Disboutiquers Part 30 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

Hi all, I was wondering if you gals could give me some suggestions?
On our next trip to Disney we are going to the Hoop de doo revue and I have never been....what kind of custom type clothes would be best to wear?

From the pictures I've seen it doesn't look country/cowboy but more period type clothing? Is that right? How do I do that without looking like costumes?

Last year was my first attempt at coordinating custom outfits to what park or event we would be doing each day....and I just loved it!

So any ideas for me?????
valpss said:
Hi all, I was wondering if you gals could give me some suggestions?
On our next trip to Disney we are going to the Hoop de doo revue and I have never been....what kind of custom type clothes would be best to wear?

From the pictures I've seen it doesn't look country/cowboy but more period type clothing? Is that right? How do I do that without looking like costumes?

Last year was my first attempt at coordinating custom outfits to what park or event we would be doing each day....and I just loved it!

So any ideas for me?????

Two years ago when we went to HDDR I put my son in a Woody shirt and jeans and my DD in a Bullseye shirt with a ruffled skirt. The fabric on the skirt was denim, red bandana and cow print. I would have loved to do a Jessie theme but she wouldn't go for it.

I made my parents matching t shirts with Coonskin cap Mickey heads. Those were a big hit. I think DH had a small Mickey head in the cow fabric and I can't remember what I had, maybe a Minnie head in denim and red bandana.

I think people go with a westen look because that area of the campground is set to be like a ranch with the stables close by and the log cabin like structures.

Can't wait to see what you come up with.
You officially have me wanting to make matching bows to the outfits I'm planning for dd.. Can I just ask, having never made bows at all before, do you need aglue gun? Having just invested in my first sewing machine I think dh may object to the purchase of a glue gun? All the patterns I've seen seem to require one?
I love this board!!! Its so inspiring!!!!
I'm still waiting for my material to arrive so I'm finding so many patterns and researching so much!!! Love it!!!!

It always starts with bows! Then it moves onto necklaces lol
Wow, this looks so great. That skirt would send me over the edge if I tried to sew it. Great job.
It about me over, too!

Your DD is so lucky to have TWO beautiful princess dresses. Not sure about the stitches pulling apart. I'm not sure if a serger would help or not. Did you use a "sharps" needle? Or maybe the stitches were too close together and they "cut" the fabric and caused the unraveling of the fabric ????

My mom mentioned the stitches cutting the fabric, too, based on her review of the particular seams. This seams likely.

That outfit looks great! I am sure she got lots of comments on it!

Cinderella looks great too. I am sorry to hear that 2 seams are coming apart. How frustrating! I am not sure if a serger will fix the problem. It depends on the weight of the fabric and where the forces that tear them apart come from. I know I tried to serge the skirt portion of a shirt dress to the bodice once and the weight of the skirt was enough to pull the seams apart. After that, I started sewing seams together on a regular sewing machine then serge the edges, keeping the serger stitches maybe 1/16 from the first set of stitching. Since I started doing that, I don't recall having problems with the seams being pulled apart. Oh and do you remember which overlock stitch you used? I have 2 versions on my sewing machine. One is supposed to be for heavy weight or stretchy material and the other is for medium/light weight fabric according to the manual. The overlock stitch for the medium/light weight fabric was totally useless. My seams frayed in no time. Thankfully I learned that lesson when I did my second project on that machine so I just stick with the heavy weight overlock stitch. I hope this helps.

Yes, it's helpful, thanks! I've been off the machine for a couple weeks, so I'll double check the overlock stitches. The skirt is heavy, so that could be an additional factor. The other seam is in a place that probably feels pressure from stretching the shirring. So that could be a factor, too.
(SO sorry for my long absence, Disbou friends!! Our house is up for sale, and I just do not have much time right now.)

I hope your house will have an appropriate buyer soon! I am sure it's no fun putting a house up for sale.

Hi all, I was wondering if you gals could give me some suggestions?
On our next trip to Disney we are going to the Hoop de doo revue and I have never been....what kind of custom type clothes would be best to wear?

From the pictures I've seen it doesn't look country/cowboy but more period type clothing? Is that right? How do I do that without looking like costumes?

Last year was my first attempt at coordinating custom outfits to what park or event we would be doing each day....and I just loved it!

So any ideas for me?????

Welcome! I have never done Hoop De Doo but I have often seen Western style customs for that show. I saw that Liz gave you some suggestions and I think it is a good place to start.

It always starts with bows! Then it moves onto necklaces lol

Hi Erin! I saw your post and I realized I am in your neck of the woods right now (visiting family and friends). I may plan a trip to the fabric store tomorrow (even though that means I have to deal with the dreaded HST). My friend's DD just turned 4 and is very much into the princesses. Of course I didn't bring any fabric with me :lmao: so I will need to buy some fabric if I want to make a dress for her while I am here!

Yes, it's helpful, thanks! I've been off the machine for a couple weeks, so I'll double check the overlock stitches. The skirt is heavy, so that could be an additional factor. The other seam is in a place that probably feels pressure from stretching the shirring. So that could be a factor, too.

I hope you can get it resolved. I will take a picture of the two types of stitches when I get home so you can compare yours to mine.
I hope your house will have an appropriate buyer soon! I am sure it's no fun putting a house up for sale.

Welcome! I have never done Hoop De Doo but I have often seen Western style customs for that show. I saw that Liz gave you some suggestions and I think it is a good place to start.

Hi Erin! I saw your post and I realized I am in your neck of the woods right now (visiting family and friends). I may plan a trip to the fabric store tomorrow (even though that means I have to deal with the dreaded HST). My friend's DD just turned 4 and is very much into the princesses. Of course I didn't bring any fabric with me :lmao: so I will need to buy some fabric if I want to make a dress for her while I am here!

I hope you can get it resolved. I will take a picture of the two types of stitches when I get home so you can compare yours to mine.

Flora I sent u a pm
So here's dds princess themed dress. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, the buttons could definitely be spaced better and not that pleased with the stitching on the waistline, I thought contrasting stitching would look cool but just looks messy but hey this is a very steep learning curve for me!!! This is my second attempt at sewing so don't be too harsh with me!!! Plus dd is only 2.5 so doubtbshe will be that critical!!! :love:
Just cutting out the pattern pieces for my matching dress!!!! Photos soon...... (I hope)

So here's dds princess themed dress. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, the buttons could definitely be spaced better and not that pleased with the stitching on the waistline, I thought contrasting stitching would look cool but just looks messy but hey this is a very steep learning curve for me!!! This is my second attempt at sewing so don't be too harsh with me!!! Plus dd is only 2.5 so doubtbshe will be that critical!!! :love: Just cutting out the pattern pieces for my matching dress!!!! Photos soon...... (I hope) http://s1274.photobucket.com/user/e...oads/IMG_20131107_201408_zpsd48ec672.jpg.html

Looks great! It's so sweet! She will love it.
So here's dds princess themed dress. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, the buttons could definitely be spaced better and not that pleased with the stitching on the waistline, I thought contrasting stitching would look cool but just looks messy but hey this is a very steep learning curve for me!!! This is my second attempt at sewing so don't be too harsh with me!!! Plus dd is only 2.5 so doubtbshe will be that critical!!! :love:
Just cutting out the pattern pieces for my matching dress!!!! Photos soon...... (I hope)

That is so pretty.
So here's dds princess themed dress. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, the buttons could definitely be spaced better and not that pleased with the stitching on the waistline, I thought contrasting stitching would look cool but just looks messy but hey this is a very steep learning curve for me!!! This is my second attempt at sewing so don't be too harsh with me!!! Plus dd is only 2.5 so doubtbshe will be that critical!!! :love:
Just cutting out the pattern pieces for my matching dress!!!! Photos soon...... (I hope)

Your dd's dress is so cute. She will love it! Can't wait to see yours!
So here's dds princess themed dress. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, the buttons could definitely be spaced better and not that pleased with the stitching on the waistline, I thought contrasting stitching would look cool but just looks messy but hey this is a very steep learning curve for me!!! This is my second attempt at sewing so don't be too harsh with me!!! Plus dd is only 2.5 so doubtbshe will be that critical!!! :love:
Just cutting out the pattern pieces for my matching dress!!!! Photos soon...... (I hope)

Cute!!! Love the matching bow too. The things you don't like will not be noticeable to anyone but you. Great job and I NEVER would have tried to do buttons on my second attempt. :)
emmamc252 said:
So here's dds princess themed dress. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, the buttons could definitely be spaced better and not that pleased with the stitching on the waistline, I thought contrasting stitching would look cool but just looks messy but hey this is a very steep learning curve for me!!! This is my second attempt at sewing so don't be too harsh with me!!! Plus dd is only 2.5 so doubtbshe will be that critical!!! :love:
Just cutting out the pattern pieces for my matching dress!!!! Photos soon...... (I hope)


Actually I like the contrast stitching. The dress is very cute. Nice job! Can't wait to see yours.
We just got back form our trip, of course now we are all battling illness. My husband got the stomach bug the last day we were there, so we had to cancel pirates and pals and then breakfast at Tusker House, and I got it the day after we got back. Thankfully it seems to be a 24 hour thing. Now I have one kid with a horrible cough and another with a fever and general crankiness. Wanted to share our in-action shots. :)

Arrival Day, met Mickey and had dinner at 'Ohana (Mom and Dad shirts were re-used from last year.)

Day 2, Breakfast at the Castle and my little guy got his wish, to dance with Cinderella.

This is the only photo I got of my outfit that day, for some reason, we never got all 4 of us in the Halloween outfits once the boys changed.

And the boys Halloween outfits. They loved that they glowed in the dark on rides.

Our Toy Story day at Hollywood Studios. I got a ton of comments on my Serendipi-D bag, of course. :) (Except for one CM in MK who stopped me to tell me he didn't get it.) My husband's shirt was done by Flora (purple ears) since my machine was broken. It says "I am your father" under Zurg.

Later that evening we went to MNSSHP which was the start of the bad parts of our trip. About 5 minutes after this photo was taken (which btw we were the last family to see Mickey) the kid on the right threw up in the stroller. So by the time we left the MK we were the VERY LAST family out. They had to have a special bus come for us. It was horrible.

But! The highlight day of our trip was definitely Animal Kingdom and these Wilderness Explorer outfits. My husband stayed up until almost 4 a.m. doing laundry from the night before so they could wear them, and it was awesome. The first thing we did was visit Dug and Russell. It was hard to tell who was more excited, Dug and Russell or the boys. They did the Wilderness Explorer activities, which the kids loved and every single CM we encountered was over the moon about the outfits. They even had characters in the parade coming over to them and making the Wilderness Explorer hand gestures. I felt bad for the lithe girl standing next to them at the parade rope since she wasn't getting any of the attention they were. It was adorable.

For Epcot we had these shirts I did on my big machine which, after 6 months is finally fixed (I had to drive 5 hours round-trip to a service place in Wisconsin) but it worked. Now that I have pretty much decided to shut down my business and liquidate, so I will be selling the machine in all likelihood. :(

For dinner at Garden Grill the boys had Chip and Dale shirts. They LOVE Chip and Dale, and they had such great character interactions.

For their birthday we did 'Ohana breakfast, which was delicious as always, but we had the most underwhelming server ever. She wasn't rude or anything, just blah. And did nothing at all to make their birthday special. :(

and their special Birthday dinner, which was a huge hit. (and made up for the underwhelming breakfast) They were ecstatic about meeting the Beast.

(and yes, one kid ripped a button off before the end of dinner, they were only in these shirts about 2 hours.)
Our last full day we went to HS in the morning and the boys did the Jedi Training Academy, which they got the show that was just about the very last one we could do and rush over to MK for their pirates league appt.

I think they were nervous, they were holding hands.

They both defeated Darth Vader, which they tell anyone who will listen now. The littler one was too small for the robes so they had to knot them so he didn't trip.

Maybe on the photo pass I have a picture of me in my Star Wars shirt I made. I don't have a single one in my pictures. And my husband's Star wars bowling shirt ended up way too short. I felt bad since it was like a crop top but he wore it all day like a champ. :(

And Pirates league

We were supposed to go to the Pirates and Pals fireworks cruise that evening, but by the time Pirates League was done my husband was starting to feel nauseated, so we went to Guest Relations and canceled. Not only did they go above and beyond and cancel least minute, they gave my kids each a Jake and the Neverland Pirates telescope toy because they felt bad. Later that night when I went to the front desk at Kidani to cancel breakfast at Tusker house the next morning, the CM felt so bad about 20 minutes later she knocked on the door of our room with a bag of coloring books, crayons and coffee mugs.

All in all, more good than bad, but definitely some rough moments in there. Lots of Pixie dust though. I will be updating our photos and reports on my website, if anyone is interested (this, believe it or not is a very scaled down run through... I took almost 2000 photos and have anther 350 or so on photo pass.) goteamwood.com so far I have the first 2 days up there, lots more to do!
Hey what does everyone use for photostorage. I used to use photobucket which I found frustrating even before they changed and I really want to try and keep them more organized and something that is easy to use.... suggestions?
We just got back form our trip, of course now we are all battling illness. My husband got the stomach bug the last day we were there, so we had to cancel pirates and pals and then breakfast at Tusker House, and I got it the day after we got back. Thankfully it seems to be a 24 hour thing. Now I have one kid with a horrible cough and another with a fever and general crankiness. Wanted to share our in-action shots. :)

Arrival Day, met Mickey and had dinner at 'Ohana (Mom and Dad shirts were re-used from last year.)

Day 2, Breakfast at the Castle and my little guy got his wish, to dance with Cinderella.

This is the only photo I got of my outfit that day, for some reason, we never got all 4 of us in the Halloween outfits once the boys changed.

And the boys Halloween outfits. They loved that they glowed in the dark on rides.

Our Toy Story day at Hollywood Studios. I got a ton of comments on my Serendipi-D bag, of course. :) (Except for one CM in MK who stopped me to tell me he didn't get it.) My husband's shirt was done by Flora (purple ears) since my machine was broken. It says "I am your father" under Zurg.

Later that evening we went to MNSSHP which was the start of the bad parts of our trip. About 5 minutes after this photo was taken (which btw we were the last family to see Mickey) the kid on the right threw up in the stroller. So by the time we left the MK we were the VERY LAST family out. They had to have a special bus come for us. It was horrible.

But! The highlight day of our trip was definitely Animal Kingdom and these Wilderness Explorer outfits. My husband stayed up until almost 4 a.m. doing laundry from the night before so they could wear them, and it was awesome. The first thing we did was visit Dug and Russell. It was hard to tell who was more excited, Dug and Russell or the boys. They did the Wilderness Explorer activities, which the kids loved and every single CM we encountered was over the moon about the outfits. They even had characters in the parade coming over to them and making the Wilderness Explorer hand gestures. I felt bad for the lithe girl standing next to them at the parade rope since she wasn't getting any of the attention they were. It was adorable.

For Epcot we had these shirts I did on my big machine which, after 6 months is finally fixed (I had to drive 5 hours round-trip to a service place in Wisconsin) but it worked. Now that I have pretty much decided to shut down my business and liquidate, so I will be selling the machine in all likelihood. :(

For dinner at Garden Grill the boys had Chip and Dale shirts. They LOVE Chip and Dale, and they had such great character interactions.

For their birthday we did 'Ohana breakfast, which was delicious as always, but we had the most underwhelming server ever. She wasn't rude or anything, just blah. And did nothing at all to make their birthday special. :(

and their special Birthday dinner, which was a huge hit. (and made up for the underwhelming breakfast) They were ecstatic about meeting the Beast.

(and yes, one kid ripped a button off before the end of dinner, they were only in these shirts about 2 hours.)
Our last full day we went to HS in the morning and the boys did the Jedi Training Academy, which they got the show that was just about the very last one we could do and rush over to MK for their pirates league appt.

I think they were nervous, they were holding hands.

They both defeated Darth Vader, which they tell anyone who will listen now. The littler one was too small for the robes so they had to knot them so he didn't trip.

Maybe on the photo pass I have a picture of me in my Star Wars shirt I made. I don't have a single one in my pictures. And my husband's Star wars bowling shirt ended up way too short. I felt bad since it was like a crop top but he wore it all day like a champ. :(

And Pirates league

We were supposed to go to the Pirates and Pals fireworks cruise that evening, but by the time Pirates League was done my husband was starting to feel nauseated, so we went to Guest Relations and canceled. Not only did they go above and beyond and cancel least minute, they gave my kids each a Jake and the Neverland Pirates telescope toy because they felt bad. Later that night when I went to the front desk at Kidani to cancel breakfast at Tusker house the next morning, the CM felt so bad about 20 minutes later she knocked on the door of our room with a bag of coloring books, crayons and coffee mugs.

All in all, more good than bad, but definitely some rough moments in there. Lots of Pixie dust though. I will be updating our photos and reports on my website, if anyone is interested (this, believe it or not is a very scaled down run through... I took almost 2000 photos and have anther 350 or so on photo pass.) goteamwood.com so far I have the first 2 days up there, lots more to do!

Awwww the boys are adorable! I'm so sorry you had to cancel pirates and pals it was so much fun. Next time! That is awesome how they went above and beyond for you. I had to cancel our Crystal Palace Breakfast ressie on our last trip because I got sick and we had to go to celebration hospital. The CM on the phone was nice enough to wave the cancellation fee, but that was it.
We just got back form our trip, of course now we are all battling illness. My husband got the stomach bug the last day we were there, so we had to cancel pirates and pals and then breakfast at Tusker House, and I got it the day after we got back. Thankfully it seems to be a 24 hour thing. Now I have one kid with a horrible cough and another with a fever and general crankiness. Wanted to share our in-action shots. :)

Arrival Day, met Mickey and had dinner at 'Ohana (Mom and Dad shirts were re-used from last year.)

Day 2, Breakfast at the Castle and my little guy got his wish, to dance with Cinderella.

This is the only photo I got of my outfit that day, for some reason, we never got all 4 of us in the Halloween outfits once the boys changed.

And the boys Halloween outfits. They loved that they glowed in the dark on rides.

Our Toy Story day at Hollywood Studios. I got a ton of comments on my Serendipi-D bag, of course. :) (Except for one CM in MK who stopped me to tell me he didn't get it.) My husband's shirt was done by Flora (purple ears) since my machine was broken. It says "I am your father" under Zurg.

Later that evening we went to MNSSHP which was the start of the bad parts of our trip. About 5 minutes after this photo was taken (which btw we were the last family to see Mickey) the kid on the right threw up in the stroller. So by the time we left the MK we were the VERY LAST family out. They had to have a special bus come for us. It was horrible.

But! The highlight day of our trip was definitely Animal Kingdom and these Wilderness Explorer outfits. My husband stayed up until almost 4 a.m. doing laundry from the night before so they could wear them, and it was awesome. The first thing we did was visit Dug and Russell. It was hard to tell who was more excited, Dug and Russell or the boys. They did the Wilderness Explorer activities, which the kids loved and every single CM we encountered was over the moon about the outfits. They even had characters in the parade coming over to them and making the Wilderness Explorer hand gestures. I felt bad for the lithe girl standing next to them at the parade rope since she wasn't getting any of the attention they were. It was adorable.

For Epcot we had these shirts I did on my big machine which, after 6 months is finally fixed (I had to drive 5 hours round-trip to a service place in Wisconsin) but it worked. Now that I have pretty much decided to shut down my business and liquidate, so I will be selling the machine in all likelihood. :(

For dinner at Garden Grill the boys had Chip and Dale shirts. They LOVE Chip and Dale, and they had such great character interactions.

For their birthday we did 'Ohana breakfast, which was delicious as always, but we had the most underwhelming server ever. She wasn't rude or anything, just blah. And did nothing at all to make their birthday special. :(

and their special Birthday dinner, which was a huge hit. (and made up for the underwhelming breakfast) They were ecstatic about meeting the Beast.

(and yes, one kid ripped a button off before the end of dinner, they were only in these shirts about 2 hours.)
Our last full day we went to HS in the morning and the boys did the Jedi Training Academy, which they got the show that was just about the very last one we could do and rush over to MK for their pirates league appt.

I think they were nervous, they were holding hands.

They both defeated Darth Vader, which they tell anyone who will listen now. The littler one was too small for the robes so they had to knot them so he didn't trip.

Maybe on the photo pass I have a picture of me in my Star Wars shirt I made. I don't have a single one in my pictures. And my husband's Star wars bowling shirt ended up way too short. I felt bad since it was like a crop top but he wore it all day like a champ. :(

And Pirates league

We were supposed to go to the Pirates and Pals fireworks cruise that evening, but by the time Pirates League was done my husband was starting to feel nauseated, so we went to Guest Relations and canceled. Not only did they go above and beyond and cancel least minute, they gave my kids each a Jake and the Neverland Pirates telescope toy because they felt bad. Later that night when I went to the front desk at Kidani to cancel breakfast at Tusker house the next morning, the CM felt so bad about 20 minutes later she knocked on the door of our room with a bag of coloring books, crayons and coffee mugs.

All in all, more good than bad, but definitely some rough moments in there. Lots of Pixie dust though. I will be updating our photos and reports on my website, if anyone is interested (this, believe it or not is a very scaled down run through... I took almost 2000 photos and have anther 350 or so on photo pass.) goteamwood.com so far I have the first 2 days up there, lots more to do!

You have a precious family!! All of the outfits are adorable. My favorite is Russell. How did you make the badges for their sashes? They're perfect!!!
So Sorry you all got sick. That happened to me 2 years in a row on Disney trips.
Hey what does everyone use for photostorage. I used to use photobucket which I found frustrating even before they changed and I really want to try and keep them more organized and something that is easy to use.... suggestions?
I've used Flickr for a long time. I use it to host pics for my blog and as a backup I upload all my photos from the month on the 1st of the next month. I have almost 40,000 photos on there. I have them semi organized by albums and sets. I have a photobucket acct and I don't like it at all.

You have a precious family!! All of the outfits are adorable. My favorite is Russell. How did you make the badges for their sashes? They're perfect!!! So Sorry you all got sick. That happened to me 2 years in a row on Disney trips.
Thanks! I actually found all the artwork for the badges on a google search then enlarged them and cleaned them up in photoshop and had them printed at spoonflower.com my kids are small enough the fat quarter was big enough. I just sewed it to canvas for the rest.

Sent from my iPhone using DISBoards
goteamwood said:
We just got back form our trip, of course now we are all battling illness. My husband got the stomach bug the last day we were there, so we had to cancel pirates and pals and then breakfast at Tusker House, and I got it the day after we got back. Thankfully it seems to be a 24 hour thing. Now I have one kid with a horrible cough and another with a fever and general crankiness. Wanted to share our in-action shots. :)

Arrival Day, met Mickey and had dinner at 'Ohana (Mom and Dad shirts were re-used from last year.)

Day 2, Breakfast at the Castle and my little guy got his wish, to dance with Cinderella.

This is the only photo I got of my outfit that day, for some reason, we never got all 4 of us in the Halloween outfits once the boys changed.

And the boys Halloween outfits. They loved that they glowed in the dark on rides.

Our Toy Story day at Hollywood Studios. I got a ton of comments on my Serendipi-D bag, of course. :) (Except for one CM in MK who stopped me to tell me he didn't get it.) My husband's shirt was done by Flora (purple ears) since my machine was broken. It says "I am your father" under Zurg.

Later that evening we went to MNSSHP which was the start of the bad parts of our trip. About 5 minutes after this photo was taken (which btw we were the last family to see Mickey) the kid on the right threw up in the stroller. So by the time we left the MK we were the VERY LAST family out. They had to have a special bus come for us. It was horrible.

But! The highlight day of our trip was definitely Animal Kingdom and these Wilderness Explorer outfits. My husband stayed up until almost 4 a.m. doing laundry from the night before so they could wear them, and it was awesome. The first thing we did was visit Dug and Russell. It was hard to tell who was more excited, Dug and Russell or the boys. They did the Wilderness Explorer activities, which the kids loved and every single CM we encountered was over the moon about the outfits. They even had characters in the parade coming over to them and making the Wilderness Explorer hand gestures. I felt bad for the lithe girl standing next to them at the parade rope since she wasn't getting any of the attention they were. It was adorable.

For Epcot we had these shirts I did on my big machine which, after 6 months is finally fixed (I had to drive 5 hours round-trip to a service place in Wisconsin) but it worked. Now that I have pretty much decided to shut down my business and liquidate, so I will be selling the machine in all likelihood. :(

For dinner at Garden Grill the boys had Chip and Dale shirts. They LOVE Chip and Dale, and they had such great character interactions.

For their birthday we did 'Ohana breakfast, which was delicious as always, but we had the most underwhelming server ever. She wasn't rude or anything, just blah. And did nothing at all to make their birthday special. :(
and their special Birthday dinner, which was a huge hit. (and made up for the underwhelming breakfast) They were ecstatic about meeting the Beast.
(and yes, one kid ripped a button off before the end of dinner, they were only in these shirts about 2 hours.)
Our last full day we went to HS in the morning and the boys did the Jedi Training Academy, which they got the show that was just about the very last one we could do and rush over to MK for their pirates league appt.
I think they were nervous, they were holding hands.
They both defeated Darth Vader, which they tell anyone who will listen now. The littler one was too small for the robes so they had to knot them so he didn't trip.

Maybe on the photo pass I have a picture of me in my Star Wars shirt I made. I don't have a single one in my pictures. And my husband's Star wars bowling shirt ended up way too short. I felt bad since it was like a crop top but he wore it all day like a champ. :(

And Pirates league
We were supposed to go to the Pirates and Pals fireworks cruise that evening, but by the time Pirates League was done my husband was starting to feel nauseated, so we went to Guest Relations and canceled. Not only did they go above and beyond and cancel least minute, they gave my kids each a Jake and the Neverland Pirates telescope toy because they felt bad. Later that night when I went to the front desk at Kidani to cancel breakfast at Tusker house the next morning, the CM felt so bad about 20 minutes later she knocked on the door of our room with a bag of coloring books, crayons and coffee mugs.

All in all, more good than bad, but definitely some rough moments in there. Lots of Pixie dust though. I will be updating our photos and reports on my website, if anyone is interested (this, believe it or not is a very scaled down run through... I took almost 2000 photos and have anther 350 or so on photo pass.) goteamwood.com so far I have the first 2 days up there, lots more to do!

Absolutely love these photos. You had great oufits!!! Sorry you missed out on a few things. At least overall it looked like a fun trip!!!

Can't wait to see more. I also take about 2000 photos, and also do photopass plus, so by the time I edit, I have another 1000 photos. I hope my pics from the summer make it on the wall before the next trip.

Sorry to hear you are shutting down your business. I hope this is a happy decision for you.
So here's dds princess themed dress. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, the buttons could definitely be spaced better and not that pleased with the stitching on the waistline, I thought contrasting stitching would look cool but just looks messy but hey this is a very steep learning curve for me!!! This is my second attempt at sewing so don't be too harsh with me!!! Plus dd is only 2.5 so doubtbshe will be that critical!!!
Just cutting out the pattern pieces for my matching dress!!!! Photos soon...... (I hope)

This dress is beautiful! The contrast stitching makes the skirt pop. I can't wait to see pictures of your outfit!

We just got back form our trip, of course now we are all battling illness. My husband got the stomach bug the last day we were there, so we had to cancel pirates and pals and then breakfast at Tusker House, and I got it the day after we got back. Thankfully it seems to be a 24 hour thing. Now I have one kid with a horrible cough and another with a fever and general crankiness. Wanted to share our in-action shots.

Arrival Day, met Mickey and had dinner at 'Ohana (Mom and Dad shirts were re-used from last year.)

Day 2, Breakfast at the Castle and my little guy got his wish, to dance with Cinderella.

This is the only photo I got of my outfit that day, for some reason, we never got all 4 of us in the Halloween outfits once the boys changed.

And the boys Halloween outfits. They loved that they glowed in the dark on rides.

Our Toy Story day at Hollywood Studios. I got a ton of comments on my Serendipi-D bag, of course. :) (Except for one CM in MK who stopped me to tell me he didn't get it.) My husband's shirt was done by Flora (purple ears) since my machine was broken. It says "I am your father" under Zurg.

Later that evening we went to MNSSHP which was the start of the bad parts of our trip. About 5 minutes after this photo was taken (which btw we were the last family to see Mickey) the kid on the right threw up in the stroller. So by the time we left the MK we were the VERY LAST family out. They had to have a special bus come for us. It was horrible.

But! The highlight day of our trip was definitely Animal Kingdom and these Wilderness Explorer outfits. My husband stayed up until almost 4 a.m. doing laundry from the night before so they could wear them, and it was awesome. The first thing we did was visit Dug and Russell. It was hard to tell who was more excited, Dug and Russell or the boys. They did the Wilderness Explorer activities, which the kids loved and every single CM we encountered was over the moon about the outfits. They even had characters in the parade coming over to them and making the Wilderness Explorer hand gestures. I felt bad for the lithe girl standing next to them at the parade rope since she wasn't getting any of the attention they were. It was adorable.

For Epcot we had these shirts I did on my big machine which, after 6 months is finally fixed (I had to drive 5 hours round-trip to a service place in Wisconsin) but it worked. Now that I have pretty much decided to shut down my business and liquidate, so I will be selling the machine in all likelihood. :(

For dinner at Garden Grill the boys had Chip and Dale shirts. They LOVE Chip and Dale, and they had such great character interactions.

For their birthday we did 'Ohana breakfast, which was delicious as always, but we had the most underwhelming server ever. She wasn't rude or anything, just blah. And did nothing at all to make their birthday special. :(

and their special Birthday dinner, which was a huge hit. (and made up for the underwhelming breakfast) They were ecstatic about meeting the Beast.

(and yes, one kid ripped a button off before the end of dinner, they were only in these shirts about 2 hours.)
Our last full day we went to HS in the morning and the boys did the Jedi Training Academy, which they got the show that was just about the very last one we could do and rush over to MK for their pirates league appt.

I think they were nervous, they were holding hands.

They both defeated Darth Vader, which they tell anyone who will listen now. The littler one was too small for the robes so they had to knot them so he didn't trip.

Maybe on the photo pass I have a picture of me in my Star Wars shirt I made. I don't have a single one in my pictures. And my husband's Star wars bowling shirt ended up way too short. I felt bad since it was like a crop top but he wore it all day like a champ. :(

And Pirates league

We were supposed to go to the Pirates and Pals fireworks cruise that evening, but by the time Pirates League was done my husband was starting to feel nauseated, so we went to Guest Relations and canceled. Not only did they go above and beyond and cancel least minute, they gave my kids each a Jake and the Neverland Pirates telescope toy because they felt bad. Later that night when I went to the front desk at Kidani to cancel breakfast at Tusker house the next morning, the CM felt so bad about 20 minutes later she knocked on the door of our room with a bag of coloring books, crayons and coffee mugs.

All in all, more good than bad, but definitely some rough moments in there. Lots of Pixie dust though. I will be updating our photos and reports on my website, if anyone is interested (this, believe it or not is a very scaled down run through... I took almost 2000 photos and have anther 350 or so on photo pass.) goteamwood.com so far I have the first 2 days up there, lots more to do!

Looks like your family had a great time despite getting sick at the end of the trip. I am so glad that I could help you out with the Zurg shirt. It looks so cool! Thank you for sharing the pictures from your trip. They certainly make me look forward to our trip!
Erin - too bad our schedules didn't work out in terms of an impromtu Dismeet. It has been a busy but fun week.

We have been visiting my family and friends in Ontario this week. My friend's mom gave her a very nice vintage Bernina machine but she doesn't know how to use it. I did some sewing for them on that machine (shortened the curtains) and it was a lovely machine. We even went to the fabric store to buy materials for outfits for my friends' children. Thank goodness for e-patterns! Here are the outcomes:

A Rapunzel inspired Simply Sweet

A pair of robot Easy Fit pants

I have to say, after I used that machine, I am more interested in getting a vintage machine and restoring it to use! :)


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