude you feel, at some point you will feel something stronger: hunger. When the grumble of my empty stomach was louder than Let It Go!, it was time to get out of bed. And time to head to Whispering Canyon for an AYCE skillet!

I admit it. I thought about a waffle, or some oatmeal. But the AYCE Heritage skillet not only had bacon, eggs, sausage, potatoes AND waffles, it had those incredible biscuits. I simply couldn't resist more of those biscuits. I'm not going to tell you how many biscuits I ate, but it was more than 1. And more than 2. Possibly more than 3. But less than 20, I promise you. My kind waitress did offer to bring me an entire tray lol but I turned her down. Got to leave some for the other guests!

Stuffed, with biscuity goodness oozing out of every pore, I made a lazy morning out of it. I sat on my balcony and watched squirrels. I read a book in the lobby. I relaxed in a soft chair near Geyser Point and watched the boats float by. I did nothing. It was blissful. This is exactly the reason to stay at a Deluxe resort. The grounds are so lovely and so relaxing that you can relax and simply Be.

By 4 pm, though, I was ready to Do Something again. It was Evening Hours at MK for Deluxe guests That made for an easy decision. I hopped back on the boat, and over to MK. The crowd was astonishingly light. The weather was beautiful, but I guess the race crowds were all gone. It felt like almost no one was in the park. I rode Buzz Lightyear, Mermaid, HM, BTMRRx2 and took the train all the way around the park. I munched a Mickey bar, then road the Riverboat. I grabbed a quick chili cheese dog at Caseys for dinner, and still had time for the Mad Tea Party (possibly not the smartest thing to ride after a chili cheese dog), the People Mover, and the Carousel. At 6 I tried to get a Tron boarding group. I thought it would be easy because there were so few people, but no luck. Darn it, Tron! I will get you eventually! Oh well, I have another chance later that week. So I wandered the shops, again disappointed that I didn't see anything I wanted to buy. Finally I grabbed a spot on Main Street and watched HEA. Having seen the fireworks 2 nights in a row from my balcony, I focused on the projections. And look! It's the Kiss Goodnight! Another ride on the People mover. Another shot at Zurg. Let's try the Carousel of Progress. There were so few people - only 7DMT had any sort of a line. But it was 10:30 pm and I was tired. Time to hop a boat back to my cozy room and head to bed.
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Just loving your trip report. cheryllarsen called it, you create the pictures with your words. It sounds like you had a wonderful vacation! Thanks for taking the time to share.
I especially love the way the Magic Kingdom looks from a boat. It's just the perfect serene way to approach the park.
A boat really is the best way to approach MK! The WL boat is even better than the larger one.
My number 1 rule of Disney is "Save the Feet!" It seemed weird that no one else sat down like I did.
That's a really good rule! I try to follow the same and sit whenever possible.
My mom loved carousels and before she died, she made me promise to always ride a carousel for her whenever I had the chance. Whenever I ride one, I think of her, and wish she was there with me.
That is a really sweet way to remember your mom.
For the next 2 hours, I alternated between the hot tub, the pool, and sitting in my lounger reading a spicy romance. It was deeply relaxing.
That is the perfect way to spend an afternoon! It doesn't get better than a book and a hot tub for me.
Sadly, this would not be as good as the last time.
I'm sorry to hear the service at Jaleo wasn't as good this time around! The food is excellent, but service can make or break a meal as an experience.
Day 5: Hollywood Studios

One of my goals for this trip was to ride SDD at n ight, so my plan was to stack LLs and head to HS about 4. I spent a leisurely morning at the pool, then grabbed tomato soup and a side of coleslaw for lunch from Roaring Fork. That light lunch was just right. I love me some fried park food, but I need vegetables to be healthy. By 2 pm, however, I was feeling restless. Having bought Genie+ and an ILL for ROTR, I had a great evening planned. Might as well head over early.

By 3 pm I was entering the Studios, and the crowds were light. I headed straight to ROTR, but was 5 minutes too early for my ILL. The CM winked at me and waived me through. ROTR was a walkon! I didn't stop until I was listening to Rey. The room with the stormtrooopers always gets me. It's one of the most real parts of all the parks. It was also the only place with any line. "any solo rebels? Any solos?" the cast members called out. I raised my hand and they called me forward. "I'm loyal to the Empire! I'm not like these rebel scum!" I announced as I walked past them. "There is no Empire, "the CM sneered, " we're the First Order, and if you want an Empire, you are under suspicion." It was the perfect response. Even us loyalists get shot at though, and I was relieved to escape with my life. Then, since I hadn't officially used my ILL, I walked on to ROTR again. I was stunned at my luck. Who gets to walk on to ROTR twice in a row???

Then I walked onto Smugglers Run, where I proudly served as the engineer on a successful coaxium acquisition run. By this time it was nearly 5 pm, and time to sit and enjoy the atmosphere. I grabbed ronta wrap and a water, and simply people watched a bit.

My next LL was for MMRR, my first time riding it. I thought it was pretty cute. During the pre-show, a little girl in front of me was very concerned about the wall being broken and asked the CM many questions. The CM handled it beautifully, and the little girl went away happy. I sent in a CM Compliment after the ride for her. Next was Star Tours x 2, ***, and TSM. Finally, it was my last LL of the evening - SDD at night!

A couple of years before the pandemic, HS had a special event before the park opened in which you could spend 2 hours in Toy Story Land and get breakfast. It is one of my most fun memories. I rode SDD 5 times in a row! But I have only ever ridden it in the daylight, and I really wanted to ride it at night. I was not disappointed. The park is so beautiful from the top of the roller coaster hills. You see into Batuu and bits of ToT. It made me happy. Lines were long for it or I'd have ridden it again - the first set of long lines I'd encountered.

I walked on to TSM again, then wandered the stores. Again, nothing I wanted to buy. Come on, WDW merchandisers! Give me something worth buying! Take my money!!!

It was only 8 pm, but I'd done what I wanted. I caught a bus back to the lodge, and I bet you can guess what I did. Yes, I watched the HEA fireworks with a glass of wine from my balcony. These relaxed evenings watching HEA were worth every extra dollar spent at a deluxe hotel.
Day 6: Animal Kingdom

I dreamed that night. Odd dreams about Rey and Mr Potato Head piloting a train. Clearly my brain was happy I had such a nice day at HS. The weather was beautiful, I had some instant oatmeal for breakfast, I was rested and happy - it was time to head back to Animal Kingdom.

I made an early start of it. No Genie+ for me today! Even though I was at the bus stop an hour before park opening and there were only 5 other people on the bus with me, I was at the back of the pack of rope droppers. Sometimes that's just how luck works. Happily, as everyone else headed towards FoP, I hooked a left and was one quickly on a ride through the Navii river. NRJ gets a lot of bad press. I agree it's not an exciting ride - but neither is the People Mover, and people love it. I think NRJ is beautiful. It did seem like NRJ could use some maintenance, though. If you looked closely there were a lot of small lights that didn't work, some of the lit twirling things didn't twirl. There were a couple of broken "plants" where you could see the plastic/wood. Still, I enjoy the ride, and it's a nice way to start the day. It was only about 7:20 when I got off, so I headed to the Safari.

I have to admit - I was shocked at the line to get into the Safari. It was backed up and around almost to Harambe Market. What I didn't realize is that they won't let you into the queue until the safari opens at 8. The minute the clock hit 8 am, the gates opened, and 15 minutes later I was climbing into a giant jeep. I have usually had great safaris in the morning, but there just weren't a lot of animals out that day. Needing a bigger animal fix, I wandered through the Gorilla Falls trail, then stared at the Tree of Life for a while. No matter how long I look, I never see everything on the Tree of Life. Are there maps anywhere that show every creature carved into it? I wandered a bit, and shopped. Still nothing I wanted to buy. It was the same thing in every shop, and just nothing I wanted. I almost always find something in AK, but not this time. My shopping heart was sad.

I really only went to AK to ride NRJ and the Safari, so I headed back to the Lodge early. I was the only person on the bus headed back. After a brief rest, I was back on the bus, headed to Disney Springs.

When I had last been to DS right after the pandemic, I had the best sandwich at Earl of Sandwich - their Holiday Turkey (turkey, stuffing, cranberry mayo, cheddar) and I hadn't been able to forget it. Today seemed like the right day to eat it again. And yay! They still had it! But somehow, it wasn't as good as I remembered. It tasted more artificial. I ate only a few bites and threw it away. My biggest food disappointment of the trip.

Uniqlo is one of my weakness at Disney Springs. They have unusual tshirts and great clothes, and no branches anywhere near where I live. I ended up buying a couple of tshirts and a waffle henley. That henly has henley has been wonderful - so warm and so soft! - I really wish I'd bought a second one in another color. Next I went back to the Summer House and picked up 2 more lemon cookies. Have I mentioned how good they are? lol You really do have to try them.

That night I packed up to return home. I grabbed another bison burger and fries at Geyser Point, and watched the fireworks from there. It was nice to just relax. There is something about WDW. You are too tired to move quick, you've had too much fun to be stressed, you got to spend a whole week doing things just for yourself. I felt filled with joy and empty of stress. It was nice to sit by the lake and feel lucky to be there.
I love your report! You captured that wonderful feeling of just enjoying the atmosphere and the peace and beauty!
I have usually had great safaris in the morning, but there just weren't a lot of animals out that day. Needing a bigger animal fix, I wandered through the Gorilla Falls trail
We had the same experience this year - we usually love the morning safaris to see more activity, but our morning ride this year didn't have the same activity we've seen in the past. Same with Gorilla Falls, we couldn't really see the gorillas because they were resting too far away. I might change up when we do those things next time!
Sorry it's been so long! somehow the past few weeks became a mash of work and family problems. Maybe my post-Disney burst of energy wore off. But I'll try to get this wrapped up.
Day 7: MK and home

I woke early, very early. It was about 5 am. Why am I waking up at 5 am on my last Disney day?

I snuggled into bed. I didn't think about my week. I didn't think about what I wanted to do today. I didn't think about breakfast. I simply didn't think.

Not thinking is one of the best parts about Disney. I get so tired that my brain turns off. I don't have to make difficult decisions. I can just do what seems like fun in the moment. That's one of the best things. But a little before 6 am, I gave up and got out of bed. I dropped my luggage to Bell Services. I had a few bottles of water, some gatorade and some soda left over, so I bundled it into a plastic bag and wandered down to the restaurant to see if I could give it away. To my surprise, no one wanted it. I ended up leaving it on a table by the elevator, and when I went past it 20 minutes later, it was gone. I really hope someone saw the Take Me sign and picked it up.

Back in the room, I ate some instant oatmeal (and, let's be honest, a part of a cookie. Because, vacation!) I watched the squirrels wander around my patio looking for a handout for a bit. But Tron. Tron! I still hadn't ridden Tron! And to my shock, after all those efforts, I finally got a boarding group! #46, but still, this was the most hope I'd had all week.

The fog was rising off the lake as I waited for the boat to arrive. There was something almost mystical about the dawn light whispering through fog, birds flying past. It was very quiet and peaceful - until the cheerful sound of the boat horn blared its arrival.

Today my goal was to ropedrop 7DMT. I was in perfect position, in the third row of people behind the rope. A large gaggle of teenagers took up the first two rows, chatting and flirting and taking selfies. They seemed so care free. And so young. It was kinda fun to watch them. yet when the rope was dropped, those teenagers turned into holy terrors. Not only were they running towards 7DMT, but several ended up running on top of the brick planters. The CMs yelled to them to get down, but they did not. I'm kinda glad they were in front of me by the time I got to 7DMT. And there, in line, I waited. And waited. And waited. It just didn't open. I suppose it was the fog, but the early morning magic 30 minutes was almost completely done before I gave up and left the line.

I wandered over to Jungle Cruise. Not open. Headed to the Tangled bathrooms, and looked for Pascals for a while. I am not good at finding Pascals. Basically, check wherever I am looking, and then look elsewhere. You will surely see them. After just a few minutes, the rope dropped, and I was off to HM x 2. Then back to the Jungle Cruise, where Skipper Laura was so good I sent in a cast compliment. She had a lot of energy for someone who had to be at work early in the morning. Then BTMRRx2, and a ride with the pirates. it was nearly 11, and as I wandered out of adventure land, I noticed 4 cast members setting up some food carts. Oh my heavens, it was the cheeseburger spring roll cart, and not only was it time for a snack, they would be fresh! By the time I got my spring rools, there were 22 people in line behind me. I guess the smell of those crispy darlings was drawing them in. After my savory snack, I needed a sweet one. Time for some dole whip! it was nice to just sit and people watch and nibble on my nice healthy snack. It's fruit, right? it's got to be healthy!

My phone buzzed as I ate - my flight was being delayed an hour. I was so excited. Tron was only on BG 30, so maybe I'd be able to ride it after all! I killed some time wandering the shops and chatting with cast members, thinking I might head towards Main Street and watch the noon parade from there. Just as a eddied into a nice little curb spot, my phone buzzed again. My plane delay was no more - back on schedule. I needed to leave the park within 20 minutes to make my flight, and Tron was only on BG 32...34...35...

With a sigh of responsibility, I gave up. No Tron for me. Riding Tron was the only thing on my List that I hadn't gotten to do, so overall, I was ok. And I still had another boat ride back to WL.

Back at the lodge, I grabbed my luggage and called an Uber back to the airport ($36.94). Once at the airport, our plane ended up being delayed for 2 hours, darn it. I would have had enough time to ride Tron after all! Oh well. Next time.
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Summary: It was worth it. Totally worth it.

As I said in the beginning, I was pretty nervous about this trip, afraid I wouldn't have a good time. And I didn't. I didn't have a good time - I had a great time!

This trip made me realize how I like to do Disney. I want to spend about 6 hours in the park. I'm not much of a park hopper, though I like having the option. I've been to WDW enough that I can just do the things I like and not feel bad about skipping attractions that I'm meh about. I want to stay somewhere nice so I can enjoy relaxing at the resort; a Deluxe is worth it to me and a nice pool is important. In fact, I adored Wilderness Lodge. I think it may have spoiled me for all other resorts. I never got tired of being able to watch fireworks from my patio while listening to the HEA soundtrack. The quality of the food at the resort was good too, and that makes a difference to me. It was so nice to just dedicate myself to relaxing and having fun. I don't get to do much of that in my life.

There were a few things I really wanted to do:
  • Ride Remy - loved it! Cute, fun, creative. And I got soooo lucky with being able to get in line just as it reopened after a long shutdown
  • Ride MMRR - enjoyed it, but not a Top Ten for me. Nice storyline, nice pictures, but in hindsight, it was pleasant, and that's about it
  • Ride BTMRR at night - did it, decided I liked it better in the daylight. I like being able to see all the details. Still one of my favorite rides. I laugh every minute I'm on it
  • Ride SDD at night - did it, loved it. I love this ride, day or night, but I really enjoyed how beautiful the park is at night from the top of the hills. I wish I'd been able to ride it more than once, but oh well. Next time.
  • Ride RotR - got to do it twice! I enjoyed it. Like the variety of the ride experiences, love the storm troopers room, enjoy the CMs as Third Order officers. But you know (hot take here) if you look at each element individually, they aren't that super exciting. It's the way they spin together to create a story that is amazing. Is RotR the Navi River Journey of Hollywood Studios? Maybe so, for me. Now, I like NRJ and always ride it. It's pretty. But it just doesn't sweep me away.
  • Eat at Jaleo again - good food, bad service. It is no longer on my Must Do list
  • Try Gideon's cookies - lines were too long, but I loved the Summer House cookies instead. I may have possibly mentioned it once or twice before lol, but try the Summer House lemon cookie. Yummy
  • Buy myself something fun - this was my biggest disappointment. I had money burning a hole in my pocket, but I simply couldn't find anything I wanted. I tried. I wanted to buy! But the merchandise was a big disappointment to me. I couldn't find a single tshirt I wanted, and nothing else that appealed at all. Come on, Disney buyers - do better! A little more variety, a little more creativity, and I'd have been begging you to take my last dime.

Thanks again to the people in my PTR for the encouragement. It made a difference. I'm very glad I went. Glad I had fun. Glad Disney was fun again, and I could get the bad experience of the previous pandemic trip out of my mind.

Will I go to WDW again? Yes, almost certainly, but probably not for a few years. The non-WDW trips I did between my pandemic trip and this trip were fun - and the same price or less as going to WDW. I've realized sometimes I want to go on vacation to learn something - I love museums. Sometimes I want to go somewhere beautiful and peaceful to relax. And sometimes I want to go ride rides and eat tasty snacks and sit at a pool and have a smorgasboard of experiences - that's what WDW is for me. It's the place where I can do almost anything, all combined into a single place, a single trip, a single cost.

Thanks for reading and commenting - Disney is pretty wonderful, but you WDW fans are even better!
What a great TR! I'm a solo tripper too, and seeing another solo trip person having a blast was awesome!
Then back to the Jungle Cruise, where Skipper Laura was so good I sent in a cast compliment. She had a lot of energy for someone who had to be at work early in the morning.
A good skipper makes all the difference on that ride, so nice you sent a cast compliment!
With a sigh of responsibility, I gave up. No Tron for me. Riding Tron was the only thing on my List that I hadn't gotten to do, so overall, I was ok.
Oh no! While definitely the responsible thing to do, I wonder if the CMs would have let you ride if you had shown them your upcoming boarding group number and flight info. You were so close! But, a reason to go back, and it's great you hit everything else on your list.
It was so nice to just dedicate myself to relaxing and having fun. I don't get to do much of that in my life.
It's great you were able to take the time to relax! I love what an escape Disney can be.
Thanks for reading and commenting - Disney is pretty wonderful, but you WDW fans are even better!
Thank you for sharing your trip, I enjoyed reading!
I grabbed a to-go breakfast from Roaring Fork to eat in my room. It is a terrible tragedy that you cannot buy more of those cheese biscuits. They are soooooo good. Like, sneaky good. Like, darned near worth going to the Lodge just to get a biscuit good.
Well cheese and carbs are both food groups so it makes perfect sense that cheese biscuits are perfect!
Between stacking and light attendance, I had an amazing time at the park. I walked into the park and onto Spaceship Earth. Headed to GOTG and found a photographer with no line at the Walt statue. Road GotG - even with the BG it was a 45 minute wait in line. But that ride. Woosh-twisty-woosh! For some reason I thought it was a dark ride with screens, so I was kinda surprised. But it was big fun. Then across the park to Soarin over CA. I now know what everyone means about the orange grove smell. Living with the land x 2, then lunch an Sunshine Seasons. They had a roast chicken with black beans and rice that was reall good. Then I headed into the countries.
Such an amazing morning!
yet as I walked away with my chilly orange goodness, I spotted a single empty chair tucked in the shade behind a bush. Oh, it's good to be a solo traveler sometimes. It was so nice to sit, slurp and people watch. I gotta admit, there were a surprising number of people in pleather pants at WDW this year. Being 57 means I look at them and think "oh, that must chafe like a mother." I guess I've given up on the Cute Trendy Clothes bus. If they were happy, I'm happy. I'll stick to my casual comfy tshirts, swing dresses, and shorts-with-pockets.
Same here! My go to park uniform is either a cute T/skort combo or a Disney dress with bike shorts underneath. I'm all about the comfort!
Grabbed a gingerbread cookie to take back to my room at Karamel Kuche and a bottle of wine for the balcony from Italy.
Hello....exactly what I would get!
Dinner was a glass of wine and some charcuterie on the patio, with my gingerbread cookie for desert. I wish I they had Karamel Kuche at home. They have the best stuff! Then another evening of watching the MK firework on the balcony. That is just the nicest way to end the day. It sent me to bed smiling and singing along to HEA.
Absolutely the perfect evening!
I practically skipped out of my room to the boat launch, where I was the second person in line to get on to the first boat. I love boats. I love the way the world looks from a boat. I love the way the Lodge looks from a boat. I especially love the way the Magic Kingdom looks from a boat. It's just the perfect serene way to approach the park. Fog was floating off the water and a heron stood on one leg watching us cruise by. It felt like something in a Disney movie, especially since Poof! Suddenly there's a castle!
I can picture myself there....your words set the scene perfectly. :goodvibes
My number 1 rule of Disney is "Save the Feet!" It seemed weird that no one else sat down like I did. You can't get any closer to the rope because of the crowd. Why not rest? Especially since you can rejoin the crowd as soon as it starts to move. In any case, I sat and people watched for a bit, and as soon as the crowd started moving, I walked on to Peter Pan. There's something about the view over London (Maybe because I'm in a boat???) that I just love
I am stealing this idea for my next MK rope drop!
I walked out of Liberty Tree just at the perfect time - I could hear the sounds of the Festival of Fantasy parade in the distance. I sat down on the convenient steps, and watched the parade float by. It as nice to sit and digest. But boy was it getting hot!
Time for the pool after a perfect morning!
It was hot. I was hot. I was full. I was on vacation. I was feeling relaxed and lazy. I was going back to the Lodge and go to the pool.
Yes!! Nothing better. :)
The boat ride back was shady and breezy, cooling me down just right. I slipped into my swimsuit. My room was so wonderfully close to the pool - just a few short steps. The geyser exploded just as I walked past, misting over me like a blessing. I found a lounger quickly, tossed my coverup and shoes on it, and slid into the water. That perfect, cool-but-not-too-cool water. It was fun to watch the kids play. I don't think anyone enjoys a pool as much as an 8 year old. For the next 2 hours, I alternated between the hot tub, the pool, and sitting in my lounger reading a spicy romance. It was deeply relaxing. There is this point where your bones melt and turn into pudding, and that is exactly how I felt. Like a big pile of happy pudding.
Exactly!! Feeling like a big pile of happy pudding is the best feeling ever.
That night, I sat on my balcony and watched the HEA fireworks again, nibbling on a lemon cookie from the Summer House. If you like lemon, you MUST get this cookie. Moist with crispy edges and an intense lemon flavor, it was one of the best things I ate all week. I've never had Gideon's. I'm sure they are great. But OMG that lemon cookie! It's hard for me to imagine that anything at Gideon's could be better. Cookie and fireworks to end the night - this is exactly what a vacation is supposed to be.
Putting the lemon cookie on the list for August.
Is there anything as purely decadent as sleeping in at WDW? Knowing that you can get up at any moment to face a world of fun possibilities? There is something about laying there, Disney music playing, contemplating all your options. It makes me feel so fortunately, so lucky. We all need to escape our modern lives sometime. WDW is a great escape. Maybe the perfect escape.
There's a reason WDW is often referred to as "the bubble". The real world doesn't exist within it's gates. We all need a break from our adult lives and responsibilities.
Stuffed, with biscuity goodness oozing out of every pore, I made a lazy morning out of it. I sat on my balcony and watched squirrels. I read a book in the lobby. I relaxed in a soft chair near Geyser Point and watched the boats float by. I did nothing. It was blissful. This is exactly the reason to stay at a Deluxe resort. The grounds are so lovely and so relaxing that you can relax and simply Be.
Sounds like the best morning!
By 4 pm, though, I was ready to Do Something again. It was Evening Hours at MK for Deluxe guests That made for an easy decision. I hopped back on the boat, and over to MK. The crowd was astonishingly light. The weather was beautiful, but I guess the race crowds were all gone. It felt like almost no one was in the park. I rode Buzz Lightyear, Mermaid, HM, BTMRRx2 and took the train all the way around the park. I munched a Mickey bar, then road the Riverboat. I grabbed a quick chili cheese dog at Caseys for dinner, and still had time for the Mad Tea Party (possibly not the smartest thing to ride after a chili cheese dog), the People Mover, and the Carousel. At 6 I tried to get a Tron boarding group. I thought it would be easy because there were so few people, but no luck. Darn it, Tron! I will get you eventually! Oh well, I have another chance later that week. So I wandered the shops, again disappointed that I didn't see anything I wanted to buy. Finally I grabbed a spot on Main Street and watched HEA. Having seen the fireworks 2 nights in a row from my balcony, I focused on the projections. And look! It's the Kiss Goodnight! Another ride on the People mover. Another shot at Zurg. Let's try the Carousel of Progress. There were so few people - only 7DMT had any sort of a line. But it was 10:30 pm and I was tired. Time to hop a boat back to my cozy room and head to bed.
Awesome MK evening! You are selling me on late February.
Then, since I hadn't officially used my ILL, I walked on to ROTR again. I was stunned at my luck. Who gets to walk on to ROTR twice in a row???
It was only 8 pm, but I'd done what I wanted. I caught a bus back to the lodge, and I bet you can guess what I did. Yes, I watched the HEA fireworks with a glass of wine from my balcony. These relaxed evenings watching HEA were worth every extra dollar spent at a deluxe hotel.
Uniqlo is one of my weakness at Disney Springs. They have unusual tshirts and great clothes, and no branches anywhere near where I live. I ended up buying a couple of tshirts and a waffle henley. That henly has henley has been wonderful - so warm and so soft! - I really wish I'd bought a second one in another color. Next I went back to the Summer House and picked up 2 more lemon cookies. Have I mentioned how good they are? lol You really do have to try them.
I love the Disney Uniqlo too. We have one at our local mall but nothing compares to the ones at Disney Springs.
There is something about WDW. You are too tired to move quick, you've had too much fun to be stressed, you got to spend a whole week doing things just for yourself. I felt filled with joy and empty of stress. It was nice to sit by the lake and feel lucky to be there.
Spending time with yourself and for yourself is the best ever!
Not thinking is one of the best parts about Disney. I get so tired that my brain turns off. I don't have to make difficult decisions. I can just do what seems like fun in the moment. That's one of the best things. But a little before 6 am, I gave up and got out of bed. I dropped my luggage to Bell Services. I had a few bottles of water, some gatorade and some soda left over, so I bundled it into a plastic bag and wandered down to the restaurant to see if I could give it away. To my surprise, no one wanted it. I ended up leaving it on a table by the elevator, and when I went past it 20 minutes later, it was gone. I really hope someone saw the Take Me sign and picked it up.
That's one of the things I like best about solo travel; no need to make difficult decisions.
Back at the lodge, I grabbed my luggage and called an Uber back to the airport ($36.94). Once at the airport, our plane ended up being delayed for 2 hours, darn it. I would have had enough time to ride Tron after all! Oh well. Next time.
There's always a next time!
This trip made me realize how I like to do Disney. I want to spend about 6 hours in the park. I'm not much of a park hopper, though I like having the option. I've been to WDW enough that I can just do the things I like and not feel bad about skipping attractions that I'm meh about. I want to stay somewhere nice so I can enjoy relaxing at the resort; a Deluxe is worth it to me and a nice pool is important. In fact, I adored Wilderness Lodge. I think it may have spoiled me for all other resorts. I never got tired of being able to watch fireworks from my patio while listening to the HEA soundtrack. The quality of the food at the resort was good too, and that makes a difference to me. It was so nice to just dedicate myself to relaxing and having fun. I don't get to do much of that in my life.
I tour pretty much the same as you. I prefer rope drop, a restful afternoon and a park evening.


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