Downgrading? for a good light DSLR's, Sony or Canon


DIS Veteran
Oct 29, 2003
I've had a Canon Rebel since about the 1st or 2nd version and last year upgraded to the 7D. I've been having so much pain in my right hand for months and holding that heavy camera really hurts. We're going to Disney in about 6weeks and I'm dreading carrying that camera for a week.

I thought about getting a smaller Rebel (my old one broke) and hey even the new Rebels are 100X better than my old one.

I was at a local camera shop yesterday telling the guy my problem and he was really pushing the Sony's A33 and 55 I think. He said he sold all his Canon stuff and switched to Nikon and then sold all that got a Sony.

Sell my stuff????? I got chills when he said that! :eek:

I have Canon 7D and the 18-135, Tokina ultra wide, 50mm (cheap one), & the 28mm portrait lenses. These are my 4 lenses I use most and woudl need to replace.

I'm strictly a hobby enthusiast and been shooting for years but want super photographs (no aspirations for pro etc). And I've never looked elsewhere for other brands or technologies.

The Sony's had some cool features. I liked the swivel screen for shooting odd angles which I do a lot. and the fps was better than the 7D whcih I like to do a lot of high speed stuff.

So what about the Sony's?? Are they worth selling my stuff for?? I did not like the viewfinder screen so much. It has a different look that the Canon/Nikon types. It looked grainier and like a tv monitor instead of a crisp "real view" image.

Or should I just get a new smaller Rebel. :confused3
If you like you Canon, except for the weight, I'd be inclined to stay with Canon. The T2i and T3i use a really, really similar, almost identical sensor to the 7D. You'll get the same ISO performance. Where those Rebels have less is in the features and build. The weight is a lot less because they're all plastic. I believe the T3i has an articulated screen.
If you like you Canon, except for the weight, I'd be inclined to stay with Canon. The T2i and T3i use a really, really similar, almost identical sensor to the 7D. You'll get the same ISO performance. Where those Rebels have less is in the features and build. The weight is a lot less because they're all plastic. I believe the T3i has an articulated screen.

Photo_chick nailed it, a Canon T3i sounds right for you. Here is a review link.
For what it's worth, I bought an A55 mostly for my wife's use but then I ended up liking it so much that we had to get another one because I was using it so much rather than my big A700. I love all the advantages the translucent mirror tech adds - small & light, 10 FPS, totally uncrippled AF in live view & video. The viewfinder looks different because it is electronic rather than optical. It definitely took a bit of getting used to, but I've grown to actually prefer it since it is big & bright and it shows you the exposure as it will be taken (great in low light).

That being said, switching systems is a pretty big deal and can be a pain in the butt. I've done it once and didn't think it was *too* bad but I only had my camera kit and one extra lens when I did. Anyway, only do it if you're really sure. If the size/weight of the T3i work out for you, I'd just stick with the brand you're invested in.
Like Code I also have the Sony A55 and really enjoy the camera. As he mentioned the viewfinder is different because it's electronic and seemed very strange at first but I also have grown to love it - especially the fact that you see the exposure as you are looking. The swivel screen is great - no more standing on chairs or laying down on the ground. :laughing: And the fast FPS is fantastic.

The Sony's are good cameras, I've had no complaints and would recommend them. I would say it's worth switching IF it will make photography more comfortable and fun for you again but getting a smaller rebel might accomplish that as well.
I think you'd be fine whether you go with the Sony for the lighter, smaller body and replace a few key lenses to build what you need, or the smaller Canons and keep the lenses you already have. Both options will do you fine. Normally, I'd say if you've already got a lens collection, generally it isn't worth switching mounts. You are sort of in between - because you don't have any spectacularly rare or expensive lenses, so you wouldn't be too bad off selling the Canon kit and getting another mount with roughly the same lenses. But I'd probably stick with Canon if I were you, purely for budgetary reasons, unless I particularly wanted something that the Sony offered that wasn't available with the Canon. For example, if I wanted to add fast live view capability with the tilt screen, faster burst mode ability, or phase-detect autofocus during video, I might consider making the switch since the entry-level Canons can't do that. But if I just wanted a lighter camera, with the advantages that come from the newer sensors and processing, and didn't really have any need for live view or didn't use video, then the amount saved by keeping my lenses and only replacing body would make staying with Canon worthwhile to me.

Hope that helps!
I "downgraded" from a 30D to a Rebel Xsi for the reduced size and weight. Although I miss the wheel on back it was a good decision as it is much easier to carry the camera for a long day. Starting with the Xsi the "handling" of Rebels was greatly improved and although it is different from xxD series there is not much difference in how long it takes to change settings.

Image quality is identical for the T2i, T3i, 60D, and 7D. As for the metal/plastic issue, no one has come up with any data or even a valid reason as to why the metal is superior. In fact the plastic may give and survive a hit that cracks the magnesium.

I say go for a Rebel!
I have the T2i and do love it. The only shortcoming feature I regret not having is a higher burst rate. If that's important to you, then you might want to consider the other lines. If you can live what the T2i or T3i offers, then I'd stick with Canon.

It's not even about just your current lens lineup. If you want to add something down the line, wouldn't you want it to fit both bodies?
If it only the one week you are really concerned about, why not rent a lighter body? If you buy one, it doesn't sound like it is going to get much use at home.
Because you already have a 7D, I would stick with Canon and look into the T3i. You have already invested in some lenses and it sounds like you have been shooting with Canon dSLR's for awhile now. Also, if you're going in 6 weeks it would probably be better to stick with a camera with a menu system you are familiar with. Learning a new menu system can be a pain.

If you are only going to use the camera for you trip than I think that ukcatfan's idea of renting a camera is also a great idea.
Thanks everyone,

I think I will definitley stick w/ Canon. It did dawn on me later to rent but I was just wondering what the cost of renting for a week was. I'll check inot that. Are there good online sources for that or is it better so stick local?

I would not be buying a "second camera" I would sell my 7D and just get a new T3 or whatever to keep for everyday.

I LOVE photography, always have and always will be shooting but I'm just tired of carrying all the weight around. The newer camera's have great features that will give great results for what I need.

Of course I just had g-sale and made $400 today so maybe I'll just get that 'second body' anyway ;)
I have never rented photo equipment before, but here are two online lens rental I've heard about on some podcasts:

Also, if you do a google search for lens rentals Orlando they do come up with some stuff.

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