Ever had a bad cast member?


Drinking by the pool
Nov 7, 2007
This is kind of a bummer post to make, but I wanted to ask if anyone else has had similar experiences, or maybe I'm hoping that just getting this off my chest will help me get over it and instead see all the fun we had on our trip.^^
We just got back from our 6 day trip and ran into our first bad cast member in CA. It's the first bad experience with any cast that we've ever encountered in all our trips as we are pretty non-demanding guests. We understand that it's our responsibility to have fun in the park and to add to the 'magic' as well, not just the people who work there.
One evening we entered a store to pick up something, and we were all in high spirits. We waited in line for our item, which unknown to us was the wrong line to wait in. When we were called to the counter we went up and then the counter guy, instead of helping us or nicely telling us where we should go (which we would have nicely gone and done because it wasn't a big deal)....he rudely belittles us in front of the rest of the guests and our child for being in the wrong place. It was so out of the blue it shocked both my husband and I, and at first we thought he was trying to be funny but failing until he continued at it. We were both so taken back by it all that neither of us could even respond to him. It was as if a trusted friend had walked up and kicked our puppy.
We were left angry, hurt and upset by his unprofessional behavior. My little girl was in tears wanting to know why people were so mean at Disneyland and I had to take her into the toy store to distract and calm her down. My husband did find another cast member to help him who was so sweet and nice. I want to hug her for that kindness.
After we got what we needed we then went to guest services and took the time to fill out an incident report because we didn't want any other guest to be treated like we had been. I don't know if they'll follow up on it, I hope so because he had undone all the 'magic' that the other cast members had worked so hard to build. And his behavior was unfair to us and is unfair to the other people who are working so hard, and in jobs a lot more difficult than his.
Outside of the incident form, is there a form you can fill out complimenting cast members? I'd really like to say thank you to the woman who helped us.
i am sorry wow that sucks and you held you'll anger back i dont know if i could of that was mean glade it all ended well tho
Nowhere near the bad experience you had, but...

On Friday, 12/14, around noon, we decided to try the Davy Crockett Explorer Canoes. We got DD4 fitted with a lifejacket, and then she, DW, DD7 and I grabbed our paddles and had an empty canoe waiting for us.

It wasn't cold out, but it wasn't warm, either, so my wife tells "Anthony" that she really doesn't want any of us to get wet.

"It's part of the ride experience, ma'am," he says unapologetically.

Then, he tells me to put her and DD7 in the front row right behind him, because "that's the wet spot."

DD4 and I get in behind them. Other guests fill up the canoe behind us.

Anthony is standing in the front of the canoe while the rest of the canoe fills, and he's talking to his partner who is standing at the back of the canoe. A raft carrying Jack Sparrow and a couple of other pirates had just motored by. Anthony tells his partner, in his California surfer-dude accent:

"Dude, he's so lame. That guy next to the guy playing Captain Jack. Dude, he's so lame. Oh, are you buds with him. Oh, sorry dude... but he's so lame. So, do you guys like, hang out? Oh, sorry dude... but, he's so lame."

Anthony is a muscle-bound, tanned, crazily-spiked-hair, dumber-than-a-rock, total stereotype of one of "those guys." Couldn't spell inconsiderate, much less figure out he was being inconsiderate.

Anthony stands up in the front of the canoe to instruct us on how to hold the paddle, and then instructs us to "stroke... stroke... stroke..." so we're all rowing together.

Then he takes his paddle and digs in as far as he can, to get us going as fast as he can. He does not purposely get my wife wet, from my perspective, but he does get her a little bit wet. DD4 can't row worth a hoot, and in fact, she causes problems because she can't keep up with the rythm being set by everyone else. She clanks oars with the guy behind her, and when she puts her paddle forward into the water for the next stroke, she splashes DW.

So, I quit paddling with my paddle, and I help DD4 with hers. DW is annoyed that she got wet, so she quits paddling. DD7 tries to do some paddling, but isn't very effective.

This annoys Anthony. At that point, he was determined to get this ride over with as fast as possible. We went around the island, and noticed some Indians doing something off to the left. Anthony, our guide, didn't mention them at all. He just keeps paddling with all of his might, digging in as far as he possibly can, so we go as fast as he can make us go.

We pass a canoe that had left several minutes in front of us. The guide on that canoe was standing, facing the riders, and leading them through a sing-along. They were having a lot of fun. We weren't.

As we pass the crowd out on Tom Sawyer's Island, Anthony recognizes the group of Aussies that were previously in his canoe. In front of us, he tells them they were the best group he's ever had, and that by comparison, we were "lame." He tells us that group goes out rowing canoes for fun all the time where they're from, so they're really good at it, and "they rocked."

As we make it back to the dock, Anthony doesn't wish us a good day or anything.

We didn't take the time to report him or anything, but as we climbed the stairs to get back into the park, not having said anything to one another about what we just experienced, my DW says, "OK, Anthony is a jerk," and we all laugh in agreement.
In January as I was disembarking the Story Book Canal boats someone had bought something and had left their empty bag in the boat. The CM said to me in a rude way, "So, are you going to pick that up, or are you going to just leave trash in our boat?" It wasn't even mine! I picked it up and handed it to him, and would have been happy to do so with a simple, "Could you hand me that?" or "Ooops, don't forget your bag!" or something polite. I did not appreciate being scolded for something I didn't do. It just seemed like there are so many more appropriate ways to ask someone to pick something up. Okay. Vent complete.
Not nearly as bad as the rest of yours, but Friday I was sitting with my sleeping child as my family rode Star Tours. Beside me on a bench was a bag that appeared to be someone's diaper bag. Having two children, I know how much someone is going to be missing that diaper bag so I sit and wait for the next cast member to walk by so I can ask them to take it to lost and found.

Finally after about 4 or 5 minutes I see a CM walking by, I say to her ma'am, ma'am and she finally realizes I am talking to her, she comes over and I say, someone left this here. She looked at me like I was crazy and then opened it up and looked inside and said, looks like someone's diaper bag. She stood there and looked at me some more and I finally said, can you take it to lost and found. She huffed and said, I'll take it over here and they can do something with it and pointed towards Star Tours. I just sat there baffled. I sure hope that person got their bag back and she didn't just throw it in the trash on her way by.
i must say, some cast members including me can get a little grumpy from time to time, so please excuse our grumpiness. :)

I hope the rest of your experiance would fun.
I thought I was encountering a "bad" cm at the GC one day. Then he sent his associate back to me apologizing and offering my group of 6 a free character meal at Storytellers. In the end, we were pleased for what was only a small customer service snafu. I tried to refuse the free meal thinking it was excessive for what occurred but it ended up being the highlight of the whole trip. Never can tell what good things are around the corner.
I think that everyone can have their off days, and despite the magic they are supposed to give off, sometimes it can be impossible. I've worked at Busch Gardens (a very busy theme park invirginia) and sometimes it was so hard to keep up the character when you were constantly belittled by guests, etc. Granted, you should never take it out on a guest and walk away from the situation, sometimes a bad moment just happens. However, some of those stories are beyond bad. You did the right thing by complaining to guest services- if it's a one time occurance, I doubt anything will happen, but if it is a recurring pattern on mutliple days, I am sure that cm days will be numbered.

If you do find a great experience with someone, you can also write a report with guest services!
Yup...any job has good days and bad days. I think we like to think that the 'Happiest Place on Earth' is truly that....and I think it mostly is. But unfortunately, we come across a cm that may have been having a REALLY bad day. Me and my kids got dreamed with fastpasses two weekends ago. So we 'arrive' at Autopia and some of the guests who waited in line are a little preturbed that we are all of a sudden at the front of the line. The cm that day, accepting our passes, let the 'patrons' at the front of the line know that what we had were purely, and I quote, "part of the game". It didn't make us feel any less special that day....we were DREAMED...with FASTPASSES!! We felt special regardless of what that one cm, or rude guest, said or felt. Yeah, the cm was out of line. But do we still LOVE Disneyland?....yup :goodvibes
I actually witnessed more guests being rude to CM's on our trip. At Splash, I witnessed one woman berating a CM up one side and down the other.....poor girl had to smile and stand there and pretty much take it.

However, I also experienced a VERY grouchy ticket-taker in line the night of Nov. 16 (night they lit up the castle for the first time of the season) It was packed, and lines were long....our line was moving soooo slowly (much more so than the others it seemed), when I neared the front, I observed our CM scolding several different park entrants for various infractions. It actually became kind-of comical, as those of us (not-so-patiently;) waiting realized the line seemed to move so slow because she was taking the time to yell at everyone as they entered.

When I approached, I tried to give her a friendly smile, and a "good evening"---didn't work---she didn't crack a smile..........ah, well it must have been a taxing night to work the gate, I suppose.:scared1:
i must say, some cast members including me can get a little grumpy from time to time, so please excuse our grumpiness. :)

I hope the rest of your experiance would fun.

I was going to say this exact same thing. I'm a nurse, and I'm supposed to be nurturing ALL the time. Well, there are some days that a nurturing nature can be a pretty tall order. I think that all of us can look back over our bad days and think that there are things that we would have liked to say or do differently. I try to give people a bit of leeway, overall the castmembers do a wonderful job of making thousands of people a day feel magic in a few small acres.

Sorry for being preachy.
I was going to say this exact same thing. I'm a nurse, and I'm supposed to be nurturing ALL the time. Well, there are some days that a nurturing nature can be a pretty tall order. I think that all of us can look back over our bad days and think that there are things that we would have liked to say or do differently. I try to give people a bit of leeway, overall the castmembers do a wonderful job of making thousands of people a day feel magic in a few small acres.

Sorry for being preachy.

haha, tis okay. take me for example. I been working and going to school. Thats all my life. I finally able to take a break and plan to fly out of town in Jan for the first time in 2 years. FYI, last year, Disney didnt even allow me to go to my uncle's wedding. It sucked. yes, i get grumpy when that happens. :)
Thanks for all the advice and stories, it makes me feel better about it. And there are so many good, hard working and under appriciated cast members that I shouldn't let this one guy get to me because it undermines all their efforts.
Thanks for all the advice and stories, it makes me feel better about it. And there are so many good, hard working and under appriciated cast members that I shouldn't let this one guy get to me because it undermines all their efforts.

yeah, you just might find yourself asking where the bathroom is and the CM might just tell you to get on the train, get off at the 4th stop and its on your right after you get off that station. :P
i agree that everyone has a bad day, but there is a huge difference in having a bad day and downright insulting someone in front of others. . . there is a line that should not be crossed and that, to me, is crossing the line. . . how many times have you been at the grocery store when it is busy and someone with 20 items gets in the 15 item or less line. . . i have never seen anyone get scolded in that situation. . . merely getting in the wrong line does not give a CM a pass to ridicule you.

okay now i'm on a roll. . . the canoe dude. . . O M FREAKING G! that is beyond rude.. . perhaps that CM should find himself a new job in a gym, cuz that is the mentality he had that day! your child is 4 years old. . . i sure the heck would not expect her to row row row like a pro! I don't expect my 11 or 9 year old to row row row. . . heck my shoulder gets sore at that half point cuz you are only using one side. . .

and ya'll rememeber the dog issue brought up a while back?? Well guess what??? the last time i went, had a dog issue!!!!!! went to the first CM in the parking lot and let him know what was happening and I even told him I was going to let the guest services desk know about it cuz i had to go there anyway just in case he was not able to get in contact with someone immediately. . . the CM was as appalled as I was cuz he literally told his coworker to take over so he could talk to someone about a dog.. . and yes I did tell guest services that i had let a CM know, but thought that since they were guest services they should know that people seem to think it is okay to leave a dog in a car and this was a BIG BUTT DOG!!! . . the first CM btw said this is happening more and more, which is why i felt it even more important to let guest services know. . . I'm hoping they had more power than the CM on the ground level did in that situation. and when we left the van with the dog was gone, have not a clue what happened with the dog, but really. . . it is not fair to that animal. . . the first CM thinks a lot of people are too cheap to put the animals in the kennel and that is why more are getting left behind in the vehicles.

wow, that got kind of long. . . stepping off my soap box now. . .
Lol...yup, there's always good and bad, but at least at Disney there's more good than bad.

I always say I want to work at Disney some day. But the reality is, when the park is crowded, I hate it! I couldn't imagine the people and the whining and complaining they hear all day long - IF I worked there, I'm SURE I would eventually snap. lol...it's still just a job, for most of us it's a vacation.

I do agree - more customers are rude to CMs and each other than anything!
Heaven forbid that only 'customers' and not 'employees' have bad days.
I've come to the reality that things could be worse.
A few months ago,someone was giving an employee a hard time about something the employee had NO control over. I stepped up,pulled a $20.00 out of my wallet and said "Give me the name of just 'ONE' person,just ONE, on one of 4 planes,or one of 3 buildings who would'nt mind being disappointed,and this $20.00 belongs to you".
(let the flames begin)
I stepped up,pulled a $20.00 out of my wallet and said "Give me the name of just 'ONE' person,just ONE, on one of 4 planes,or one of 3 buildings who would'nt mind being disappointed,and this $20.00 belongs to you".
(let the flames begin)

Nothing like a little perspective to help calm people down huh???

But now you gotta tell us what the reaction was!!!!!
We had a moment with a not so nice CM on our trip. We were in Toon Town getting ready to try the Rodger Rabbit ride. It was our first time. We have a GAC for our DD5 who is autisitc. We waited and waited and waited for CM to see us there. The one at the end of the ride just kept looking at us, then said we dont load there. So we assumed she knew we were in the line for a reason, since we had our GAC out and ready. So we walk to where that regular line was. there was a chain down, seeing this is our first time on the ride, there was no CM telling us to go walk down this long thing. There was like two people in line. So we walked in the open chain. not knowing any better. Now my Dd thinks we are going to get on. The CM at the front tells us very rudely, we CANNOT get on this ride if we are going to cheat other people by getting in that way. I was like huh??? I was puzzled. I spoke up and said ma'am we waited in the exit for what seemed like 15 minutes, she then told us NO YOU DIDNT! You cut in line. Again I had told her no, we have been waiting, then told we were in the wrong line. you will have to forgive us but this is our first time on this ride. SHe told us that is no excuse, and ALWAYS wait for a CM to help you. I was getting really upset because my dd was starting to get up set. My dh was trying to just exit the ride by this point. I was trying to hold it together until she told us to leave the ride and not come back. Once my dd heard this she started to have a complete meltdown. The CM then told us to control our child if we couldn't then maybe Disneyland wasn't the place for her to be!! OK this is when I lost it. I busted out our GAC and said "how dare you speak to a guest that way, let alone a family with a child who has a disability. If you or your friend would be paying ANY attention you would know we had our GAC in front of us and were waiting this whole time. NOW we will be getting on this ride, my child was happy and ready to ride a ride she was deathly scared of any other time we have tried to get on! I used a few choice words, by this time there were a few people behind us, and once she finally let us on, everyone was clapping! The nerve of this CM, she said "next time you need to wait, this wouldn't have happen if you would have done your job as a parent" Ooooooooooooh no she did not!! We got off, and I wasted three hours of my day just trying to figure out how to complain about this CM! my dd was in tears for most of the afternoon because of this person. After all of that, and meeting back up with my dh and dd. We hit Peter Pan, had a GREAT GREAT CM. I can't remember her name now, but she was either from NY or NY. But she made my dd feel soooo special. It gave me faith back, I wish I could have given this CM a TIP of thousands of dollars!! There was nothing more special then seeing my dd with a smile again after that awful CM.

That was the only time we have ever had a bad CM.


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