DVC Mentor Needed for a Newbie please ;)


Mar 27, 2011
I need to ask some questions regarding a resale listing to see if it's a good deal or not, would prefer to do it over PM, or phone. please help a newbie out :).

A little about ourselves.

Hubby and I just came back fro our very first Disney family trip, we have 3 small children, ages 5,3, and 2. Due to a great deal we received from Disney we were able to stay at the VWL in a one bedroom, we loved it!, and knew we could never stay anywhere else but at a Villas. We love the trip so much, we would like to start going to Disney every year with the kids, until they no longer want to go, which is how our curiosity of DVC started while we were there. we unfortunately were not able to go on the tour to see the other resort, but were able to talk to sales rep,who answered lots of questions for us, and are sending us the information packet/DVD, we have gone on their website, and watched the DVD presentation, and have read everything and anything we can find. So we do feel comfortable with our decision to buy a DVC.

Thank you so much :).
Which UY are you looking for and which resort did you like better BWV or SSR? Do you think that the new resale restrictions will affect you?

:earsboy: Bill
Which UY are you looking for and which resort did you like better BWV or SSR? Do you think that the new resale restrictions will affect you?

:earsboy: Bill

Bill I sent you a PM.

The Listing was for VWL, and no the new resale restriction would not affect us at all, as we only plan on staying at DVC villas with our points.

Thank you :).
Good luck and VWL is beautiful! We went every year stay at the cabins Ft. Wilderness (15 years in a row) until we bought in 3 years ago. Your comment about "we would like to start going to Disney every year with the kids, until they no longer want to go" made me laugh since my DD's are now 21, 19 & 17 and still want to come!!!! :lmao: Actually the 2 older DD's have used our points and have gone without out us. :confused: Enjoy!
Good luck and VWL is beautiful! We went every year stay at the cabins Ft. Wilderness (15 years in a row) until we bought in 3 years ago. Your comment about "we would like to start going to Disney every year with the kids, until they no longer want to go" made me laugh since my DD's are now 21, 19 & 17 and still want to come!!!! :lmao: Actually the 2 older DD's have used our points and have gone without out us. :confused: Enjoy!

I hope they will alway want to go :rotfl2:
You sound like the ideal DVC prospective member...deluxe resorts, three young kids and you want to stay at WDW every year. DVC can be a real money saver for a family like yours.
With three kids I am sure at least one of them will turn out like my oldest DD who is within weeks of 29 and is a certified "Disney Nut." My points never grow stale when she is around.

Good luck
You sound like the ideal DVC prospective member...deluxe resorts, three young kids and you want to stay at WDW every year. DVC can be a real money saver for a family like yours.
With three kids I am sure at least one of them will turn out like my oldest DD who is within weeks of 29 and is a certified "Disney Nut." My points never grow stale when she is around.

Good luck

Lol, It looks like our oldest is following that path. He has mastered the DVC point chart, and is in the process of trying to plan our next trip, he's also trying to convince us to take him out of school in order to use smallest amount of points :rotfl:.

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