DVC AP $300 Discount - yet another reason to stay and play after the cruise!


It's all about the Mouse!
Jan 2, 2012
Did you see the new announcement that if you are a DVC member they are discounting the AP's for 2013 (with an activation date by 12/31/13) $300 off the price of the premium AP's.... YEAH!!! :yay::yay::yay::yay::yay:
Did you see the new announcement that if you are a DVC member they are discounting the AP's for 2013 (with an activation date by 12/31/13) $300 off the price of the premium AP's.... YEAH!!! :yay::yay::yay::yay::yay:

According to the video playing on the DVC website, the window opens on 10/1 and closes on 12/31/12.
We thought about it, but we have the basic AP and have never had a yen to do the water parks or DQ. And I know that if we were to upgrade, we wouldn't be able to roll back to the basic pass unless we just buy new ones.

As we're Charter AP holders- we don't want to give those Charters up!!
sparklechicks said:
Did you see the new announcement that if you are a DVC member they are discounting the AP's for 2013 (with an activation date by 12/31/13) $300 off the price of the premium AP's.... YEAH!!! :yay::yay::yay::yay::yay:

Wow! Great deal!!!
According to the video playing on the DVC website, the window opens on 10/1 and closes on 12/31/12.
We thought about it, but we have the basic AP and have never had a yen to do the water parks or DQ. And I know that if we were to upgrade, we wouldn't be able to roll back to the basic pass unless we just buy new ones.

As we're Charter AP holders- we don't want to give those Charters up!!

Understandable! I am just over the top excited b/c we are going to go in November 2013 and since we have until December 2013 to activate them we will be able to take advantage of them again once the 2014 dates are released until November of 2014. (if I am reading it correctly):cool1:
sissy_ib said:

Originally Posted by sparklechicks

Did you see the new announcement that if you are a DVC member they are discounting the AP's for 2013 (with an activation date by 12/31/13) $300 off the price of the premium AP's.... YEAH!!!

I gotta move to Florida!

You do understand this has nothing to do with residing in FL. Anyone who owns DVC can buy these no matter where they live.

Posted from Disney Forums Reader for Android
Is this offer just for the Florida Premium pass? How about the Premier pass?
You do understand this has nothing to do with residing in FL. Anyone who owns DVC can buy these no matter where they live.

Posted from Disney Forums Reader for Android

Yes, but it does me no good since I don't live in or near Florida. If I lived there I would go to WDW enough to justify the cost of an AP. Living in Texas an annual pass to a theme park in Florida I go to every 18 months or so is useless. I know other DVC members go more often but I don't.
oooohhh, I wonder if I can get the discount off the Florida Premiere Annual Pass price??!?!? that would be an AMAZING DEAL!!!!:cool1:
oooohhh, I wonder if I can get the discount off the Florida Premiere Annual Pass price??!?!? that would be an AMAZING DEAL!!!!:cool1:

That would be amazing :cheer2: but even if you can't the DVC deal still saves you $200 per AP!

Also did you watch the video... seems there might be more DCL discounts for DVC members coming.. pixie dust! pixiedust:
That would be amazing :cheer2: but even if you can't the DVC deal still saves you $200 per AP!

Also did you watch the video... seems there might be more DCL discounts for DVC members coming.. pixie dust! pixiedust:
i didn't catch that:confused3

the DVC PAP voucher must be purchased from 10/1 to 12/31/12 and activated by 12/31/13. If you purchase it at the parks, it's immediately activated so if you want to delay it you have to call MS.
keishashadow said:
i didn't catch that:confused3

the DVC PAP voucher must be purchased from 10/1 to 12/31/12 and activated by 12/31/13. If you purchase it at the parks, it's immediately activated so if you want to delay it you have to call MS.

Oh yeah - she mentioned the DVC deal from June that allowed so many members (including me) to get the verandah deal and to stay tuned for more..... That would be AWESOME!!!
I can't seem to find the video someone referenced earlier in this thread. Can someone please provide a link? Also how do I go about purchasing these discounted PAP and waiting to have them activated until my trip in february?
Would like the video link as well...bought some tickets from undercover tourist for a F&W trip next month, and was thinking of a premium annual pass depending on how travel plans evolve - (we love golfing) - will the discount apply if we upgrade from MYW tickets as well?
Thanks much in advance for the info:)
Sorry all - just saw the other thread - questions answered - great deal:banana:
i just got back from a trip in early sept. I purchased 10 day MYW passes for the 4 of us throught UT, and upgraded them to a DVC priced AP after I entered the park.

My question is this? Can I now upgrade from the reg. AP to the PAP....I plan on coming back down for 9 nights in April?
DizDaD7 said:
i just got back from a trip in early sept. I purchased 10 day MYW passes for the 4 of us throught UT, and upgraded them to a DVC priced AP after I entered the park.

My question is this? Can I now upgrade from the reg. AP to the PAP....I plan on coming back down for 9 nights in April?

Ohhh ya gotta absolutely call MS today and ask! Keep us posted - fingers crossed!!!
Oh yeah - she mentioned the DVC deal from June that allowed so many members (including me) to get the verandah deal and to stay tuned for more..... That would be AWESOME!!!

I had a southern cruise already booked for the end of May this year:goodvibes, so didn't pay much attention to the offer. As I recall it didn't give much lead time and was for a specific time period?popcorn::

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