Disney find new sponsor for M:S; other changes to come?


Did you know some ferns date back to Prehistoric t
May 30, 2000
Sponsorship Changes in Store at Walt Disney World Theme Park
by Claire Voyant

Lake Buena Vista, FL. -- The reviews are mixed for Mission:Space, Walt Disney World's new thrill ride at Epcot, but executives at the park are claiming that the early success has led to increased sponsorship levels.

Michael Naysnur, public relations director for the park, announced today that The Walt Disney Company (NYSE - DIS) has inked a deal with The Clorox Company (NYSE - CLX) , maker of Glad Odor Shield Drawstring Tall Kitchen Bags, and the revolutionary Clorox ReadyMop mopping system, to sponsor the attraction.

"Exciting is one of the words our guests have offered after experiencing the lift-off sequence of the Mission:Space attraction," said Naysnur.

"We are thrilled by the exciting synergy created by the Clorox Company's upcoming launch of Glad Mission:Space Odor Shield Kitchen Bags, and Clorox Mission Commander ReadyMops," said Chuck P. Spiel, media relations director for Clorox.

Naysnur agreed with the synergy between the two products. "We think these are a perfect complement to our attraction, and in fact, we are installing Odor Shield bags and ReadyMops throughout the pavilion."

The company official confirmed that the crushing crowds in and around the pavilion have necessitated staffing changes in the park. "'Wonders of Life' will close during the winter season in order to shift custodial and maintenance people over to Mission:Space, as we were not prepared for the massive amount of guests filling the pavilion."

Mission Commander Thinks M:S is a Hit
He has portrayed space going adventurers before, in hits like Mission to Mars and Apollo 13 . But Gary Sinise says he was not prepared for the challenges in convincing guests he was the Mission Commander.

"My other stints were fantasy in nature. The Disney people told me that my role in the attraction was to convince people that they were really blasting off into space.

"I knew that to convince people, I had to give the acting job of my life, so I turned to the experts."

Gary was provided contact information for space veterans from NASA and the Moroccan Space Agency, but chose a different path. "I called my friend, George Lucas, who directed me to the acting coach that worked with Natalie Portman and Hayden Christensen. I wanted my character to have that same larger-than-life, exciting, pumped up energy that they displayed in Star Wars II, and I think I nailed it."

Lucas Uncredited Co-writer?
Speaking of George Lucas, Sinise dropped a hint that more than one person worked on the script for Mission:Space.

"George loved the ride, but he felt the original script was too stilted. He is a good friend of mine, and I convinced the Disney people to allow him to tweak the dialogue," said Sinise.

"I wanted people to be reminded of the reparte in his last two movies, and I think the changes he made reflect that."

More Sponsorship at the Resort
Insiders are speculating that the success of Mission:Space and its ability to increase funding for the attaction will lead to upgraded efforts by Disney at co-branding other attractions.

Trade publications in the industry are already reporting that Disney has verbal agreements with national companies to sponsor some of the attractions. A Disney employee, who would not go on the record, told the Orlando Business Biweekly that next up could be the entire Chester & Hester area at the Animal Kingdom.

"Burbank has noticed that guest return rates have fallen in (the Dinoland) area of the park, and want to invest more into adding new attractions, but a sponsor is needed," said the employee.

"That is why the company will announce soon that Six Flags, Inc. (NYSE: PKS) will be the title sponsor to the entire Chester & Hester area, and will be renamed 'Six Flags Over Dinoland'."

Industry insiders have heard that the area may be getting an exciting new attraction based upon The Mad Hatter's Tea Party in the Magic Kingdom, but themed with prehistoric dinosaurs, tentatively called "Spindown to Extinction."

The company also announced that the Indy Jones Stunt Speculator will close on March 1 for a rumored makeover to a 'Who Wants to Be a Millionaire: Buy It' gift shop where guests can purchase the game, based upon the hit series, and DVDs containing highlights of the show's first season.
I'm just glad I was the first to respond for once...though I don't quite know how to respond...except with laughter...Question though Larry..what do YOU think of M:S????
That is just great. I wish I would have thought of that press release.

I was extremely disappointed with M:S.

Gary Sinise almost put me to sleep. I thought for a second that he got hit with the same injection that Wil Farrell did in 'Old School.'

I liked the idea of audience participation. My family members were excited in pretending to be the different parts of the crew.

The liftoff was exciting, I'll grant you that. After that, the g-forces became repetitive and the video did not translate to me the rush one normally feels on a high speed roller coaster.

Instead, it felt cramped in there, and there was a tussle between trying to enjoy the attraction's special effects versus the need to push buttons.

Some have suggested that is part of what an astronaut does. Okay. But I'll bet an astronaut reflecting upon his first orbit shot doesn't recall pressure and button pushing, but instead remembers the wonder she felt when she first looks at the blue edge of the Earth spinning toward her, and the wisps of clouds covering the marble.

I did not get that 'Gee Whiz!' I usually get after an attraction.

For me, it was a big disappointment.
AirLarry, I'm feeling you when you say how disappointed you were with M:S. I guess I had myself all excited for nothing. I was unimpressed and wished for something so much more exciting.
But we are the minority, alot of people throughly enjoy M:S.
Its way too funny!:p

I don't think anybody has caught on to the sardonic post this is, Chlorox? Mops? Bags?

Yeah right....

but the real question now is how the HP PR is handling their connection to the "barforator" or "hurlmobile" that M:S is becoming, this negative "spew" is "hurling" HP into the position of having "chunks" of negative "nauseum" that is hard to "stomach" but if there is any positive aspect of all this "bile" its whether this will "hurl" the stock into a negative position as how the public connects or "rejects" buying HP products after "spewing" their churritos on this simulator.
Is my math correct?

If Disney borrowed $5 billion to purchase Fox Family's American interests, and we divided that equally into $150 million pieces...is it true that Ei$ner could have greenlighted 33,333 different $150 million E*ticket attractions, or in the case of M:S, added $150 million back to the budget to flesh out the pavilion?
Oops. It should be 33.333 different $150 million attractions.


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