Disboutiquers Part 26 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

Oh, why didn't you say so sooner. THAT sewer. Sure everything's clear now.

:sad2: :sad2: :sad2:

Yah, I figured you would know who she was once I explained it to you. :thumbsup2


My nephew fell in a pool and drowned in 2000 but suffered a TBI from it. His body finally gave out yesterday but it wasn't expected.

I am waiting to find out the funeral arrangements for him.

Chiara, I'm so very very sorry. That is just heartbreaking.

Yes, what Jessica said. I've known way too many kids who have drowned. It's just so sad. Watch those babies. (which is the last thing my Grandpa ever said to me. He was telling me that, because we had just found out my cousin's baby had drowned in their own pool.) :sad1:

Thank you everyone for the warm welcome back! I am still not quite 100% yet but I am thankful for being able to take time off work to recover and go on the trip. We had to take things more slowly this trip but both of us still had a good time. I go back to work next week so I am sure it will be a challenging week!

I went through the pictures on our camera from this trip and I realized I didn't have pictures of all the outfits I made! I tend to make things in duplicates and embellish them in different ways. I hope these pictures will inspire someone for more "grown up" customs.

First up, blouse with Heather's Mickey silhouette embroidery (though you can't see the embroidery in the picture) and a pair of skorts with animal print for one of our Animal Kingdom days.

The next picture shows the embroidery on the blouse. I paired it with a pair of black skorts. I couldn't decide what embellishment to put on the skorts so I left them blank. I can always add something later.

I also made a few blouses in different colours with Heather's Tink silhouette or Mickey silhouette embroidery. Unfortunately I do not have pictures of them.

Next up is a Meghan peasant dress with Mickey head flowers along the hem. I designed the flowers (they still need more work since they stitch out in a slightly funny way).

Since I liked the Meghan peasant dress, I decided to try it out as a top. I used the same Mickey head flower embroidery for this top. I paired it with the "When you wish upon a star" music skirt. I had the lei because we had dinner at Ohana.

I also made one with Heather's Tink silhouette embroidery and one in a lighter pink with Heather's Mickey silhouette embroidery.

Finally, my favourite outfit – the Minnie-inspired Jamie dress! This is one of my favourite pictures from this trip.

Last but not least, a picture of DH and I with our matching mouse ears:

(Just in case you are wondering why my hairstyle look slightly different in the pictures, I got a hair cut at MK in the middle of the trip. I am donating my hair to one of the places in town that makes wigs for kids undergoing cancer treatments, so I had to cut 12 inches off!)

Thanks for looking!

Edit: Sorry the pictures are huge. I guess I must have forgotten how to resize properly in Photobucket?!

Please please please, post the pictures bigger! I would love to be able to see them better!!!

I agree with the other poster (Andrea?) you don't look like I imagined you to at all!!!! You are so cute!

I want to buy some patterns before that 20% at YCMT goes away . . . but I need some opinions please!!!

I'm considering the Dainty Designs Bundle Pack of the
Peasant Top
Corset with Shirred Back
Layered Tulle Twirl Skirt

How does this peasant top pattern compare with the Portrait Peasant top? I know they're both Carla C. right? So what's the difference?

And are the corset & skirt patterns worth it? Or should I be able to figure these out for myself?

I'd been planning on buying the Portrait Peasant (and using it for pirate style shirts for the boys as my justification for buying a little girls' dress pattern), but if the other is pretty much the same AND I'd get those other two (but are they all worth $31 - the 20%???) . . .

Also in my cart are the Simply Sweet, the Easy Fits for Teens & Adults, the Jamie Dress and the Marlo Top

I CANNOT spend $65 on patterns right now . . . I'd been planning on $25 . . .

So - what should I get? What would you get? HELP!!! That coupon code goes away on the 7th!!!! Thanks in advance for your help and opinion!!!!
I have some of Dainty Designs patterns (actually, I have all of the ones you listed) , and I am really not very happy with them. I would stick with Carla's! Dainty Designs is not Carla.

Wow!!!! I love this!!!! How adorable is that!

update on Brendi...
back from doctors,ultrasound showed no change in cyst /endometriosis ,will schedule surgery for that in the near future. hgc levels down to less than 400 so her body is taking care of it itself...so sad no sweet lil baby at this time. doctor said to wait till after surgery to try again because it could be the same thing again. he said he thought the endometriosis had stopped the baby from moving into the uterus. i am so sad for my baby and her baby but so blessed that she is not in danger and her body is taking care of things and she will not have to have the pregnancy removed.
she goes back to the doctor for another check next week and then will be able to return to work when the pain goes away...doctor says that the pain is from the /baby/endometriosis/cyst all together.
Brendi putting on a strong front but i know when she is alone with David she will let it all out....thank you for your prayers for my sweet girl and her Husband...:grouphug:

Beth, I'm so sorry. :hug:

:confused:Well I know why I couldn't sleep because I think I was so worried about DS going to Kindergarten. He shocked me by being so excited this morning and happily waved on the bus. Well I went to the school to see him get off and my DD comes up to me and says Jacob has been crying the whole time on the bus:scared1:

I knew his excitment was too good to be true but he did put on a brave face and followed his teacher. When he got home he told me he was better. So we will have to wait to see how it goes tomorrow.

:hug: Sending more prayers.

Awww, poor little guy!!!!
I have made my very first stripwork skirt. I am thinking about using for Lisa's BG (did not want to commit until I knew that I could make one). Anyway, I have a question about the elastic waist band. If she has a 30" waist, does not like tight fits and has a tube, what size should I cut my elastic piece for the waist? I will also post this on the BG board.


update on Brendi...
back from doctors,ultrasound showed no change in cyst /endometriosis ,will schedule surgery for that in the near future. hgc levels down to less than 400 so her body is taking care of it itself...so sad no sweet lil baby at this time. doctor said to wait till after surgery to try again because it could be the same thing again. he said he thought the endometriosis had stopped the baby from moving into the uterus. i am so sad for my baby and her baby but so blessed that she is not in danger and her body is taking care of things and she will not have to have the pregnancy removed.
she goes back to the doctor for another check next week and then will be able to return to work when the pain goes away...doctor says that the pain is from the /baby/endometriosis/cyst all together.
Brendi putting on a strong front but i know when she is alone with David she will let it all out....thank you for your prayers for my sweet girl and her Husband...:grouphug:
:hug:I'm so sorry.

I finished more pillowcases for Give Kids the World.

"We" have so many new people all the time, let me just say that GKTW is where many of the Make a Wish families stay when they go to Disney World. Each of the childen gets a small pillow while they are there and some of us have been making the pillowcases.

A yard of flannel and 1/3 yard of novetly fabric makes four pillowcases (so in the photo there are four each of 10 different patterns). If anyone is interested in learning more about sewing the pillowcases there's a whole section on the Big Give board. GKTW gives out over 20,000 pillows a year so they've been appreciative of what we send.


Those are wonderful!

I got a sad call tonight from a friend. She called to tell me that she has just been diagnosed with breast cancer. She wants to get together later this week because she has lots of questions she wants to ask me. This follows right behind the news that another friend is going in for a biopsy next week to find out if a suspicious spot is anything. I am going to be praying hard for these two friends in the coming weeks.
Prayers for your 2 friends.

I want to buy some patterns before that 20% at YCMT goes away . . . but I need some opinions please!!!

I'm considering the Dainty Designs Bundle Pack of the
Peasant Top
Corset with Shirred Back
Layered Tulle Twirl Skirt

How does this peasant top pattern compare with the Portrait Peasant top? I know they're both Carla C. right? So what's the difference?

And are the corset & skirt patterns worth it? Or should I be able to figure these out for myself?

I'd been planning on buying the Portrait Peasant (and using it for pirate style shirts for the boys as my justification for buying a little girls' dress pattern), but if the other is pretty much the same AND I'd get those other two (but are they all worth $31 - the 20%???) . . .

Also in my cart are the Simply Sweet, the Easy Fits for Teens & Adults, the Jamie Dress and the Marlo Top

I CANNOT spend $65 on patterns right now . . . I'd been planning on $25 . . .

So - what should I get? What would you get? HELP!!! That coupon code goes away on the 7th!!!! Thanks in advance for your help and opinion!!!!

I don't have any Dainty Designs patterns so I can't comment on those. In terms of the Easy Fits, Jamie Dress and the Marlo Top, you may want to think about which one(s) you would likely make first. I have all 3 patterns but honestly I have hardly used the Marlo pattern. Also, YMCT offers 20% off from time to time so you can always get the lower priority patterns later. I only buy from YMCT when they have discount codes and I am pretty sure I have bought patterns 2 or 3 times in the past year.

update on Brendi...
back from doctors,ultrasound showed no change in cyst /endometriosis ,will schedule surgery for that in the near future. hgc levels down to less than 400 so her body is taking care of it itself...so sad no sweet lil baby at this time. doctor said to wait till after surgery to try again because it could be the same thing again. he said he thought the endometriosis had stopped the baby from moving into the uterus. i am so sad for my baby and her baby but so blessed that she is not in danger and her body is taking care of things and she will not have to have the pregnancy removed.
she goes back to the doctor for another check next week and then will be able to return to work when the pain goes away...doctor says that the pain is from the /baby/endometriosis/cyst all together.
Brendi putting on a strong front but i know when she is alone with David she will let it all out....thank you for your prayers for my sweet girl and her Husband...:grouphug:

I am sorry to hear about your DD's problems. Sending hugs to your family and your DD's family.

:confused:Well I know why I couldn't sleep because I think I was so worried about DS going to Kindergarten. He shocked me by being so excited this morning and happily waved on the bus. Well I went to the school to see him get off and my DD comes up to me and says Jacob has been crying the whole time on the bus:scared1:

I knew his excitment was too good to be true but he did put on a brave face and followed his teacher. When he got home he told me he was better. So we will have to wait to see how it goes tomorrow.

I am sorry to hear that. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day!

I got a sad call tonight from a friend. She called to tell me that she has just been diagnosed with breast cancer. She wants to get together later this week because she has lots of questions she wants to ask me. This follows right behind the news that another friend is going in for a biopsy next week to find out if a suspicious spot is anything. I am going to be praying hard for these two friends in the coming weeks.

More prayers are being said!

I finished more pillowcases for Give Kids the World.

"We" have so many new people all the time, let me just say that GKTW is where many of the Make a Wish families stay when they go to Disney World. Each of the childen gets a small pillow while they are there and some of us have been making the pillowcases.

A yard of flannel and 1/3 yard of novetly fabric makes four pillowcases (so in the photo there are four each of 10 different patterns). If anyone is interested in learning more about sewing the pillowcases there's a whole section on the Big Give board. GKTW gives out over 20,000 pillows a year so they've been appreciative of what we send.



Awesome job as usual! I am sure the families will really appreciate the work you have put into making these special pillowcases!

You are so cute and I love all your outfits! I love seeing the characters too but my family, not so much. :confused3

AWESOME!!! I :love: it all. Looks like you had a great time, too. Good luck going back to work. Be sure you take it easy.
That is so great of you to donate your hair. I have done it twice, and am currently growing out again. My nieces told me about it and if they can be so selfless as young teens, surely I can do it, too. That is really sweet of you.

Would you mind sharing how you made the mickey ears? They are so cute!! How neat of your dh to wear them, too. You two look so cute in that photo.

Thanks for posting. Love all the pictures but especially the one with Mickey & Minnie covering their eyes. That is just too cute:goodvibes

So cool...my daughter donates her hair to Locks of Love about once a year. She started doing that in high school (and it almost killed me to see her long blond hair go bye bye that first time!) In college her whole sorority started donating as one of their service projects!

In fact, she is scheduled to donate in the next few days...just in time for our trip to Disney. The cause became really close to her heart after she met her husband. Two weeks after he proposed he was diagnosed with Lymphoma. They had to postpone the wedding a few weeks so he would be finished with his chemo before the wedding.


Fabulous photos! You are very photogenic! I adore the one of you and Minnie and the one of you and your dh is fantastic as well. I have a complaint though -- the pics are too small!!!! I just saw a pic of Nini recently and she was nothing like I pictured and neither are you ~ I'm usually pretty good at figuring out what people look like too. I donated my hair once (after having ds). Now it never seems to grow long enough to donate again :confused3 What a very sweet thing for you to do and kind of a cool memory of your vacation. I love all the clothes you made!

It looks like you had an amazing trip! I just love all your cute customs... I expecially love your Minnie ear hat! I hope you'll tell us how you made that! :thumbsup2

So, I have to take DH to the Dr. today - he hurt his back reaching for something yesterday. I also have to take my new car in for a block heater (it was part of our purchase agreement), so while I have the dealership's loaner car, I wll take DH to the Dr. Which means, not a lot of sewing today.

I did finish up outfit #50 last night, so I can get started on outfit #49 today. However, here's #51 (for those of you not following my PTR - I really apologize that you have to see these twice, and eventually 3 times because of FB).



I love the outfits.

Please please please, post the pictures bigger! I would love to be able to see them better!!!

I agree with the other poster (Andrea?) you don't look like I imagined you to at all!!!! You are so cute!

Thanks everyone on the positive comments on my outfits, hair donation, and how I look(!). Like Nini's DD, I started donating my hair since high school so it was a rountine thing for me. My mother actually did the same thing before she had children so that seed was planted in my head very early on. I couldn't act on that until about grade 8 or so because my elementary school strongly discouraged girls from having long hair out of fear of head lice. As an aside, the hair donation thing gives me a good excuse to save money on hair styling as they do not accept dyed or permed hair.

Nini - that's very sweet of your DD to donate her hair and got others involved too! I hope her husband is doing well after the chemo.

In terms of the picture size, well after I loaded them up last night they looked HUGE on my screen. I don't know what happened after because they automagically became smaller when I logged back on today. :confused: It's a good thing both DH and I are big character fans (in fact, it was my DH who encouraged me to do the signautre quilt last year). That's about the only way we get pictures of ourselves during the trip!

Our custom ears are due for a major refurb as it was the ears' 7th trip. I will likely rebuild them all together starting with making the hats. I think we will manage to squeeze in a trip to DL in March as DH is attending a conference down there, so I have just around 6 months to get this done. As far as I can recall, these were the steps I took for the first set:
1. Purchase 2 identical hats
2. Take the plastic lids from canned cashews (I am sure other nuts had those lids too) for the ears
3. Sew the lip (the side edge) of the lid to the midline of the hat to make them stand up
4. Make "ear muffs" out of black material to cover the plastic
5. Cover the ears with the "ear muffs"
6. Cut a strip of red polka dot fabric (for my ears) and a strip of brown fabric (for DH's ears) and finish the edges
7. Sew the fabric strip to the bottom of the hat (above the brim)

Hopefully these steps make sense to someone other than me!

~D - your outfit looks amazing like usual. I am sorry to hear that your DH hurt his back. Hopefully he will recover soon so you'll have more time to sew!
I got a sad call tonight from a friend. She called to tell me that she has just been diagnosed with breast cancer. She wants to get together later this week because she has lots of questions she wants to ask me. This follows right behind the news that another friend is going in for a biopsy next week to find out if a suspicious spot is anything. I am going to be praying hard for these two friends in the coming weeks.

I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. I hope your other friend's suspcious spot turns out to be nothing.

I have made my very first stripwork skirt. I am thinking about using for Lisa's BG (did not want to commit until I knew that I could make one). Anyway, I have a question about the elastic waist band. If she has a 30" waist, does not like tight fits and has a tube, what size should I cut my elastic piece for the waist? I will also post this on the BG board.



I think that if you made it 30" you would be ok. I woudln't go any smaller though.
Hi Everyone!!

Sorry I haven't been around for a bit, we babysat the kids all weekend at the beach. We had a blast. Its an interesting feeling to have little peoples waiting outside of your bedroom door in the am, bathroom door everytime you have to go, shower door when you are showering - I guess all you mom's go through this every day!!!:lmao: It drove me nuts after a while, but it made me feel loved.... but if I hear "jinx you owe me a coke" one more time........lol....

Amazing outfits posted!!

Prayers for all those who need them!!

Hugs to all those who need them!!

So, this might be a silly question, and may not even happen at all. I have to go to a conference in Ft Lauderdale in October. Should I plan a few days at Disney or in the Keys? The thing is, I really want to go to disney for a few days right after Thanksgiving when Michael W Smith (one of my favorite Christian singers) is doing the Candelight Ceremony narration.....??? Suggestions?
I have some of Dainty Designs patterns (actually, I have all of the ones you listed) , and I am really not very happy with them. I would stick with Carla's! Dainty Designs is not Carla.

I don't have any Dainty Designs patterns so I can't comment on those. In terms of the Easy Fits, Jamie Dress and the Marlo Top, you may want to think about which one(s) you would likely make first. I have all 3 patterns but honestly I have hardly used the Marlo pattern. Also, YMCT offers 20% off from time to time so you can always get the lower priority patterns later. I only buy from YMCT when they have discount codes and I am pretty sure I have bought patterns 2 or 3 times in the past year.

I can't help too much other than to say that the Dainty Design patterns are not Carla's. Looks like the bundle comes with an "extra" pattern that is Carla's. I have the Portrait Peasant but not Dainty Design's peasant so I don't know how they differ.

I can't speak for the all the patterns and this will be quick b/c it's school today and I must run -- the SS is a staple pattern for me for the bodice, though I usually alter it somewhat. You can put any type of skirt on it and you can vary the bodice. So highly recommended. the Portrait Peasant is also a staple for me and I figure out tons of ways to alter it. I have the adult easy fits and only used the pattern once, though would love to make more pjs out of it -- just spend too much time making things for the kids. Can't speak for the other patterns as I don't have any of them.

Thanks for all the feedback ladies!!! I really appreciate it! Those bundle packs always confuse me!!! Good to know that Dainty Designs is NOT Carla C. !!! I would have been very disappointed!

I think I'm going to go with Portrait Peasant, Easy Fits (adult), Simply Sweet and if I can swing it, the Jamie dress OR the Marlo top . . .

So, this might be a silly question, and may not even happen at all. I have to go to a conference in Ft Lauderdale in October. Should I plan a few days at Disney or in the Keys? The thing is, I really want to go to disney for a few days right after Thanksgiving when Michael W Smith (one of my favorite Christian singers) is doing the Candelight Ceremony narration.....??? Suggestions?

Um, so this is just silly ol' me, but I think the 1st show on Dec 2nd would be a FABULOUS time to go - especially if you could get a 7:45 ressie at Garden Grill following . . . I don't know WHO else might possibly be there that would just :lovestruc to meet you in person and already has an ADR for GG at 7:45 . . . .:rolleyes1
Hi Everyone!!

Sorry I haven't been around for a bit, we babysat the kids all weekend at the beach. We had a blast. Its an interesting feeling to have little peoples waiting outside of your bedroom door in the am, bathroom door everytime you have to go, shower door when you are showering - I guess all you mom's go through this every day!!!:lmao: It drove me nuts after a while, but it made me feel loved.... but if I hear "jinx you owe me a coke" one more time........lol....

Amazing outfits posted!!

Prayers for all those who need them!!

Hugs to all those who need them!!

So, this might be a silly question, and may not even happen at all. I have to go to a conference in Ft Lauderdale in October. Should I plan a few days at Disney or in the Keys? The thing is, I really want to go to disney for a few days right after Thanksgiving when Michael W Smith (one of my favorite Christian singers) is doing the Candelight Ceremony narration.....??? Suggestions?

sounds like you had quite the weekend....you will appreciate going to the bathroom like you never thought possible now :laughing:

when in October? we are there 13 - 21....being selfish here, if you there during our trip, come to Disney....if not got to the Keys and then back to Disney for Candelight Ceremony.
BETH: lost your quote but thanks for updating us. I wish it was better news though. :hug:

I finished more pillowcases for Give Kids the World.

"We" have so many new people all the time, let me just say that GKTW is where many of the Make a Wish families stay when they go to Disney World. Each of the childen gets a small pillow while they are there and some of us have been making the pillowcases.

A yard of flannel and 1/3 yard of novetly fabric makes four pillowcases (so in the photo there are four each of 10 different patterns). If anyone is interested in learning more about sewing the pillowcases there's a whole section on the Big Give board. GKTW gives out over 20,000 pillows a year so they've been appreciative of what we send.


Commented on the BG, but will here as well. I love all of your cases and I know GKtW will to. They sent me a nice e-mail and a letter after I sent my batch in. I really want to make more -- maybe after Halloween I can try. they go together fast so I should really prioritize that project.

Once again I must say one would make a nice sleeping bag for Ginger. I hope she doesn't feel left out that you made 40 for other children and none for her.

I got a sad call tonight from a friend. She called to tell me that she has just been diagnosed with breast cancer. She wants to get together later this week because she has lots of questions she wants to ask me. This follows right behind the news that another friend is going in for a biopsy next week to find out if a suspicious spot is anything. I am going to be praying hard for these two friends in the coming weeks.
I'm sorry for the very sad news. I'm glad your friend can lean on you at a time like this. I lost a sweet friend to breast cancer so hearing stories of survivors is, to me, the best thing one can do in such circumstances.

I have made my very first stripwork skirt. I am thinking about using for Lisa's BG (did not want to commit until I knew that I could make one). Anyway, I have a question about the elastic waist band. If she has a 30" waist, does not like tight fits and has a tube, what size should I cut my elastic piece for the waist? I will also post this on the BG board.


I saw you got answers -- I don't have the BG open but just make sure the elastic will fit over her hips when it's stretched. I would also go with wider elastic. I was contemplating trying a knit waistband for her.

Hi Everyone!!

Sorry I haven't been around for a bit, we babysat the kids all weekend at the beach. We had a blast. Its an interesting feeling to have little peoples waiting outside of your bedroom door in the am, bathroom door everytime you have to go, shower door when you are showering - I guess all you mom's go through this every day!!!:lmao: It drove me nuts after a while, but it made me feel loved.... but if I hear "jinx you owe me a coke" one more time........lol....

Amazing outfits posted!!

Prayers for all those who need them!!

Hugs to all those who need them!!

So, this might be a silly question, and may not even happen at all. I have to go to a conference in Ft Lauderdale in October. Should I plan a few days at Disney or in the Keys? The thing is, I really want to go to disney for a few days right after Thanksgiving when Michael W Smith (one of my favorite Christian singers) is doing the Candelight Ceremony narration.....??? Suggestions?
Glad you had a good beach weekend. Good the the kids waited outside the door -- mine used to just come right in and one even opened the door on me the other day when dh told them where I was. the dogs also seem to like to join me in the loo.

I'm not a gigantic keys fan. Key Largo is very nice, but it's a relaxing vacation and they have nice diving and snorkeling. I didn't care for Key West at all, but I am not the outgoing party type and that's the aura I get from Key West. If you want fun, Dis is best, IMO.
Hey yall - I finally got Week 5 up for voting. There were only 5 entries this week. Here is the link : http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?t=2795058 My internet has been so spotty lately. I come on to post the thread and it will shut down on me or take forever to load. :confused3

I will be so glad if and when they get the fiber optics up and running here. But who knows when that will be finished. I miss being able to whip out my phone and be on the internet going down the road (as a passenger, of course). I also miss the radio. Our internet is charged by usage and it is too expensive to stream music. There is only one radio station here and it plays the worst music ever. A mix of everything. And I mean everything.

Anywho - I was super sad becasue I did not get my entry finished in time. Kernnedy would not cooprorate with pictures and it did not look nearly as cute on a hanger as it did on her. Plus I couldn't get it uploaded - it keep timing out. I did a color changing outfit inspired by Animator's Palate. It starts out black and white and changes to color. I finally learned how to use my ruffler! :banana::banana::banana: I wanted to come on here and celebrate but then it would have given my project away - so alas, I celebrated in silence, and for what?! I still don't have a picture to show you guys. I also printed on fabric, used my machine to attach buttons and handstitched the opening on an A-line shirt. I really challenged myself this week! I guess I could use the one I make for my older daughter for week 6 - I did kind of drafted my own pattern for it. Maybe I will do that, I still haven't made hers yet.

I am loving all the new outfits and projects posted. I need to go back and quote them, but after you get behind - it takes awhile to get caught back up!
Hey yall - I finally got Week 5 up for voting. There were only 5 entries this week. Here is the link : http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?t=2795058 My internet has been so spotty lately. I come on to post the thread and it will shut down on me or take forever to load. :confused3

I will be so glad if and when they get the fiber optics up and running here. But who knows when that will be finished. I miss being able to whip out my phone and be on the internet going down the road (as a passenger, of course). I also miss the radio. Our internet is charged by usage and it is too expensive to stream music. There is only one radio station here and it plays the worst music ever. A mix of everything. And I mean everything.

Anywho - I was super sad becasue I did not get my entry finished in time. Kernnedy would not cooprorate with pictures and it did not look nearly as cute on a hanger as it did on her. Plus I couldn't get it uploaded - it keep timing out. I did a color changing outfit inspired by Animator's Palate. It starts out black and white and changes to color. I finally learned how to use my ruffler! :banana::banana::banana: I wanted to come on here and celebrate but then it would have given my project away - so alas, I celebrated in silence, and for what?! I still don't have a picture to show you guys. I also printed on fabric, used my machine to attach buttons and handstitched the opening on an A-line shirt. I really challenged myself this week! I guess I could use the one I make for my older daughter for week 6 - I did kind of drafted my own pattern for it. Maybe I will do that, I still haven't made hers yet.

I am loving all the new outfits and projects posted. I need to go back and quote them, but after you get behind - it takes awhile to get caught back up!

You need to show us that outfit...it sounds awesome!!!
Since the voting is done for week 4, here is my entry. I made the Jamie dress pattern into a top. I also extended the waistband around to the back. I will admit it is rare that I made any clothing items for myself, and very intimidating putting a picture out there for everyone to see. But I was pleased with the result, and would probably actually wear the top in public :thumbsup2.

I have made my very first stripwork skirt. I am thinking about using for Lisa's BG (did not want to commit until I knew that I could make one). Anyway, I have a question about the elastic waist band. If she has a 30" waist, does not like tight fits and has a tube, what size should I cut my elastic piece for the waist? I will also post this on the BG board.


If she has a tube and doesn't like things tight, I might cut the elastic at 30". You will loose a little bit when you sew it closed. That way it should be tight enough to keep the skirt up but not tight on her waist.

Hi Everyone!!

Sorry I haven't been around for a bit, we babysat the kids all weekend at the beach. We had a blast. Its an interesting feeling to have little peoples waiting outside of your bedroom door in the am, bathroom door everytime you have to go, shower door when you are showering - I guess all you mom's go through this every day!!!:lmao: It drove me nuts after a while, but it made me feel loved.... but if I hear "jinx you owe me a coke" one more time........lol....

So, this might be a silly question, and may not even happen at all. I have to go to a conference in Ft Lauderdale in October. Should I plan a few days at Disney or in the Keys? The thing is, I really want to go to disney for a few days right after Thanksgiving when Michael W Smith (one of my favorite Christian singers) is doing the Candelight Ceremony narration.....??? Suggestions?
Your weekend sounds like my life! It isn't so bad now that the kids are getting older but when they were small, I never go to shower or use the bathroom without interruption. And I still hear "jinx you owe me a coke" all the time!

I am not crazy about Key West but I haven't been to any of the other keys. If your conference is going to be busy, I'd probably choose a relaxing beach vacation since you are planning to do Disney right after Thanksgiving.

Commented on the BG, but will here as well. I love all of your cases and I know GKtW will to. They sent me a nice e-mail and a letter after I sent my batch in. I really want to make more -- maybe after Halloween I can try. they go together fast so I should really prioritize that project.

I'm sorry for the very sad news. I'm glad your friend can lean on you at a time like this. I lost a sweet friend to breast cancer so hearing stories of survivors is, to me, the best thing one can do in such circumstances.

I was contemplating trying a knit waistband for her.

I'm not a gigantic keys fan. Key Largo is very nice, but it's a relaxing vacation and they have nice diving and snorkeling. I didn't care for Key West at all, but I am not the outgoing party type and that's the aura I get from Key West. If you want fun, Dis is best, IMO.

I still haven't sent in the pillowcases that I've made because I keep thinking that I am going to make some more to send with them. I have a few yards of the plain flannel that I bought just for that purpose. Now I need to get busy on them! I did a knit waist band for a skirt for my niece. It turned out a bit large. I made it the same size I would normally make her skirts but the knit doesn't stay up as well. I guess with knits you are supposed to make them an inch or two smaller.

I also wasn't crazy about Key West because it is such a partying town. I prefer my beach vacations to be quieter.
Since the voting is done for week 4, here is my entry. I made the Jamie dress pattern into a top. I also extended the waistband around to the back. I will admit it is rare that I made any clothing items for myself, and very intimidating putting a picture out there for everyone to see. But I was pleased with the result, and would probably actually wear the top in public :thumbsup2.


OMGosh I just love this top. I just may need to make me a top like this since it is a style I buy all the time for me.

I love the GKTW pillowcases I have the flannel and the print fabric but it is cut in a yard so I need to cut it down to a third of a yard. I want to try to make some.
update on Brendi...
back from doctors,ultrasound showed no change in cyst /endometriosis ,will schedule surgery for that in the near future. hgc levels down to less than 400 so her body is taking care of it itself...so sad no sweet lil baby at this time. doctor said to wait till after surgery to try again because it could be the same thing again. he said he thought the endometriosis had stopped the baby from moving into the uterus. i am so sad for my baby and her baby but so blessed that she is not in danger and her body is taking care of things and she will not have to have the pregnancy removed.
she goes back to the doctor for another check next week and then will be able to return to work when the pain goes away...doctor says that the pain is from the /baby/endometriosis/cyst all together.
Brendi putting on a strong front but i know when she is alone with David she will let it all out....thank you for your prayers for my sweet girl and her Husband...:grouphug:

Beth - I am so very sorry. I wish there was something I could do to ease the pain for you all. :hug:

:confused:Well I know why I couldn't sleep because I think I was so worried about DS going to Kindergarten. He shocked me by being so excited this morning and happily waved on the bus. Well I went to the school to see him get off and my DD comes up to me and says Jacob has been crying the whole time on the bus:scared1:

I knew his excitment was too good to be true but he did put on a brave face and followed his teacher. When he got home he told me he was better. So we will have to wait to see how it goes tomorrow.

:hug: Sending more prayers.

That is so sweet about him putting on a brave face... I hope his second day goes better for him.

Our custom ears are due for a major refurb as it was the ears' 7th trip. I will likely rebuild them all together starting with making the hats. I think we will manage to squeeze in a trip to DL in March as DH is attending a conference down there, so I have just around 6 months to get this done. As far as I can recall, these were the steps I took for the first set:
1. Purchase 2 identical hats
2. Take the plastic lids from canned cashews (I am sure other nuts had those lids too) for the ears
3. Sew the lip (the side edge) of the lid to the midline of the hat to make them stand up
4. Make "ear muffs" out of black material to cover the plastic
5. Cover the ears with the "ear muffs"
6. Cut a strip of red polka dot fabric (for my ears) and a strip of brown fabric (for DH's ears) and finish the edges
7. Sew the fabric strip to the bottom of the hat (above the brim)

Hopefully these steps make sense to someone other than me!

~D - your outfit looks amazing like usual. I am sorry to hear that your DH hurt his back. Hopefully he will recover soon so you'll have more time to sew!

THis does make total sense. Do you have a picture of just the hat that's a little closer?

Thanks, me too... :lovestruc He is in bed now... hopefully he loosens up soon.

Hi Everyone!!

Sorry I haven't been around for a bit, we babysat the kids all weekend at the beach. We had a blast. Its an interesting feeling to have little peoples waiting outside of your bedroom door in the am, bathroom door everytime you have to go, shower door when you are showering - I guess all you mom's go through this every day!!!:lmao: It drove me nuts after a while, but it made me feel loved.... but if I hear "jinx you owe me a coke" one more time........lol....

Amazing outfits posted!!

Prayers for all those who need them!!

Hugs to all those who need them!!

So, this might be a silly question, and may not even happen at all. I have to go to a conference in Ft Lauderdale in October. Should I plan a few days at Disney or in the Keys? The thing is, I really want to go to disney for a few days right after Thanksgiving when Michael W Smith (one of my favorite Christian singers) is doing the Candelight Ceremony narration.....??? Suggestions?

Welcome to my life... well, the girls are pretty good now - but they used to be just like this. LOL

I love Michael W Smith too... I haven't listened to his music in a long time, but he is an amazing artist, I would definatly try to see him.

Hey yall - I finally got Week 5 up for voting. There were only 5 entries this week. Here is the link : http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?t=2795058 My internet has been so spotty lately. I come on to post the thread and it will shut down on me or take forever to load. :confused3

I will be so glad if and when they get the fiber optics up and running here. But who knows when that will be finished. I miss being able to whip out my phone and be on the internet going down the road (as a passenger, of course). I also miss the radio. Our internet is charged by usage and it is too expensive to stream music. There is only one radio station here and it plays the worst music ever. A mix of everything. And I mean everything.

Anywho - I was super sad becasue I did not get my entry finished in time. Kernnedy would not cooprorate with pictures and it did not look nearly as cute on a hanger as it did on her. Plus I couldn't get it uploaded - it keep timing out. I did a color changing outfit inspired by Animator's Palate. It starts out black and white and changes to color. I finally learned how to use my ruffler! :banana::banana::banana: I wanted to come on here and celebrate but then it would have given my project away - so alas, I celebrated in silence, and for what?! I still don't have a picture to show you guys. I also printed on fabric, used my machine to attach buttons and handstitched the opening on an A-line shirt. I really challenged myself this week! I guess I could use the one I make for my older daughter for week 6 - I did kind of drafted my own pattern for it. Maybe I will do that, I still haven't made hers yet.

I am loving all the new outfits and projects posted. I need to go back and quote them, but after you get behind - it takes awhile to get caught back up!

I hope you are able to post your entry soon... I would love to see it!

I also hope you are able to get reliable internet soon, we were forced to have dial-up until about a year ago - it was so horrible. :surfweb:

Since the voting is done for week 4, here is my entry. I made the Jamie dress pattern into a top. I also extended the waistband around to the back. I will admit it is rare that I made any clothing items for myself, and very intimidating putting a picture out there for everyone to see. But I was pleased with the result, and would probably actually wear the top in public :thumbsup2.


I loved this top - and it looks really good on you.

Here is my entry for last week - I forgot to vote again, grrrr...

Sorry, I couldn't model it myself... I went to put the skirt on, and it fit - but it was a bit tight and not flattering at all... must work out a lot before our trip in March, so I can wear it. :lovestruc

Off to work on another outfit.

So my baby girl started Preschool today. Well of course I had to make something for her to wear. :) I loved how it turned out. She was very excited until I had to leave.


Since the voting is done for week 4, here is my entry. I made the Jamie dress pattern into a top. I also extended the waistband around to the back. I will admit it is rare that I made any clothing items for myself, and very intimidating putting a picture out there for everyone to see. But I was pleased with the result, and would probably actually wear the top in public :thumbsup2.


I loved this top!!!!

Here is my entry for last week - I forgot to vote again, grrrr...

Sorry, I couldn't model it myself... I went to put the skirt on, and it fit - but it was a bit tight and not flattering at all... must work out a lot before our trip in March, so I can wear it. :lovestruc

Off to work on another outfit.


LOVED this one too!! I'm a bit disappointed to learn that you were not modeling it though! I thought you were very brave to wear butt ruffles.

So my baby girl started Preschool today. Well of course I had to make something for her to wear. :) I loved how it turned out. She was very excited until I had to leave.



Oh my goodness she is SOOOOO cute!!!!! The outfit is adorable too!!!!
Okay. I had been lurking around here for awhile and finally posted a few months ago saying that I was going to teach myself to sew and if I ever finished a project I would post a picture. Well I did it! I made reversible rompers for my boys and also easy fit shorts! They are far from perfect but not bad for my first projects!



Here is a pic of the shorts with the JATNLP shirts DISigned by the awesome Millipie!
Hey all! It's been a while but I've been lurking along every single page with you guys. I've had a busy summer so have not been able to participate in any Gives in a while but I hope to be back soon.

I recently moved and last night when I fired up my sewing machine to hem some jeans the light didn't work. My machine was my grandmothers and I am fairly confident that it's older than I am so I think it's time to get a new one. I saw that in the first post a lot of people have a computerized Brother. What do you think, should I go with that one? Is there a comparable Singer around the same price? My sewing skills are...moderate and I think my ancient machine is holding me back.
Ellen - that is an AWESOME top!!

Andrea - Im not a big Key West Fan at ALL!!! The sunset is just as pretty in the rest of the keys - lol - we like to go to the middle keys, around Bahia Honda state park. We are huge beach/snorkel fans!! Not party fans at all - lol.

I'd love to go to Disney both times, not sure if I can pull it off though - lol - but its been so LONG!!! lol...We do have a southwest credit we have to use up though!!! If we do go in Oct, I wonder if there is a Halloween party going on then???? We will see how/if it all works out - lol!!

Right now Im working on a zillion bookmarks for my mom to take on her missions trip to Brazil in 2 weeks!!! She also wants me to fix this shirt she got - its a nice lightweight knit, and its like a kind of jackety shirt that you'd put wear a little shell under??? anyways, it doesnt button or anything, but the each side of the front of the shirt comes to a long point in the front - she tried tying the knots together and it looks awful. She wants me to try to fix it!! Do you think just trimming the corner points off and making it the same all the way around and then putting a lettuce edge on it would work???


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