Dumped by Clinic!! School Just Called - DS10 Suspended

Nice long essay and then cleaning.

I think you need to go and read all that has happened since then. He is past that.

You have got so much on your plate right now. You have done the right thing for your DS. Keep us posted on how things are going and keep strong.
Stay strong... you are doing GREAT!!! I'm also so relieved to hear the news of your father :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: This must be very very difficult for you right now but you are doing what is really best for your child. How brave of you to see that!

Hang tough and realize this is just the beginning. You are going to need to be VERY strong to handle what is going to come next.

Counseling for yourself is not a bad idea, really.

Im so sorry you are going through this, but of course you know how much better it is to get him help now then much later.

Ill be thinking about you and your son.

I couldn't read and not post. I just wanted to let you know about a friend of mine who had to fight against the system to get a proper diagnosis for her son (who had Asperger's, not ADHD).

He was misdiagnosed and therefore mismedicated for years and as a result was extremely violent and dangerous. I literally lived in fear of getting the phone call that he had killed her or himself bec he kept trying. The doctors, nurses, social workers and therapists all kept telling her he was violent bec he was a bad mom. She wasn't a bad mom, they just had idiots for health care workers. She fought hard to get him into an inpatient diagnosis center run by the county and it totally changed her son's life. He was there for nearly a year, but he got the right diagnosis, the right meds, the right therapy and is a totally different person. I can assure you that giving her son tough love is the only reason he is a functioning member of society today. We all fully believe he would have committed murder and/or suicide if she hadn't pushed so hard to get him the right help.

So believe me, while this is hard right now, in the long run you may be saving his life.
As a side note, have you had him checked to see if he has any or all of the following?

1. Hypoglycemia
2. Thyroid issues
3. Pituitary issues

I've had intense mood swings and rages my whole life, so bad that many doctors wanted to label me bi-polar. I've resisted the diagnosis because I don't believe it's accurate, I've always known it was something else wrong. Turns out through testing that I do have hypoglycemic episodes, my thyroid is not functioning, and I probably have pituitary function issues (testing just started there). When the hormones are off, the whole body goes crazy. Just something to think about. Oh, and if he's having blood sugar crashes, that can cause severe mood swings and outbursts.

I hope everything works out for your son. I was in a treatment program for 5 weeks for depression last year and it was one of the best decisions I've ever made.

I can second the intense impact hypoglycemia can have on a child's moods. My son is hypoglycemic, but we didn't figure it out until his father went on the South Beach diet, the whole family cut out sugar and carbs, and suddenly my son leveled right out. And then the first time sugar was reintroduced into his diet, he fainted.

But, I really used to worry about that boy's mental health. In kindergarten he was saying he wished he was dead. He'd get frighteningly depressed, and then a few hours later be screaming and banging his head on the floor so hard he was giving himself bruises and scabs. We worked hard on self control, but it really hurt to hear him saying he was "never happy". He would cry, and laugh, and keep crying, all at once. Holidays were especially hard. We used to joke about the inevitable holiday meltdown - I think every Christmas I could remember began and ended with him sobbing hysterically. He kept saying, "I can't stop!" and I'd tell him "You can!" Sometimes it seemed like he would almost pass out from the effort of trying to hold it all in. A friend of mine was convinced my son had an anxiety disorder like her teenage daughter. Other people used to ask me if he was autistic.

And then he starting eating a low carb diet and it was like the sun just came out. He's relaxed and happy, and he even *looks* healthier. His face always seemed kind of puffy and pale before, but now he's slimmed down and there's more color in his cheeks. You can see the difference in his school pictures.

I never would have guessed that something as simple as the right diet could make such a huge difference. He ate a good diet before! But for this kid, bananas, watermelon, whole wheat bread, potatoes, and spaghetti just aren't things he can eat regularly. He needs meat, veggies, cheese, and occasionally a bowl of berries.

In addition to looking into psychological issues, it's always worth considering whether there are hidden medical issues as well.
My heart goes out to you.
You are obviously doing your best to help your son. Please don't feel like a bad mom, it's actually the definition of a good mom in my book.
I hope that your son receives the help he needs this week and that this week is a turning point in his life.
I am so sorry you are struggling so much - it must be terribly hard to stay strong when you get the tearful phone calls. You are obviously a fantastic mother who cares deeply for your child.

Do you have a support system IRL that can keep your mind off things for the next week?
I have a ten year old son, and I can't imagine how difficult this must be for you. Prayers sent your way and your son's way.
Just want to tell you that you are one strong woman and one terrific mom. You are doing the best for your son. Keep your chin up. I hope he gets the help he needs. Its a rough world out there.
I just found this thread and want to add my support. You're doing a great job and Jacob will be better for it in the end. Hang in there and focus on a happy Thanksgiving homecoming. :grouphug:
I wanted to say I have been following this thread...please remember as hard as this is YOU ARE A GREAT MOM DOING THE RIGHT THING! I can understand all that you are feeling. My dd had to placed for 7 days at about the same age. I couldn't even talk about it to anyone except my sister. I didn't want her to be there, I wanted it to be a huge mistake and I was overreacting. BUt she had to go there and it wasn't a mistake. It was the right choice for all of us. I even felt guilty because I realized on day 3 I had slept better than I had in months, she was getting supervised care and was not in a situation where she could harm herself. I needed that break looking back to regain my strength to continue to deal with it. Even with the right meds, the right therapist, the right everything it was a weekly, sometimes daily, battle to maintain a bit of normalcy - whatever that was. This is a beginning of something better for you and your family. God bless and keep strong. Use this time to take care of yourself and get a support network going.

I'm checking DS into a child behavioral health center today for 5-7 days. :sad1:

:hug: I am sure that it is hard but you are doing right by your son in getting him the help that he needs. I'm sure you feel awful but ignoring what is going on would truly be the awful thing. My stepbrother had a lot of mental health problems (schizophrenia among others) and it really does a number on the family as well as the patient. Good luck :grouphug:
I've been following this thread. Just want to offer my support. :grouphug:
Also checking in just to offer support. The post about the phone call made me cry. More hugs!
I'm checking DS into a child behavioral health center today for 5-7 days. :sad1:

You're very strong for doing what you have to to get your child help...even though it may expose you to some underserved criticism.

I'm sending positive energy out to you and your son.


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