Enchanted Strikes Back: A Beachy Return to the World


DIS Veteran
Sep 5, 2005

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Emily who used to DIS all the time. She loved all things Disney and took trips to WDW with her family at least once a year. She even had a successful PTR (but a non-successful TR) during which she made lots of friends and had a blast writing and planning her future Disney adventures.

But then something happened that separated Emily from the DIS as well as the enchanting kingdom of WDW, something that was not nearly as magical and fun. That something was called Real Life. And she didn’t like it one bit….

Hey, everyone!!!


I’m not sure if anyone remembers me, I’ve been away for so long, but I’m Emily, and I used to be a regular around these parts several years back. I used to DIS every day, but then my life got so busy that I barely had time to eat, sleep, or see my friends and family, let alone get online. It made me very, very sad. :worried:

Where have I been, you ask? Well, a little place called college sucked me away and held me hostage while I completed paper after paper and exam after exam, all while working 40 hours a week at my grocery store job. I also had a bit of a meltdown around the time I was last on the DIS because I had gained a lot of weight and no longer felt like myself anymore. So I got serious and I’ve lost fifty pounds (and counting!), which has given me a whole different outlook on life and shown me that you can do anything you want if you set your mind to it! :thumbsup2

So why am I back? Well, number one, because I missed this place like CRAZY!!! When I logged in for the first time the other day, it said I hadn’t even visited the DIS in over TWO YEARS.

:scared1: WHAAAAAT??? It’s so crazy because it doesn’t feel like that long! But it has! It’s been four years since my last PTR! It’s so crazy how fast time flies!

The last time I did a PTR, my mom, my aunt, and myself were hitting WDW to celebrate my 21st birthday. This time around, we are going to celebrate both my college graduation and my 25th birthday (which was in February…I’m starting to feel old. Lol.) and finally having the freedom to go to Disney whenever we want, and not around my school schedule! Woot woot!
So let’s get into a few of the details about the trip!


The Who: Me, Mom, and my aunt (Who we will call Aunt T so as to “protect” her identity. Mom and Aunt T are both kind of wary of the internet. Haha.)

The When: April 19th-28th

The Where: I’ll tell you in a second…it’s a good story. Lol.

The Why: To celebrate my college graduation and my 25th birthday!!!! :cool1:

We are just 43 days from our departure, and until yesterday, we had hardly done ANY planning. I think we’ve gone so many times at this point that we don’t mind flying by the seat of our pants. Too much planning usually just leads to disappointment anyway. So really the only plans we had were a (very) late ADR at BOG, and Aunt T had booked AKL because that’s my favorite resort, and she had gotten a good deal with her AP. She had tried and tried to get my dream resort, Beach Club, but everything below Club Level was booked. So we were going to hit AKL, and I was pretty stoked. There is nothing quite like laying out and watching the giraffes. :cloud9:

But then I started getting the planning/DIS itch, and I got back on the boards and started looking around at stuff and decided that I would look into booking a meal at Boma (another of my favorites). So I was online, with the intention of getting a Boma reservation when I saw the WDW homepage and the ad for the Spring 30% off special. The one with the Beach Club in the background. And I thought, “What the heck?” So I typed in all of our information and crossed my fingers….

And lo and behold….

I was given a Garden View room. At the Beach Club. For only a couple hundred dollars more than our standard room at AKL.

The speed at which I dialed Aunt T was unprecedented.

So long story short, we have now changed our reservation from AKL to the Beach Club, and I could not be MORE EXCITED. I have dreamed of staying at the Beach Club for YEARS, and I’m so excited that we will finally get to try it out!!!! :beach::woohoo::banana:




Ohmigah, is it not just GORGEOUS??? :lovestruc

So those are just a few of the details about our upcoming trip, and I absolutely cannot wait to start making some more plans and share them with you all. I hope you join me on my upcoming adventure! :wizard:

Emily princess:
Congratulations on finishing college!! pixiedust: This upcoming WDW trip will feel even more special knowing that you'll never have to take another exam again! I love the BC (never stayed there though but someday!) so I'm super excited to hear more about it. That's also awesome about your BoG ADR- I couldn't even get one 5 months out!
Hi, Lauren!

I know, I'm so excited to take my first Disney trip post-college! :cool1: The last time I went was for my last spring break last year with my family and my best friend, and we literally had to wait to leave until I finished my Spanish exam. Which didn't go too well. Haha. I'm so relieved those days are over! :dance3:

We've never stepped foot in the BC, or even on the Boardwalk, so I'm PUMPED that we will finally get to experience it! :cheer2: That stinks that you couldn't get a BoG ressie! Keep trying! Someone could still cancel and help you out! :goodvibes
Following along. We are also staying at BCR for the first time on the Spring Promo May 25th - June 8th and I have a PTR going as well. :cool1:
Welcome, Lisa! :goodvibes

I'm sooooo jealous that you get to stay at BC for two whole weeks! That's gonna be awesome! :cheer2:

I'm checking out your PTR right now! :wizard:


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