DVC Member Count


Tagged myself!
Nov 14, 2000
Anyone have an idea what the total DVC member count is? I've been searching the DVC web-site but cannot locate the info anywhere. I thought I remember seeing the data in a back issue of "Disney Files", but cannot locate a copy.

Any assistance is appreciated. Not looking for an exact number, but a close approximation would be great.

In July our guide used said that there were now around 400,000 members. I don't have any idea if this is accurate or not.
I remember an article that quoted Jim Lewis as putting DVC membership at 300,000 and still growing. I wonder if there is a maximum number of members allowed once the expansion concludes and what and when that might be reached.
The last numbers that I read were around 400,000 individual members and 250,000 memberships.

:earsboy: Bill
Well now you can make that 400,001 because DH and I just bought into DVC last week :cool1:. To the OP, this is a very interesting question and I too was kind of wondering how many of us Disney fanatics are DVC members.
Thanks to all for your responses. If you can believe it, I'm doing a research project for my Public Relations class and needed that number.
I remember an article that quoted Jim Lewis as putting DVC membership at 300,000 and still growing. I wonder if there is a maximum number of members allowed once the expansion concludes and what and when that might be reached.

As long as they continue building, there will always be new units for sale and thus growing numbers of members.

If the expansion stops, the number will grow as long as there are unsold units. Once all units are sold, now more growth. But also no more financial gain for DVC / DVD. So I think they will need to build new resorts or at least add-on to existing ones in order to make money.
The end of 2009 there were just over 148K (148,184) families in DVC. That number the end of 2008 was 123,433.
I remember seeing official DVC literature listing the total membership as well as a breakdown of the number of memberships by State and by Country. Has anyone seen anything like this in recent years?

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